15 resultados para Waste management models
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
The use of private funding and management is enjoying an increasing trend in airports. The literature has not paid enough attention to the mixed management models in this industry, although many European airports take the form of mixed public-private companies, where ownership is shared between public and private sectors. We examine the determinants of the degree of private participation in the European airport sector. Drawing on a sample of the 100 largest European airports, we estimate a multivariate equation in order to determine the role of airport characteristics, fiscal variables, and political factors on the extent of private involvement. Our results confirm the alignment between public and private interests in partially privatized airports. Fiscal constraints and market attractiveness promote private participation. Integrated governance models and the share of network carriers prevent the presence of private ownership, while the degree of private participation appears to be pragmatic rather than ideological.
The use of private funding and management enjoys an increasing trend in airports. The literature has not paid enough attention to the mixed management models in this industry, although many European airports take the form of mixed firms or Institutional PPP, where ownership is shared between public and private sectors. We examine the determinants of the degree of private participation in the European airport sector. Drawing on a sample of the 100 largest European airports we estimate a multivariate equation in order to determine the role of airport characteristics, fiscal variables and political factors on the extent of private involvement. Our results confirm the alignment between public and private interests in PPPs. Fiscal constraints and market attractiveness promote private participation. Integrated governance models and the share of network carriers prevent the presence of private ownership, while the degree of private participation appears to be pragmatic rather than ideological.
The problem of waste management is causing growing concern due to increasing generation rates, the emissions into soil, water and air, the social conflicts derived from the election of disposal sites and the loss of resources and energy among others. In this work, an innovative methodology is used to enable a better understanding of the waste generation and management system in Italy. Two new waste indicators are built to complement the conventional indicators used by official statistics. Then a multi-scale analysis of the Density of Waste Disposed (DWD) is carried out to highlight the territorial diversity of waste performances and test its contribution to detect plausible risky areas. Starting from Italian regions, the scale down goes on to the provincial level and, only for the region of Campania, the municipal one. First, the analysis shows that the DWD is able to complement the information provided by the conventional waste indicators. Second, the analysis shows the limitations of using a unique institutional solution to waste management problems. In this sense the multi-scale analysis provides with a more realistic picture of Italian waste system than using a single scale.
Many dynamic revenue management models divide the sale period into a finite number of periods T and assume, invoking a fine-enough grid of time, that each period sees at most one booking request. These Poisson-type assumptions restrict the variability of the demand in the model, but researchers and practitioners were willing to overlook this for the benefit of tractability of the models. In this paper, we criticize this model from another angle. Estimating the discrete finite-period model poses problems of indeterminacy and non-robustness: Arbitrarily fixing T leads to arbitrary control values and on the other hand estimating T from data adds an additional layer of indeterminacy. To counter this, we first propose an alternate finite-population model that avoids this problem of fixing T and allows a wider range of demand distributions, while retaining the useful marginal-value properties of the finite-period model. The finite-population model still requires jointly estimating market size and the parameters of the customer purchase model without observing no-purchases. Estimation of market-size when no-purchases are unobservable has rarely been attempted in the marketing or revenue management literature. Indeed, we point out that it is akin to the classical statistical problem of estimating the parameters of a binomial distribution with unknown population size and success probability, and hence likely to be challenging. However, when the purchase probabilities are given by a functional form such as a multinomial-logit model, we propose an estimation heuristic that exploits the specification of the functional form, the variety of the offer sets in a typical RM setting, and qualitative knowledge of arrival rates. Finally we perform simulations to show that the estimator is very promising in obtaining unbiased estimates of population size and the model parameters.
La gestió dels residus municipals ha d’avançar cap a la sostenibilitat per tal de poder fer front al gran volum de residus que es generen actualment i no malmetre el medi ambient. Aquest fet motiva a l’elaboració d’aquest projecte que es centra en l’anàlisi del procés de recollida dels residus municipals. L’estudi realitza en primer lloc una avaluació ambiental de la recollida global i una avaluació ambiental específica de la recollida de la fracció Resta mitjançant el programari SIMUR (desenvolupada per l’Agència d’Ecologia Urbana de Barcelona). Amb aquesta eina de simulació de models de gestió de residus municipal es calcula el balanç de massa, el balanç energètic, el balanç d’emissions i el balanç econòmic del procés de recollida. La metodologia per al desenvolupament de la segona fase del projecte es basa en la realització de treball de camp per al disseny de taules descriptives dels circuits de recollida de la fracció Resta, que permeten comparar-los entre sí i aconseguir l’objectiu d’avaluar l’eficiència dels sistemes de recollida de càrrega lateral i posterior de la fracció. L’assoliment dels objectius permet fer-se una idea de l’estat actual de la recollida dels residus de Sant Boi, identificant-ne els punts forts i febles i plantejant propostes de millora encarades a aconseguir una futura generació i recollida de residus més respectuosa amb l’entorn.
A Catalunya els discursos acadèmics i de l'administració han anat evolucionant fins que s'han imposat aquells que apunten a que la relació entre l'escola, la família i l'entorn és clau per l'èxit escolar de l'alumnat i el bon funcionament del sistema educatiu. Malgrat aquesta evolució, en la pràctica el canvi és lent i, sovint, complicat, donat que apareixen resistències en les dues institucions, família i escola, degut a que fins avui sempre s'ha mantingut una relació marcada pel desequilibri de poder. El nostre treball teòric i, sobretot, empíric s'ha centrat en la relació entre la família immigrada i l'escola a Catalunya. Com es presentarà, la creació del que hem anomenat dinàmiques positives de relació i comunicació en els centres escolars es troba condicionada per les actituds i els comportaments dels equips directius, els professionals i les famílies, tot i que també l'espai físic en que es donen aquestes relacions és important. Respecte a la organització del centre hem destacat el papel de l'equip directiu. Diferenciant una models de gestió observem aquells més facilitadors de la relació i la comunicació amb i entre les famílies i aquells més desincentivadors. Això sí, sempre s'ha de tenir en compte les actituds dels docents i de les famílies que són múltiples i complexes.
The objective of this study is to analyse the technical or productive efficiency ofthe refuse collection services in 75 municipalities located in the Spanish regionof Catalonia. The analysis has been carried out using various techniques. Firstly we have calculated a deterministic parametric frontier, then a stochastic parametric frontier, and finally, various non-parametric approaches (DEA and FDH). Concerning the results, these naturally differ according to the technique used to approach the frontier. Nevertheless, they have an appearance of solidity, at least with regard to the ordinal concordance among the indices of efficiency obtained by the different approaches, as is demonstrated by the statistical tests used. Finally, we have attempted to search for any relation existing between efficiency and the method (public or private) of managing the services. No significant relation was found between the type of management and efficiencyindices
The objective of this study is to analyse the technical or productive efficiency ofthe refuse collection services in 75 municipalities located in the Spanish regionof Catalonia. The analysis has been carried out using various techniques. Firstly we have calculated a deterministic parametric frontier, then a stochastic parametric frontier, and finally, various non-parametric approaches (DEA and FDH). Concerning the results, these naturally differ according to the technique used to approach the frontier. Nevertheless, they have an appearance of solidity, at least with regard to the ordinal concordance among the indices of efficiency obtained by the different approaches, as is demonstrated by the statistical tests used. Finally, we have attempted to search for any relation existing between efficiency and the method (public or private) of managing the services. No significant relation was found between the type of management and efficiencyindices
From the point of view of local development cultural tourism events represent an opportunity since they are distributed homogeneously by the Catalan territory and are experiencing a vertiginous growth as a way to differentiate the existing supply. In our study a sample of 264 telephone surveys made to organizers of events in Catalonia has been compiled, with the purpose of characterizing the existing supply, thematic typologies, management models, commercialization inputs and economic impact. The results allow us to characterize events from the point of view of their tourist potential. Finally some recommendations are set out to develop future tourism policies based on events according to product differentiation, seasonality, competitiveness and creativity.
En aquest treball s’utilitzen les Quantitats de Residus Generats per Habitant (KRGH) en els diferents municipis de l’entitat administrativa de l’Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB) durant la primera dècada del segle XXI (2000 - 2011) com a indicador de sostenibilitat en matèria de Residus Sòlids Urbans (RSU). S’estudia la relació d’aquesta variable amb la Renda Familiar Disponible (RFD) i s’analitza l’evolució dels nivells de generació al llarg de la sèrie històrica per a grups de municipis amb nivells de generació ben diferenciats amb objecte d’avaluar l’efecte produït pels successos amb més impacte en matèria de gestió tal és la introducció del cànon de residus i discutir si es donen situacions d’iniquitat derivades del sistema de finançament dels serveis de gestió de residus.
In Spain, academic debate and school administrations have evolved to the extent that relations between the school, the family and the surrounding environment are now considered as crucial to student achievement at school and to the good functioning of the educational system as a whole. Despite this development, change is slow in practice and often complicated due to the emerging resistance of families and schools, given that they have always maintained relations marked by an imbalance of power. Our theoretical and especially our empirical work has focused on the relations between immigrant families and the school system in Spain. In view of the above, the creation of what we call positive relational dynamics and communication in schools is conditioned by the attitudes and behaviour of the school administration, professionals and families. However, the physical space in which these relations take place must also be taken into consideration. Regarding school organisation, we have emphasised the role of the school’s administration. By differentiating the range of management models, we note the ones that facilitate more relations and communication with and among families (especially the one we have called the horizontal participative model) and those that discourage them. However, the multiple and complex range of attitudes among teachers and families must always be taken into account.
L'entrada en vigor de la Directiva 1999/31/CE limita l'entrada de residus biodegradables a l'abocador i promou la gestió d'aquests residus per altres vies. El compostatge és una alternativa a la deposició en abocador que respecta el cicle natural de la matèria. A Catalunya, aquesta tècnica s'ha vist potenciada pels plans de gestió de residus PRECAT201 i PINFRECAT202. L'objecte d'aquest estudi és avaluar l'eficiència de la recollida selectiva al municipi de l'Esquirol; i comparar i avaluar diferents alternatives de gestió de la FORM3 dins i fora del municipi. La metodologia de l'estudi ha consistit en analitzar les dades de la recollida selectiva de l'ARC4, tant del municipi de l'Esquirol com de la resta de municipis del Collsacabra, i calcular els costos econòmics de la gestió de la FORM en el supòsit de tractament mitjançant l'autocompostatge, una planta de compostatge a petita escala o el tractament en una planta de compostatge convencional. Els resultats de l'estudi indiquen que la recollida selectiva del municipi de l'Esquirol obté uns valors per sobre dels objectius del PROGREMIC5, amb l'excepció de la FORM. Per tal de millorar la qualitat i la quantitat de la FORM recollida, l'estudi proposa en una primera fase: implantar el sistema de recollida selectiva porta a porta d'aquesta fracció i de la fracció resta; i en una segona fase: tractar la FORM en una petita planta de compostatge amb el sistema de sitges amb ventilació forçada.
Si bien la gestión de la Calidad siempre ha estado presente en nuestro entorno, no es hasta la aparición de la famosa normativa ISO 9000 que su impacto se ha incluso popularizado, tanto a escala nacional como internacional. En la actualidad, cuando las empresas y organizaciones de nuestro país se plantean nuevos retos (modelos de gestión de la calidad total como el EFQM, nuevos estándares de gestión como la ISO 14000, estándares de soporte como la ISO 10000, …), en este artículo nos preguntamos si la ISO 9000 seguirá siendo válida en esta nueva era