7 resultados para agressive periodontitis
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
El hecho de que las alteraciones inmunitarias están implicadas en la enfermedad periodontal está ampliamente recogido en la literatura. No obstante la naturaleza exacta y la implicación de las mismas no está clara. Por otro lado el empleo de la citometría de flujo ha posibilitado un avance importante en las técnicas de investigación biomédica y en el caso concreto que nos ocupa la posibilidad de determinar diferentes marcadores monoclonales en la línea celular linfocítica. Estudiamos los marcadores monoclonales (CD4, CDB, CD3 y CD19) en 15 pacientes afectados de enfermedad periodontal avanzada. Los resultados obtenidos se encuentran dentro de los límites de normalidad. Si bien no hemos obtenido datos significativos creemos que la muestra es pequeña y sería útil realizar estudios más amplios y a ser posible a nivel local. No obstante pensamos que lo novedoso es el estudio de anticuerpos monoclonales en relacióncon la enfermedad periodontal, datos que no hemos encontrado en la literatura.
En un treball recent s’ha descrit l’amplificació del gen del factor de transcripció FoxG1, homòleg de l'oncogen víric aviar Qin, en mostres de meduloblastoma, un tipus de tumor cerebral que representa el 20% dels tumors cerebrals infantils malignes (Adesina et al.¸2007). El tumor cerebral més freqüent i agressiu en l’adult és el glioma, especialment la seva forma més maligna: el glioblastoma multiforme (glioma de grau IV segons la classificació de l'OMS). En aquest treball hem estudiat l'expressió proteica del factor de transcripció FoxG1, homòleg de l'oncogen víric aviar Qin, en mostres de glioma. Vam analitzar 15 mostres de glioma, detectant FoxG1 en 9 d’elles, i amb diferents nivells d’expressió. Intentant aprofundir en el coneixement de la funció i la regulació de FoxG1, vam estudiar si FoxG1 podia ser fosforilat. Vam detectar, tant per assaig cinasa com per espectrometria de masses, que FoxG1 és un substracte directe de la cinasa Akt, el principal efector de la via de PI3K (phosphoinositide 3-kinase). En la línia cel•lular de glioblastoma U373MG, vam observar que Akt endogen fosforila FoxG1 en un pèptid situat a l’extrem C-terminal del domini forkhead. Aquesta fosforilació és contrarestada per un inhibidor farmacològic de PI3K. Al contrari del que passa en FoxO on la fosforilació per Akt inhibeix l’activitat de FoxO promovent la seva exportació del nucli, la fosforilació de FoxG1 per Akt no promou cap canvi en la seva localització subcel•lular, i FoxG1 es manté nuclear. Actualment estem estudiant els efectes biològics de la fosforilació de FoxG1 per Akt.
Critical real-time ebedded (CRTE) Systems require safe and tight worst-case execution time (WCET) estimations to provide required safety levels and keep costs low. However, CRTE Systems require increasing performance to satisfy performance needs of existing and new features. Such performance can be only achieved by means of more agressive hardware architectures, which are much harder to analyze from a WCET perspective. The main features considered include cache memòries and multi-core processors.Thus, althoug such features provide higher performance, corrent WCET analysis methods are unable to provide tight WCET estimations. In fact, WCET estimations become worse than for simple rand less powerful hardware. The main reason is the fact that hardware behavior is deterministic but unknown and, therefore, the worst-case behavior must be assumed most of the time, leading to large WCET estimations. The purpose of this project is developing new hardware designs together with WCET analysis tools able to provide tight and safe WCET estimations. In order to do so, those pieces of hardware whose behavior is not easily analyzable due to lack of accurate information during WCET analysis will be enhanced to produce a probabilistically analyzable behavior. Thus, even if the worst-case behavior cannot be removed, its probabilty can be bounded, and hence, a safe and tight WCET can be provided for a particular safety level in line with the safety levels of the remaining components of the system. During the first year the project we have developed molt of the evaluation infraestructure as well as the techniques hardware techniques to analyze cache memories. During the second year those techniques have been evaluated, and new purely-softwar techniques have been developed.
The possible connection between chronic oral inflammatory processes, such as apical periodontitis and periodontal disease (PD), and systemic health is one of the most interesting aspects faced by the medical and dental scientific community. Chronic apical periodontitis shares important characteristics with PD: 1) both are chronic infections of the oral cavity, 2) the Gram-negative anaerobic microbiota found in both diseases is comparable, and 3) in both infectious processes increased local levels of inflammatory mediators may have an impact on systemic levels. One of the systemic disorders linked to PD is diabetes mellitus (DM); is therefore plausible to assume that chronic apical periodontitis and endodontic treatment are also associated with DM. The status of knowledge regarding the relationship between DM and endodontics is reviewed. Upon review, we conclude that there are data in the literature that associate DM with a higher prevalence of periapical lesions, greater size of the osteolityc lesions, greater likelihood of asymptomatic infections and worse prognosis for root filled teeth. The results of some studies suggest that periapical disease may contribute to diabetic metabolic dyscontrol
Introduction: In periapical surgery, the absence of standardization between different studies makes it difficult to compare the outcomes. Objective: To compare the healing classification of different authors and evaluate the prognostic criteria of periapical surgery at 12 months. Material and methods: 278 patients (101 men and 177 women) with a mean age of 38.1 years (range 11 to 77) treated with periapical surgery using the ultrasound technique and a 2.6x magnifying glass, and silver amalgam as root-end filling material were included in the study. Evolution was analyzed using the clinical criteria of Mikkonen et al., 1983; radiographic criteria of Rud et al., 1972; the overall combined clinical and radiographic criteria of von Arx and Kurt, 1999; and the Friedman (2005) concept of functional tooth at 12 months of surgery. Results: After 12 months, 87.2% clinical success was obtained according to the Mikkonen et al., 1983 criteria; 73.9% complete radiographic healing using Rud et al. criteria; 62.1% overall success, following the clinical and radiographic parameters of von Arx and Kurt, and 91.9% of teeth were functional. The von Arx and Kurt criteria was found to be the most reliable. Conclusion: Overall evolution according to von Arx and Kurt agreed most closely with the other scales
Introduction: In periapical surgery, the absence of standardization between different studies makes it difficult to compare the outcomes. Objective: To compare the healing classification of different authors and evaluate the prognostic criteria of periapical surgery at 12 months. Material and methods: 278 patients (101 men and 177 women) with a mean age of 38.1 years (range 11 to 77) treated with periapical surgery using the ultrasound technique and a 2.6x magnifying glass, and silver amalgam as root-end filling material were included in the study. Evolution was analyzed using the clinical criteria of Mikkonen et al., 1983; radiographic criteria of Rud et al., 1972; the overall combined clinical and radiographic criteria of von Arx and Kurt, 1999; and the Friedman (2005) concept of functional tooth at 12 months of surgery. Results: After 12 months, 87.2% clinical success was obtained according to the Mikkonen et al., 1983 criteria; 73.9% complete radiographic healing using Rud et al. criteria; 62.1% overall success, following the clinical and radiographic parameters of von Arx and Kurt, and 91.9% of teeth were functional. The von Arx and Kurt criteria was found to be the most reliable. Conclusion: Overall evolution according to von Arx and Kurt agreed most closely with the other scales
La infección endodóntica es la infección que afecta al sistema de conductos radiculares y, sin duda, es el principal agente etiológico de las periodontitis apicales. Además, de las bacterias patógenas endodónticas, se ha buscado en los últimos años asociar la presencia de virus en distintos tipos de patología endodóntica. Los virus que más se han buscado y asociado son los pertenecientes a la familia herpesvirus, los cuales se han encontrado presentes en patologías periapicales principalmente. Se ha buscado además, relacionar su presencia a patologías que cursan con mayor sintomatología, o que presentan a la imagen radiográfica destrucciones óseas periapicales mayores. El rol de los virus en las lesiones apicales de origen endodóntico está aún poco claro, se habla de efectos acumulativos a los de las bacterias, además de posibles inmunosupresiones locales que favorecerían el crecimiento y el efecto de estas últimas