10 resultados para brea gum
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
Con la perspectiva que se va abriendo del nuevo siglo tras el transcurso de su primera década, este volumen colectivo reúne un ramillete de contribuciones de distintos especialistas que muestran aspectos diversos de la lingüística románica, disciplina forjada en el xix y que, camino de dos centurias después, induce a los directores-coordinadores del libro en la página inicial de la Présentation a plantear las expectativas de su enseñanza futura en el marco de la ciencia y de la sociedad que vienen.
The carob tree (Ceratonia siliqua) shows interesting prospects for some coastal Mediterranean growing areas and is widely used for industrial, agricultural, and ornamental purposes. It can be an alternative crop adapted to part-time farming and can also be used to regenerate vegetation in areas with a mild climate and erosion problems. Four Spanish carob cultivars were examined (Banya de Cabra, Duraio, Matalafera, and Rojal) to determine the one that performed the best for planting new orchards in northeastern Spain (Catalonia). The trees in this rain-fed trial (average rainfall of 500 mm) were planted in 1986 using seedling rootstocks that were budded in 1987. The trees were trained using the free-vase system and were spaced 8 x 9 m (138 trees/ha including 12% pollinators). The results showed that ‘Rojal’ was the earliest bearing cultivar. However, no significant differences were observed for cumulative pod production 18 years after budding. With respect to cumulative seed yield, ‘Duraio’ had the highest production (95 kg/tree). The lowest tree vigor (trunk cross-section) was observed in ‘Matalafera’. ‘Rojal’ trees produced the largest pods (average fruit weight of 18.9 g) and lowest seed content (11.8%), while ‘Banya de Cabra’ and ‘Duraio’ produced the smallest fruit (weighing 15.3 and 16.2 g, respectively) with the highest seed content (15.2% and 17.3%, respectively). Gum content, expressed as a percentage of the dry weight, was highest in ‘Duraio’ (56.9%) and was lowest in ‘Rojal’ (54.1%). Thus, in terms of kernel and pod production, ‘Duraio’ appeared to be the best-performing female cultivar for planting new carob orchards
Viatge al món de les flautes és un material didàctic dirigit a grups de nivell elemental de l’aula de flauta travessera que planteja una introducció a les músiques tradicionals d’arreu del món. Alhora conté una proposta de concert familiar. Els objectius generals del present treball són donar a conèixer la gran família de les flautes juntament amb el seu repertori i fer una recerca pedagògica a l’entorn d’aquest per aplicar-lo a l’aula. La metodologia ha partit d'un treball de camp sobre diverses flautes d’arreu del món, en base al qual s'ha elaborat el concert i diverses propostes didàctiques per treballar a l’aula. Aquest projecte pretén aportar un ventall de noves eines per utilitzar en la docència.
A series of new benzolactam derivatives was synthesized and the derivatives were evaluated for theiraffinities at the dopamine D1, D2, and D3 receptors. Some of these compounds showed high D2 and/orD3 affinity and selectivity over the D1 receptor. The SAR study of these compounds revealed structuralcharacteristics that decisively influenced their D2 and D3 affinities. Structural models of the complexesbetween some of the most representative compounds of this series and the D2 and D3 receptors wereobtained with the aim of rationalizing the observed experimental results. Moreover, selected compoundsshowed moderate binding affinity on 5-HT2A which could contribute to reducing the occurrence of extrapyramidalside effects as potential antipsychotics.
The complex etiology of schizophrenia has prompted researchers to develop clozapine-related multitargetstrategies to combat its symptoms. Here we describe a series of new 6-aminomethylbenzofuranones in aneffort to find new chemical structures with balanced affinities for 5-HT2 and dopamine receptors. Throughbiological and computational studies of 5-HT2A and D2 receptors, we identified the receptor serine residuesS3.36 and S5.46 as the molecular keys to explaining the differences in affinity and selectivity betweenthese new compounds for this group of receptors. Specifically, the ability of these compounds to establishone or two H-bonds with these key residues appears to explain their difference in affinity. In addition, wedescribe compound 2 (QF1004B) as a tool to elucidate the role of 5-HT2C receptors in mediating antipsychoticeffects and metabolic adverse events. The compound 16a (QF1018B) showed moderate to high affinitiesfor D2 and 5-HT2A receptors, and a 5-HT2A/D2 ratio was predictive of an atypical antipsychotic profile.
bolism. Surgery was needed in 51% of cases and mortality was 42%. Prosthetic valve endocarditis (nine of 60, 13%) predominated in the aortic position and was associated with abscess formation, required surgery, and high mortality (78%). Pacemaker lead IE (seven of 69, 10%) is associated with a better prognosis when antibiotic treatment is combined with surgery. Conclusions:S lugdunensis IE is an uncommon cause of IE, involving mainly native left sided valves, and it is characterised by an aggressive clinical course. Mortality in left sided native valve IE is high but the prognosis has improved in recent years. Surgery has improved survival in left sided IE and, therefore, early surgery should always be considered. Prosthetic valve S lugdunensis IE carries an ominous prognosis.
El macizo de Les Guilleries está formado por materiales metasedimentarios e ígneos de edad paleozoica. Los niveles mas bajos que afloran han sido atribuidos al Cambro-Ordovícico y consisten en dos tramos esencialmente pelíticos bien diferenciados separados por un nivel de ortogneises de varios centenares de metros de espesor. Por encima, se situa una serie vulcano-detrítica, con abundantes niveles de rocas volcánicas ácidas, y que ha proporcionado braquiópodos de edad Caradoc. El Silúrico y el Devónico, muy fragmentarios han sido también datados mediante fósiles. Toda la sucesión fue deformada y metamorfizada durante la orogenia herciniana. La deformación es polifásica y ha dado lugar al desarrollo de foliacions generalizadas en el brea. En las zonas mis profundas, la foliación regional es una crenulación que pliega una foliación anterior. En las zonas mas superficiales solo se observa una foliación de tipo ccslaty cleavagen. El metamorfismo hercinico afecta en mayor o menor grado a toda la serie. En las zonas mis profundas alcanza la facies anfibolitica de alto grado, con el desarrollo en las metapelitas de cordierita y feldespato potásico, mientras que en las zonas más superficiales s610 se alcanza la formación de clorita. En la región se han producido una serie de intrusiones ligadas a la orogenia herciniana. Las mis antiguas son unos filones de diorita y cuarzodiorita que se encuentran intensamente deformados. Posteriormente se produjo la intrusión de leucogranitos de dos micas, que son muy abundantes en las zonas más metamórficas y que en ocasiones se encuentran también algo deformados. Finalmente, se elnplazaron 10s granitoides tardios, que han originado extensas aureolas de metamorfismo de contacto.
Objectives: This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of periodontal therapy combined with tacrolimus in the suppression of gingival overgrowth (GO) and the effect on GO of changing from cyclosporin A to tacrolimus. Patients and Methods: Sixteen renal transplant patients, averaging 52 years of age, whose kidney function was stable and were receiving treatment with cyclosporin A, were randomly assigned to one of two groups. In the experimental group, patients were instructed in oral hygiene and underwent periodontal treatment, whereas in the control group, only oral hygiene instructions were given. After the first visit and the change of medication from cyclosporine to tacrolimus in both groups, periodic clinical revisions were carried out for 3 months in order to assess the evolution of GO. Results: All patients showed a progressive decrease in GO. There were no statistically significant differences between the two groups (p>0.05). A greater decrease in GO occurred within the first month after changing the medication. Conclusions: No improved effectiveness in reducing GO was observed for periodontal therapy in combination with tacrolimus. Tacrolimus is an alternative to cyclosporine when attempting to avoid GO in patients with kidney transplants
Se ha realizado una prospección geoquímica táctica de sedimentos aluviales en el Brea de Cánoves-St. Pere de Vilamajor (Macizo del Montseny, Barcelona), como consecuencia de una exploración geoquimica estratégica de sedimentos aluviales previa, en la que se localizó un Brea anómala en Pb, Zn, Cu, As, Cd, Ni, y Co. El Brea estudiada tiene 35 km2 y esta constituida por materiales sedimentarios y volcánicos del Paleozoico, metamorfizados en mayor o menor grado e intruidos por el granito de Vallfornés, y materiales detríticos terciarios...
Les persones compartim amb la resta d’ésser vius el fet de néixer, de créixer i de reproduir-nos, però, l’etapa de la mort la obviem o l’intentem amagar. Quan ens referim a les persones, parlem de l’última etapa del cicle vital anomenant-la vellesa, excloent així la mort de les etapes que formen el cicle. Punto de encuentro és un documental que parla d’aquesta etapa, de la vellesa, de com és viscuda, amb quines sensacions s’hi arriba, quin és el balanç o la reflexió que fan els avis quan ja han viscut tants anys i han acumulat tantes experiències. S’hi inclouen molts temes, la política, la soledat, la tristesa, les coses bones que té estar jubilat, com és el dia a dia d’una persona gran quan viu tota sola, els records de temps passats. Tot això ho podrem descobrir al documental a través del punt de vista i la pròpia experiència l’experiència dels protagonistes de Punto de encuentro: la Maria, el Bernabé, la Paquita i l’Albino.