18 resultados para Streptococcus uberis

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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Existeixen tres tipus d'infeccions greus causades per Streptococcus del grup A (GAS): la fascitis necrotitzant (FN), la miositis i la síndrome de xoc tòxic estreptocòccica (SST). Es tracta d'un estudi retrospectiu en el qual es van revisar les històries clíniques de cinc casos de FN per Streptococcus pyogenes. Es descriuen dades epidemiològiques, característiques clíniques del pacient i de la infecció, paràmetres de laboratori, mètodes diagnòstics, tractaments rebuts i curs evolutiu dels pacients. Es va estimar la taxa de mortalitat de la cohort de pacients. El retard en el diagnòstic i tractament d'aquest tipus d'infeccions són les causes principals de mortalitat.


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Estudi retrospectiu en el que es descriuen les característiques clíniques de pacients adults amb pneumònia causada per Streptococcus pneumoniae aïllats en mostres invasives i la influència dels serotips amb elevada capacitat de causar malaltia invasiva en l'evolució clínica d’aquestes. Es divideixen en 2 grups: en el grup E s’inclouen pacients infectats amb serotips amb elevada capacitat invasiva i en el grup X s’engloba a la resta. Els pacients del grup E són més joves i la mortalitat d’aquest grup és significativament més baixa (p = 0,022). No es troben diferències entre els grups en relació a comorbiditats i evolució clínica.


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Empirical antibiotic therapy of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) has been complicated by the worldwide emergence of penicillin resistance among Streptococcus pneumoniae. The impact of this resistance on the outcome of patients hospitalized for CAP, empirically treated with betalactams, has not been evaluated in a randomized study. We conducted a prospective, randomized trial to assess the efficacy of amoxicillin-clavulanate (2 g/200 mg/8 hr) and ceftriaxone (1 g/24 hr) in a cohort of patients hospitalized for moderate-to-severe CAP. Three-hundred seventy-eight patients were randomized to receive amoxicillin-clavulanate (184 patients) or ceftriaxone (194 patients). Efficacy was assessed on Day 2, after completion of therapy and at long term follow-up. There were no significant differences in outcomes between treatment groups, both in intention-to-treat and per-protocol analysis. Overall mortality was 10.3% for amoxicillin-clavulanate and 8.8% for ceftriaxone (NS). There were 116 evaluable patients with proven pneumococcal pneumonia. Rates of high-level penicillin resistance (MIC of penicillin ≥2 µg/mL) were similar in the two groups (8.2 and 10.2%). Clinical efficacy at the end of therapy was 90.6% for amoxicillin-clavulanate and 88.9% for ceftriaxone (95% C.I. of the difference: -9.3 to +12.7%). No differences in outcomes were attributable to differences in penicillin susceptibility of pneumococcal strains. Sequential i.v./oral amoxicillin-clavulanate and parenteral ceftriaxone were equally safe and effective for the empirical treatment of acute bacterial pneumonia, including penicillin and cephalosporin-resistant pneumococcal pneumonia. The use of appropriate betalactams in patients with penumococcal pneumonia and in the overall CAP population, is reliable at the current level of resistance


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Background: Since the use of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines PCV7 and PCV13 in children became widespread, invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) has dramatically decreased. Nevertheless, there has been a rise in incidence of Streptococcus pneumoniae non-vaccine serotypes (NVT) colonising the human nasopharynx. Nasopharyngeal colonisation, an essential step in the development of S. pneumoniae-induced IPD, is associated with biofilm formation. Although the capsule is the main pneumococcal virulence factor, the formation of pneumococcal biofilms might, in fact, be limited by the presence of capsular polysaccharide (CPS). Methodology/Principal Findings: We used clinical isolates of 16 emerging, non-PCV13 serotypes as well as isogenic transformants of the same serotypes. The biofilm formation capacity of isogenic transformants expressing CPSs from NVT was evaluated in vitro to ascertain whether this trait can be used to predict the emergence of NVT. Fourteen out of 16 NVT analysed were not good biofilm formers, presumably because of the presence of CPS. In contrast, serotypes 11A and 35B formed >45% of the biofilm produced by the non-encapsulated M11 strain. Conclusions/Significance This study suggest that emerging, NVT serotypes 11A and 35B deserve a close surveillance.


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Streptococcus suis is an emerging zoonotic agent. Human infection is associated with occupational exposure to swine. Affected persons are usually, but not always, healthy (1,2). Immunosuppressive conditions can predispose persons to S. suis infection, and cancer has classically been associated as a risk factor for S. suis infection (1,2). Nevertheless, the actual number of reported cases is low (27). We describe a severe case of S. suis infection in a man who had not been exposed to swine but for whom disseminated cancer was diagnosed 5 months after the infection.


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Streptococcus suis is an emerging zoonotic agent. Human infection is associated with occupational exposure to swine. Affected persons are usually, but not always, healthy (1,2). Immunosuppressive conditions can predispose persons to S. suis infection, and cancer has classically been associated as a risk factor for S. suis infection (1,2). Nevertheless, the actual number of reported cases is low (27). We describe a severe case of S. suis infection in a man who had not been exposed to swine but for whom disseminated cancer was diagnosed 5 months after the infection.


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La transferencia horizontal genética en bacterias se produce mediante tres procesos principales: transformación, transducción y conjugación. Este último proceso es considerado uno de los mecanismos más relevantes en la evolución bacteriana y se caracteriza por su eficiencia en la adquisición de nuevos rasgos adaptativos, como ser la resistencia a antibióticos. Existen dos tipos de plásmidos que pueden ser transferidos mediante el proceso de conjugación: conjugativos y movilizables. Los conjugativos son auto-transmisibles ya que codifican todas las proteínas necesarias para la formación del sistema de secreción (ej. F y R388 de Escherichia coli). Los movilizables, por el contrario, son solo transmisibles en presencia de funciones conjugativas adicionales (ej. pMV158 de Streptococcus agalactiae). El proceso de conjugación se inicia con el corte de un enlace específico fosfo-diéster del ADN a ser transferido mediante una proteína denominada relaxasa. Es el caso de la proteína TrwC del plásmido conjugativo R388, cuyos estudios bioquímicos y estructurales demostraron que la presencia de una tríada de histidina, coordinada a un ión metálico, y dos residuos tirosina juegan un rol decisivo en el mecanismo catalítico. Un estudio sistemático, por difracción de rayos X ha permitido determinar la identidad y función del ión metálico, la localización de la segunda tirosina catalítica y la posición del grupo fosfato del enlace fosfo-diéster a ser cortado. Asimismo, se caracterizó por difracción de rayos X, la proteína MobM del plásmido movilizable pMV158. Esta proteína cumple un papel homólogo al de la TrwC, pero en una bacteria Gram positiva. La estructura cristalina de MobM es la primera obtenida de una relaxasa implicada en el sistema de movilización de una bacteria Gram positiva. Las similitudes y diferencias estructurales se describirán en este informe.


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Estudi retrospectiu realitzat en dos centres hospitalaris durant el període 1996-2009, per valorar els factors pronòstics de mortalitat a la pneumònia pneumocòccica greu. Van ser inclosos 70 pacients ingressats a unitats de cures intensives amb Streptococcus pneumoniae aïllat a cultiu de sang i amb criteris de pneumònia greu segons la American Thoracic Society. Al nostre estudi, la resistència als macròlids i una alta puntuació als índexs de gravetat APACHE II, SOFA i PSI son factors associats a un major risc de mortalitat en pacients amb pneumònia pneumocòccica greu.


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La pneumònia adquirida a la comunitat (PAC) és una patologia molt prevalent, l´etiologia de la qual ve donada per les característiques de la regió geogràfica, de l'agent causal i del pacient. L'estudi de cadascuna d'elles és fonamental per al seu correcte abordatge terapèutic. Ens vam proposar estudiar els canvis de l'agent causal de la PAC en funció de l'estacionalitat i la influència dels canvis climàtics de la nostra àrea geogràfica. Material i mètode: Estudi prospectiu longitudinal de pacients ingressats per PAC des de Gener de 2008 a Desembre de 2009. Analitzem dades sociodemogràfiques, comorbiditat, gravetat, agent etiològic, complicacions i mortalitat. Correlacionem la temperatura mitjana, la precipitació acumulada mitjana i el caràcter de la precipitació per S. pneumoniae i Legionella pneumophila en cada estació de l'any. Anàlisi estadística: Xi quadrat, t de Student per mostres independents, anàlisi de la variància i correlació de Spearman. Resultats: Incloem 155 pacients, 63.9% homes i 54.8% majors de 65 anys. La major incidència de PAC va ser a l'hivern. Streptococcus pneumoniae va ser l'agent causal més freqüent en totes les estacions de l'any a excepció de l'estiu, que va ser Legionella pneumophila. Observem una correlació significativa entre la menor temperatura mitjana estacional i l'etiologia pneumocòccica i al revés quan l'agent causal va ser Legionella pneumophila. No obstant això, no trobem diferències etiològiques per estacions en relació amb la humitat ambiental. Conclusions: En la nostra àrea, Streptococcus pneumoniae és l'agent etiològic més freqüent a l'hivern amb baixes temperatures mentre que a l'estiu, amb altes temperatures, és Legionella pneumophila.


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Eleven cases of infectious arthritis occurring in patients with rheumatoid arthritis are reported. Staphylococcus aureus was the causative organism in eight patients. Streptococcus anginosus and Streptococcus agalactiae in one patient each, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis in two patients. The mean duration of symptoms before diagnosis was 16 days in patients with pyogenic arthritis. The diagnosis of joint infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis was especially delayed (57 days). Four patients died; they were found to have a longer time to diagnosis and two of them had multiple joint infection. Although Staphylococcus aureus is the microorganism most often affecting patients with rheumatoid arthritis, infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis must also be considered in such patients.


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En el presente trabajo se valora la eficacia antibacteriana del colutorio Tantum verde® y la de su, presuntamente, único principio activo, la bencidamina clorhidrato. Para ello, se ensayó la actividad in vitro de la bencidamina HCl y del Tantum verde mediante la obtención de las correspondientes CMI (Concentración Mínima Inhibitoria) siguiendo la técnica de la dilución en medio sólido. Inicialmente, se estudiaron ocho cepas de uso común en el laboratorio y, posteriormente, el estudio fue ampliado a cepas de patógenos bucales aisladas de muestras clínicas. Los estudios realizados, demuestran una eficacia bactericida real frente a patógenos bucales pertenecientes a géneros tales como Actinomyces, Bacillus, Actinobacillus, Veillonella o Streptococcus. Además, el Tantum verde como colutorio posee, en general, una mayor actividad antibacteriana que la demostrada por su principal principio activo, la bencidamina HCl, por lo que cabe pensar que la presencia de etanol a baja concentración, en su composición contribuye de forma notable a la acción antibacteriana.


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Objectives:To analyse which are the main variables that influence primary care professionals, in the prescription of antibiotics in patients with acute pharyngitis.To analyse which is the diagnosis pattern used by primary care professionals towards cutepharyngitis. To recognize the clinical and analytical criteria that primary care professionals use, to determine antibiotic treatment in acute pharyngitis.To identify the main clinical variables related with the prescription of antibiotics by primary care professionals, in acute pharyngitis treatment. Design: Cross-­‐sectional study Participants:165 primary care professionals from the Sanitary Region of Girona not attending paediatric patients and randomly selected from 29 ABS managed by two of the main health care providers: Insitut Català de la Salut (ICS) and Institut d’Assistència Sanitària (IAS) Main outcome measures: Each participant will fill out a questionnaire with personal and workplace questions, as well as about knowledge and attitude in front of the acute pharyngitis caused by group A streptococci. They will also answer 4 clinical questions about correct treatment and diagnosis of acute pharyngitis caused by group A streptococci


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Abstract Background: Tigecycline, an expanded broad-spectrum glycylcycline, exhibits in vitro activity against many common pathogens associated with community-acqui red pneumonia (CAP), as well as penetration into lung tissues that suggests effectiveness in ho spitalized CAP patients. The aim of the present study was to compare the efficacy and safety of intravenous (IV) tigecycline with IV levofloxacin in hospitalized adults with CAP. Methods: In this prospective, double-blin d, non-inferiority phase 3 trial, eligible patients with a clinical diagnosis of CAP supported by radiographic evidence were stratified by Fine Pneumonia Severity Index and randomized to tigecycline or levofloxacin for 7-14 days of therapy. Co-primary efficacy endpoints were clinical response in the clinically evaluable (CE) and clinical modified intent- to-treat (c-mITT) populations at te st-of-cure (Day 10-21 post-therapy). Results: Of the 428 patients who received at least on e dose of study drug, 79% had CAP of mild-moderate severity according to their Fine score. Clinical cure rates for the CE population were 88.9% for tigecycline and 85.3% for levofloxac in. Corresponding c-mITT population rates were 83.7% and 81.5%, respectively. Eradication rates for Streptococcus pneumoniae were 92% for tigecycline and 89% for levofloxac in. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea were the most frequently reported adverse events. Rates of premature disc continuation of study drug or study withdrawal because of any adverse event were similar for both study drugs. Conclusion: These findings suggest that IV tigecycline is non-inferior to IV levofloxacin and is generally well-tolerated in the treatment of hospitalized adults with CAP.


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The increasing incidence of ciprofloxacin resistance in Streptococcus pneumoniae may limit the efficacy of the new quinolones in difficult-to-treat infections such as meningitis. The aim of the present study was to determine the efficacy of clinafloxacin alone and in combination with teicoplanin and rifampin in the therapy of ciprofloxacin-susceptible and ciprofloxacin-resistant pneumococcal meningitis in rabbits. When used against a penicillin-resistant ciprofloxacin-susceptible strain (Clinafloxacin MIC 0.12 μg/ml), clinafloxacin at a dose of 20 mg/kg per day b.i.d. decreased bacterial concentration by -5.10 log cfu/ml at 24 hr. Combinations did not improve activity. The same clinafloxacin schedule against a penicillin- and ciprofloxacin-resistant strain (Clinafloxacin MIC 0.5 μg/ml) was totally ineffective. Our data suggest that a moderate decrease in quinolone susceptibility, as indicated by the detection of any degree of ciprofloxacin resistance, may render these antibiotics unsuitable for the management of pneumococcal meningitis


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Over the past three decades, penicillin-resistant pneumococci have emerged worldwide. In addition, penicillin-resistant strains have also decreased susceptibility to other β-lactams (including cephalosporins) and these strains are often resistant to other antibiotic groups, making the treatment options much more difficult. Nevertheless, the present in vitro definitions of resistance to penicillin and cephalosporins in pneumococci could not be appropriated for all types of pneumococcal infections. Thus, current levels of resistance to penicillin and cephalosporin seem to have little, if any, clinical relevance in nonmeningeal infections (e.g., pneumonia or bacteremia). On the contrary, numerous clinical failures have been reported in patients with pneumococcal meningitis caused by strains with MICs ≥ 0.12 μg/ml, and penicillin should never be used in pneumococcal meningitis except when the strain is known to be fully susceptible to this drug. Today, therapy for pneumococcal meningitis should mainly be selected on the basis of susceptibility to cephalosporins, and most patients may currently be treated with high-dose cefotaxime (±) vancomycin, depending on the levels of resistance in the patient's geographic area. In this review, we present a practical approach, based on current levels of antibiotic resistance, for treating the most prevalent pneumococcal infections. However, it should be emphasized that the most appropriate antibiotic therapy for infections caused by resistant pneumococci remains controversial, and comparative, randomized studies are urgently needed to clarify the best antibiotic therapy for these infections