17 resultados para Rubberized roads
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
The aim of this article is to prove the real possibility of travelling intellectually to the Platonic image of the cave from different films. In this sense, one can speak of explicit references as in The Conformist by B. Bertolucci or in Shadowlands by R. Attenborough -if one bears in mind the Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis- or The Picture of Dorian Gray ¿if one bears in mind the well-known O. Wilde¿s novel-, but, on other occasions, although the Platonic influence cannot be proved, for instance in The Truman Show, A Room with a View or Brideshead Revisited, one can perfectly think of these films in order to guide the contemporary audiences to that Platonic image, since Plato himself affirms that it deals with an image which can be easily applied and, in first place, to his idealistic philosophy.
This paper analyzes the effects of parliamentary representation on road infrastructure expenditure during the Spanish Restoration. Using a panel dataset of Spanish provinces in 1880-1914 we find that the allocation of administrative resources among provinces depended both on the delegation characteristics (such as the share of MPs with party leadership positions, and their degree of electoral independence), and the regime"s global search for stability. These results point to the importance of electoral dynamics within semi-democratic political systems, and offer an example of the influence of government tactics on infrastructure allocation.
This paper analyzes the effects of parliamentary representation on road infrastructure expenditure during the Spanish Restoration. Using a panel dataset of Spanish provinces in 1880-1914 we find that the allocation of administrative resources among provinces depended both on the delegation characteristics (such as the share of MPs with party leadership positions, and their degree of electoral independence), and the regime"s global search for stability. These results point to the importance of electoral dynamics within semi-democratic political systems, and offer an example of the influence of government tactics on infrastructure allocation.
Els debats recents sobre l'accés obert (OA) han tendit a tractar les revistes d'OA i l'auto-arxiu com dues rutes diferents. Alguns partidaris de l'auto-arxiu fins i tot han suggerit que per si sol aquest pot conduir a l'accés obert complet de la literatura científica mundial. En aquest article es discuteix que, de fet, cada camí correspon a una fase del moviment cap a l'accés obert; que amb el simple fet de l’auto-arxiu no n'hi ha prou, i que cal que els dipòsits proporcionin alguna capacitat de crear marques. De totes maneres, fer això desembocaria, finalment, en la creació d'overlay journals (o bases de dades). Per tant, els dos camins es fusionarien per crear un paisatge d'OA madur.
Recent concessions in France and in the US have resulted in a dramatic difference in the valuation placed on the toll roads; the price paid by the investors in France was twelve times current cash flow whereas investors paid sixty times current cash flow for the U.S. toll roads. In this paper we explore two questions: What accounts for the difference in these multiples, and what are the implications with respect to the public interest. Our analysis illustrates how structural and procedural decisions made by the public owner affect the concession price. Further, the terms of the concession have direct consequences that are enjoyed or borne by the various stakeholders of the toll road.
Sixty-nine entire male pigs with different halothane genotype (homozygous halothane positive – nn –, n=36; and homozygous halothane negative – NN-, n=33) were fed with a supplementation of magnesium sulphate (Mg) and/or L-tryptophan (Trp) in the diet for 5 days before slaughter. Animals were housed individually and were submitted to stressful ante mortem conditions (mixed in the lorry according to treatments and transported 1 hour on rough roads). Individual feed intake was recorded during the 5-d treatment. At the abattoir, pig behaviour was assessed in the raceway to the stunning system and during the stunning period by exposure to CO2. Muscle pH, colour, water holding capacity, texture and cathepsin activities were determined to assess meat quality. The number of pigs with an individual feed intake lower than 2 kg/d was significantly different among diets (P&0.05; Control: 8.7 %; Mg&Trp: 43.5 %; Trp: 17.4 %) and they were considered to have inadequate supplement intake. During the ante mortem period, 15.2 % of pigs included in the experiment died, and this percentage decreased to 8.7 % in those pigs with a feed intake & 2kg/day, all of them from the stress-sensitive pigs (nn). In general, no differences were observed in the behaviour of pigs along the corridor leading to the stunning system and inside the CO2 stunning system. During the stunning procedure, Trp diet showed shorter periods of muscular excitation than control and Mg&Trp diets. The combination of a stressful ante mortem treatment and Mg&Trp supplementation led to carcasses with high incidence of severe skin lesions. Different meat quality results were found when considering all pigs or considering only those with adequate supplement intake. In this later case, Trp increased pH45 (6.15) vs Control diet (5.96) in the Longissimus thoracis (LT) muscle (P&0.05) and pH at 24h (Trp: 5.59 vs C: 5.47) led to a higher incidence of dark, firm and exudative (DFD) traits in SM muscle (P&0.05). Genotype affected negatively all the meat quality traits. Seventy-five percent of LT and 60.0 % of the SM muscles from nn pigs were classified as pale, soft and exudative (PSE), while none of the NN pigs showed these traits (P&0.0001). No significant differences were found between genotypes on the incidence of DFD meat. Due to the negative effects observed in the Mg&Trp group in feed intake and carcass quality, the utilization of a mixture of magnesium sulphate and tryptophan is not recommended.
The dilemma efficiency versus equity, together with political partisan interests, has received increasing attention to explain the territorial allocation of investments. However, centralization intended to introduce or reinforce hierarchization in the political system has not been object as of now of empirical analysis. Our main contribution to the literature is providing evidence that meta-political objectives related to the ordering of political power and administration influence regional investment. In this way, we find evidence that network mode’s (roads and railways) investment programs are influenced by the centralization strategy of investing near to the political capital, while investment effort in no-network modes (airports and ports) appears to be positively related to distance. Since investment in surface transportation infrastructures is much higher than that in airports and ports, and taken into account that regions surrounding the political capital are poorer than the average, we suggest that centralization rather than redistribution has been the driver for the concentration of public investment on these regions.
En aquest projecte es construeix un Sistema d'Informació Geogràfica (SIG) que permet ampliar la cartografia estàndard del territori català amb les rutes que han seguit, per camins no cartografiats, els vehicles d'una empresa veterinària.
Dins el TFC, s'implementa un prototipus de SIG que permet donar resposta a l'enunciat plantejat: la gestió de rutes en camins no cartografiats, realitzades pels veterinaris d'una empresa de sanitat animal en les visites a les granges associades.
El present document detalla, desglossant la informació en diferents capítols, les tasques realitzades per a la construcció d'un Sistema d'Informació Geogràfica (SIG) de carreteres utilitzant el producte GEOMEDIA PROFESSIONAL 5.2 de INTERGRAPH.
Aquest treball està format per dues parts: la primera és un recull de tots els elements teòrics necessaris per entendre els rudiments d'un SIG i la segona, en la que es construeix un SIG de Catalunya, en el que es representarà les entitats bàsiques de la cartografia catalana: províncies, comarques, límits municipals, municipis i els camins no cartografiats enregistrats per terminals GPS.
L'objectiu del projecte és desenvolupar un Sistema d'Informació Geogràfica (SIG) d'ús senzill, amb la finalitat de generar cartografia actualitzada de manera gairebé instantània que serveixi de recolzament a l'ajuda internacional desplegada en un país després d'una catàstrofe natural. La cartografia serà d'Haití, com a exemple de zona afectada per un terratrèmol. Amb el SIG els equips d'emergència podran indicar aquelles vies tallades, per poder tenir cartografia actualitzada. Igualment podran indicar un punt origen i un punt destí i el SIG els indicarà la ruta més curta, tenint en compte les carreteres tallades. El programari utilitzat per desenvolupar el projecte és GeoMedia Professional, Microsoft Access i Microsoft Visual Studio .NET. S'ha generat cartografia d'Haití en format vectorial.
Els Sistemes d'Informació Geogràfica s'han convertit en quelcom molt important en els darrers temps gràcies al desenvolupament de les tecnologies sobre les que es recolzen. Aquest projecte tracta sobre ells, i ho fa des de dos vessats: el teòric i el pràctic. En la part teòrica del projecte es farà una revisió del que són per a què serveixen els Sistemes d'Informació Geogràfica. Per a entendre'ls amb més garanties es tracten lleugerament alguns conceptes genèrics sobre geodèsia i cartografia. La part pràctica del projecte descriu de quina forma s'ha creat un Sistema d'Informació Geogràfica que permet el tractament de dades d'Haití i que facilita la creació de mapes diversos. Addicionalment, per a veure una utilitat real del que es pot fer amb ells, es descriu també de quina forma s'ha dissenyat una aplicació que permet realitzar el càlcul de rutes òptimes entre dos punts, partint com a base de la xarxa de carreteres d'Haití. Per a finalitzar, es descriu de quina manera s'ha implementat un control de trams de carretera intransitables, els quals no seran considerats en el càlcul de les rutes.
El presente trabajo se centra en el análisis del ciclo del Agua en la finca de Can Valldaura, en el municipio de Cerdanyola, dentro del Parc de Collserola. El IAAC (Instituto de Arquitectura Avanzada de Cataluña), organismo gestor, pretende estudiar e investigar sobre el término de la autosuficiencia, volviendo a dinamizar entre otros aspectos las funciones agrícolas y ganaderas de la finca. El objetivo principal de este estudio es hacer propuestas en la gestión del agua bajo los principios de la Permacultura en la finca de Can Valldaura, queriendo analizar si es posible alcanzar la autosuficiencia a nivel hídrico realizando el proyecto silvoagroforestal planeado por el IAAC. Una vez calculadas las necesidades hídricas del proyecto de Can Valldaura, y analizadas las entradas y salidas hídricas del sistema, los resultados muestran que las infraestructuras actuales son insuficientes para llevar a cabo el proyecto silvoagroforestal si la autosuficiencia es un objetivo prioritario. En este sentido se proponen distintas medidas de gestión: la restauración del antiguo sistema de drenaje, la construcción de una nueva balsa, y el aprovechamiento de las aguas recogidas por los caminos. Además se proponen sistemas de cultivo que mejorarían la estructura del suelo aumentando la infiltración del agua de la lluvia y su retención. Los datos analizados indican que con las medias de gestión y sistemas de cultivo propuestos el proyecto silvoagroforestal podría llevarse a cabo de forma autosufiente.
Given a set of images of scenes containing different object categories (e.g. grass, roads) our objective is to discover these objects in each image, and to use this object occurrences to perform a scene classification (e.g. beach scene, mountain scene). We achieve this by using a supervised learning algorithm able to learn with few images to facilitate the user task. We use a probabilistic model to recognise the objects and further we classify the scene based on their object occurrences. Experimental results are shown and evaluated to prove the validity of our proposal. Object recognition performance is compared to the approaches of He et al. (2004) and Marti et al. (2001) using their own datasets. Furthermore an unsupervised method is implemented in order to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of our supervised classification approach versus an unsupervised one