15 resultados para alarm
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
Es descriu el disseny i posterior implementació de la nova plataforma d’automatització del servei ofert per Internet Security Auditors, S.L. destinada a l’anàlisi de dominis d’Internet amb la finalitat de detectar possibles infeccions que afectin a usuaris de la web. El sistema actual conté algunes deficiències, de manera que aquest text presenta una nova versió, la qual aporta millores molt significatives com ara una gestió més òptima, o un disseny renovat i escalable de la informació i els diferents processos. Així mateix es dota al sistema d’un control d’errors centralitzat, amb enviament d’alàrmes en temps real, i una agrupació i centralització dels resultats.
El TDA-H es un trastorno que no solo afecta y dificulta al niño su aprendizaje, sino que sus relaciones sociales, su entorno se ven trastornados. Lo que provoca al niño con TDA-H un sentimiento de soledad y de inseguridad que afecta negativa y directamente a su autoestima, lo que acrecienta aun más su problemática. Por ello es importante que familia y escuela se alíen a la hora de luchar contra este trastorno, haciendo partícipe al niño en esta lucha, donde el trió familia-escuela-niñoTDA-H han de trabajar de manera simbiótica, para que el niño pueda superar todas las dificultades que este trastorno arrastra con él. El diagnostico temprano es imprescindible, pero se debe empezar a trabajar a partir de las primeras alarmas que se despierten y que suelen despertarse en la escuela. Esto aliviará e incluso esquivará algunos de los golpes que este niño TDA-H tendrá que ir superando, hasta iniciar su correcto tratamiento.
The purpose of resource management is the efficient and effective use of network resources, for instance bandwidth. In this article, a connection oriented network scenario is considered, where a certain amount of bandwidth is reserved for each label switch path (LSP), which is a logical path, in a MPLS or GMPLS environment. Assuming there is also some kind of admission control (explicit or implicit), these environments typically provide quality of service (QoS) guarantees. It could happen that some LSPs become busy, thus rejecting connections, while other LSPs may be under-utilised. We propose a distributed lightweight monitoring technique, based on threshold values, the objective of which is to detect congestion when it occurs in an LSP and activate the corresponding alarm which will trigger a dynamic bandwidth reallocation mechanism
Not considered in the analytical model of the plant, uncertainties always dramatically decrease the performance of the fault detection task in the practice. To cope better with this prevalent problem, in this paper we develop a methodology using Modal Interval Analysis which takes into account those uncertainties in the plant model. A fault detection method is developed based on this model which is quite robust to uncertainty and results in no false alarm. As soon as a fault is detected, an ANFIS model is trained in online to capture the major behavior of the occurred fault which can be used for fault accommodation. The simulation results understandably demonstrate the capability of the proposed method for accomplishing both tasks appropriately
Background: Quality control procedures vary considerably among the providers of equipment for home mechanical ventilation (HMV). Methods: A multicentre quality control survey of HMV was performed at the home of 300 patients included in the HMV programmes of four hospitals in Barcelona. It consisted of three steps: (1) the prescribed ventilation settings, the actual settings in the ventilator control panel, and the actual performance of the ventilator measured at home were compared; (2) the different ventilator alarms were tested; and (3) the effect of differences between the prescribed settings and the actual performance of the ventilator on non-programmed readmissions of the patient was determined. Results: Considerable differences were found between actual, set, and prescribed values of ventilator variables; these differences were similar in volume and pressure preset ventilators. The percentage of patients with a discrepancy between the prescribed and actual measured main ventilator variable (minute ventilation or inspiratory pressure) of more than 20% and 30% was 13% and 4%, respectively. The number of ventilators with built in alarms for power off, disconnection, or obstruction was 225, 280 and 157, respectively. These alarms did not work in two (0.9%), 52 (18.6%) and eight (5.1%) ventilators, respectively. The number of non-programmed hospital readmissions in the year before the study did not correlate with the index of ventilator error. Conclusions: This study illustrates the current limitations of the quality control of HMV and suggests that improvements should be made to ensure adequate ventilator settings and correct ventilator performance and ventilator alarm operation.
Effect size indices are indispensable for carrying out meta-analyses and can also be seen as an alternative for making decisions about the effectiveness of a treatment in an individual applied study. The desirable features of the procedures for quantifying the magnitude of intervention effect include educational/clinical meaningfulness, calculus easiness, insensitivity to autocorrelation, low false alarm and low miss rates. Three effect size indices related to visual analysis are compared according to the aforementioned criteria. The comparison is made by means of data sets with known parameters: degree of serial dependence, presence or absence of general trend, changes in level and/or in slope. The percent of nonoverlapping data showed the highest discrimination between data sets with and without intervention effect. In cases when autocorrelation or trend is present, the percentage of data points exceeding the median may be a better option to quantify the effectiveness of a psychological treatment.
Visual inspection remains the most frequently applied method for detecting treatment effects in single-case designs. The advantages and limitations of visual inference are here discussed in relation to other procedures for assessing intervention effectiveness. The first part of the paper reviews previous research on visual analysis, paying special attention to the validation of visual analysts" decisions, inter-judge agreement, and false alarm and omission rates. The most relevant factors affecting visual inspection (i.e., effect size, autocorrelation, data variability, and analysts" expertise) are highlighted and incorporated into an empirical simulation study with the aim of providing further evidence about the reliability of visual analysis. Our results concur with previous studies that have reported the relationship between serial dependence and increased Type I rates. Participants with greater experience appeared to be more conservative and used more consistent criteria when assessing graphed data. Nonetheless, the decisions made by both professionals and students did not match sufficiently the simulated data features, and we also found low intra-judge agreement, thus suggesting that visual inspection should be complemented by other methods when assessing treatment effectiveness.
El objetivo de este proyecto es el de realizar la fabricación de una alarma la cual se puede controlar desde cualquier dispositivo Android, ya que la comunicación se realiza a través de la conexión Bluetooth entre una aplicación Android y una placa Arduino que realiza el control del mecanismo Hardware. A través de la aplicación que se instala en el dispositivo móvil, se puede realitzar el control del prototipo, como la validación del usuario, activación y desactivación de la alarma y enlazar con el módulo Bluetooth.
Avui en dia s’ha convertit en una necessitat tenir cura del medi ambient i optimitzar els recursos naturals. En el camp per estalviar energia s’han fet grans progressos i disposem d’un gran ventall de dispositius que ens ajuden i ens faciliten l’optimització del consum d’energia. Però és una realitat que en l’estalvi del consum d’aigua el progrés ha estat molt menor i es limita molt a donar consells i repartir dosificadors d’aigua. Qui no ha vist carrers o jardins o cases inundades amb milers de litres d’aigua? Aquesta realitat m’ha portat a dissenyar i desenvolupar un prototip que em permeti tenir un millor control del consum d’aigua. El prototip, a trets principals, consta d’un sensor, una electrovàlvula i una placa Arduino Atmega. El sensor ens permet mesurar els litres consumits durant un cert període de temps. Passat aquest temps de mostreig es compara els litres consumits amb el consum habitual, en aquell període de temps. En cas de sobrepassar el volum programat es tancarà l’electrovàlvula de forma automàtica i rebrem un SMS al telèfon. L’activació de l’alarma es pot ajustar que sigui al igualar-se els dos valors, litres programats i litres consumits. També es pot programar el percentatge que cal sobrepassar de litres consumits per activar l’alarma, com el temps de mostreig. El fet de poder programar tots aquests valors ens permet fer un ajust ideal per a la instal·lació que es vol tenir controlada. A més, el prototip es pot utilitzar per enviar a la companyia d’aigua el valor del comptador de forma automàtica. D’aquesta forma la companyia d’aigua també optimitza recursos estalviant-se el desplaçament de personal a la instal·lació per fer la lectura corresponent. El prototip està basat amb un Arduino Atmega que ens permet el processament de les dades programades i capturades pel sensor. També s’ha incorporat una pantalla TFT Touch 2’8”, que permet visualitzar i programar els valors d’una forma molt més intuïtiva. Per enviar els SMS s’utilitza una placa d’Arduino Cel·lular Shield - SM5100B, a la qual només cal afegir una targeta SIM. A priori, el prototip té un elevat cost al fabricar una sola unitat i pot semblar poc útil. Però ens pot estalviar alguna sorpresa en les factures d’aigua si tenim una fuita i no ens n’adonem fins a veure el rebut de la companyia. Si es fabriqués a grans quantitats es podria abaratir el preu i fer-lo encara més engrescador.
N = 1 designs imply repeated registrations of the behaviour of the same experimental unit and the measurements obtained are often few due to time limitations, while they are also likely to be sequentially dependent. The analytical techniques needed to enhance statistical and clinical decision making have to deal with these problems. Different procedures for analysing data from single-case AB designs are discussed, presenting their main features and revising the results reported by previous studies. Randomization tests represent one of the statistical methods that seemed to perform well in terms of controlling false alarm rates. In the experimental part of the study a new simulation approach is used to test the performance of randomization tests and the results suggest that the technique is not always robust against the violation of the independence assumption. Moreover, sensitivity proved to be generally unacceptably low for series lengths equal to 30 and 40. Considering the evidence available, there does not seem to be an optimal technique for single-case data analysis
The emergence and pandemic spread of a new strain of influenza A (H1N1) virus in 2009 resulted in a serious alarm in clinical and public health services all over the world. One distinguishing feature of this new influenza pandemic was the different profile of hospitalized patients compared to those from traditional seasonal influenza infections. Our goal was to analyze sociodemographic and clinical factors associated to hospitalization following infection by influenza A(H1N1) virus. We report the results of a Spanish nationwide study with laboratory confirmed infection by the new pandemic virus in a case-control design based on hospitalized patients. The main risk factors for hospitalization of influenza A (H1N1) 2009 were determined to be obesity (BMI≥40, with an odds-ratio [OR] 14.27), hematological neoplasia (OR 10.71), chronic heart disease, COPD (OR 5.16) and neurological disease, among the clinical conditions, whereas low education level and some ethnic backgrounds (Gypsies and Amerinds) were the sociodemographic variables found associated to hospitalization. The presence of any clinical condition of moderate risk almost triples the risk of hospitalization (OR 2.88) and high risk conditions raise this value markedly (OR 6.43). The risk of hospitalization increased proportionally when for two (OR 2.08) or for three or more (OR 4.86) risk factors were simultaneously present in the same patient. These findings should be considered when a new influenza virus appears in the human population.
The present study evaluates the performance of four methods for estimating regression coefficients used to make statistical decisions regarding intervention effectiveness in single-case designs. Ordinary least squares estimation is compared to two correction techniques dealing with general trend and one eliminating autocorrelation whenever it is present. Type I error rates and statistical power are studied for experimental conditions defined by the presence or absence of treatment effect (change in level or in slope), general trend, and serial dependence. The results show that empirical Type I error rates do not approximate the nominal ones in presence of autocorrelation or general trend when ordinary and generalized least squares are applied. The techniques controlling trend show lower false alarm rates, but prove to be insufficiently sensitive to existing treatment effects. Consequently, the use of the statistical significance of the regression coefficients for detecting treatment effects is not recommended for short data series.
The emergence and pandemic spread of a new strain of influenza A (H1N1) virus in 2009 resulted in a serious alarm in clinical and public health services all over the world. One distinguishing feature of this new influenza pandemic was the different profile of hospitalized patients compared to those from traditional seasonal influenza infections. Our goal was to analyze sociodemographic and clinical factors associated to hospitalization following infection by influenza A(H1N1) virus. We report the results of a Spanish nationwide study with laboratory confirmed infection by the new pandemic virus in a case-control design based on hospitalized patients. The main risk factors for hospitalization of influenza A (H1N1) 2009 were determined to be obesity (BMI≥40, with an odds-ratio [OR] 14.27), hematological neoplasia (OR 10.71), chronic heart disease, COPD (OR 5.16) and neurological disease, among the clinical conditions, whereas low education level and some ethnic backgrounds (Gypsies and Amerinds) were the sociodemographic variables found associated to hospitalization. The presence of any clinical condition of moderate risk almost triples the risk of hospitalization (OR 2.88) and high risk conditions raise this value markedly (OR 6.43). The risk of hospitalization increased proportionally when for two (OR 2.08) or for three or more (OR 4.86) risk factors were simultaneously present in the same patient. These findings should be considered when a new influenza virus appears in the human population
Les últimes dades de l'estudi europeu del 2014, sobre la violència de parella indiquen que gairebé 62 milions de dones europees, havien sofert actes de violència de gènere, entre els quals es destaca els relacionats amb la violència de parella (VP). Els maltractaments constitueixen un problema molt greu que genera al nostre país cada vegada més alarma social i més actuacions legals i professionals per fer-li front. El sistema de salut és, amb freqüència, el primer lloc al que les víctimes de violència domèstica acudeixen a la recerca d'assessorament i ajuda, sent aquest el motiu pel qual els professionals de la salut tenen un paper central per a la seva assistència. Aquests formen part implicada en el sistema de detecció, atenció i actuació. Per això, els plans d'estudi de Grau d'Infermeria recullen en el BOE la formació en VP des de l’àmbit universitari. L’objectiu del nostre estudi consisteix en la identificació de la percepció i dels coneixements en relació a la violència de parella dels estudiants del Grau d’Infermeria de la Universitat de Girona durant el curs acadèmic 2012-2013. Per a dur-lo a terme es va realitzar un anàlisi quantitatiu dels resultats a través de l’administració d’una enquesta sobre sis aspectes de la VP, l’enquesta incloïa el perfil demogràfic (sexe, edat i anys d'estudi) dels estudiants i les declaracions relatives a les seves percepcions i coneixements sobre la VP: causes d'abús; la identificació de les dones objecte de VP i del seus autors; creences de les infermeres; funcions perceptibles; i la preparació educativa. Els estudiants del Grau d’Infermeria mostren tenir un bon coneixement sobre les causes del abús en VP, així com una formació adequada. També cal destacar que un 54,42% dels alumnes enquestats es veuen capacitats per afrontar un cas de VP com a infermer/a. S’observa una millora de la formació educativa en el transcurs acadèmic. En 1r curs un 40,09% té una bona formació, aquest valor augmenta fins a un 56,58% a tercer curs, baixant lleugerament fins un 44,27% a 4rt curs. Els resultats obtinguts són semblats a estudis de mostres similars en estudiants d'infermeria de Memphis (EUA) i de la University of Southern Queensland (Austràlia) quant a coneixements i percepció sobre la VP. Encara que els resultats mostren un coneixement i una percepció sobre la VP adequada, destaquem que això no succeeix en gairebé un 40% dels enquestats. La introducció de matèries específiques sobre igualtat i sobre violència contra la dona en els plans d’estudis, pot esdevenir una mesura preventiva per revisar i corregir possibles mites i creences en VP. Per tant, és necessari millorar la formació del currículum en estudiants d'infermeria per la importància d'aquest greu problema de salut pública, donant major èmfasis en la satisfacció de les necessitats emocionals i en la comprensió dels diferents enfocaments en VP, especialment en mesures de prevenció i educació