12 resultados para T1
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
La producción frutícola española es muy importante y los problemas relacionados con su conservación, sobre todo desde la entrada de España en la UE, tienen un interés peculiar con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad y disminuir el uso de los productos susceptibles de perjudicar la salud humana. Para conseguir avances importantes en el aspecto tecnológico se precisa una profundización en los fenómenos bioquímicos que determinan las capacidades de conservación del fruto. Dentro de la complejidad de esta temática, este proyecto pretende determinar los factores bioquímicos involucrados en el control de podredumbres en la fruta y más específicamente los factores endógenos que determinan la resistencia del fruto a este tipo de daños. El objetivo general de este proyecto era de definir los mecanismos bioquímicos involucrados en la resistencia de la manzana ‘Golden Delicious’ contra la acción de un patógeno: Penicillium expansum. Para lograr este objetivo se plantearon las diferentes tareas: Tarea 1 (T1): determinación de madurez y del estado fisiológico a la cosecha Tarea 2 (T2): determinación de las capacidades de resistencia endógenas iniciales e influencia del estado de madurez a la cosecha Tarea 3 (T3): respuesta inicial a una inoculación artificial: cambios bioquímicos y sensibilidad al patógeno Tarea 4 (T4): comportamiento después de conservación: respuesta a una inoculación (cambios bioquímicos y sensibilidad al patógeno) y sensibilidad natural durante la conservación Tarea 5 (T5): determinación de un esquema explicativo y caracterización de los factores bioquímicos determinantes Tarea 6 (T6): elaboración de un test de predicción.
In this paper we prove T1 type necessary and sufficient conditions for the boundedness on inhomogeneous Lipschitz spaces of fractional integrals and singular integrals defined on a measure metric space whose measure satisfies a n-dimensional growth. We also show that hypersingular integrals are bounded on these spaces.
El desequilibri 238U/234Th s’utilitza per traçar el cicle de les partícules a la part més superficial dels oceans. Això és possible degut a les diferències entre els seus períodes de semidesintegració (T1/2 (234Th)=24,1 d; T1/2 (238U)=4,5 10 9 anys) i a les seves característiques biogeoquímiques: el Th presenta una gran afinitat per les partícules mentre que l’U és conservatiu en aigua de mar. En absència de partícules s’esperaria tenir equilibri secular entre ambdós radionúclids, però com que l’oceà no està lliure de partícules, el 234Th és exportat des de les capes més superficials produint-se un dèficit respecte el seu pare, l’238U. El període de semidesintegració del 234Th és molt adequat per traçar processos d’escales temporals de dies a setmanes, del mateix ordre que el desenvolupament de la floració del fitoplàncton i a la posterior exportació de partícules. En aquest treball es presenten dades obtingudes durant dues campanyes oceanogràfiques realitzades en el marc del Projecte FAMOSO (2009) en el Mediterrani nordoccidental, abans i després de la floració de fitoplàncton de primavera a la zona. Una de les peculiaritats d’aquesta regió és el procés de convecció profunda d’hivern, el qual suposa un important mecanisme de fertilització. A partir dels fluxos de 234Th obtinguts a la columna d’aigua es poden establir les pautes temporals que ha seguit el fitoplàncton en les setmanes prèvies al mostreig. Aquesta informació es compara amb els fluxos obtinguts utilitzant trampes de sediment a la deriva instal·lades durant ambdues campanyes.
La localització d'òrgans és un tòpic important en l'àmbit de la imatge mèdica per l'ajuda del tractament i diagnosi del càncer. Un exemple es pot trobar en la cal•libració de models farmacoquinètics. Aquesta pot ésser realitzada utilitzant un teixit de referència, on, per exemple en imatges de ressonància magnètica de pit, una correcta segmentació del múscul pectoral és necessària per a la detecció de signes de malignitat. Els mètodes de segmentació basat en atlas han estat altament avaluats en imatge de ressonància magnètica de cervell, obtenint resultats satisfactoris. En aquest projecte, en col•laboració amb el el Diagnostic Image Analysis Group de la Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre i la supervisió del Dr. N.Karssemeijer, es presenta la primera aproximació d'un mètode de segmentació basat en atlas per segmentar els diferents teixits visibles en imatges de ressonància magnètica (T1) del pit femení. L'atlas consisteix en 5 estructures (teixit greixòs, teixit dens, cor, pulmons i múscul pectoral) i ha estat utilitzat en un algorisme de segmentació Bayesià per tal de delinear les esmentades estructures. A més a més, s'ha dut a terme una comparació entre un mètode de registre global i un de local, utilitzats tant en la construcció de l'atlas com en la fase de segmentació, essent el primer el que ha presentat millors resultats en termes d'eficiència i precisió. Per a l'avaluació, s'ha dut a terme una comparació visual i numèrica entre les segmentacions obtingudes i les realitzades manualment pels experts col•laboradors. Pel que fa a la numèrica, s'ha emprat el coeficient de similitud de Dice ( mesura que dóna valors entre 0 i 1, on 0 significa no similitud i 1 similitud màxima) i s'ha obtingut una mitjana general de 0.8. Aquest resultat confirma la validesa del mètode presentat per a la segmentació d'imatges de ressonància magnètica del pit.
S’avaluà l’impacte de la intervenció d’un equip de cures pal•liatives de malalts de càncer avançat i terminal sobre la intensitat del dolor, mitjançant els instruments d’avaluació Support Team Assessment Schedule (STAS) i Edmonton Symptom Assessment System (ESAS) en el moment de la inclusió (T1) i als 7 dies (T2). La intensitat del dolor va disminuir significativament a ambdues escales (1.79 vs 1.04 i 5.29 vs 3.42, respectivament, p&0.001), essent la magnitud de la diferència major per al grup de dolor ESAS moderat-greu (6.43 vs 3.86, p&0.001).
A select-divide-and-conquer variational method to approximate configuration interaction (CI) is presented. Given an orthonormal set made up of occupied orbitals (Hartree-Fock or similar) and suitable correlation orbitals (natural or localized orbitals), a large N-electron target space S is split into subspaces S0,S1,S2,...,SR. S0, of dimension d0, contains all configurations K with attributes (energy contributions, etc.) above thresholds T0={T0egy, T0etc.}; the CI coefficients in S0 remain always free to vary. S1 accommodates KS with attributes above T1≤T0. An eigenproblem of dimension d0+d1 for S0+S 1 is solved first, after which the last d1 rows and columns are contracted into a single row and column, thus freezing the last d1 CI coefficients hereinafter. The process is repeated with successive Sj(j≥2) chosen so that corresponding CI matrices fit random access memory (RAM). Davidson's eigensolver is used R times. The final energy eigenvalue (lowest or excited one) is always above the corresponding exact eigenvalue in S. Threshold values {Tj;j=0, 1, 2,...,R} regulate accuracy; for large-dimensional S, high accuracy requires S 0+S1 to be solved outside RAM. From there on, however, usually a few Davidson iterations in RAM are needed for each step, so that Hamiltonian matrix-element evaluation becomes rate determining. One μhartree accuracy is achieved for an eigenproblem of order 24 × 106, involving 1.2 × 1012 nonzero matrix elements, and 8.4×109 Slater determinants
The present study examines the development of interculturality and changes of beliefs, by analyzing 106 compositions produced by 53 advanced level university students of translation studies at a university in Spain before and shortly after a stay-abroad (SA) period. The study draws on data collected at two different times: before (T1) and after the SA (T3). In addition, we compared the results with the writings produced by a control group of 10 native English speakers on SA too. Data were collected by means of a composition which tried to elicit the learners’ opinion about cultural habits maintenance. The results reveal significant changes between T1 and T3 in the degree of better attitudes and intercultural acquisition.
This study investigates the development of fluency in 30 advanced L2 learners of English over a period of 15 months. In order to measure fluency, several temporal variables and hesitation phenomena are analyzed and compared. Oral competence is assessed by means of an oral interview carried out by the learners. Data collection takes place at three different times: before (T1) and after (T2) a six-month period of FI (80 hours) in the home university, and after a three-month SA term (T3). The data is analyzed quantitatively. Developmental gains in fluency are measured for the whole period, adopting a view of complementarity between the two learning contexts. From these results, a group of high fluency speakers is identified. Correlations between fluency gains and individual and contextual variables are executed and a more qualitative analysis is performed for high fluency speakers' performance and behavior. Results show an overall development of students' oral fluency during a period of 15 months favored by the combination of a period of FI at home followed by a 3-months SA.
In a recent paper [Phys. Rev. B 50, 3477 (1994)], P. Fratzl and O. Penrose present the results of the Monte Carlo simulation of the spinodal decomposition problem (phase separation) using the vacancy dynamics mechanism. They observe that the t1/3 growth regime is reached faster than when using the standard Kawasaki dynamics. In this Comment we provide a simple explanation for the phenomenon based on the role of interface diffusion, which they claim is irrelevant for the observed behavior.
By means of the ab initio cluster-model approach, we present theoretical evidence for two different mechanisms of bonding of atomic Al to Si(111). On the atop site (T1) the interaction of atomic Al to Si(111) is characteristic of an ionic bond whereas interaction above the threefold eclipsed site (T4) leads to the formation of a typical covalent bond. Moreover, both sites have a similar interaction energy if electronic correlation effects are included. While the conclusions regarding the nature of the chemisorption bond in the two sites do not depend either on the cluster-model size, the kind of embedding hydrogen atoms used, or the quality of the wave function (Hartree-Fock or configuration interaction), the chemisorption energy depends strongly on the wave function used. In fact, inclusion of correlation energy is necessary to properly describe the interaction energies.
The impact, on nitrogen and phosphorous dynamics, of applying compost at different rates was investigated in soils developed on schist in new terraced vineyards (NTV) and in undisturbed areas (NC). Repacked soil columns amended with 0 (control), 50 t ha –1 (T1) and 100 t ha–1 (T2) of compost were studied under laboratory conditions simulating both situations. The columns were maintained for 1 year, during which time a total of 300 mm of simulated rainfall was applied in ten 30 mm applications. Soil organic matter (OM), nitrogen and phosphorous contents were analysed at the end of the study period and leachates were analysed after each simulated rainfall event. Significant differences in nitrate leaching were observed between the control and the treated soils and these differences were greater in the NC (control = 1.368 g, T1 = 1.526 g and T2 = 1.686 g) than in the NTV soils (control = 0.61 g, T1 = = 1.068 g and T2 = 1.283 g). The relative effect was greater in the NTV soils (T1/control = 1.11 vs. 1.75 and T2/control = 1.23 vs. 2.1 for NC and NTV, respectively). The nitrate concentration in the leached water reached up to 400 mg L–1, which implied a risk of groundwater pollution. Phosphorous losses through leaching were very low with concentrations of < 0.15 mg L–1, without any significant differences between treatments. The phosphorous concentrations in the surface horizon increased by 50.8% in T1 and by 66.8% in T2 in the NC soils, compared with increases of 20.3% and 38%, respectively, in the NTV soils. Due to the high infiltration capacity of the study soils, leaching effects must be considered in order to prevent groundwater pollution.
Abstract Objective: We aimed to determine the validity of two risk scores for patients with non-muscle invasive bladder cancer in different European settings, in patients with primary tumours. Methods: We included 1,892 patients with primary stage Ta or T1 non-muscle invasive bladder cancer who underwent a transurethral resection in Spain (n = 973), the Netherlands (n = 639), or Denmark (n = 280). We evaluated recurrence-free survival and progression-free survival according to the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) and the Spanish Urological Club for Oncological Treatment (CUETO) risk scores for each patient and used the concordance index (c-index) to indicate discriminative ability. Results: The 3 cohorts were comparable according to age and sex, but patients from Denmark had a larger proportion of patients with the high stage and grade at diagnosis (p,0.01). At least one recurrence occurred in 839 (44%) patients and 258 (14%) patients had a progression during a median follow-up of 74 months. Patients from Denmark had the highest 10- year recurrence and progression rates (75% and 24%, respectively), whereas patients from Spain had the lowest rates (34% and 10%, respectively). The EORTC and CUETO risk scores both predicted progression better than recurrence with c-indices ranging from 0.72 to 0.82 while for recurrence, those ranged from 0.55 to 0.61. Conclusion: The EORTC and CUETO risk scores can reasonably predict progression, while prediction of recurrence is more difficult. New prognostic markers are needed to better predict recurrence of tumours in primary non-muscle invasive bladder cancer patients.