37 resultados para cassava stems
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
The existence of punishment opportunities has been shown to cause efficiency in public goods experiments to increase considerably. In this paper we ask whether punishment also has a downside in terms of process dissatisfaction. We conduct an experiment to study the conjecture that an environment with stronger punishment possibilities leads to higher material but lower subjective well-being. The more general motivation for our study stems from the notion that people??s subjective well-being may be affected by the institutional environment they find themselves in. Our findings show that harsher punishment possibilities lead to signficantly higher well-being, controlling for earnings and other relevant variables. People derive independent satisfaction from interacting under the protection of strong punishment possibilities. These results complement the evidence on the neural basis of altruistic punishment reported in de Quervain et al. (2004).
We study how conflict in a contest game is influenced by rival parties being groups and by group members being able to punish each other. Our main motivation stems from the analysis of socio-political conflict. The relevant theoretical prediction in our setting is that conflict expenditures are independent of group size and independent of whether punishment is available or not. We find, first, that our results contradict the independence of group-size prediction: conflict expenditures of groups are substantially larger than those of individuals, and both are substantially above equilibrium. Towards the end of the experiment material losses in groups are 257% of the predicted level. There is, however, substantial heterogeneity in the investment behaviour of individual group members. Second, allowing group members to punish each other after individual contributions to the contest effort are revealed leads to even larger conflict expenditures. Now material losses are 869% of the equilibrium level and there is much less heterogeneity in individual group members' investments. These results contrast strongly with those from public goods experiments where punishment enhances efficiency and leads to higher material payoffs.
Els incendis forestals són una pertorbació amb un paper decisiu en l’estructura i dinàmica dels ecosistemes mediterranis. La majoria de les seves espècies vegetals presenten mecanismes de resposta al foc, com la germinació de llavors i la rebrotada d’individus cremats. Les masses forestals regenerades a partir de rebrots assoleixen densitats massa altes i una baixa producció, i, per tant, és fonamental dur a terme una gestió mitjançant tractaments silvícoles. El principal objectiu d’aquest projecte és quantificar l’efecte de la selecció de rebrots i la selecció de rebrots més la desbrossada sobre el creixement de l’Arbutus unedo. S’han estudiat 12 parcelles en regeneració després dels incendis de 1985, 1986 i 1994 al terme municipal d’Esparreguera. Els resultats mostren que els dos tractaments afavoreixen de la mateixa manera el creixement dels peus d’Arbutus unedo, a causa de la disminució de la competència intraespecífica i interespecífica. La desbrossada (a nivell de parcella, no d’individu), no obstant, provoca un increment probablement perjudicial de l’alçada dels rebrots, per la major disponibilitat de llum. Per tal de proposar un model de gestió forestal, s’ha realitzat una anàlisi multicriterial dels diferents escenaris, on s’han considerat altres criteris, com són el model de combustible, la possibilitat de pastura i el cost econòmic. L’alternativa preferida en els boscos d’Arbutus unedo és la selecció de rebrots i la desbrossada.
Quality of life is increasingly becoming a concept researched empirically and theoretically in the field of economics. In urban economics in particular, this increasing interest stems mainly from the fact that quality of life affects urban competitiveness and urban growth: research shows that when households and businesses decide where to locate, quality of life considerations can play a very important role. The purpose of the present paper is to examine the way economic literature and urban economic literature in particular, have adopted quality of life considerations in the economic thinking. Moreover, it presents the ways various studies have attempted to capture the multidimensional nature of the concept, and quantify it for the purposes of empirical research. Additionally we focus on the state of the art in Spain. Looking at the experiences in the last years we see very important possibilities of developing new studies in the field.
Este proyecto nace de la necesidad de dar más seguridad a nuestros datos cuando navegamos por Internet. Se ha implementado un plug-in para el navegador Firefox de Mozilla, que detecta un formulario de login/password conocido y rellena el campo de la contraseña automáticamente. La contraseña estará en nuestro dispositivo móvil y la comunicación entre el navegador y el dispositivo se hará mediante la tecnología Bluetooth.
Report for the scientific sojourn carried out at the Universite Paris Sud – XI, France, from July until october 2007. The relationship between photosynthesis and respiration were studied in crops using carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes under well watered and water-stressed conditions. The analyses of the 13C isotopic composition (δ13C) of total organic matter (TOM) recently fixed of well-watered plants revealed that it was mainly delivered to apical tissues and tap root. The fact that that the apical leaf and stems together with the inflorescences were d13C depleted, suggests that those tissues were newly formed and had a larger sink strength and metabolic activity. Secondly, the analyses of δ13C of respired CO2 immediately after the labelling (T=0) showed that a significant part of the C respired by leaves and nodules proceeded of the recently fixed CO2. In the following harvests (T=7 and T=14) such percentage tended to decrease, especially in apical leaves. Interestingly, the respiration d13C data also highlighted that even if at T=0 part of the respired proceeded from the CO2 fixed during the labelling, this percentage was even larger at T=7. Finally, the d15N also revealed that, similarly to what described for 12C, immediately after the 15N2 labelling (T=0), apical leaf and stems, together with tap root and in this case the nodules, were the tissues with larger sink strength. It is noteworthy the fact that the largest amount of N2 newly fixed was delivered to the tap roots where it was stored until it was required for the aboveground regrowth period.
In spite of having been first introduced in the last half of the ninetieth century, the debate about the possible rebound effects from energy efficiency improvements is still an open question in the economic literature. This paper contributes to the existing research on this issue proposing an unbiased measure for economy-wide rebound effects. The novelty of this economy-wide rebound measure stems from the fact that not only actual energy savings but also potential energy savings are quantified under general equilibrium conditions. Our findings indicate that the use of engineering savings instead of general equilibrium potential savings downward biases economy-wide rebound effects and upward-biases backfire effects. The discrepancies between the traditional indicator and our proposed measure are analysed in the context of the Spanish economy.
The two main alternative methods used to identify key sectors within the input-output approach, the Classical Multiplier method (CMM) and the Hypothetical Extraction method (HEM), are formally and empirically compared in this paper. Our findings indicate that the main distinction between the two approaches stems from the role of the internal effects. These internal effects are quantified under the CMM while under the HEM only external impacts are considered. In our comparison, we find, however that CMM backward measures are more influenced by within-block effects than the proposed forward indices under this approach. The conclusions of this comparison allow us to develop a hybrid proposal that combines these two existing approaches. This hybrid model has the advantage of making it possible to distinguish and disaggregate external effects from those that a purely internal. This proposal has also an additional interest in terms of policy implications. Indeed, the hybrid approach may provide useful information for the design of ''second best'' stimulus policies that aim at a more balanced perspective between overall economy-wide impacts and their sectoral distribution.
Aquest Treball Final de Carrera té per objecte l'anàlisi, disseny i implementació d'una aplicació degestió de menjadors escolars. Aquesta aplicació neix de la necessitat de donar resposta a unademanda dels responsables d'aquests menjadors que es veuen desbordats per controlar totes lesincidències que tenen a veure amb el menjador d'un centre educatiu: des del registre d'un client (alumne, professor o convidat) que entra al menjador a dinar fins al cobrament dels serveiscorresponents.
Extensive theoretical and experimental work on the neuronal correlates of visual attention raises two hypotheses about the underlying mechanisms. The first hypothesis, named biased competition, originates from experimental single-cell recordings that have shown that attention upmodulates the firing rates of the neurons encoding the attended features and downregulates the firing rates of the neurons encoding the unattended features. Furthermore, attentional modulation of firing rates increases along the visual pathway. The other, newer hypothesis assigns synchronization a crucial role in the attentional process. It stems from experiments that have shown that attention modulates gamma-frequency synchronization. In this paper, we study the coexistence of the two phenomena using a theoretical framework. We find that the two effects can vary independently of each other and across layers. Therefore, the two phenomena are not concomitant. However, we show that there is an advantage in the processing of information if rate modulation is accompanied by gamma modulation, namely that reaction times are shorter, implying behavioral relevance for gamma synchronization.
This paper estimates the effect of judicial institutions on governance at the local level in Brazil. Our estimation strategy exploits a unique institutional feature of state judiciary branches which assigns prosecutors and judges to the most populous among contiguous counties forming a judiciary district. As a result of this assignment mechanism there are counties with nearly identical populations, some with and some without local judicial presence, which we exploit to impute counterfactual outcomes. Conditional on observable county characteristics, offenses per civil servant are about 35% lower in counties that have a local seat of the state judiciary. The lower incidence of infractions stems mostly from fewer violations of financial management regulations by local administrators, fewer instances of problems in project execution and project managment, fewer cases of non-existent or ineffective civil society oversight and fewer cases of improper handling of remittances to local residents.
Silica speleothems take differenr forms such as cylindrical stems growing from either the floor or the ceiling in granitic caves. Mineralogically they are opal-A and accumulate in successive layers with a whiskery druse tip formed by gypsum crystals. Initially they are porous but progressively become infilled by opal precipitation. This results in formation of solid speleothems. their size is only a few millimetres long. Bacterial activity accelerate quartz dissolution
Aquest projecte neix del interés personal de l’autor per a la indústria dels videojocs. El principal objectiu de l’aplicació és esdevenir un joc complet mitjançant l’ús de tècniques clàssicament empleades en el desenvolupament de jocs en dues dimensions de manera que la experiència i tècniques adquirides sigui el més reutilitzable possible.
We propose a simple geometrical prescription for coupling a test quantum scalar field to an "inflaton" (classical scalar field) in the presence of gravity. When the inflaton stems from the compactification of a Kaluza-Klein theory, the prescription leaves no arbitrariness and amounts to a dimensional reduction of the Klein-Gordon equation. We discuss the possible relevance of this coupling to "reheating" in inflationary cosmologies.
Senecio pterophorus DC. is an erect, semilignose shrub (fig. 1) which grows up to 2 m high. Is a chamaephyte basipetal branch-shedder (ORSHAN, Plant pheno-morphological studies in Mediterranean type ecosystems: 210-211. 1989) whose new branches appear below inflorescences but not from the lower parts of the plant. Leaves lanceolate. Stems are annual and develop at their apex a great number of small (up to 15 mm in diameter) yellow capitula which are grouped in a corymbose-paniculated inflorescence (HARVEY & SONDER, Flora Capensis: Cape Colony, Caffraria & Port Natal 3: 386.1865).