27 resultados para computerized electrocardiography

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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La distribución de alimentos líquidos al ganado porcino es un sistema alternativo en el cual el alimento se prepara y distribuye a través de un equipo totalmente informatizado y automatizado. Además de materias primas y piensos permite también el uso de co-productos líquidos de la industria agroalimentaria o productos fermentados. Su utilización evita el coste de su transformación o eliminación permitiendo rebajar el coste de producción del cerdo porque su precio es altamente competitivo. La aplicación de alimentos líquidos fermentados tiene efectos benéficos sobre el epitelio intestinal, la microflora digestiva y el estado sanitario de los lechones, reduciendo la morbilidad y aumentando los resultados de crecimiento. Este sistema de alimentación facilita igualmente la aplicación de programas multifase ajustando diariamente el aporte a las necesidades en nutrientes del cerdo reduciendo la excreción (N, P, metales pesados) y con ello, el riesgo de contaminación medioambiental. The distribution of liquid diets for swine is an alternative system where feed is prepared and distributed by an automatic computerized device. In addition to feedstuffs and complementary dry feed, this system allows the use of fresh or fermented agri-food liquid by-products. These products are cheaper and its use as feed avoids the cost of its transformation or elimination, reducing the environmental load and the cost per kg of pig meat. The fermented liquid feed protects the intestinal epithelium, helps to control digestive microflora and animal health improving piglet growth performance after weaning. This feeding device also helps implementation of multiphase feeding programs, adjusting nutrient supplies to requirements daily, and consequently reducing the nutrient excretion (N, P, heavy metals) and the risk of environmental pollution.


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El projecte ha permès finançar el suport tècnic necessari per a poder desenvolupar materials informatitzats corresponents a activitats teòrico-pràctiques de l’assignatura troncal de la llicenciatura de Psicologia (actualment també en el Grau) “Percepció i Atenció”. Els materials desenvolupats corresponen a diferents punts del programa de l’assignatura i són els següents: demostració de la tècnica d’ombrejat per l’anàlisi de l’atenció focalitzada; parpelleig atencional en sèries de presentacions ràpides d’informació visual (RSVP); canvis encoberts de l’atenció i el mecanisme d’inhibició de retorn; efectes dels filtrats sobre la percepció de la parla i la música; il·lusions auditives i els principis d’organització de la informació sonora complexa; la percepció categòrica dels sons de la parla i la naturalesa continua del processament lèxic (paradigma d’obertura successiva o gating). Per totes aquelles activitats amb continguts de llenguatge, s’han desenvolupat dues versions equivalents, catalana i castellana, per permetre que els estudiants fessin la pràctica en la seva llengua dominant. A la primera fase del projecte, al llarg del curs 2006-07, es van preparar els materials i la programació de les diferents pràctiques i es van poder identificar alguns problemes que es van solucionar posteriorment. En el curs 2007-08 totes les activitats de pràctiques ja es van fer accessibles als estudiants (Plataforma Moodle, Campus Virtual) i la valoració sobre el seu funcionament, feta pels estudiants mitjançant qüestionaris, va ser satisfactòria en més d’un 95% dels casos (els únics problemes detectats estaven relacionats amb les característiques dels ordinadors del usuaris i del navegador utilitzat per accedir als materials). La valoració de les activitats per part dels estudiants va ser globalment positiva i, en el seu ús continuat al llarg dels cursos 2008-09 i 2009-10, s’ha observat una participació creixent (accés voluntari a les activitats) i un aprofitament millor de la informació presentada, que es tradueix en millores en les puntuacions obtingudes en les avaluacions de l'assignatura.


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En aquest projecte de final de carrera s'ha dissenyat, implementat i provat un sistema que utilitzant criptografia de clau pública, garanteix la correcta utilització de les dades en un procés de consulta i complimentació d'una història clínica informatitzada consultada a distància.


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Background: The aim of this report is to describe the main characteristics of the design, including response rates, of the Cornella Health Interview Survey Follow-up Study. Methods: The original cohort consisted of 2,500 subjects (1,263 women and 1,237 men) interviewed as part of the 1994 Cornella Health Interview Study. A record linkage to update the address and vital status of the cohort members was carried out using, first a deterministic method, and secondly a probabilistic one, based on each subject's first name and surnames. Subsequently, we attempted to locate the cohort members to conduct the phone follow-up interviews. A pilot study was carried out to test the overall feasibility and to modify some procedures before the field work began. Results: After record linkage, 2,468 (98.7%) subjects were successfully traced. Of these, 91 (3.6%) were deceased, 259 (10.3%) had moved to other towns, and 50 (2.0%) had neither renewed their last municipal census documents nor declared having moved. After using different strategies to track and to retain cohort members, we traced 92% of the CHIS participants. From them, 1,605 subjects answered the follow-up questionnaire. Conclusion: The computerized record linkage maximized the success of the follow-up that was carried out 7 years after the baseline interview. The pilot study was useful to increase the efficiency in tracing and interviewing the respondents.


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Des de fa uns anys, des de l’EPS de la UVic, s’està duent a terme el desenvolupament d’un dispositiu electrònic que proporciona la capacitat de capturar dades sobre un niu d’ocells. El projecte e-niu, que es pot seguir a www.tutara.info/e-niu, està actualment en una fase de test., i s’ha desenvolupat sobretot la part hardware. Aquest projecte té com a objectiu principal crear un entorn web per poder gestionar les dades que s’obtenen del niu d’ocells informatitzat (e-niu). Les dades que ens arriben dels e-nius estan en un arxiu de text, i el que es pretén és que l’usuari que controla el niu, pugui fer diversos anàlisis de les dades d’aquest. A més de poder veure els resultats en diversos tipus de gràfics, també se li vol donar la opció de treure els resultats en format taula o en format Excel, un format aquest últim, molt interessant, ja que donaria a les dades una gran possibilitat de ser tractades posteriorment, com fer seleccions del tipus de dades, treure percentatges, crear altres tipus de gràfics, etc. L’altre gran objectiu és el fet de poder treballar en la creació d’un entorn web complert a nivell gairebé professional amb l’aprenentatge que això comporta, ja que s’ha aplicat la tecnologia client-servidor, és a dir, que el llenguatge de programació està dins el servidor, i quan algun usuari l’executa, el sistema només li envia la presentació en HTML. El sistema de programació que es fa servir és el de les tres capes. La capa de dades, que està formada per una base de dades relacional del tipus MySQL i és on emmagatzemarem tota la informació. La capa de programació de la que s’encarrega el llenguatge PHP, és on s’efectua tot el tractament de les dades i finalment, la capa de presentació, que és la que s’encarrega de mostrar les dades al client en el navegador mitjançant els templates de HTML.


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En els últims anys, el món de la informàtica ha evolucionat d'una manera inimaginable, tan a nivell de Hardware com de Software. Aquesta evolució ha donat lloc a la creació de moltes empreses dedicades a la programació, on una de les seves principals feines ha estat la realització de programes de gestió d'empreses. Moltes vegades, però, els programes estàndards no poden satisfer el total de les necessitats dels clients, sinó algunes d’aquestes i realitzar un programa personalitzat té un cost elevat. En el cas de la Pastisseria Mas de Navàs, una empresa familiar, per poder realitzar les tasques administratives utilitzen fulls de càlcul, concretament el Microsoft Excel, que permet portar els comptes d'una manera més o menys senzilla, ja que només són necessàries unes nocions bàsiques d'informàtica. El mateix passa amb les dades dels proveïdors, que les guarden en una Base de Dades del tipus Microsoft Access. Una altra de les mancances és el tema dels encàrrecs que es fa de manera manual. Per tant, l’objectiu d’aquest projecte, és realitzar un programa que els hi faciliti la seva activitat. Aquest programa els permetrà gestionar les dades que utilitzen, com la informació sobre els clients, personal, comandes... També s’ha desenvolupat una web que permet obtenir informació sobre les comandes que s’han realitzat. Aquesta aplicació està dissenyada per funcionar en l’entorn Windows XP i s’ha desenvolupat amb el compilador de CodeGear Rad Studio, concretament el C++ Builder 2009. A nivell de base de dades, he utilitzat MySQL i en el cas de la pàgina web, PHP i lamateixa base de dades. L’anàlisi i el disseny ha estat fet en UML.


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The aim of this work was to develop a low-cost circuit for real-time analog computation of the respiratory mechanical impedance in sleep studies. The practical performance of the circuit was tested in six patients with obstructive sleep apnea. The impedance signal provided by the analog circuit was compared with the impedance calculated simultaneously with a conventional computerized system. We concluded that the low-cost analog circuit developed could be a useful tool for facilitating the real-time assessment of airway obstruction in routine sleep studies.


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The aim of this work was to develop a low-cost circuit for real-time analog computation of the respiratory mechanical impedance in sleep studies. The practical performance of the circuit was tested in six patients with obstructive sleep apnea. The impedance signal provided by the analog circuit was compared with the impedance calculated simultaneously with a conventional computerized system. We concluded that the low-cost analog circuit developed could be a useful tool for facilitating the real-time assessment of airway obstruction in routine sleep studies.


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Objective: The purpose of this paper was to compare the prevalence rates of child sexual abuse reported by [Finkelhor, D. (1994). The international epidemiology of child sexual abuse. Child Abuse & Neglect, 18 (5), 409417] with those found in recent publications in order to confirm the widespread prevalence of child sexual abuse. Methods: Relevant articles about prevalence of child sexual abuse were identified through searches of computerized databases and a handsearch of Child Abuse & Neglect and the Journal of Child Sexual Abuse. Results: Thirty-eight independent articles were identified, corresponding to 39 prevalence studies; these articles report the prevalence of childhood sexual abuse in 21 different countries, ranging from 0 to 53% for women and 0 to 60% for men. Conclusions: Comparison of the present study with that of [Finkelhor, D. (1994). The international epidemiology of child sexual abuse. Child Abuse & Neglect, 18 (5), 409417] shows a similarity between prevalence distributions; there appears to be a general pattern that remains more or less constant over the years, especially in women. Practice implications: Twelve years after the first revision study about the international prevalence of child sexual abuse, there is still a need for new data about this topic. The present study shows child sexual abuse is still a widespread problem in the society. In this research, carried out on 38 independent studies, there is new data for 21 countries over the world, being especially relevant the results obtained from other countries different from those pertaining toNorth America or Europe. It is important to point out the high prevalence found in most of the countries, so this information could be a new warning to make society and governments aware of this problem and undertake actions to prevent sexual abuse in childhood. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Early repolarization, which is characterized by an elevation of the J-point on 12-lead electrocardiography, is a common finding that has been considered as benign for decades. However, in the last years, it has been related with vulnerability to idiopathic ventricular fibrillation and with cardiac mortality in the general population. Recently, 4 potential ECG predictors that could differentiate the benign from the malignant form of early repolarization have been suggested. Any previous study about early repolarization has been done in Spain. Aim. To ascertain whether the presence of early repolarization pattern in a resting electrocardiogram is associated with a major risk of cardiac death in a Spanish general population and to determine whether the presence of potential predictors of malignancy in a resting electrocardiogram increases the risk of cardiac mortality in patients with early repolarization pattern. Methods. We will analyse the presence of early repolarization and the occurrence of cardiac mortality in a retrospective cohort study of 4,279 participants aged 25 to 74 years in the province of Girona. This cohort has been followed during a mean of 9.8 years. Early repolarization will be stratified according to the degree of J-point elevation (≥0.1 mV or ≥0.2 mV), the morphology of the J-wave (slurring, notching or any of these two), the ST-segment pattern (ascending or descending) and the localization (inferior leads, lateral leads, or both). Association of early repolarization with cardiac death will be assessed by adjusted Cox-proportional hazards models


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Objective: We propose and validate a computer aided system to measure three different mandibular indexes: cortical width, panoramic mandibular index and, mandibular alveolar bone resorption index. Study Design: Repeatability and reproducibility of the measurements are analyzed and compared to the manual estimation of the same indexes. Results: The proposed computerized system exhibits superior repeatability and reproducibility rates compared to standard manual methods. Moreover, the time required to perform the measurements using the proposed method is negligible compared to perform the measurements manually. Conclusions: We have proposed a very user friendly computerized method to measure three different morphometric mandibular indexes. From the results we can conclude that the system provides a practical manner to perform these measurements. It does not require an expert examiner and does not take more than 16 seconds per analysis. Thus, it may be suitable to diagnose osteoporosis using dental panoramic radiographs.


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El proyecto nace de la necesidad de ofrecer un método de análisis de apneas por somnolencia que pueda ser utilizado con señales biológicas adquiridas sin contacto, como por ejemplo el ECG. Obtener señales biológicas con sensores sin contacto es muy importante en la monitorización de conductores, ya que la somnolencia al volante es una de las causas de accidente de tráfico más frecuentes, según el último estudio de la DGT. La apnea es un indicador de que el usuario tiene síntomas de cansancio y por ello, en este proyecto, se hace un estudio de variabilidad de señales derivadas del ECG para detectar zonas de fatiga y después caracterización morfológica de la apnea para localizarlas en las regiones de fatiga.


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Background: There are few studies comparing pharmaceutical costs and the use of medications between immigrants and the autochthonous population in Spain. The objective of this study is to evaluate whether there are differences in pharmaceutical consumption and expenses between immigrant and Spanish-born populations. Methods: Prospective observational study in 1,630 immigrants and 4,154 Spanish-born individuals visited by fifteen primary care physicians at five public Primary Care Clinics (PCC) during 2005 in the city of Lleida, Catalonia (Spain). Data on pharmaceutical consumption and expenses was obtained from a comprehensive computerized data-collection system. Multinomial regression models were used to estimate relative risks and confidence intervals of pharmaceutical expenditure, adjusting for age and sex. Results: The percentage of individuals that purchased medications during a six-month period was 53.7% in the immigrant group and 79.2% in the autochthonous group. Pharmaceutical expenses and consumption were lower in immigrants than in autochthonous patients in all age groups and both genders. The relative risks of being in the highest quartile of expenditure, for Spanish-born versus immigrants, were 6.9, 95% CI = (4.2, 11.5) in men and 5.3, 95% CI = (3.5, 8.0) in women, with the reference category being not having any pharmaceutical expenditure. Conclusion: Pharmaceutical expenses are much lower for immigrants with respect to autochthonous patients, both in the percentage of prescriptions filled at pharmacies and the number of containers of medication obtained, as well as the prices of the medications used. Future studies should explore which factors explain the observed differences in pharmaceutical expenses and if these disparities produce health inequalities.


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BACKGROUND: Health professionals and organizations in developed countries adapt slowly to the increase of ethnically diverse populations attending health care centres. Several studies report that attention to immigrant mental health comes up with barriers in access, diagnosis and therapeutics, threatening equity. This study analyzes differences in exposure to antidepressant drugs between the immigrant and the native population of a Spanish health region. METHODS: Cross-sectional study of the dispensation of antidepressant drugs to the population aged 15 years or older attending the public primary health centres of a health region, 232,717 autochthonous and 33,361 immigrants, during 2008. Data were obtained from computerized medical records and pharmaceutical records of medications dispensed in pharmacies. Age, sex, country of origin, visits, date of entry in the regional health system, generic drugs and active ingredients were considered. Statistical analysis expressed the percentage of persons exposed to antidepressants stratified by age, gender, and country of origin and prevalence ratios of antidepressant exposition were calculated. RESULTS: Antidepressants were dispensed to 11% of native population and 2.6% of immigrants. Depending on age, native women were prescribed antidepressants between 1.9 and 2.7 times more than immigrant women, and native men 2.5 and 3.1 times more than their immigrant counterparts. Among immigrant females, the highest rate was found in the Latin Americans (6.6%) and the lowest in the sub-Saharans (1.4%). Among males, the highest use was also found in the Latin Americans (1.6%) and the lowest in the sub-Saharans (0.7%). The percentage of immigrants prescribed antidepressants increased significantly in relation to the number of years registered with the local health system. Significant differences were found for the new antidepressants, prescribed 8% more in the native population than in immigrants, both in men and in women. CONCLUSIONS: All the immigrants, regardless of the country of origin, had lower antidepressant consumption than the native population of the same age and sex. Latin American women presented the highest levels of consumption, and the sub-Saharan men the lowest. The prescription profiles also differed, since immigrants consumed more generics and fewer recently commercialized active ingredients.


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Background: Gender-related differences are seen in multiple aspects of both health and illness. Ischemic heart disease (IHD) is a pathology in which diagnostic, treatment and prognostic differences are seen between sexes, especially in the acute phase and in the hospital setting. The objective of the present study is to analyze whether there are differences between men and women when examining associated cardiovascular risk factors and secondary pharmacological prevention in the primary care setting. Methods: Retrospective descriptive observational study from January to December of 2006, including 1907 patients diagnosed with ischemic heart disease in the city of Lleida, Spain. The clinical data were obtained from computerized medical records and pharmaceutical records of medications dispensed in pharmacies with official prescriptions. Data was analyzed using bivariate descriptive statistical analysis as well as logistic regression. Results: There were no gender-related differences in screening percentages for arterial hypertension, diabetes, obesity, dyslipemia, and smoking. A greater percentage of women were hypertensive, obese and diabetic compared to men. However, men showed a tendency to achieve control targets more easily than women, with no statistically significant differences. In both sexes cardiovascular risk factors control was inadequate, between 10 and 50%. For secondary pharmaceutical prevention, the percentages of prescriptions were greater in men for anticoagulants, beta-blockers, lipid-lowering agents and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors/angiotensin II receptor blockers, with age group variations up to 10%. When adjusting by age and specific diagnoses, differences were maintained for anticoagulants and lipid-lowering agents. Conclusion: Screening of cardiovascular risk factors was similar in men and women with IHD. Although a greater percentage of women were hypertensive, diabetic or obese, their management of risk factors tended to be worse than men. Overall, a poor control of cardiovascular risk factors was noted. Taken as a whole, more men were prescribed secondary prevention drugs, with differences varying by age group and IHD diagnosis.