28 resultados para Sin in therapy

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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Purpose : To assess time trends of testicular cancer (TC) mortality in Spain for period 1985-2019 for age groups 15-74 years old through a Bayesian age-period-cohort (APC) analysis. Methods: A Bayesian age-drift model has been fitted to describe trends. Projections for 2005-2019 have been calculated by means of an autoregressive APC model. Prior precision for these parameters has been selected through evaluation of an adaptive precision parameter and 95% credible intervals (95% CRI) have been obtained for each model parameter. Results: A decrease of -2.41% (95% CRI: -3.65%; -1.13%) per year has been found for TC mortality rates in age groups 15-74 during 1985-2004, whereas mortality showed a lower annual decrease when data was restricted to age groups 15-54 (-1.18%; 95% CRI: -2.60%; -0.31%). During 2005-2019 is expected a decrease of TC mortality of 2.30% per year for men younger than 35, whereas a leveling off for TC mortality rates is expected for men older than 35. Conclusions: A Bayesian approach should be recommended to describe and project time trends for those diseases with low number of cases. Through this model it has been assessed that management of TC and advances in therapy led to decreasing trend of TC mortality during the period 1985-2004, whereas a leveling off for these trends can be considered during 2005-2019 among men older than 35.


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Purpose : To assess time trends of testicular cancer (TC) mortality in Spain for period 1985-2019 for age groups 15-74 years old through a Bayesian age-period-cohort (APC) analysis. Methods: A Bayesian age-drift model has been fitted to describe trends. Projections for 2005-2019 have been calculated by means of an autoregressive APC model. Prior precision for these parameters has been selected through evaluation of an adaptive precision parameter and 95% credible intervals (95% CRI) have been obtained for each model parameter. Results: A decrease of -2.41% (95% CRI: -3.65%; -1.13%) per year has been found for TC mortality rates in age groups 15-74 during 1985-2004, whereas mortality showed a lower annual decrease when data was restricted to age groups 15-54 (-1.18%; 95% CRI: -2.60%; -0.31%). During 2005-2019 is expected a decrease of TC mortality of 2.30% per year for men younger than 35, whereas a leveling off for TC mortality rates is expected for men older than 35. Conclusions: A Bayesian approach should be recommended to describe and project time trends for those diseases with low number of cases. Through this model it has been assessed that management of TC and advances in therapy led to decreasing trend of TC mortality during the period 1985-2004, whereas a leveling off for these trends can be considered during 2005-2019 among men older than 35.


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Purpose : To assess time trends of testicular cancer (TC) mortality in Spain for period 1985-2019 for age groups 15-74 years old through a Bayesian age-period-cohort (APC) analysis. Methods: A Bayesian age-drift model has been fitted to describe trends. Projections for 2005-2019 have been calculated by means of an autoregressive APC model. Prior precision for these parameters has been selected through evaluation of an adaptive precision parameter and 95% credible intervals (95% CRI) have been obtained for each model parameter. Results: A decrease of -2.41% (95% CRI: -3.65%; -1.13%) per year has been found for TC mortality rates in age groups 15-74 during 1985-2004, whereas mortality showed a lower annual decrease when data was restricted to age groups 15-54 (-1.18%; 95% CRI: -2.60%; -0.31%). During 2005-2019 is expected a decrease of TC mortality of 2.30% per year for men younger than 35, whereas a leveling off for TC mortality rates is expected for men older than 35. Conclusions: A Bayesian approach should be recommended to describe and project time trends for those diseases with low number of cases. Through this model it has been assessed that management of TC and advances in therapy led to decreasing trend of TC mortality during the period 1985-2004, whereas a leveling off for these trends can be considered during 2005-2019 among men older than 35.


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Purpose : To assess time trends of testicular cancer (TC) mortality in Spain for period 1985-2019 for age groups 15-74 years old through a Bayesian age-period-cohort (APC) analysis. Methods: A Bayesian age-drift model has been fitted to describe trends. Projections for 2005-2019 have been calculated by means of an autoregressive APC model. Prior precision for these parameters has been selected through evaluation of an adaptive precision parameter and 95% credible intervals (95% CRI) have been obtained for each model parameter. Results: A decrease of -2.41% (95% CRI: -3.65%; -1.13%) per year has been found for TC mortality rates in age groups 15-74 during 1985-2004, whereas mortality showed a lower annual decrease when data was restricted to age groups 15-54 (-1.18%; 95% CRI: -2.60%; -0.31%). During 2005-2019 is expected a decrease of TC mortality of 2.30% per year for men younger than 35, whereas a leveling off for TC mortality rates is expected for men older than 35. Conclusions: A Bayesian approach should be recommended to describe and project time trends for those diseases with low number of cases. Through this model it has been assessed that management of TC and advances in therapy led to decreasing trend of TC mortality during the period 1985-2004, whereas a leveling off for these trends can be considered during 2005-2019 among men older than 35.


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L’objectiu es determinar si el tractament amb azitromicina a llarg termini redueix la freqüència d’exacerbacions respiratòries en pacients amb malaltia pulmonar obstructiva crònica (MPOC) greu. Estudi retrospectiu observacional que avalua els beneficis clínics del tractament amb azitromicina a llarg termini (500 mg per via oral tres vegades per setmana) durant 12 mesos en pacients amb MPOC greu amb un mínim de 4 exacerbacions agudes (EAMPOC) per any o colonitzats per Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Es comparen amb els 12 mesos previs a l’introducció de l’azitromicina: nombre de EAMPOC, hospitalitzacions i dies d'estada hospitalària. L’azitromicina a llarg termini s’associa a una reducció significativa de EAMPOC, hospitalitzacions i dies d’estada hospitalària en pacients amb EPOC greu independentment de la colonització basal.


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La teràpia suplementària de ferro millora la capacitat d’exercici i la qualitat de vida en malalts amb una cardiopatia congènita cianòtica i/ o síndrome d’Eisenmenger El dèficit de ferro és una troballa comú en la cardiopatia congènita cianòtica, i pot ser la causa d’una reducció en la capacitat d’exercici. Actualment, està indicada la reposició dels dipòsits de ferro en aquest grup de malalts, éssent les evidències científiques escasses. En el present treball investiguem la seguretat i eficàcia del tractament amb ferro en malalts amb una cardiopatia congènita cianòtica. Per tal motiu, vint-i-cinc malalts amb una cardiopatia congenita cianòtica i dèficit de ferro van ser inclosos de forma prospectiva entre Agost del 2008 i Gener del 2009. El tractament utilitzat fou fumarat ferròs oral, fins a una dosi màxima de 200 mg tres vegades al dia. En l’anàlisi basal i als tres mesos de seguiment es va utilitzar el test de qualitat de vida “CAMPHOR”, el test de la marxa dels 6 minuts i la prova d’esforç amb consum d’oxigen. L’edat mitja fou 39.9+/-10.9 anys, 80% dones. Catorze malalts tenien la síndrome d’Eisenmenger, sis una malaltia cianòtica complexa i cinc circulació de Fontan. Cap d’ells va haver d'interrompre el tractament degut a efectes adversos. Després de tres mesos de tractament, l’hemoglobina (19.0+/-2.9g/dL a 20.4+/-2.7g/dL, p&0.001), ferritina (13.3+/-4.7mug/L a 54.1+/-24.2mug/L, p&0.001) i saturació de transferrina (17.8+/-9.6% a 34.8+/-23.4%, p&0.001) van augmentar significativament. També hi va haver una millora significativa en la puntuació del test de qualitat de vida (20.7+/-10.9 a 16.2+/-10.4, p=0.001) i el test de la marxa (371.7+/-84.7m a 402.8.0+/-74.9m, p=0.001). No es van evidenciar canvis significatius en els valors de consum d’oxigen (40.7+/-9.2% a 43.8+/-12.4%, p=0.15). En definitiva, la teràpia suplementària amb ferro en els malats amb una cardiopatia congènita cianòtica i dèficit de ferro és segura i millora la qualitat de vida i la capacitat funcional. En aquest grup de malalts, per tant, és aconsellable identificar el dèficit de ferro i restaurar-ne els seus dipòsits.


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Highly-active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) can induce a characteristic lipodystrophy syndrome characterized by peripheral fat wasting and central adiposity, usually associated with hyperlipidaemia and insulin resistance [1,2]. Indirect data have led some authors to propose that mitochondrial dysfunction could play a role in this syndrome [3,4].To date, as recently outlined by Kakuda et al. [5] in this journal, HIV-infected patients developing lipodystrophy have not been studied for mitochondrial changes or respiratory chain capacity...


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Highly-active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) can induce a characteristic lipodystrophy syndrome characterized by peripheral fat wasting and central adiposity, usually associated with hyperlipidaemia and insulin resistance [1,2]. Indirect data have led some authors to propose that mitochondrial dysfunction could play a role in this syndrome [3,4].To date, as recently outlined by Kakuda et al. [5] in this journal, HIV-infected patients developing lipodystrophy have not been studied for mitochondrial changes or respiratory chain capacity...


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Chronic hepatitis C is a major healthcare problem. The response to antiviral therapy for patients with chronic hepatitis C has previously been defined biochemically and by PCR. However, changes in the hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG) may be considered as an adjunctive end point for the therapeutic evaluation of antiviral therapy in chronic hepatitis C. It is a validated technique which is safe, well tolerated, well established, and reproducible. Serial HVPG measurements may be the best way to evaluate response to therapy in chronic hepatitis C.


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The developments in enteral feeding for Crohn's disease in the past decade are critically reviewed. The advent of amino acid based chemically defined elemental diets signalled the end of 'total bowel rest' in the management of these patients. Subsequently, controlled clinical trials showed that elemental diets were as effective as corticosteroids in inducing clinical remission in patients with acute exacerbations of Crohn's disease. The later use of peptide based elemental diets, in Crohn's disease produced somewhat conflicting results. The initial uncontrolled studies suggest that polymeric whole protein diets might also be effective in the management of acute exacerbations of the disease, casting in turn doubts concerning the role of dietary antigens in the pathogenesis of Crohn's disease. Results of controlled studies comparing the use of elemental and polymeric diets as primary therapy in Crohn's disease have, however, also produced conflicting results. The results of one recent controlled trial in which


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Background: There is little information about the effect of infliximab on the clinical course of liver disease in Crohn's disease patients with concomitant hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. Theoretically, immunosuppression induced by infliximab will facilitate viral replication which could be followed by a flare or exacerbation of disease when therapy is discontinued. There are no specific recommendations on surveillance and treatment of HBV before infliximab infusion. Two cases of severe hepatic failure related to infliximab infusions have been described in patients with rheumatic diseases. Patients and methods: Hepatitis markers (C and B) and liver function tests were prospectively determined to 80 Crohn's disease patients requiring infliximab infusion in three hospitals in Spain. Results: Three Crohn¿s disease patients with chronic HBV infection were identified. Two of the three patients with chronic HBV infection suffered severe reactivation of chronic hepatitis B after withdrawal of infliximab therapy and one died. A third patient, who was treated with lamivudine at the time of infliximab therapy, had no clinical or biochemical worsening of liver disease during or after therapy. From the remaining 80 patients, six received the hepatitis B vaccine. Three patients had antibodies to both hepatitis B surface antigen (anti-HBs) and hepatitis B core protein (anti-HBc) with normal aminotransferase levels, and one patient had positive anti-hepatitis C virus (HCV) antibodies, negative HCV RNA, and normal aminotransferase levels. Except for the patients with chronic HBV infection, no significant changes in hepatic function were detected. Conclusions: Patients with Crohn's disease who are candidates for infliximab therapy should be tested for hepatitis B serological markers before treatment and considered for prophylaxis of reactivation using antiviral therapy if positive.


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The aim of this work was to design a novel strategy to detect new targets for anticancer treatments. The rationale was to build Biological Association Networks from differentially expressed genes in drug-resistant cells to identify important nodes within the Networks. These nodes may represent putative targets to attack in cancer therapy, as a way to destabilize the gene network developed by the resistant cells to escape from the drug pressure. As a model we used cells resistant to methotrexate (MTX), an inhibitor of DHFR. Selected node-genes were analyzed at the transcriptional level and from a genotypic point of view. In colon cancer cells, DHFR, the AKR1 family, PKC¿, S100A4, DKK1, and CAV1 were overexpressed while E-cadherin was lost. In breast cancer cells, the UGT1A family was overexpressed, whereas EEF1A1 was overexpressed in pancreatic cells. Interference RNAs directed against these targets sensitized cells towards MTX.


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BACKGROUND: Several recently developed therapies targeting motor disabilities in stroke sufferers have shown to be more effective than standard neurorehabilitation approaches. In this context, several basic studies demonstrated that music training produces rapid neuroplastic changes in motor-related brain areas. Music-supported therapy has been recently developed as a new motor rehabilitation intervention. METHODS AND RESULTS: In order to explore the plasticity effects of music-supported therapy, this therapeutic intervention was applied to twenty chronic stroke patients. Before and after the music-supported therapy, transcranial magnetic stimulation was applied for the assessment of excitability changes in the motor cortex and a 3D movement analyzer was used for the assessment of motor performance parameters such as velocity, acceleration and smoothness in a set of diadochokinetic movement tasks. Our results suggest that the music-supported therapy produces changes in cortical plasticity leading the improvement of the subjects' motor performance. CONCLUSION: Our findings represent the first evidence of the neurophysiological changes induced by this therapy in chronic stroke patients, and their link with the amelioration of motor performance. Further studies are needed to confirm our observations.


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BACKGROUND: Several recently developed therapies targeting motor disabilities in stroke sufferers have shown to be more effective than standard neurorehabilitation approaches. In this context, several basic studies demonstrated that music training produces rapid neuroplastic changes in motor-related brain areas. Music-supported therapy has been recently developed as a new motor rehabilitation intervention. METHODS AND RESULTS: In order to explore the plasticity effects of music-supported therapy, this therapeutic intervention was applied to twenty chronic stroke patients. Before and after the music-supported therapy, transcranial magnetic stimulation was applied for the assessment of excitability changes in the motor cortex and a 3D movement analyzer was used for the assessment of motor performance parameters such as velocity, acceleration and smoothness in a set of diadochokinetic movement tasks. Our results suggest that the music-supported therapy produces changes in cortical plasticity leading the improvement of the subjects' motor performance. CONCLUSION: Our findings represent the first evidence of the neurophysiological changes induced by this therapy in chronic stroke patients, and their link with the amelioration of motor performance. Further studies are needed to confirm our observations.


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Playing a musical instrument demands the engagement of different neural systems. Recent studies about the musician"s brain and musical training highlight that this activity requires the close interaction between motor and somatosensory systems. Moreover, neuroplastic changes have been reported in motor-related areas after short and long-term musical training. Because of its capacity to promote neuroplastic changes, music has been used in the context of stroke neurorehabilitation. The majority of patients suffering from a stroke have motor impairments, preventing them to live independently. Thus, there is an increasing demand for effective restorative interventions for neurological deficits. Music-supported Therapy (MST) has been recently developed to restore motor deficits. We report data of a selected sample of stroke patients who have been enrolled in a MST program (1 month intense music learning). Prior to and after the therapy, patients were evaluated with different behavioral motor tests. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) was applied to evaluate changes in the sensorimotor representations underlying the motor gains observed. Several parameters of excitability of the motor cortex were assessed as well as the cortical somatotopic representation of a muscle in the affected hand. Our results revealed that participants obtained significant motor improvements in the paretic hand and those changes were accompanied by changes in the excitability of the motor cortex. Thus, MST leads to neuroplastic changes in the motor cortex of stroke patients which may explain its efficacy.