45 resultados para design of mobile networks

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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Broadcast transmission mode in ad hoc networks is critical to manage multihop routing or providing medium accesscontrol (MAC)-layer fairness. In this paper, it is shown that ahigher capacity to exchange information among neighbors may beobtained through a physical-MAC cross-layer design of the broadcastprotocol exploiting signal separation principles. Coherentdetection and separation of contending nodes is possible throughtraining sequences which are selected at random from a reducedset. Guidelines for the design of this set are derived for a lowimpact on the network performance and the receiver complexity.


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A simple and effective route has been developed for the synthesis of bimodal (3.6 and 9.4 nm) mesoporous silica materials that have two ordered interconnected pore networks. Mesostructures have been prepared through the self assembly mechanism by using a mixture of polyoxyethylene fluoroalkyl ether and triblock copolymer as building block. The investigation of the RF8(EO)9/P123/water phase diagram evidences that in the considered surfactant range of concentrations, the system is micellar (L1). DLS measurements indicate that this micellar phase is composed of two types of micelles, the size of the first one at around 7.6 nm corresponds unambiguously to the pure fluorinated micelles. The second type of micelles at higher diameter consists of fluorinated micelles which have accommodated a weak fraction of P123 molecules. Thus, in this study the bimodal mesoporous silica are really templated by two kinds of micelles.


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En el nostre projecte, considerem un escenari urbà o interurbà on persones amb dispositius mòbils (smartphones) o vehicles equipats amb interfícies de comunicació, estan interessats en compartir fitxers entre ells o descarregar-los al creuar Punts d’Accés (APs) propers a la carretera. Estudiem la possibilitat d’utilizar la cooperació en les trobades casuals entre nodes per augmentar la velocitat de descàrrega global. Amb aquest objectiu, plantejem algoritmes per a la selecció de quins paquets, per a quins destins i quins transportistes s’escullen en cada moment. Mitjançant extenses simulacions, mostrem com les cooperacions carry&forward dels nodes augmenten significativament la velocitat de descàrrega dels usuaris, i com aquest resultat es manté per a diversos patrons de mobilitat, col•locacions d'AP i càrregues de la xarxa. Per altra banda, aparells com els smartphones, on la targeta de WiFi està encesa contínuament, consumeixen l'energia de la bateria en poques hores. En molts escenaris, una targeta WiFi sempre activa és poc útil, perque sovint no hi ha necessitat de transmissió o recepció. Aquest fet es veu agreujat en les Delay Tolerant Networks (DTN), on els nodes intercanvien dades quan es creuen i en tenen l’oportunitat. Les tècniques de gestió de l’estalvi d’energia permeten extendre la duració de les bateries. El nostre projecte analitza els avantatges i inconvenients que apareixen quan els nodes apaguen períodicament la seva targeta wireless per a estalviar energia en escenaris DTN. Els nostres resultats mostren les condicions en que un node pot desconnectar la bateria sense afectar la probabilitat de contacte amb altres nodes, i les condicions en que aquesta disminueix. Per exemple, es demostra que la vida del node pot ser duplicada mantenint la probabilitat de contacte a 1. I que aquesta disminueix ràpidament en intentar augmentar més la vida útil.


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Remote control systems are a very useful element to control and monitor devices quickly and easily. This paper proposes a new architecture for remote control of Android mobile devices, analyzing the different alternatives and seeking the optimal solution in each case. Although the area of remote control, in case of mobile devices, has been little explored, it may provide important advantages for testing software and hardware developments in several real devices. It can also allow an efficient management of various devices of different types, perform forensic security tasks, etc ... The main idea behind the proposed architecture was the design of a system to be used as a platform which provides the services needed to perform remote control of mobile devices. As a result of this research, a proof of concept was implemented. An Android application running a group of server programs on the device, connected to the network or USB interface, depending on availability. This servers can be controlled through a small client written in Java and runnable both on desktop and web systems.


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Purpose This paper aims to analyse various aspects of an academic social network: the profile of users, the reasons for its use, its perceived benefits and the use of other social media for scholarly purposes. Design/methodology/approach The authors examined the profiles of the users of an academic social network. The users were affiliated with 12 universities. The following were recorded for each user: sex, the number of documents uploaded, the number of followers, and the number of people being followed. In addition, a survey was sent to the individuals who had an email address in their profile. Findings Half of the users of the social network were academics and a third were PhD students. Social sciences scholars accounted for nearly half of all users. Academics used the service to get in touch with other scholars, disseminate research results and follow other scholars. Other widely employed social media included citation indexes, document creation, edition and sharing tools and communication tools. Users complained about the lack of support for the utilisation of these tools. Research limitations/implications The results are based on a single case study. Originality/value This study provides new insights on the impact of social media in academic contexts by analysing the user profiles and benefits of a social network service that is specifically targeted at the academic community.


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Purpose- This paper aims to analyse various aspects of an academic social network: the profile of users, the reasons for its use, its perceived benefits and the use of other social media for scholarly purposes. Design/methodology/approach- The authors examined the profiles of the users of an academic social network. The users were affiliated with 12 universities. The following were recorded for each user: sex, the number of documents uploaded, the number of followers, and the number of people being followed. In addition, a survey was sent to the individuals who had an email address in their profile. Findings- Half of the users of the social network were academics and a third were PhD students. Social sciences scholars accounted for nearly half of all users. Academics used the service to get in touch with other scholars, disseminate research results and follow other scholars. Other widely employed social media included citation indexes, document creation, edition and sharing tools and communication tools. Users complained about the lack of support for the utilisation of these tools. Research limitations/implications- The results are based on a single case study. Originality/value- This study provides new insights on the impact of social media in academic contexts by analysing the user profiles and benefits of a social network service that is specifically targeted at the academic community.


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We discuss how technologies of peer punishment might bias the results that are observed in experiments. A crucial parameter is the “fine-to-fee” ratio, which describes by how much the punished subjects income is reduced relatively to the fee the punishing subject has to pay to inflict punishment. We show that a punishment technology commonly used in experiments embeds a variable fine-to-fee ratio and show that it confounds the empirical findings about why, whom, and how much subjects punish.


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We extend Jackson and Watts's (2002) result on the coincidence of S-stochastically stable and core stable networks from marriage problems to roommate problems. In particular, we show that the existence of a side-optimal core stable network, on which the proof of Jackson and Watts (2002) hinges, is not crucial for their result.


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We survey the main theoretical aspects of models for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs). We present theoretical characterizations of mobile network structural properties, different dynamic graph models of MANETs, and finally we give detailed summaries of a few selected articles. In particular, we focus on articles dealing with connectivity of mobile networks, and on articles which show that mobility can be used to propagate information between nodes of the network while at the same time maintaining small transmission distances, and thus saving energy.


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Given the urgence of a new paradigm in wireless digital trasmission which should allow for higher bit rate, lower latency and tigher delay constaints, it has been proposed to investigate the fundamental building blocks that at the circuital/device level, will boost the change towards a more efficient network architecture, with high capacity, higher bandwidth and a more satisfactory end user experience. At the core of each transciever, there are inherently analog devices capable of providing the carrier signal, the oscillators. It is strongly believed that many limitations in today's communication protocols, could be relieved by permitting high carrier frequency radio transmission, and having some degree of reconfigurability. This led us to studying distributed oscillator architectures which work in the microwave range and possess wideband tuning capability. As microvave oscillators are essentially nonlinear devices, a full nonlinear analyis, synthesis, and optimization had to be considered for their implementation. Consequently, all the most used nonlinear numerical techniques in commercial EDA software had been reviewed. An application of all the aforementioned techniques has been shown, considering a systems of three coupled oscillator ("triple push" oscillator) in which the stability of the various oscillating modes has been studied. Provided that a certain phase distribution is maintained among the oscillating elements, this topology permits a rise in the output power of the third harmonic; nevertheless due to circuit simmetry, "unwanted" oscillating modes coexist with the intenteded one. Starting with the necessary background on distributed amplification and distributed oscillator theory, the design of a four stage reverse mode distributed voltage controlled oscillator (DVCO) using lumped elments has been presented. All the design steps have been reported and for the first time a method for an optimized design with reduced variations in the output power has been presented. Ongoing work is devoted to model a wideband DVCO and to implement a frequency divider.


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The present paper shows de design of an experimental study conducted with large groups using educational innovation methodologies at the Polytechnic University of Madrid. Concretely, we have chosen the course titled "History and Politics of Sports" that belongs to the Physical Activity and Sport Science Degree. The selection of this course is because the syllabus is basically theoretical and there are four large groups of freshmen students who do not have previous experiences in a teaching-learning process based on educational innovation. It is hope that the results of this research can be extrapolated to other courses with similar characteristics.


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L’objectiu principal és presentar un nou prototipus d’eina per al disseny de les plantes de tractament d’aigües residuals utilitzant models mecànics dinàmics quantificant la incertesa