10 resultados para bilateral painful ophthalmoplegia
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
This paper aims at assessing the importance of the initial technological endowments when firms decide to establish a technological agreement. We propose a Bertrand duopoly model where firms evaluate the advantages they can get from the agreement according to its length. Allowing them to exploit a learning process, we depict a strict connection between the starting point and the final result. Moreover, as far as learning is evaluated as an iterative process, the set of initial conditions that lead to successful ventures switches from a continuum of values to a Cantor set.
We accomplish two goals. First, we provide a non-cooperative foundation for the use of the Nash bargaining solution in search markets. This finding should help to close the rift between the search and the matching-and-bargaining literature. Second, we establish that the diversity of quality offered (at an increasing price-quality ratio) in a decentralized market is an equilibrium phenomenon - even in the limit as search frictions disappear.
We study a sequential protocol of endogenous coalition formation based on a process of bilateral agreements among the players. We apply the game to a Cournot environment with linear demand and constant average costs. We show that the final outcome of any Subgame Perfect Equilibrium of the game is the grand coalition, provided the initial number of firms is high enough and they are sufficiently patient.
The Kyoto Protocol sets national quotas on CO2 emissions and allows international trade of these quotas. We argue that this trade is characterized by asymmetric, identity-dependent externalities, and show that bilateral trade may not be sufficient for an efficient allocation of emissions. We derive conditions under which bilateral trade does improve the allocation of permits. The conditions are strong. In this sense, we argue that, for emissions permits, market design matters.
Unilateral migration policies impose externalities on other countries. In order to try to internalize these externalities, countries sign bilateral migration agreements. One element of these agreements is the emphasis on enforcing migration policies: immigrant-receiving countries agree to allow more immigrants from their emigrant-sending partner if they cooperate in enforcing their migration policy at the border. I present a simple theoretical model that justifies this behavior in a two-country setting with welfare maximizing governments. These governments establish migration quotas that need to be enforced at a cost. I prove that uncoordinated migration policies are inefficient. Both countries can improve welfare by exchanging a more "generous" migration quota for expenditure on enforcement policy. Contrary to what could be expected, this result does not depend on the enforcement technology that both countries employ.
Electronic academic journal websites provide new services of text and/or datamining and linking, indispensable for e¢ cient allocation of attention among abun-dant sources of scienti?c information. Fully realizing the bene?t of these servicesrequires interconnection among websites. Motivated by CrossRef, a multilateralcitation linking backbone, this paper performs a comparison between multilateralinterconnection through an open platform and bilateral interconnection, and ?ndsthat publishers are fully interconnected in the former regime while they can be par-tially interconnected in the latter regime for exclusion or di¤erentiation motives.Surprisingly, if partial interconnection arises for di¤erentiation motive, exclusion ofsmall publisher(s) occurs more often under multilateral interconnection. We also?nd that in the case of multilateral interconnection, a for-pro?t platform inducesless exclusion than an open platform. Various other extensions are analyzed.
A 38 year old woman having chronic intestinal pseudoobstruction associated with mitochondrial myopathy is reported. The clinical and radiographic features suggested the diagnosis of chronic intestinal pseudoobstruction. Muscular atrophy and ophthalmoplegia led to muscle biopsy, which disclosed accumulation of normal and abnormal mitochondria ('ragged red fibres'), characteristic of mitochondrial myopathy.
Paciente femenina de 34 años de edad, acude a la consulta con dolor agudo selectivo en la zona plantar del antepie a nivel de las cabezas del 1er y 2º metatarsiano. Realizada la anamnesis descartamos cualquier posibilidad de traumatismo o neuralgia. A lo largo de este trabajo expondremos las características principales de la paciente observadas durante la exploración tanto en estática como en dinámica, diseño del plan de tratamiento con los objetivos que pretendemos alcanzar, metodología de aplicación y conclusiones.
El presente artículo tiene por objeto analizar el contenido, alcance, evolución y límites de la cláusula de intercambio de información incorporada en el Convenio Hispano-Brasileño para evitar la doble imposición y prevenir la evasión fiscal en materia de impuestos sobre la renta (1974), fin a cuyo logro se toma como punto de partida el marco jurídico instrumentalizador del intercambio de información tributaria y asistencia mutua entre Estados. Tendrá cabida en estas páginas un análisis en detalle de aspectos tan importantes y poco manidos como los problemas de interpretación de los convenios de doble imposición en materia de intercambio de información tributaria consecuencia de las modificaciones sustanciales tras la aprobación de las sucesivas versiones del Modelo de Convenio de la OCDE y sus Comentarios, interpretación que afecta de manera directa a cuestiones de primer orden como el ámbito subjetivo y objetivo de aplicación, límites y restricciones de la cláusula de intercambio de información sellada y ratificada por el Estado Español y la República Federativa del Brasil en 1974. Igualmente se da noticia de otros significados extremos tales como el destino del intercambio de información tributaria y el deber de confidencialidad de los Estados, con especial alusión al alcance de las restricciones específicas previstas para el intercambio de información tributaria no sólo desde la óptica de la legislación española sino también desde la visión de la normativa reguladora de la materia en Brasil.