46 resultados para Sterry, Paul: Birds of the Mediterranean : a photographic guide

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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El document és el resultat d'una investigació més àmplia sobre la construcció de l'Arc Mediterrani. El seu objectiu és posar en relleu el notable grau de desenvolupament de la cooperació regional en la matèria, a través d'una anàlisi detallada de les diferents figures institucionalitzades de cooperació territorial existents (o haver existit) a la zona. L'anàlisi s'ha dut a terme des d'un punt de vista temàtic, basat en els objectius prioritaris d'aquestes institucions. En concret, les xifres estudiades es limiten a les institucions formals o les associacions de col · laboració de caràcter específic, com ara euroregions o les agrupacions europees d'interès econòmic, entès com les figures de major institucionalització dels espais transnacionals a nivell europeu. En canvi, hem deixat de banda altres figures, com Interreg (finançat pel FEDER), ja que no són entitats correctament. Encara que de vegades els acords de cooperació establerts per als projectes d'Interreg han donat lloc a algunes de les entitats estudiades aquí.


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The Mediterranean Sea is a relative newcomer to Earth"s landscape. Due to its complex tectonic history, this mid-latitude sea is composed of a cluster of basins. Their seascape is in most cases dominated by geologically young structures, but also by sedimentary processes. Among the latter, sedimentary processes related to the dynamics of the largest rivers in the Mediterranean (Ebro, Rhône, Po, Danube, and Nile) stand out. This overview article illustrates the main sedimentary processes and their products contributing to shape the Mediterranean seascape within a source-tosink approach. To highlight this approach, this article mainly focuses on one of the EUROSTRATAFORM project study areas: the northwestern Mediterranean.


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About sixty small water bodies (coastal lagoons, marshes, salt pans, channels, springs, etc.) of the Spanish Mediterranean coast were sampled seasonally for one year (1979-1980), in order to study different aspects of their chemical composition. The concentrations of major ions (alkalinity, Cl-, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, and K+), nutrients (N.NO-3, N.NO2-, TRP and Si), oxygen and pH were determined for this purpose. The salt concentrations measured range between 0.4 and 361.3 g l-1. The samples have been divided into four classes of salinity (in g l-1): Cl, S < 5; C2, 5 40. Within these classes, the pattern of ionic dominance recorded is remarkably constant and similar to that found in most coastal lagoons (Cl- > So42- > Alk., for the anions, and Na+ > Mg2+ > Ca2+ > K+, for the cations), although other models occur especially in the first class. The dominance of Na+ and Cl-, as well as the molar ratios Mg2+/Ca2+ and Cl- / SO42- ,clearly increase from class Cl to class C4. The hyperhaline waters include different subtypes of the major brine type"c",, of EUGSTER & HARDIE (1978), the Na+ - (Mg2+) - Cl- - (SO42-) being the most frequent. Nutrient concentrations fall within a wide range (N.NO3 from 0.1 to 1100 mg-at 1-1; PRT from 0.01 to 23.56 mg-at l-1 and Si from 1.0 to 502.0 mg-at l-1). The oxygen values are very variable too, ranging between 0 and 14.4 ml l-1. Four different patterns of nutrient distribution have been distinguished based on the mean concentrations of N.NO3-, and TRP (mean values in mg-at l-1): A, N.NO3- < 10, TRP > l ; B, N.NO3- > 100, TRP < 1; C, 10 < N.NO3- < 100, TRP < 1; C, D, N.NO3- < 10, TRP < 1. As a rule, lagoons of low salinity (C1 and C2 classes) display the nutrient pattern C, and lagoons of high salinity (C3 and C4) show the nutrient pattern D. Model A only appears in waters of very low salinity, whereas model B does not seem to be related to salinity.


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Se describe la secuencia de cortejo y apareamiento de machos y hembras de Sesamia nonagrioides (Lefèbvre) en el laboratorio. Esta secuencia no varió en presencia o ausencia de plantas de maíz. Se estudió la capacidad de atracción de un sexo sobre el otro atando el individuo de un sexo y dejando libre al complementario. La secuencia de cortejo y apareo de las hembras atadas fue la misma que la de las no atadas, pero los machos atados permanecieron absolutamente inactivos. La edad de los adultos (1 día versus 2 días) no afectó al porcentaje de apareamiento. Se encontraron diferencias en la hora del inicio de la llamada de las hembras y en la edad de las hembras en la primera llamada entre la población estudiada y lo descrito para una población griega, diferencias que podrían estar relacionadas con el origen geográfico. Se discute el papel de los penachos abdominales de los machos en el vuelo de cortejo, rechazándose que estimulen el comportamiento de llamada de las hembras o que las atraigan. Cuando no se aplicaron feromonas, el porcentaje de apareamiento en el laboratorio o en el campo no varió cuando aumentó la densidad de la población. Sin embargo, en los campos en que se aplicó confusión sexual, el porcentaje de apareamiento aumentó al aumentar la densidad de adultos. En la discusión se aportan algunas consecuencias para la investigación de la composición de las feromonas y su uso para el seguimiento de plagas y el control mediante confusión sexual.


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We present the global phylogeography of the black sea urchin Arbacia lixula, an amphi-Atlantic echinoid with potential to strongly impact shallow rocky ecosystems. Sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase gene of 604 specimens from 24 localities were obtained, covering most of the distribution area of the species, including the Mediterranean and both shores of the Atlantic. Genetic diversity measures, phylogeographic patterns, demographic parameters and population differentiation were analysed. We found high haplotype diversity but relatively low nucleotide diversity, with 176 haplotypes grouped within three haplogroups: one is shared between Eastern Atlantic (including Mediterranean) and Brazilian populations, the second is found in Eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean and the third is exclusively from Brazil. Significant genetic differentiation was found between Brazilian, Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean regions, but no differentiation was found among Mediterranean sub-basins or among Eastern Atlantic sub-regions. The star-shaped topology of the haplotype network and the unimodal mismatch distributions of Mediterranean and Eastern Atlantic samples suggest that these populations have suffered very recent demographic expansions. These expansions could be dated 94-205 kya in the Mediterranean, and 31-67 kya in the Eastern Atlantic. In contrast, Brazilian populations did not show any signature of population expansion. Our results indicate that all populations of A. lixula constitute a single species. The Brazilian populations probably diverged from an Eastern Atlantic stock. The present-day genetic structure of the species in Eastern Atlantic and the Mediterranean is shaped by very recent demographic processes. Our results support the view (backed by the lack of fossil record) that A. lixula is a recent thermophilous colonizer which spread throughout the Mediterranean during a warm period of the Pleistocene, probably during the last interglacial. Implications for the possible future impact of A. lixula on shallow Mediterranean ecosystems in the context of global warming trends must be considered.


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We compared specimens of Tripterygion tripteronotus from 52 localities of the Mediterranean Sea and adjacent waters, using four gene sequences (12S rRNA, tRNA-valine, 16S rRNA and COI) and morphological characters. Two well-differentiated clades with a mean genetic divergence of 6.89±0.73% were found with molecular data, indicating the existence of two different species. These two species have disjunctive geographic distribution areas without any molecular hybrid populations. Subtle but diagnostic morphological differences were also present between the two species. T. tripteronotus is restricted to the northern Mediterranean basin, from the NE coast of Spain to Greece and Turkey, including the islands of Malta and Cyprus. T. tartessicum n. sp. is geographically distributed along the southern coast of Spain, from Cape of La Nao to the Gulf of Cadiz, the Balearic Islands and northern Africa, from Morocco to Tunisia. According to molecular data, these two species could have diverged during the Pliocene glaciations 2.7-3.6 Mya.


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Reproductive morphology of the Mediterranean red alga Kallymenia patens is described for the first time, confirming its position in the genus. K. patens is characterized by a non-procarpic female reproductive apparatus, carpogonial branch systems consisting of supporting cells bearing both three-celled carpogonial branches and subsidiary cells that lack a hypogynous cell and carpogonium; fusion cells develop numerous connecting filaments, and tetrasporangia are scattered over the thallus and are probably cruciately divided. Old fertile spathulate specimens of K. patens are morphologically similar to K. spathulata, but they can be distinguished by the length of spathulated proliferations (up to 0.6 cm and 6 cm, respectively), the length of inner cortical cells (up to 70 and 30 μm, respectively), and the gonimoblast location (in proliferations from the perennial part of the blade and over all the thallus surface, respectively)


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Reproductive morphology of the Mediterranean red alga Kallymenia patens is described for the first time, confirming its position in the genus. K. patens is characterized by a non-procarpic female reproductive apparatus, carpogonial branch systems consisting of supporting cells bearing both three-celled carpogonial branches and subsidiary cells that lack a hypogynous cell and carpogonium; fusion cells develop numerous connecting filaments, and tetrasporangia are scattered over the thallus and are probably cruciately divided. Old fertile spathulate specimens of K. patens are morphologically similar to K. spathulata, but they can be distinguished by the length of spathulated proliferations (up to 0.6 cm and 6 cm, respectively), the length of inner cortical cells (up to 70 and 30 μm, respectively), and the gonimoblast location (in proliferations from the perennial part of the blade and over all the thallus surface, respectively)


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From 6 to 8 November 1982 one of the most catastrophic flash-flood events was recorded in the Eastern Pyrenees affecting Andorra and also France and Spain with rainfall accumulations exceeding 400 mm in 24 h, 44 fatalities and widespread damage. This paper aims to exhaustively document this heavy precipitation event and examines mesoscale simulations performed by the French Meso-NH non-hydrostatic atmospheric model. Large-scale simulations show the slow-evolving synoptic environment favourable for the development of a deep Atlantic cyclone which induced a strong southerly flow over the Eastern Pyrenees. From the evolution of the synoptic pattern four distinct phases have been identified during the event. The mesoscale analysis presents the second and the third phase as the most intense in terms of rainfall accumulations and highlights the interaction of the moist and conditionally unstable flows with the mountains. The presence of a SW low level jet (30 m s-1) around 1500 m also had a crucial role on focusing the precipitation over the exposed south slopes of the Eastern Pyrenees. Backward trajectories based on Eulerian on-line passive tracers indicate that the orographic uplift was the main forcing mechanism which triggered and maintained the precipitating systems more than 30 h over the Pyrenees. The moisture of the feeding flow mainly came from the Atlantic Ocean (7-9 g kg-1) and the role of the Mediterranean as a local moisture source was very limited (2-3 g kg-1) due to the high initial water vapour content of the parcels and the rapid passage over the basin along the Spanish Mediterranean coast (less than 12 h).


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From 6 to 8 November 1982 one of the most catastrophic flash-flood events was recorded in the Eastern Pyrenees affecting Andorra and also France and Spain with rainfall accumulations exceeding 400 mm in 24 h, 44 fatalities and widespread damage. This paper aims to exhaustively document this heavy precipitation event and examines mesoscale simulations performed by the French Meso-NH non-hydrostatic atmospheric model. Large-scale simulations show the slow-evolving synoptic environment favourable for the development of a deep Atlantic cyclone which induced a strong southerly flow over the Eastern Pyrenees. From the evolution of the synoptic pattern four distinct phases have been identified during the event. The mesoscale analysis presents the second and the third phase as the most intense in terms of rainfall accumulations and highlights the interaction of the moist and conditionally unstable flows with the mountains. The presence of a SW low level jet (30 m s-1) around 1500 m also had a crucial role on focusing the precipitation over the exposed south slopes of the Eastern Pyrenees. Backward trajectories based on Eulerian on-line passive tracers indicate that the orographic uplift was the main forcing mechanism which triggered and maintained the precipitating systems more than 30 h over the Pyrenees. The moisture of the feeding flow mainly came from the Atlantic Ocean (7-9 g kg-1) and the role of the Mediterranean as a local moisture source was very limited (2-3 g kg-1) due to the high initial water vapour content of the parcels and the rapid passage over the basin along the Spanish Mediterranean coast (less than 12 h).


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Background: Polyphenols may lower the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and other chronic diseases due to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as their beneficial effects on blood pressure, lipids and insulin resistance. However, no previous epidemiological studies have evaluated the relationship between the intake of total polyphenols intake and polyphenol subclasses with overall mortality. Our aim was to evaluate whether polyphenol intake is associated with all-cause mortality in subjects at high cardiovascular risk. Methods: We used data from the PREDIMED study, a 7,447-participant, parallel-group, randomized, multicenter, controlled five-year feeding trial aimed at assessing the effects of the Mediterranean Diet in primary prevention of cardiovascular disease. Polyphenol intake was calculated by matching food consumption data from repeated food frequency questionnaires (FFQ) with the Phenol-Explorer database on the polyphenol content of each reported food. Hazard ratios (HR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) between polyphenol intake and mortality were estimated using time-dependent Cox proportional hazard models. Results: Over an average of 4.8 years of follow-up, we observed 327 deaths. After multivariate adjustment, we found a 37% relative reduction in all-cause mortality comparing the highest versus the lowest quintiles of total polyphenol intake (hazard ratio (HR) = 0.63; 95% CI 0.41 to 0.97; P for trend = 0.12). Among the polyphenol subclasses, stilbenes and lignans were significantly associated with reduced all-cause mortality (HR =0.48; 95% CI 0.25 to 0.91; P for trend = 0.04 and HR = 0.60; 95% CI 0.37 to 0.97; P for trend = 0.03, respectively), with no significant associations apparent in the rest (flavonoids or phenolic acids). Conclusions: Among high-risk subjects, those who reported a high polyphenol intake, especially of stilbenes and lignans, showed a reduced risk of overall mortality compared to those with lower intakes. These results may be useful to determine optimal polyphenol intake or specific food sources of polyphenols that may reduce the risk of all-cause mortality.


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As a consequence of the terrorist attacks of 9/11 and the US-led war against Iraq, WMD and their proliferation have become a central element of the EU security agenda. In December 2003, the European Council adopted even a EU Strategy against Proliferation of WMD. The approach adopted in this Strategy can be largely described as a ‘cooperative security provider’ approach and is based on effective multilateralism, the promotion of a stable international and regional environment and the cooperation with key partners. The principal objective of this paper is to examine in how far the EU has actually implemented the ‘cooperative security provider’ approach in the area which the Non-proliferation Strategy identifies as one of its priorities – the Mediterranean. Focusing on the concept of security interdependence, the paper analyses first the various WMD dangers with which the EU is confronted in the Mediterranean area. Afterwards, it examines how the EU has responded to these hazards in the framework of the Barcelona process and, in particular, the new European Neighbourhood Policy. It is argued that despite its relatively powerful rhetoric, the EU has largely failed, for a wide range of reasons, to apply effectively its non-proliferation approach in the Mediterranean area and, thus, to become a successful security provider.


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Abstract: The use of an enriched CO2 atmosphere in tree nurseries has been envisaged as a promising technique to increase productivity and to obtain seedlings with a higher root/shoot ratio, an essential trait to respond to water stress in Mediterranean-type ecosystems. In that framework, we have analyzed the effects of three levels of atmospheric CO2 concentration (350, 500 and 700 ppm) on the germination rate, growth and morphology of seedlings of two Mediterranean oaks used in reforestation programs: the evergreen Quercus ilex L. and the deciduous Quercus cerrioides Wilk. et Costa. CO2 enrichment increased the germination rate of Q. cerrioides (from 70±7 to 81±3 %) while it decreased that of Q. ilex (from 71±10 to 41±12 %). Seedlings of both species increased approximately 60% their total biomass in response to CO2 enrichment but at two different CO2 concentrations: 500 ppm for Q. cerrioides and 700 ppm for Q. ilex. This increase in seedlings biomass was entirely due to an augmentation of root biomass. Considering germination and biomass partitioning, an enriched CO2 atmosphere might not be appropriate for growing Mediterranean evergreen oaks, such as Q. ilex, since it reduces acorn germination and the only gains in root biomass occur at a high concentration (700 ppm). On the other hand, a moderate CO2 enrichment (500 ppm) appears as a promising nursery technique to stimulate the germination, growth and root/shoot ratio of deciduous oaks, such as Q. cerrioides. Resumen: El uso de una atmósfera enriquecida en CO2 durante la fase de vivero puede contribuir a aumentar la producción viverística, a la vez que ayudar a conseguir plántulas con una mayor relación biomasa subterránea/biomasa aérea, más adecuadas para hacer frente al severo estrés hídrico que generalmente limita el éxito de las repoblaciones en el clima Mediterráneo. En este estudio hemos analizado el efecto de tres niveles de abonado carbónico atmosférico (350, 500 y 750 ppm) en la germinación y morfología de plántulas de encina (Quercus ilex) y roble cerrioide (Quercus cerrioides). Una atmósfera enriquecida en CO2 incrementó la germinación de Q. cerrioides (de 70±7 a 81±3 %) mientras que disminuyó la de Q. ilex (de 71±10 a 41±12 %). Las plántulas de ambas especies incrementaron aproximadamente un 60% su biomasa en respuesta a una mayor concentración de CO2, aunque esta respuesta se produjo a diferentes dosis: 500 ppm en Q. cerrioides y 700 ppm en Q. ilex. El aumento en la biomasa total de las plántulas se debió enteramente a un mayor desarrollo de su sistema radical, Considerando tanto la germinación como los efectos sobre la relación biomasa subterránea/biomasa aérea, una atmósfera enriquecida en CO2 no parece ser un tratamiento adecuado para la producción en vivero de plántulas de Q.ilex, puesto que diminuye su germinación y solo aumenta su sistema radicular a dosis muy elevadas (700 ppm). Por el contrario, un aumento moderado en la concentración de CO2 (500 ppm) aparece como una técnica interesante para estimular el crecimiento y obtener plántulas de Q. cerrioides con un sistema radical más desarrollado.


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This paper reflects the contents of the Plenary Lecture addressed to the participants of the 2nd Graduate Conference, European Consortium for Political Science, Universitat Autonòma de Barcelona, 25 August 2008


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The analysis of the phytoplankton and environmental parameters of the time series in Alfacs and Fangar bays (north western Mediterranean) from 1990 to 2009 shows some trends. There is an increase in the average water column temperature, 0.11, 0.01, 0.80 and 0.23 ºC for spring, summer, fall and winter respectively in Alfacs Bay and 1.76, 0.71, 1.33, 0.89 ºC for spring, summer, fall and winter in Fangar Bay. The trends in phytoplankton populations show a shift in the timing of occurrence of Karlodinium spp. blooms and an increase of the Pseudo-nitzschia spp. abundances. There is a lack of correlation between the average seasonal temperatures and the toxic phytoplankton abundances.