21 resultados para Service, Compulsory non-military--Egypt--Karanis (Extinct city)
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
Descripció de les troballes arqueològiques que al 1982 es van fer a la part nord-oriental del turó d’Empúries, conegut com Muntanya dels Horts, o Horts de la Palanca.. Es trcta de 2 enterraments infantils en àmfora
A l’article s’estableixen un seguit d’hipòtesis que expliquen el procés històric d’Empúries al llarg dels del segle i mig immediatament anterior al canvi d’Era, és a dir, cap als segles II i I a.C. Es tracta de teories que es recolzen en evidències força segures
Social capital a dense network of associations facilitating cooperation within a community typically leads to positive political and economic outcomes, as demonstrated by a large literature following Putnam. A growing literature emphasizes the potentially "dark side" of social capital. This paper examines the role of social capital in the downfall of democracy in interwar Germany by analyzing Nazi party entry rates in a cross-section of towns and cities. Before the Nazi Party's triumphs at the ballot box, it built an extensive organizational structure, becoming a mass movement with nearly a million members by early 1933. We show that dense networks of civic associations such as bowling clubs, animal breeder associations, or choirs facilitated the rise of the Nazi Party. The effects are large: Towns with one standard deviation higher association density saw at least one-third faster growth in the strength of the Nazi Party. IV results based on 19th century measures of social capital reinforce our conclusions. In addition, all types of associations veteran associations and non-military clubs, "bridging" and "bonding" associations positively predict NS party entry. These results suggest that social capital in Weimar Germany aided the rise of the Nazi movement that ultimately destroyed Germany's first democracy.
Les excavacions realitzades als darrers anys a l'area central de la ciutat romana de Pollentia han permes d'identificar una part del forum. Entre les restes descobertes destaca l'existencia del conjunt format pel Capitoli i el portie periferic que, cronologicament, s'inscriuen dins la primera fase edilicia de la ciutat, a la primera meitat del segle 1 aC.
La epigrafía anfórica griega continúa todavía sin merecer en nuestro país toda la atención que merece. Cuando uno se acerca a los trabajos de un filólogo que estudia la epigrafía griega en la Península Ibérica, se encuentra con que, para su mentalidad, una inscripción en el asa de un ánfora es tan sólo un documento menor, no yendo entonces más allá de repasar, sin revisar el material, los sellos publicados en los años cincuenta por Almagro o en alguna que otra antigua noticia sobre el descubrimiento de ánforas griegas con epigrafía.
Antes de dar principio a nuestro trabajo, no podemos por menos que señalar, y al mismo tiempo agradecer, la ayuda prestada, tanto en forma de sugerencia como en material, por el director de las excavaciones P. de Palol, y asimismo agradecer al director del Museo de Soria, J. L. Argente, las facilidades dadas en el momento de estudiar las monedas de las antiguas excavaciones de B. Taracena, depositadas en dicho museo. Hemos, pues, intentado realizar un estudio sobre las monedas de Claudio I, halladas en la ciudad de Clunia. Para ello han sido utilizadas las anteriormente citadas de las viejas excavaciones de B. Taracenal y las de las actuales excavaciones, de las cuales las pertenecientes a las primeras campañas -1958-1964- fueron ya publicadas por R. Martín Valls,2 siendo el resto -1965-1975 - inéditas. Disponemos, pues, de un total de sesenta y ocho monedas, sin contar una gran cantidad de ejemplares, que por su desgaste nos es imposible identificar con seguridad la figura de Claudio, y que, por tanto, las excluimos del estudio.
El pou D 18, situat a la part sud-oest de la zona coneguda del forum de Pollentia, fou amortitzat en el segon quart del segle 1 a.C. EIs materials que formaven part del farciment constitueixen un conjunt tancat representatiu sobretot deIs tipus ceramics locals i d'importació utilitzats en aquesta epoca. El volum principal d'importacions correspon als productes italics, seguits a gran distancia pels materials púnics, iberics i egeus.
El presente estudio monográfico forma parte de los resultados obtenidos dentro del proyecto de Investigación DGICYT PB 90-0506 "Prospección y análisis de las fases de transición de la Edad del Hierro al mundo romano en el norte de Mallorca, entre la Sierra de Tramuntana y la Sierra de Arta", desarrollado entre los años 1991 y 1994 por el Departamento de Prehistoria, Historia Antigua y Arqueología de la Universidad de Barcelona. El conjunto de materiales analizado incluye los ítems documentados en el yacimiento de Pollentia entre los años 1949 y 1992, procedentes básicamente de las secuencias estratigráficas de las trincheras del área de la muralla occidental, el sector de Sa Portella y la finca de Can Reinés, tratados parcialmente con anterioridad pero carentes hasta la fecha de una análisis global.
One of the most important reference groups for Mycenaean pottery is the Mycenae/Berbati (MB). In several studies, a second group has been identified (MBKR). The chemical compositions were similar to MB, but with important differences in the Na, K and Rb contents. The present study suggests that these differences are due to selective alteration and contamination processes that are indirectly determined by the original firing temperature. Therefore, groups MB and MBKR should be considered as a single reference group.
The study of technology transfer in pottery production to the periphery of the Mycenaean world has been addressed by considering two different areas, southern Italy and central Macedonia. Technological features such as ceramic paste, decoration and firing have been determined for different ceramic groups established according to provenance criteria. The studies of technology and provenance have been performed following an archaeometric approach, using neutron activation analysis, petrographic analysis, X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The results have revealed the existence of two different models. On the one hand, southern Italy seems to exhibit a more organized pottery production, which follows a Mycenaean-like technology, while in central Macedonia production is probably more varied, being based in part on the technology of the local tradition.
En el año 2008 tuvo lugar el aniversario del centenario de las excavaciones arqueológicas en la ciudad greco-romana de Ampurias. Precisamente las investigaciones de esa época tienen un significado cultural y simbólico muy importante para el desarrollo de la autognosis de Cataluña a comienzos del siglo XX. El presente artículo intenta llamar la atención sobre los verdaderos comienzos de las investigaciones sobre la antigua ciudad, que habían comenzado bastante antes. Si nos concentramos en considerar los lugares de patrocinio público las excavaciones privadas fueron habituales en todas las épocas entonces las excavaciones científicas comenzaron siete décadas antes. Responsable fue la Comisión de Monumentos de Girona, que contó con el apoyo financiero de la Diputación Provincial.
Accounting for Big City Growth in Low Paid Occupations: Immigration and/or Service Class Consumption
Growth of 'global cities' in the 1980s was supposed to have involved an occupational polarisation, including growth of low paid service jobs. Though held to be untrue for European cities, at the time, some such growth did emerge in London a decade later than first reported for New York. The question is whether there was simply a delay before London conformed to the global city model, or whether another distinct cause was at work in both cases. This paper proposes that the critical factor in both cases was actually an upsurge of immigration from poor countries providing an elastic supply of cheap labour. This hypothesis and its counterpart based on growth in elite jobs are tested econometrically for the British case with regional data spanning 1975-2008, finding some support for both effects, but with immigration from poor countries as the crucial influence in late 1990s London. Keywords: regional labour markets; wages; employment; international migration; consumer demand JEL Codes: J21, J23, F22, R12
This paper empirically studies the effects of service offshoring on white-collar employment, using data for more than one hundred U.S. occupations. A model of firm behavior based on separability allows to derive the labor demand elasticity with respect to service offshoring for each occupation. Estimation is performed with Quasi-Maximum Likelihood, to account for high degrees of censoring in the employment variable. The estimated elasticities are then related to proxies for the skill level and the degree of tradability of the occupations. Results show that service offshoring increases high skilled employment and decreases medium and low skilled employment. Within each skill group, however, service offshoring penalizes tradable occupations and benefits non-tradable occupations.
In the past, sensors networks in cities have been limited to fixed sensors, embedded in particular locations, under centralised control. Today, new applications can leverage wireless devices and use them as sensors to create aggregated information. In this paper, we show that the emerging patterns unveiled through the analysis of large sets of aggregated digital footprints can provide novel insights into how people experience the city and into some of the drivers behind these emerging patterns. We particularly explore the capacity to quantify the evolution of the attractiveness of urban space with a case study of in the area of the New York City Waterfalls, a public art project of four man-made waterfalls rising from the New York Harbor. Methods to study the impact of an event of this nature are traditionally based on the collection of static information such as surveys and ticket-based people counts, which allow to generate estimates about visitors’ presence in specific areas over time. In contrast, our contribution makes use of the dynamic data that visitors generate, such as the density and distribution of aggregate phone calls and photos taken in different areas of interest and over time. Our analysis provides novel ways to quantify the impact of a public event on the distribution of visitors and on the evolution of the attractiveness of the points of interest in proximity. This information has potential uses for local authorities, researchers, as well as service providers such as mobile network operators.