54 resultados para Tertiary, Assessment, Statistics, Learning, Mathematics
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
El proyecto Rodolfo es una herramienta online para ayudar en el proceso del aprendizaje de las matemáticas. Consiste pues, en un repositorio de fórmulas matemáticas y sus correspondientes locuciones para poder escuchar cómo se leen las mismas.
La persistencia del factor del origen social como determinante de los rendimientos académicos ha sido monitorizada a partir de los años sesenta. Los datos de la encuesta PISA que evalúa han corroborado que el factor determinante del contexto socioeconómico de origen a la hora de explicar la desigualdad de resultados y rendimientos (Duru-Bellat, 2004; Gorard, 2004; Ferrer, 2006). Dupriez y Dumay (2004) concluyen que la desigualdad de resultados está más determinada por la composición social de las escuelas que no por sus mecanismos organizativos y pedagógicos. El artículo examina las diferencias de resultados de aprendizaje en matemáticas entre centros y dentro de los centros en los países de la OCDE y se centra sobre algunos factores que son clave a la hora de explicar estas diferencias. El aprendizaje en matemáticas es analizado a través de un modelo de regresión multinivel.
These study analysed gender specificity in coping behaviours by taking into account the types of problem faced by Spanish adolescents attending school. It was focused on the ten problems most frequently reported by participants (828 adolescents, 355 boys, and 473 girls; Mage = 14.07, SD = 1.34), which were classified using a multi-axial classification system. Coping was examined as a two separate measures of approach and avoidance coping, and as a combined measure indicating the predominant use of coping, and total coping effort. A MANCOVA and subsequent univariate tests were conducted to analyse the specificity of coping according to problem and gender, controlled by age. The results showed that the percentage of types of problems reported by adolescents differed according to gender. The influence of gender on coping was scarcely relevant when the type of problem was controlled for. There were no gender differences when the predominant type of coping was considered, but when a total coping effort measure was analysed girls showed more coping efforts than boys to face interpersonal relationship problems and personal illness. Keywords: adolescence, coping, gender differences, stressors.
The EVS4CSCL project starts in the context of a Computer Supported Collaborative Learning environment (CSCL). Previous UOC projects created a CSCL generic platform (CLPL) to facilitate the development of CSCL applications. A discussion forum (DF) was the first application developed over the framework. This discussion forum was different from other products on the marketplace because of its focus on the learning process. The DF carried out the specification and elaboration phases from the discussion learning process but there was a lack in the consensus phase. The consensus phase in a learning environment is not something to be achieved but tested. Common tests are done by Electronic Voting System (EVS) tools, but consensus test is not an assessment test. We are not evaluating our students by their answers but by their discussion activity. Our educational EVS would be used as a discussion catalyst proposing a discussion about the results after an initial query or it would be used after a discussion period in order to manifest how the discussion changed the students mind (consensus). It should be also used by the teacher as a quick way to know where the student needs some reinforcement. That is important in a distance-learning environment where there is no direct contact between the teacher and the student and it is difficult to detect the learning lacks. In an educational environment, assessment it is a must and the EVS will provide direct assessment by peer usefulness evaluation, teacher marks on every query created and indirect assessment from statistics regarding the user activity.
The paper explains a teaching project financed by the University of Barcelona (UB). It focuses on ageneric skill of the University of Barcelona, which is defined as "the learning capability andresponsibility”, and in which analytical and synthesis skills are included. It follows a multidisciplinaryapproach including teachers of Mathematics, World Economics and Economic History. All of us sharethe same students during the first and the second course of the grade in Economics at the Faculty ofEconomics and Business. The project has been developed in three stages. The first one has beendone during the first semester of the course 2012/13, being applied to first year students on thesubjects of Mathematics and Economic History. The second phase is being to be done during thesecond semester only on the Economic History subject. A third stage is going to be done next course2013/14 to second year students on the subject of World Economics. Each different teaching teamhas developed specific materials and assessment tools for each one of the subjects included in theproject. The project emphasizes two teaching dimensions: the elaboration of teaching materials topromote the acquisition of generic skills from an interdisciplinary point of view, and the design ofspecific tools to assess such skills. The first results of the first phase of the project shows cleardeficiencies in the analytical skill regarding to first year students.
The paper explains a teaching project financed by the University of Barcelona (UB). It focuses on ageneric skill of the University of Barcelona, which is defined as "the learning capability andresponsibility”, and in which analytical and synthesis skills are included. It follows a multidisciplinaryapproach including teachers of Mathematics, World Economics and Economic History. All of us sharethe same students during the first and the second course of the grade in Economics at the Faculty ofEconomics and Business. The project has been developed in three stages. The first one has beendone during the first semester of the course 2012/13, being applied to first year students on thesubjects of Mathematics and Economic History. The second phase is being to be done during thesecond semester only on the Economic History subject. A third stage is going to be done next course2013/14 to second year students on the subject of World Economics. Each different teaching teamhas developed specific materials and assessment tools for each one of the subjects included in theproject. The project emphasizes two teaching dimensions: the elaboration of teaching materials topromote the acquisition of generic skills from an interdisciplinary point of view, and the design ofspecific tools to assess such skills. The first results of the first phase of the project shows cleardeficiencies in the analytical skill regarding to first year students.
The paper explains a teaching project financed by the University of Barcelona (UB). It focuses on ageneric skill of the University of Barcelona, which is defined as "the learning capability andresponsibility”, and in which analytical and synthesis skills are included. It follows a multidisciplinaryapproach including teachers of Mathematics, World Economics and Economic History. All of us sharethe same students during the first and the second course of the grade in Economics at the Faculty ofEconomics and Business. The project has been developed in three stages. The first one has beendone during the first semester of the course 2012/13, being applied to first year students on thesubjects of Mathematics and Economic History. The second phase is being to be done during thesecond semester only on the Economic History subject. A third stage is going to be done next course2013/14 to second year students on the subject of World Economics. Each different teaching teamhas developed specific materials and assessment tools for each one of the subjects included in theproject. The project emphasizes two teaching dimensions: the elaboration of teaching materials topromote the acquisition of generic skills from an interdisciplinary point of view, and the design ofspecific tools to assess such skills. The first results of the first phase of the project shows cleardeficiencies in the analytical skill regarding to first year students.
Teachers of the course Introduction to Mathematics for Engineers at the UOC, an online distance-learning university, have designed,developed and tested an online studymaterial. It includes basic pre-university mathematics, indications for correct follow-up of this content and recommendations for finding appropriate support and complementarymaterials. Many different resources are used,depending on the characteristics of thecontents: Flash sequences, interactive applets, WIRIS calculators and PDF files.During the last semester, the new study material has been tested with 119 students. The academic results and student satisfaction have allowed us to outline and prioritise future lines of action.
Teachers of the course Introduction to Mathematics for Engineers at the UOC, an online distance-learning university, have designed and produced online study material which includes basic pre-university mathematics, instructions for correct follow-up of this content and recommendations for finding appropiate support and complementary materials.
LORs, addressing content management and preservation, have the positive collaterals of institutional positioning and dissemination, but their main benefit is the empowerment of interest-centred learning communities, as we recognise that learning is much more than content, which becomes infrastructure: the LOR provides the learner interaction with the LOs, but also with other learners and teachers.
The paper presents the results of the piloting or pilot test in a virtual classroom. This e-portfolio was carried out in the 2005-2006 academic year, with students of the Doctorate in Information Society, at the Open University of Catalonia. The electronic portfolio is a strategy for competence based assessment. This experience shows the types of e-portfolios, where students show their work without interactions, and apply the competence-based learning theories in an interactive portfolio system. The real process of learning is developed in the competency based system, the portfolio not only is a basic bio document, has become a real space for learning with competence model. The paper brings out new ideas and possibilities: the competence-based learning promotes closer relationships between universities and companies and redesigns the pedagogic act.
In this paper we describe an open learning object repository on Statistics based on DSpace which contains true learning objects, that is, exercises, equations, data sets, etc. This repository is part of a large project intended to promote the use of learning object repositories as part of the learning process in virtual learning environments. This involves the creation of a new user interface that provides users with additional services such as resource rating, commenting and so. Both aspects make traditional metadata schemes such as Dublin Core to be inadequate, as there are resources with no title or author, for instance, as those fields are not used by learners to browse and search for learning resources in the repository. Therefore, exporting OAI-PMH compliant records using OAI-DC is not possible, thus limiting the visibility of the learning objects in the repository outside the institution. We propose an architecture based on ontologies and the use of extended metadata records for both storing and refactoring such descriptions.
El projecte Aula Matemàtica consta de dues parts. 1. Elaborar un material d'autoaprenentatge en suport digital que cobreixi tots els temes de Matemàtiques de 1r. curs de les carreres de Ciències (Biologia, Química, etc.) i les Enginyeries. Aquest material, accessible des de qualsevol ordinador connectat a Internet, és una base de dades de problemes que els alumnes poden utilitzar per a treballar el temes explicats a classe, o be per cobrir deficiències a la seva formació pre-universitària. Al mateix temps, es poden realitzar exàmens, i els alumnes poden practicar amb els problemes d'examen. 2. Durant unes hores cada dia, oferir una (o diverses) aules d'informàtica al campus de la UAB amb presència de personal de suport (professors, o becaris de darrers cursos de matemàtiques o doctorat) per tal que els alumnes que vulguin (o necessitin) puguin practicar amb ajuda, i consultat els dubtes que tinguin. En la fase actual del projecte s’han fet les següents actuacions: 1. S’ha obert una aula d’informàtica amb suport de becaris a la facultat de Ciències, on a més de practicar els alumnes, s’han efectuat exàmens. 2. S’ha treballat en el programa per tal de fer-lo més amigable. 3. S’ha ampliat la base de problemes fins a 1450, i cobrir totes les assignatures de Matemàtiques i Estadística de 1r. curs de la facultat de Ciències i l’Escola Tècnica Superior d’Enginyeries. 4. S’ha començat a treballar per a la utilització del programa a Secundària. 5. S’han fet avanços molt importants per tal d’incorporar problemes amb resposta oberta. 6. El programa és accessible des de qualsevol ordenador amb Internet.
El projecte Statmedia 3 ha consolidat definitivament la proposta de les assignatures Bioestadística de Biologia, Anàlisi de dades de Ciències Ambientals i d’Estadística Matemàtica de la Diplomatura renovant una part del material creat amb Statmedia 2. S’han inclòs a més Matemàtiques d’Ambientals i Introducció a la Probabilitat del Grau d’Estadística. L’anterior MQD abastava només pràctiques mentre que aquest projecte permet una oferta diversa d’activitats individualitzades. La individualització consisteix en que cada estudiant rep una proposta de cas personalitzada amb dades diferents. Les activitats poden ser programades presencialment o no, però la clau de l’èxit de l’activitat és que l’alumne obtingui reconeixement del seu treball en l’avaluació continuada. La valoració que fan als alumnes de Statmedia és molt bo, i observem que es produeix una millora en els resultats acadèmics. Statmedia 3 ha implicat un important esforç en la vessant informàtica del projecte, la barreja de tecnologies que utilitzem son punteres: Ajax, servlets i applets Java... Hem posat a punt un assistent on-line per dissenyar documents i planificar activitats que facilita la tasca dels professors. La nostre participació en primera línea del procés de convergència a l’EEES ens ha permès anticipar alguns canvis, i s’ha traduït en que el claustre del Departament d’Estadística assumís que Statmedia és una metodologia essencial dels seus plans docents. El projecte continua en un quart projecte MQD consecutiu, on desplegarem la nova tecnologia implementada. L’objectiu principal serà dotar a les assignatures dels 7 graus on participa el departament d’activitats individualitzades en forma de casos pràctics, problemes i proves diverses. La col·lecció de material emmagatzemada en la nostra biblioteca, forjada després de quasi deu anys de treball continuat, juntament amb l’experiència acumulada de com utilitzar Statmedia de la forma més eficient han començat a ser explotades en els nous graus aquest mateix curs 2009-2010.
Es tracta d'un programa d'assessorament i intervenció psicopedagògica en una escola per a treballar el càlcul mental a primària, concretament al cicle mitjà, però també extensible a altres cicles, a partir de l'adaptació de diferents jocs de taula mitjançant la creació de tallers de matemàtiques i amb una pràctica basada en el constructivisme.