5 resultados para cinnamic acid derivatives
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
A method for the simultaneous determination of intact glucosinolates and main phenolic compounds (flavonoids and sinapic acid derivatives) in Brassica oleracea L. var. botrytis was proposed. A simplified sample extraction procedure and a UPLC separation were carried out to reduce the total time of analysis. Brassica oleracea samples were added with internal standards (glucotropaeolin and rutin), and extracted with boiling methanol. Crude extracts were evaporated under nitrogen, redissolved in mobile phase and analyzed by UPLC with double detection (ESI--MRM for glucosinolates and flavonoids, and DAD for main sinapic acid derivatives). The proposed method allowed a satisfactory quantification of main native sinapic acid derivatives, flavonoids and glucosinolates with a reduced time of analysis.
The applicability of the protein phosphatase inhibition assay (PPIA) to the determination of okadaic acid (OA) and its acyl derivatives in shellfish samples has been investigated, using a recombinant PP2A and a commercial one. Mediterranean mussel, wedge clam, Pacific oyster and flat oyster have been chosen as model species. Shellfish matrix loading limits for the PPIA have been established, according to the shellfish species and the enzyme source. A synergistic inhibitory effect has been observed in the presence of OA and shellfish matrix, which has been overcome by the application of a correction factor (0.48). Finally, Mediterranean mussel samples obtained from Rı´a de Arousa during a DSP closure associated to Dinophysis acuminata, determined as positive by the mouse bioassay, have been analysed with the PPIAs. The OA equivalent contents provided by the PPIAs correlate satisfactorily with those obtained by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS).
Estudi realitzat a partir d’una estada a la Université de Poitiers, França, entre 2007 i 2009. El treball s'ha centrat en dues activitats bàsiques. El treball realitzat s’ha centrat en dues activitats bàsiques. D’una banda, la posada a punt d'un protocol de fraccionament de la matèria orgànica del sòl, per extraccions successives amb solvents alcalins després d'una seqüència de pretractaments al sòl: cap pretractament, atac amb àcid (per destruir els carbonats), atac amb ditionit (per reduir els òxids de Fe i Al i facilitar l'extracció de la matèria orgànica associada a aquests compostos). El protocol dóna una visió de conjunt de la situació de la matèria orgànica del sòl, combinant aspectes físics (protecció, precipitació, oclusió per carbonats) i químics (grau d'humificació). D’altra banda, l'aprenentatge de la tècnica de termoquimiolisi-cromatografia de gasos-espectrometria de masses. Aquest era l'objectiu de l'estada a Poitiers, al qual hem donat prioritat. Ens hem centrat en l'estudi de fraccions físiques (densimètriques) obtingudes en estudis anteriors sobre sòls forestals. Les fraccions considerades són: fracció lleugera (FL), tres fraccions ocluïdes (OC1, OC2 i OC3) i fracció densa (FD). L’aplicació de la termoquimiolisi permet de caracteritzar diversos grups de substàncies, de les quals ens hem centrat en alguns indicadors bioquímics: àcids grasos, alcohols, diàcids, productes fenòlics i altres productes aromàtics, derivats de carbohidrats. L’estudi de conjunt d’aquests productes indica que és a les fraccions ocluïdes (que solen ser minoritàries a tots els horitzons) on la matèria orgànica d’origen microbià és dominant, mentre que a les fraccions lleugera (FL) i densa (FD) la matèria orgànica d’origen vegetal sembla dominant. Es preveu aplicar aquesta tècnica a l’estudi de les fraccions obtingudes a la primera part del treball, actualment congelades i a l’espera de ser processades.
Dietary fatty acid supply can affect stress response in fish during early development. Although knowledge on the mechanisms involved in fatty acid regulation of stress tolerance is scarce, it has often been hypothesised that eicosanoid profiles can influence cortisol production. Genomic cortisol actions are mediated by cytosolic receptors which may respond to cellular fatty acid signalling. An experiment was designed to test the effects of feeding gilthead sea-bream larvae with four microdiets, containing graded arachidonic acid (ARA) levels (0·4, 0·8, 1·5 and 3·0 %), on the expression of genes involved in stress response (steroidogenic acute regulatory protein, glucocorticoid receptor and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase), lipid and, particularly, eicosanoid metabolism (hormone-sensitive lipase, PPARα, phospholipase A2, cyclo-oxygenase-2 and 5-lipoxygenase), as determined by real-time quantitative PCR. Fish fatty acid phenotypes reflected dietary fatty acid profiles. Growth performance, survival after acute stress and similar whole-body basal cortisol levels suggested that sea-bream larvae could tolerate a wide range of dietary ARA levels. Transcription of all genes analysed was significantly reduced at dietary ARA levels above 0·4 %. Nonetheless, despite practical suppression of phospholipase A2 transcription, higher leukotriene B4 levels were detected in larvae fed 3·0 % ARA, whereas a similar trend was observed regarding PGE2 production. The present study demonstrates that adaptation to a wide range of dietary ARA levels in gilthead sea-bream larvae involves the modulation of the expression of genes related to eicosanoid synthesis, lipid metabolism and stress response. The roles of ARA, other polyunsaturates and eicosanoids as signals in this process are discussed.