6 resultados para Tubo em "T" de silicone
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
Report for the scientific sojourn carried out at the Uppsala Universitet, Sweden, from April to July the 2007. Two series of analogue models are used to explore ductile-frictional contrasts of the basal décollement in the development of oblique and transverse structures simultaneously to thin-skinned shortening. These models simulate the evolution of the Central External Sierras (Southern Pyrenees, Spain), which constitute the frontal emerging part of the southernmost Pyrenean thrust sheet. They are characterized by the presence of transverse N-S to NW-SE anticlines, which are perpendicular to the Pyrenean structural trend and developed in the hangingwall of the Santo Domingo thrust system, detaching on an unevenly distributed Triassic materials (evaporitic-dolomitic interfingerings). Model setup performs a décollement made by three patches of silicone neighbouring pure brittle sand. Model series A test the thickness ratio between overburden and décollement. Model series B test the width of frictional detachment areas. Model results show how deformation reaches further in areas detached on ductile layer whereas frictional décollement areas assimilate the strain by means of an additional uplift. This replicates the structural style of Central External Sierras: higher structural relief of N-S anticlines with regard to orogen-parallel structures, absence of a representative ductile décollement in the core, tilting towards the orogen and foreland-side closure not thrusted by the frontal emerging South-Pyrenean thrust.
L'anastomosi biliar en el trasplantament hepàtic és una de les causes més freqüents de morbiditat. En aquest treball s'ha analitzat l'evolució de les complicacions biliars després d'un trasplantament hepàtic en adults al llarg de 20 anys, comparant els primers 100 trasplantaments realitzats amb els darrers 200 entre 1985 i 2007. Resultats: la incidència de les complicacions biliars ha disminuït significativament al llarg dels anys, principalment a causa de l'abandonament de l'ús rutinari del tub de Kehr. La gravetat d'aquestes complicacions ha estat similar en ambdós grups.
Estudi de la importància que va tenir el vidre bufat a Vimbodí en la primera meitat del segle XX, tant en l'aspecte econòmic com en el social. Es fa un petit recorregut sobre la història del vidre i el Museu del Vidre de Vimbodí.
The ceramic shell is a material mainly used for making foundry molds. This research demonstrates that ceramic shell can be used for making sculptures with exceptional definition in its finish. The research has identified a number of advantages of the material to meet the challenges of an artist during the making of a sculpture. The research has been developed in six stages: In the first stage data were collected from the chaff as the process material. This was the starting point for research. In the second stage, we have set the appropriate composition of the slurry, both in percentage and type of binder, and firing curve. To this end, we evaluated the application characteristics, thickness, drying, mechanical strength, the reduction coefficient and porosity. In the third stage it was observed that the husk is suitable for all types of materials acting as support. It was also found that the slurry can be used with various sculptural processes: modeling, molding using silicone or plaster mold, shuttering, with internal metal frame, and so on. In addition, we have established methods to repair and modify the husk by hand and power tools. In the fourth stage we have found ways to modify the surface of the husk with other minerals that affect the structure: introduction of filing of copper, bronze and iron in the slurry ceramics, different staining procedure in hot or cold, by enamel slip, and so on. In the fifth stage sculptures were made using the methods established in the previous stages, to verify this hypothesis. The sixth stage, which is annexed, contains a new method to process the ceramic shell as a mold in casting that emerged from the proven methods in the investigation.
A new experimental system to measure the equivalent thermal conductivity of a liquid with regard to the Bénard-Rayleigh problem was constructed. The liquid is enclosed within walls of polymethylmethacrylate between two copper plates in which there are thermocouples to measure the difference in temperature between the lower and upper surfaces of the layer of liquid. Heat flux is measured by means of a linear heat fluxmeter consisting of 204 thermocouples in series. The fluxmeter was calibrated and the linear relationship that exists between the heat flux and the emf generated was verified. The thermal conductivity of the polymethylmethacrylate employed was measured and measurements of the equivalent conductivity in cylindrical boundaries of two silicone oils were made. The critical value of the temperature difference and the contribution of the convective process to the transmission of heat were determined.
La acumulación en el espacio pleural de aire y/o sangre, pus o partículas grasas, o la acumulación de líquido por tumores que infiltran la pleura, impide la libre expansión pulmonar, pudiendo llegarse al colapso de este pulmón con un intercambio gaseoso limitado o nulo. Por esto, sea cual sea la causa (traumatismos, enfermedades, cirugías), hemos de extraer estas sustancias de la cavidad pleural. Podemos hacerlo a través de una toracocentesis evacuadora, pero en muchos casos la cantidad y las características de las sustancias o el estado del paciente recomiendan instaurar un drenaje torácico permanente y conectarlo a un dispositivo cerrado de recogida. Esto se consigue introduciendo un tubo o trocar a través de la pared torácica hasta el espacio pleural, vaciando las sustancias alojadas de forma patológica. Este tubo, o trocar, se conecta a un aspirador con la finalidad de mantener la presión negativa fisiológica de la cavidad pleural y facilitar de esta manera la completa expansión de los pulmones. Hay trocares de diversas dimensiones y diferentes modelos de dispositivo de recogida, pero todos se basan, a partir de 1876, en el sistema que utilizó Gotthard Bülau para el tratamiento de los empiemas. Tanto para la preparación del paciente como del material, para la instauración y los cuidados, desde el primer momento hasta la retirada, pasando por las muchas valoraciones, comprobaciones y atenciones para evitar los riesgos y las complicaciones inherentes a este drenaje, es imprescindible que los profesionales de enfermería conozcan el procedimiento y las muchas particularidades que hay que observar con él, dada la especificidad de la cavidad en la que está inserto. Asimismo, es fundamental el conocimiento del dispositivo de recogida cerrado más utilizado (Pleur-evac®) desde la preparación, pasando por el funcionamiento y hasta los controles necesarios para una utilización correcta. Este artículo pretende unificar criterios de actuación en los cuidados que requieren los pacientes portadores de drenaje torácico.