30 resultados para Safety Device Attitudes.

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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El projecte es va fer al KHLim a Diepenbeek. Es tractava de dissenyar un nou dispositiu de localització d'avaries del relè del motor, per tal de de substituir el que ja hi havia, per raons de seguretat


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This paper analyzes the employment relationship on the basis of the notion of access. We argue that the degree of access provided by a job is an incentive to activate the employee’s self-actualization needs. We investigate the effect of access on the workers’ performance through an agency model and provide a number of propositions with practical implications for personnel policies. Our results are consistent with the intuition emerged from the real business practice as well as with many of the arguments on the substitutive role between monetary and non-monetary incentives frequently reported in the literature.


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The purpose of this article is to explain what factors determine the use of seniority-based pay for production workers in Spanish manufacturing industry. The data used in order to achieve these objectives was taken from 774 Spanish industrial plants. The estimation of several ordered probit models enabled us to see that in firms where it was more costly for management to engage in opportunistic behaviour, deferred payment shows a negative relation to the use of devices, like monitoring or incentive payment, designed to align workers’ objectives with those of the company.


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This article proposes a framework for the analysis of attitudes to foreign trade policies that challenges the traditional skill-endowment approach. The traditional approach assumes informed individuals who calculate the costs and benefits of alternative policies. We propose that individuals lack information and that their positions rest on economic vulnerability, as mediated through risk-aversion. We also stress the role of environmental signals and political endorsements in guiding individuals' views on trade policy. We test this alternative approach with a Spanish survey conducted in May 2009 and the ISSP survey conducted in 2003 in a large number of less developed and more developed countries. The Spanish data show that the population is largely uninformed and that their ideas about the consequences of free trade policy do not explain attitudes among different socio-demographic groups. Meanwhile, the ISSP data contradict important aspects of the traditional approach and are consistent with the alternative approach.


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To start off, this document describes the Catalan model for emergencies response and its reference frame in terms of geography, location population…In addition, describes the main actors involved in emergencies response such as: police, the Fire and Rescue Emergency Service, the Emergency Medical System, Civil Protection, Reception and Management of Emergency Calls, Rural Agents, ADF’s and UME. Civil Protection, Firefighters and Police are includes in the training model developed by the Institute for Public Safety of Catalonia which at the same time does research in both security and safety matters. Research activities are performed by the Area for Research, Knowledge and International Cooperation at the ISPC and an example of these activities are European Research Projects such as COIM-Best (Coordination Improvement by Best Practices) and BESECU (cross-cultural differences of human behaviour in fire disasters and other crisis situations) among others.


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Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery (NOTES) is a novel, potentially less invasive alternative to laparoscopic surgery. However, the problems of transluminal access and closure represent significant obstacles to its successful introduction in humans. Objective: to evaluate the feasibility and safety of a novel device designed for transluminal access and closure in a survival porcine model. Subjects: Four adult female Yorkshire pigs were used in the study. Interventions: While under general anesthesia, the animals were prepared with multiple tap water enemas followed by instillation of an antibiotic suspension and povidone-iodine lavage. At a distance of 15 to 20 cm from the anus, the prototype device (LSI Solutions, Victor, NY, USA) deployed a circumscribing purse-string suture around the planned incision site and subsequently used a blade mechanism to create a 2.5-cm linear incision. The transcolonic incision was then closed by cinching and securing the purse-string suture with a titanium knot by use of a separate hand-activated suture-locking device. Main Outcome Measurements: The animals were monitored daily for signs of peritonitis and sepsis and were survived for 14 days. The peritoneal cavity was examined for peritonitis, and the colonic incision site was examined for wound dehiscence, pericolic abscess formation, and gross adhesions. Tissue samples from both incisional and random peritoneal sites were obtained for histologic examination. Results: Transcolonic incision and closure were successful in all 4 animals. The device performed in a rapid and reproducible fashion. All animals recovered without septic complications. At necropsy, there was no evidence of peritonitis, abscesses, or wound dehiscence. Salpingocolonic and colovesicular adhesions were noted in 3 of 4 animals. Histologic examination revealed microabscesses at the incision site in all animals. Conclusions: The prototype incision and closure device represents a promising solution to the problems of transluminal access for NOTES. The presence of incision-related adhesions and microabscesses signal the need for further refinement in aseptic technique. 


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The Food Safety Knowledge Network (FSKN) was developed through the collaboration of Michigan State University and a professional network of international food industry retailers and manufacturers. The key objective of the FSKN project is to provide technical resources, in a cost effective way, in order to promote food safety in developing countries and for small and less developed companies. FSKN uses a competency based model including a framework, OERs, and assessments. These tools are being used to support face-to-face training, fully online training, and to gauge the learning outcomes of a series of pilot groups which were held in India, Egypt, and China.


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Els programes formatius d’educació viària són una mesura penal alternativa que s’imposa habitualment als autors dels delictes relacionats amb el trànsit (articles 379 i següents del Codi Penal) per suspendre o substituir la pena de presó. Aquests programes tenen un doble objectiu: aconseguir reduir a curt termini la sinistralitat viària i propiciar un canvi cultural permanent en la conducció. L’objectiu principal d’aquesta recerca va ser identificar les característiques comunes dels infractors de trànsit que fan aquest tipus d’intervenció, conèixer els factors de risc associats a aquests infractors i en quina mesura l’estat psicològic és un factor de risc en l’estil de conducció. També es volia determinar si hi havia diferències entre les entitats que impartien la formació, avaluar l’efectivitat d’aquests programes en l’estil de conducció dels participants en finalitzar el curs i conèixer la reincidència dels seus participants i la seva relació amb l’estat i el canvi de les variables de l’estudi. La mostra va comptar amb 278 participants voluntaris del total de 354 infractors de trànsit que van realitzar un programa formatiu entre l’1 d’abril de 2009 i el 13 de febrer de 2010. D’aquests, un total de 100 participants van autoritzar a ser contactats novament entre el desembre del 2011 i el gener del 2012, per mirar la reincidència. Les fonts d’informació van ser els qüestionaris passats als infractors i el buidatge de la base de dades d’execució penal del Departament de Justícia, amb informació judicial i personal i el seguiment dels usuaris fins a dos anys després d’haver finalitzat el curs formatiu, per saber si havien tornat a reincidir en el mateix delicte.


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Los programas formativos de educación vial son una medida penal alternativa que se impone habitualmente a los autores de delitos relacionados con el tráfico (artículos 379 y siguientes del Código Penal) para suspender o sustituir la pena de prisión. Estos programas tienen un doble objetivo: conseguir reducir a corto plazo la siniestralidad vial y propiciar un cambio cultural permanente en la conducción. El objetivo principal de esta investigación fue identificar las características comunes de los infractores de tráfico que han de hacer este tipo de intervención y conocer sus factores de riesgo. También se estudiaron las diferencias entre las entidades que imparten los cursos formativos, se evaluó su efectividad y se estudió la reincidencia de los conductores. En total participaron 278 infractores que realizaron un programa formativo entre el 1 de abril de 2009 y el 13 de febrero de 2010 y se les siguió hasta enero de 2012.


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The aim of this book is to survey on different Land Use Planning and safety approaches in vicinity of industrial plants. As this research is associated with three broad fields of Land Use Planning, safety and security, the set principle is to avoid unnecessary and over detailed information, but including the useful ones to provide a comprehensive resource which can be applicable for several purposes. Besides, the proposed method, which is explained in Chapter 7, can initiate a new field for future of Land Use Planning in vicinity of industrial plants.


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Some of the elements that characterize the globalization of food and agriculture are industrialization and intensification of agriculture and liberalization of agricultural markets, that favours elongation of the food chain and homogenization of food habits (nutrition transition), among other impacts. As a result, the probability of food contamination has increased with the distance and the number of “hands" that may contact the food (critical points); the nutritional quality of food has been reduced because of increased transport and longer periods of time from collection to consumption; and the number of food-related diseases due to changes in eating patterns has increased. In this context, there exist different agencies and regulations intended to ensure food safety at different levels, e.g. at the international level, Codex Alimentarius develops standards and regulations for the marketing of food in a global market. Although governments determine the legal framework, the food industry manages the safety of their products, and thus, develops its own standards for their marketing, such as the Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) programs. The participation of the private sector in the creation of regulatory standards strengthens the free trade of food products, favouring mostly large agribusiness companies. These standards are in most cases unattainable for small producers and food safety regulations are favouring removal of the peasantry and increase concentration and control in the food system by industrial actors. Particularly women, who traditionally have been in charge of the artisanal transformation process, can be more affected by these norms than men. In this project I am analysing the impcact of food safety norms over small farms, based on the case of artisanal production made by women in Spain.


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Objetivos: Conocer la prevalencia del uso auto informado del preservativo en la última relación sexual, así como algunas actitudes, creencias y percepciones sobre su uso para la prevención de la transmisión del VIH por vía heterosexual, en jóvenes de las ciudades de Nampula, Bemba y Lichinga, en Mozambique. Diseño: Estudio transversal de encuesta. Participantes: Seiscientos treinta y dos estudiantes de secundaria (56,8% varones), con edades comprendidas entre 15 y 24 años, seleccionados mediante un muestreo aleatorio estratificado proporcional. El porcentaje de participación es del 79%. Mediciones principales: Mediante un cuestionario, se evalúan en una escala de 0 a 10 las actitudes hacia el uso del preservativo, expectativas de resultados y de autoeficacia y aceptación percibida sobre su utilización. Asimismo se evalúa el uso auto informado del preservativo en la última relación sexual. Resultados: Sólo un 47,4% (IC 0,95 = 42,0:52,8) de los jóvenes sexualmente activos utilizó el preservativo en la última relación sexual. En general las mujeres tienen una actitud más favorable respecto a su uso y creen más en su eficacia que los hombres, pero lo utilizan menos y se sienten poco capaces de pedir su uso al varón, principalmente si se trata de su actual pareja. La autoeficacia percibida para utilizar o pedir el uso del preservativo aumenta en el caso de una pareja ocasional tanto en hombres como en mujeres. Conclusiones: Se requieren acciones institucionales y sociales que promocionen el uso del preservativo entre los jóvenes de Mozambique. Los programas preventivos deberían insistir en el cambio de actitudes y creencias, y enfatizar los beneficios que se derivan de su uso adecuado y sistemático desde la primera relación coital


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QDius2 és una aplicació pensada per a persones amb discapacitat visual. Consisteix en realitzar una descripció verbalitzada de l’estat d’un electrodomèstic utilitzant un dispositiu mòbil amb sistema operatiu Android. L’aplicació guiarà verbalment l’usuari perquè pugui enfocar el panell de control de l’electrodomèstic amb la càmera. Es processarà la imatge obtinguda per extreure la seva informació, ja sigui en el mateix mòbil o al núvol, segons les preferències de l’usuari, i es llegirà la informació resultant. Aquest projecte està dividit en vuit memòries, una per a cada integrant del grup.