22 resultados para Routines
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
We use best practice benchmarking rationales to propose a dynamic research design that accounts for the endogenous components of across-firms heterogeneous routines to study changes in performance and their link to organizational knowledge investments. We thus contribute to the operationalization of management theoretical frameworks based on resources and routines. The research design employs frontier measures that provide industry-level benchmarking in organizational settings, and proposes some new indicators for firm-level strategic benchmarking. A profit-oriented analysis of the U.S. technology industry during 2000-2011 illustrates the usefulness of our design. Findings reveal that industry revival following economic distress comes along with wider gaps between best and worst performers. Second stage analyses show that increasing intangibles stocks is positively associated with fixed target benchmarking, while enhancing R&D spending is linked to local frontier progress. The discussion develops managerial interpretations of the benchmarking measures that are suitable for control mechanisms and reward systems.
La validació de mètodes és un dels pilars fonamentals de l’assegurament de la qualitat en els laboratoris d’anàlisi, tal i com queda reflectit en la norma ISO/IEC 17025. És, per tant, un aspecte que cal abordar en els plans d’estudis dels presents i dels futurs graus en Química. Existeix molta bibliografia relativa a la validació de mètodes, però molt sovint aquesta s’utilitza poc, degut a la dificultat manifesta de processar tota la informació disponible i aplicar-la al laboratori i als problemes concrets. Una altra de les limitacions en aquest camps és la manca de programaris adaptats a les necessitats del laboratori. Moltes de les rutines estadístiques que es fan servir en la validació de mètodes són adaptacions fetes amb Microsoft Excel o venen incorporades en paquets estadístics gegants, amb un alt grau de complexitat. És per aquest motiu que l’objectiu del projecte ha estat generar un programari per la validació de mètodes i l’assegurament de la qualitat dels resultats analítics, que incorporés únicament les rutines necessàries. Específicament, el programari incorpora les funcions estadístiques necessàries per a verificar l’exactitud i avaluar la precisió d’un mètode analític. El llenguatge de programació triat ha estat el Java en la seva versió 6. La part de creació del programari ha constat de les següents etapes: recollida de requisits, anàlisi dels requisits, disseny del programari en mòduls, programació d les funcions del programa i de la interfície gràfica, creació de tests d’integració i prova amb usuaris reals, i, finalment, la posada en funcionament del programari (creació de l’instal·lador i distribució del programari).
Compositional data naturally arises from the scientific analysis of the chemicalcomposition of archaeological material such as ceramic and glass artefacts. Data of thistype can be explored using a variety of techniques, from standard multivariate methodssuch as principal components analysis and cluster analysis, to methods based upon theuse of log-ratios. The general aim is to identify groups of chemically similar artefactsthat could potentially be used to answer questions of provenance.This paper will demonstrate work in progress on the development of a documentedlibrary of methods, implemented using the statistical package R, for the analysis ofcompositional data. R is an open source package that makes available very powerfulstatistical facilities at no cost. We aim to show how, with the aid of statistical softwaresuch as R, traditional exploratory multivariate analysis can easily be used alongside, orin combination with, specialist techniques of compositional data analysis.The library has been developed from a core of basic R functionality, together withpurpose-written routines arising from our own research (for example that reported atCoDaWork'03). In addition, we have included other appropriate publicly availabletechniques and libraries that have been implemented in R by other authors. Availablefunctions range from standard multivariate techniques through to various approaches tolog-ratio analysis and zero replacement. We also discuss and demonstrate a smallselection of relatively new techniques that have hitherto been little-used inarchaeometric applications involving compositional data. The application of the libraryto the analysis of data arising in archaeometry will be demonstrated; results fromdifferent analyses will be compared; and the utility of the various methods discussed
”compositions” is a new R-package for the analysis of compositional and positive data.It contains four classes corresponding to the four different types of compositional andpositive geometry (including the Aitchison geometry). It provides means for computation,plotting and high-level multivariate statistical analysis in all four geometries.These geometries are treated in an fully analogous way, based on the principle of workingin coordinates, and the object-oriented programming paradigm of R. In this way,called functions automatically select the most appropriate type of analysis as a functionof the geometry. The graphical capabilities include ternary diagrams and tetrahedrons,various compositional plots (boxplots, barplots, piecharts) and extensive graphical toolsfor principal components. Afterwards, ortion and proportion lines, straight lines andellipses in all geometries can be added to plots. The package is accompanied by ahands-on-introduction, documentation for every function, demos of the graphical capabilitiesand plenty of usage examples. It allows direct and parallel computation inall four vector spaces and provides the beginner with a copy-and-paste style of dataanalysis, while letting advanced users keep the functionality and customizability theydemand of R, as well as all necessary tools to add own analysis routines. A completeexample is included in the appendix
In the eighties, John Aitchison (1986) developed a new methodological approach for the statistical analysis of compositional data. This new methodology was implemented in Basic routines grouped under the name CODA and later NEWCODA inMatlab (Aitchison, 1997). After that, several other authors have published extensions to this methodology: Marín-Fernández and others (2000), Barceló-Vidal and others (2001), Pawlowsky-Glahn and Egozcue (2001, 2002) and Egozcue and others (2003). (...)
This research report concerns about the post-doctoral activities, conducted betweenSeptember 2010 and March 2011 at the University Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona. It comes to identify the consequences of the convergence phenomenon on photojournalism.Thus, in a more general approach, the effort is to to recovery the structural elements of the convergence concept in journalism. It aims to map, as well, the current debates about the repositioning of photographic practices linked to the news produced in a widespread adoption of digital devices in contemporary workflow. It is also specified,the analysis of photographic collectives as a result of the convergence frameworkapplied to photojournalism; the debate on ways of funding; alternatives facing thealleged crisis of press photography and, finally, proposes to create qualifying stages ofdevelopment of photojournalism in the digital age as well as the proposition of hypotheses concerning the structure of the productive routines. In addition, we present three cases to be analyzed in order to explore and verify the occurrence ofcharacteristics that may identify the object of research in the state of practice. Finally,we work in a series of conclusions, revisiting the main hypotheses. With this strategy, ispossible to define an sequence of analysis capable of addressing the characteristics present in the studied cases and other ones in future, thus, be able to affirm this stage as a step, in the continuous historical course of photojournalism.
Recent research has highlighted the notion that people can make judgmentsand choices by means of two systems that are labeled here tacit(or intuitive) and deliberate (or analytic). Whereas most decisionstypically involve both systems, this chapter examines the conditions underwhich each system is liable to be more effective. This aims to illuminatethe age-old issue of whether and when people should trust intuition or analysis. To do this, a framework is presented to understand how thetacit and deliberate systems work in tandem. Distinctions are also madebetween the types of information typically used by both systems as wellas the characteristics of environments that facilitate or hinder accuratelearning by the tacit system. Next, several experiments that havecontrasted intuitive and analytic modes on the same tasks are reviewed.Together, the theoretical framework and experimental evidence leads tospecifying the trade-off that characterizes their relative effectiveness.Tacit system responses can be subject to biases. In making deliberate systemresponses, however, people might not be aware of the correct rule to dealwith the task they are facing and/or make errors in executing it. Whethertacit or deliberate responses are more valid in particular circumstancesrequires assessing this trade-off. In this, the probability of making errorsin deliberate thought is postulated to be a function of the analytical complexityof the task as perceived by the person. Thus the trade-off is one of bias (inimplicit responses) versus analytical complexity (when tasks are handled indeliberate mode). Finally, it is noted that whereas much attention has beenpaid in the past to helping people make decisions in deliberate mode, effortsshould also be directed toward improving ability to make decisions intacit mode since the effectiveness of decisions clearly depends on both. Thistherefore represents an important frontier for research.
L’objectiu del present TFM és explorar les possibilitats del programa matemàtic MATLAB i la seva eina Entorn de Disseny d’Interfícies Gràfiques d’Usuari (GUIDE), desenvolupant un programa d’anàlisi d’imatges de provetes metal·logràfiques que es pugui utilitzar per a realitzar pràctiques de laboratori de l’assignatura Tecnologia de Materials de la titulació de Grau en Enginyeria Mecatrònica que s’imparteix a la Universitat de Vic. Les àrees d’interès del treball són la Instrumentació Virtual, la programació MATLAB i les tècniques d’anàlisi d’imatges metal·logràfiques. En la memòria es posa un èmfasi especial en el disseny de la interfície i dels procediments per a efectuar les mesures. El resultat final és un programa que satisfà tots els requeriments que s’havien imposat en la proposta inicial. La interfície del programa és clara i neta, destinant molt espai a la imatge que s’analitza. L’estructura i disposició dels menús i dels comandaments ajuda a que la utilització del programa sigui fàcil i intuïtiva. El programa s’ha estructurat de manera que sigui fàcilment ampliable amb altres rutines de mesura, o amb l’automatització de les rutines existents. Al tractar-se d’un programa que funciona com un instrument de mesura, es dedica un capítol sencer de la memòria a mostrar el procediment de càlcul dels errors que s’ocasionen durant la seva utilització, amb la finalitat de conèixer el seu ordre de magnitud, i de saber-los calcular de nou en cas que variïn les condicions d’utilització. Pel que fa referència a la programació, malgrat que MATLAB no sigui un entorn de programació clàssic, sí que incorpora eines que permeten fer aplicacions no massa complexes, i orientades bàsicament a gràfics o a imatges. L’eina GUIDE simplifica la realització de la interfície d’usuari, malgrat que presenta problemes per tractar dissenys una mica complexos. Per altra banda, el codi generat per GUIDE no és accessible, cosa que no permet modificar manualment la interfície en aquells casos en els que GUIDE té problemes. Malgrat aquests petits problemes, la potència de càlcul de MATLAB compensa sobradament aquestes deficiències.
La multi-metodología autobiográfica es una aproximación cualitativa que combina distintas técnicas para estudiar la construcción narrativa de la identidad. El objetivo de este artículo es ofrecer una revisión de dicho enfoque a partir de una expansión de los distintos instrumentos cualitativos utilizados. Más concretamente, la multi-metodología autobiográfica extendida (MAE) consta de cuatro grupos de técnicas: entrevistas en profundidad (historia de vida, entrevista de fondos de conocimiento y la entrevista de Durand), el retrato o dibujo identitario revisado (dibujo identitario, auto-definición, tarea identitaria de las diez definiciones), el análisis de los artefactos-rutinas-formas de vida (diario de una semana, detección de artefactos, rutinas a través de fotografías, rutinas educativas a través de fotografías ) y la utilización de distintos “mapas psicológicos o psicogeográficos” (cronograma, genograma, ecomapa, geomapa y mapa relacional). Después de definir la identidad, los fondos de conocimiento y las formas de vida como posibles objetos de estudio en ciencias sociales, el artículo describe e ilustra las distintas técnicas que componen la metodología propuesta. Se concluye recomendando la triangulación de técnicas cualitativas narrativas basadas en el lenguaje, el caso de las tradicionales entrevistas en profundidad, con determinados procedimientos visuales, a partir de la utilización de fotografías o representaciones gráficas
The purpose of the study, grounded in sociocultural theory, is to describe the funds of knowledge of a Moroccan family living in Catalonia (Spain) in order to document how teachers can use these funds of knowledge to make direct links between students' lives and classroom teaching. The funds of knowledge approach is based on a simple premise: regardless of any socio-economical and sociocultural "deficit" that people may or may not have all families accumulate bodies of beliefs, ideas, skills and abilities based on their experiences (in areas such as their occupation or their religion). The challenge consists in connecting these bodies of educational resources with teaching practice in order to connect the curriculum with students' lives. In doing so, qualitative research can be carried out using several techniques such as self portraits, self-definition tasks, assessment of family artefacts, documenting routines through photographs, or the analysis of a person's significant circle. The results in terms of teaching practices illustrate the variety of ways teachers can make connections between home and school in ways that assist learners in their academic development. In this article, we propose using the term funds of identity to complement the concept of funds of knowledge
Vivim en un món desbordat de sons, olors, imatges,.. que sovint adquirei-xen transparència en els ulls dels adults, no obstant durant la infància es posseeix una mirada molt oberta del món, però el dia a dia, les rutines i convencionalismes redueixen les percepcions que es reben de l’entorn. Tre-ballar i fer ús dels sentits desperta i situa a l’infant en posició de ser partícip del món que l’envolta i ajuda a la comprensió i expressió de tot allò que sent i percep. Mitjançant la metodologia de l’experimentació i l’art és possi-ble el desenvolupament de les percepcions sensorials, a través de les quals la ment comença a construir les seves pròpies idees del món. La sensibilitat en la manera de percebre la realitat permet obtenir noves perspectives, així com maneres d’expressar i comunicar, de forma creativa, tot allò que es percep.
The main goal of this article is to illustrate a way of detecting identity foundations in people using extended autobiographical multi-methodology as a qualitative approach that combines different techniques to study the narrative construction of identity. There are four groups of techniques: 1) in-depth interviews; 2) the revised self-portrait technique; 3) the analysis of artifacts, routines and ways of living, and 4) “psycho-geographical maps.” “Identity foundations” are understood as a set of resources (toolbox) that have been historicallyaccumulated, culturally developed and socially distributed and transmitted, which are essential for defining and presenting oneself. Two examples are provided that illustrate how to use this methodological approach to achieve the aforementioned objective. In conclusion, the study recommends taking into account the explicit and implicit, underlying cultural forces involved in constructing human identity
A priori parameterisation of the CERES soil-crop models and tests against several European data sets
Mechanistic soil-crop models have become indispensable tools to investigate the effect of management practices on the productivity or environmental impacts of arable crops. Ideally these models may claim to be universally applicable because they simulate the major processes governing the fate of inputs such as fertiliser nitrogen or pesticides. However, because they deal with complex systems and uncertain phenomena, site-specific calibration is usually a prerequisite to ensure their predictions are realistic. This statement implies that some experimental knowledge on the system to be simulated should be available prior to any modelling attempt, and raises a tremendous limitation to practical applications of models. Because the demand for more general simulation results is high, modellers have nevertheless taken the bold step of extrapolating a model tested within a limited sample of real conditions to a much larger domain. While methodological questions are often disregarded in this extrapolation process, they are specifically addressed in this paper, and in particular the issue of models a priori parameterisation. We thus implemented and tested a standard procedure to parameterize the soil components of a modified version of the CERES models. The procedure converts routinely-available soil properties into functional characteristics by means of pedo-transfer functions. The resulting predictions of soil water and nitrogen dynamics, as well as crop biomass, nitrogen content and leaf area index were compared to observations from trials conducted in five locations across Europe (southern Italy, northern Spain, northern France and northern Germany). In three cases, the model’s performance was judged acceptable when compared to experimental errors on the measurements, based on a test of the model’s root mean squared error (RMSE). Significant deviations between observations and model outputs were however noted in all sites, and could be ascribed to various model routines. In decreasing importance, these were: water balance, the turnover of soil organic matter, and crop N uptake. A better match to field observations could therefore be achieved by visually adjusting related parameters, such as field-capacity water content or the size of soil microbial biomass. As a result, model predictions fell within the measurement errors in all sites for most variables, and the model’s RMSE was within the range of published values for similar tests. We conclude that the proposed a priori method yields acceptable simulations with only a 50% probability, a figure which may be greatly increased through a posteriori calibration. Modellers should thus exercise caution when extrapolating their models to a large sample of pedo-climatic conditions for which they have only limited information.
If the old body is usually read as a synonym of fragility and upcoming illness, even though not the case for most elderly citizens, the reality is that the longer we live, the increased probability of being affected by different illnesses cannot be eluded or denied. In Doris Lessing’s The Diary of a Good Neighbour and Margaret Forster’s Have the Men Had Enough? the reader is invited to participate in the day-to-day routines of two aged female protagonists, as well as to empathize with their inner feelings as they go through their last life stage. In fact, their ‘dys-appearing’ bodies, marked by their respective terminal illnesses, force these characters to grow closer to those around them and to accept the help of their families and friends, despite their desire to keep their free will and independence until the very end. The analysis of the two novels within the framework of ageing studies aims to show the contradictions existing between a growing ageing society and the negative cultural connotations of old age in Western society and the need to revise them.
La irrupció dels mitjans digitals està generant en les famílies amb adolescents noves formes d'estar junts i de relacionar-se amb l'exterior, que són viscuts sovint amb ansietat per part dels pares. Per estudiar les normes que tant els pares com els seus fills estan generant per regular-les, i com aquestes regulacions es relacionen amb la reproducció de l'avantatge i el desavantatge generalitzat, es proposa superar l'orientació restringida dels riscos i oportunitats i fixar-se en canvi en la manera comles cultures i identitats familiars generen equilibris particulars en les tensions normatives del treball, el consum i l'autenticitat. Mitjançant una recerca empírica qualitativa amb 23 famílies de dos centres d'educació secundària de l'àrea metropolitana de Barcelona, es constata que enlloc de buscar com normes o estils parentals concrets es relacionen amb diferents posicions socials, és preferible analitzar com les diferents cultures i identitats familiars regulen l'adquisició d'autonomia per part dels fills. Aspectes com la familiaritat i reflexivitat vers la tecnologia, l'establiment de rutines i horaris familiars o els contextos relacionals esdevenen així claus per entendre la reproducció de l'avantatge generalitzat. Aquests elements permeten contextualitzar dinàmicament la complexa combinació de les regulacions implícites i explícites en el procés de maduració dels fills.