21 resultados para Sebok, Anthony J.: Legal positivism in American jurisprudence
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
The article outlines free online legal resources to conduct research on Catalan and Spanish legislation and case-law. Most of these resources are primary sources made public by government bodies. The list shows how the Spanish and Catalan governments, in their attempt to promote equal access to legislation and case-law, cover the different jurisdictions. The text also mentions some resources to conduct historical legal research about legislation and case law, and some free legal private websites.
Creating and using FLOSS in R+D projects raises several legal issues, which need to be managed as soon as possible - preferably during the project planning stage. Challenges in the areas of project structure and policy, licenses and licensing, exploitation strategies, community management, and FLOSS-friendliness in general all have their legal aspects, which are commented here. Some recommendations are made for assisting in the use of FLOSS in R+D projects, especially in multiple party consortiums.
In the wake of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, many authors of fiction, filmmakers, journalists, public figures and scholars have attempted to narrate, recreate, explain, reflect on, and theorize about the event and its aftermath.
The archives of the Prefecture of the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs provide a perspective from which to reconstruct the broad range of legal circumstances in which Spanish residents in various regions of the country find themselves immersed (assets of relatives who have died without wills or family in Peru, political conflicts, legal problems -whether criminal or civil as a result of business activities- or the requested intervention ofconsular authorities when decisions considered detrimental to their compatriots are made by prefects and sub-prefects). The legal framework protecting Spanish nationals in Peru is analysed to understand the mechanisms of immigration in the country and the mechanisms that led them to keep their Spanish nationality, even after establishing wide-reaching family and business interests
Studies of Spanish cooperatives date their spread from the Law on Agrarian Syndicates of 1906. But the first legislative appearance of cooperatives is an 1869 measure that permitted general incorporation for lending companies. The 1931 general law on cooperatives, which was the first act permitting the formation of cooperatives in any activity, reflects the gradual disappearance of the cooperative’s "business" characteristics. In this paper we trace the Spanish cooperative’s legal roots in business law and its connections to broader questions of the freedom of association, the formation of joint-stock enterprises, and the liability of investors in business and cooperative entities. Our account underscores the similarities of the organizational problems approach by cooperatives and business firms, while at the same time respecting the distinctive purposes cooperatives served.
Aquest treball té com a objectiu analitzar el multilingüisme a la Unió europea des d’una perspectiva interdisciplinària entre traducció i dret de la Unió europea. Aquest article estudia la Unió com a un sistema multilingüe, amb especial èmfasi en les raons jurídiques i polítiques darrera l’actual règim lingüístic. També s’intentarà examinar els efectes que la diversitat lingüística té en la interpretació de la legislació europea. Hi han vint i tres llengües oficials i els textos publicats en les diferents llengües son igualment autèntics (Article 55 TFUE). Però les regles poden tenir la mateixa implicació jurídica en mes d’una llengua?
Abstract The recent colonization of America by Drosophila subobscura represents a great opportunity for evolutionary biology studies. Knowledge of the populations from which the colonization started would provide an understanding of how genetic composition changed during adaptation to the new environment. Thus, a 793 nucleotide fragment of the Odh (Octanol dehydrogenase) gene was sequenced in 66 chromosomal lines from Barcelona (western Mediterranean) and in 66 from Mt. Parnes (Greece, eastern Mediterranean). No sequence of Odh fragment in Barcelona or Mt. Parnes was identical to any of those previously detected in America. However, an Odh sequence from Barcelona differed in only one nucleotide from another found in American populations. In both cases, the chromosomal lines presented the same inversion: O7, and the Odh gene was located within this inversion. This evidence suggests a possible western Mediterranean origin for the colonization. Finally, the molecular and inversion data indicate that the colonization was not characterized by multiple reintroductions.
It was in 1954 that Barcelona became the first city to pay tribute to Archer Milton Huntington (New York, 1870 - Bathel, Connecticut, 1955), by erecting a monument to the memory of this outstanding collector and Hispanist, and to hiswife, Anna Vaughn Hyatt Huntington (Cambridge, 1876 - California, 1973). An excellent sculptor, Anna Hyatt Huntington was also unstinting in her support of her husband¿s Hispanic interest. The monument was Barcelona's way of recognizing and paying tribute to this greatly respected American collector and philanthropist. Huntington played a major role in refuting "Prescott's Paradigm", named after the historian whose work on Spain did much to further the Black Legend.3 Moreover, Huntington occupied an important place in American Hispanic Studies, along with such other outstanding names as George Ticknor (Boston, 1791 - 1871), Washington Irving (New York, 1783 - 1859) and Henry Longfellow (1807 - 1882).
L'obra està plantejada com una posada en antecedents per a l'actual disciplina de Medicina legal en l'àmbit de l'estat espanyol. Sense la voluntat de fer un estudi exhaustiu, que hauria estat massa extens, l'autor proposa l'estudi d'aquesta disciplina des de l'època visigoda i fins la meitat del segle XIX, moment en que la Medicina legal ja té les bases que seran les arrels de la disciplina actual.
The purpose of this paper is to provide new evidence on the issue of the effect on public enterprises economic performance of the introduction of some given changes in organisational status and management practices, while keeping the enterprises under public control. Our approach is case study type and relies on comparative efficiency literature. We identify relevant changes on the organisational status of a State owned large hotel group along a period of twenty years, next we measure its annual efficiency indicators, and then evaluate to which extent the observed changes in economic performance can be attributable to the corresponding management reforms carried out. As a result we find that the formally more relevant change in organisational status (the enterprise passing to be a Limited Company), which implied a substantial increase in the enterprise autonomy, did not produce a significant improvement in its economic performance; a finding contrary to what we expected according to agency theory. However, a second relevant organisational change –five years later- when both the principal (government) and the agent (firm’s CEO) changed is consistently related to a significant improvement in economic performance. As a research implication we abide for use more precise agency theory statements; and as a practical implication we argue here that potentialities of improvement brought about by a formal-legal change in the status of the enterprise may require also –in order to actually improve firm’s efficiency- some changes in the firm’s key personal positions: supervisor (principal) and CEO (agent), in the sense that a change to a greater-autonomy for the enterprise it seems should come together a parallel new ‘management culture’. Practical implications Management good practises to apply to other public enterprise’s restructuring in order to improve their efficiency. It’s the first study on organizational changes and efficiency for an important Spanish public enterprise.
El projecte "Programa d'introducció al dret espanyol per a estudiants d'intercanvi" s'ha dut a terme a la Facultat de dret de la Universitat de Barcelona des del mes de juny de 2007 al mes de setembre de 2008. Ha consistit en iniciar l’esmentat programa que suposava, pels estudiants d’intercanvi sol·licitants, la consecució d’un Diploma d’Introducció al Dret espanyol, expedit per la Facultat de Dret de la UB, a banda del reconeixement dels crèdits cursats a Barcelona. L’objectiu va ser proposar canvis en el plantejament curricular, en concret la posada en marxa de les assignatures del Diploma: Introducció al Dret Privat, Introducció al Dret públic, Introducció al sistema processal espanyol, i Bases del sistema legal espanyol. Com a tasca prèvia que havia de garnatir l’èxit es va fer una difusió del programa a les universitats d’origen i es va articular un sistema d’acollida als estudiants que es va demostrar molt útil al principi de curs per a informacions diverses, però que després va ser infrautilitzat. Pel que fa a les assignatures, es van plantejar com un anàlisi dels trets fonamentals i diferencials del nostre dret, utilitzant elements de comparació amb els ordenaments dels països dels alumnes, però sense fer un exercici estricte de dret comparat. La taxa de rediment va ser alta – 75% - però es va detectar un problema, la insuficient preparació idomàtica, que depassa l’organització del programa. També es va considerar un repte pedagògic important: la heterogeneïtat dels estudiants tant en la seva formació jurídica prèvia –assignatures cursades en la seva Universitat-, com en relació al sistema legal del país del qual provenien, en relació al sistema espanyol. Per aquest motiu, el plantejament del curs i els materials a utilitzar va dependre en bona mesura del conjunt del grup al qual es va dirigr cada assignatura en concret.
El sistema tributario es fundamental en el Estado social y democrático de Derecho, pues el ejercicio y efectivo disfrute de muchos derechos fundamentales depende del correcto funcionamiento de la actividad tributaria. Además de esto, la situación económica actual demanda una adecuada política en contra del fraude tributario, lo que necesariamente implica analizar si el modelo penal vigente es el más adecuado para enfrentar el fraude fiscal. Teniendo en cuenta que muchas de las características de la criminalidad tributaria no son exclusivas de un país, pues ésta trasciende habitualmente las fronteras de los países por medio del recurso a empresas multinacionales o la localización de empresas en “paraísos fiscales”, el análisis del fraude tributario no debe limitarse al examen jurídico del modelo legislativo español, debiendo trascender a un estudio de política criminal que vincula consideraciones criminológicas y jurídicas. En consecuencia, en esta investigación se propone un análisis que no se reduce a los debates exclusivamente jurídicos. Se busca, además, efectuar un examen que tenga por fundamento una perspectiva criminológica y de Law in action a fin de evaluar críticamente la respuesta a la criminalidad tributaria por parte del modelo de regulación penal vigente en España. Esta orientación permitirá una más amplia comprensión del fenómeno de la criminalidad tributaria, así como de las categorías jurídicas adecuadas político criminalmente para su prevención. Este estudio interdisciplinario nos conducirá, al final de la investigación, tanto a proponer la interpretación del modelo de legislación penal vigente, como una reforma al mismo que pretenda solucionar algunos de los problemas de prevención que a lo largo de la investigación se señalan.
La Ley Concursal, en sus artículos 3 y 25, regula la posibilidad de acumular concursos instados o ya declarados frente a varios deudores. Dado que dichos artículos se limitan a autorizar la acumulación de acciones y procesos sin establecer una pauta sobre el alcance y significado de tal acumulación, en este trabajo se analizan y plantean diferentes problemas procesales referidos a la Ley Concursal, así como se sugieren reformas legales para determinar las consecuencias procesales derivadas de dicha acumulación.
Catalogue of endemic, rare or threatened vascular plants in Catalonia. I. Endemic taxa. This is the first of a set of papers devoted to rare or threatened plants in Catalonia. We list 279 specific or subspecific taxa which are in a broad sense endemic to the northeastern part of the Iberian Peninsula. We assess them with regard to their conservation status according to IUCN criteria. Assignment of these taxa to established categories has led to the following results: 6 taxa critically endangered (CR), 5 endangered (EN), 32 vulnerable (VU), 5 near threatened (LR nt). 84 least concern (LR lc), 116 not threatened (NT) and 31 data deficient (DD). The small number of taxa that enjoy legal protection in comparison with the number of threatened plants is emphasized. Key words: Endemic plants, Catalonia, Plant conservation, UICN categories.
The roman institution of the separatio bonorum is a pretorian remedy that relies on the principle of equity, created as to protect the deceased creditors and/or legatees. It provides them a"benefit" in the case of selling the goods of the heir-deubtor, enabling them to separate and reserve for themselves that whole patrimonium, as to avoid that by the act of selling, the heirs creditors could go to it; and like this they maintain intact their guarantee, which relies on the whole goods and assets left by the deceased. The separation of patrimonies implied the existence of 2 different groups of goods: that of the heirs" and that one of the deceased, which are not the same in legal terms, in spite of having a common owner at this point, the heir. This institution was regulated in the 6th title of the 42nd book of the Digesto, and in the 72th title, 7th book of the Justinean Code, and its interest is really high due to its material complexity and its procedure. The aim of this work is to analyze the institution of the separatio bonorum in Roman Law, and its importance in the same figure, actually regulated in the 4th book of the Catalan civil code.