4 resultados para doctor

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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Aquest treball s'inscriu en una línia de treball recent que consisteix en recuperar figures rellevants de la medicina catalana que van desenvolupar la seva activitat professional fora de Barcelona, en aquest cas la figura del doctor Parcet i Fàbrega al Maresme, a Sant Genís de Vilassar.El llibre recull una recensió de tota la seva obra manuscrita (part d'ella era inèdita fins la publicació d'aquest llibre) i la citació breu de les seves obres aparegudes en revistes mèdiques de l'època. Finalment, també s'inclou la transcripció de la seva obra manuscrita que es guarda a l'Arxiu de la Reial Acadèmia de Catalunya.


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Parlar de la relació de Salvador Espriu amb la Universitat de Barcelona és donar a aquesta institució l"autèntic paper d"Alma Mater, de mare nutrícia, que tantes vegades se li atribueix i que en tan poques s"acompleix. Lluny del senil desencís que traspua la seva carta d"acceptació del doctorat honoris causa que li va ser concedit l"any 1980, d"altra banda lúcid testimoni i testament de la seva experiència acadèmica estroncada, hem de baixar als seus anys juvenils, universitaris, per retrobar un Salvador Espriu optimista, alegre, vital, enginyós i punyent, ple d"il·lusions.


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The main theme"In a Better World" (S. Bier, 2011), is violence and its possible answers: forgiveness and revenge. The film revolves around a doctor Anton who works in a refugee camp in sub-Saharan Africa. His family lives in a quiet village in Denmark, where his teenage son suffers bullying at school. This movie shows the fragility of a modern society, normal in appearance but with deep fissures that reflect the tragedies plaguing much of the African continent. It helps to understand the reality experienced by more than 10 million refugees and 15 million internally displaced persons surviving in sub-Saharan Africa. Hævnen, the original title whose meaning in Spanish is revenge, invites reflection on another possible response to violence-forgiveness. It is an excellent film for teaching and learning issues related to humanitarian work developed by health professionals in refugee camps around world.


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The main theme"In a Better World" (S. Bier, 2011), is violence and its possible answers: forgiveness and revenge. The film revolves around a doctor Anton who works in a refugee camp in sub-Saharan Africa. His family lives in a quiet village in Denmark, where his teenage son suffers bullying at school. This movie shows the fragility of a modern society, normal in appearance but with deep fissures that reflect the tragedies plaguing much of the African continent. It helps to understand the reality experienced by more than 10 million refugees and 15 million internally displaced persons surviving in sub-Saharan Africa. Hævnen, the original title whose meaning in Spanish is revenge, invites reflection on another possible response to violence-forgiveness. It is an excellent film for teaching and learning issues related to humanitarian work developed by health professionals in refugee camps around world.