94 resultados para Riemann Sphere
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
In this paper we study the set of periods of holomorphic maps on compact manifolds, using the periodic Lefschetz numbers introduced by Dold and Llibre, which can be computed from the homology class of the map. We show that these numbers contain information about the existence of periodic points of a given period; and, if we assume the map to be transversal, then they give us the exact number of such periodic orbits. We apply this result to the complex projective space of dimension n and to some special type of Hopf surfaces, partially characterizing their set of periods. In the first case we also show that any holomorphic map of CP(n) of degree greater than one has infinitely many distinct periodic orbits, hence generalizing a theorem of Fornaess and Sibony. We then characterize the set of periods of a holomorphic map on the Riemann sphere, hence giving an alternative proof of Baker's theorem.
We define the Jacobian of a Riemann surface with analytically parametrized boundary components. These Jacobians belong to a moduli space of "open abelian varieties" which satisfies gluing axioms similar to those of Riemann surfaces, and therefore allows a notion of "conformal field theory" to be defined on this space. We further prove that chiral conformal field theories corresponding to even lattices factor through this moduli space of open abelian varieties.
We study the singular Bott-Chern classes introduced by Bismut, Gillet and Soulé. Singular Bott-Chern classes are the main ingredient to define direct images for closed immersions in arithmetic K-theory. In this paper we give an axiomatic definition of a theory of singular Bott-Chern classes, study their properties, and classify all possible theories of this kind. We identify the theory defined by Bismut, Gillet and Soulé as the only one that satisfies the additional condition of being homogeneous. We include a proof of the arithmetic Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch theorem for closed immersions that generalizes a result of Bismut, Gillet and Soulé and was already proved by Zha. This result can be combined with the arithmetic Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch theorem for submersions to extend this theorem to arbitrary projective morphisms. As a byproduct of this study we obtain two results of independent interest. First, we prove a Poincaré lemma for the complex of currents with fixed wave front set, and second we prove that certain direct images of Bott-Chern classes are closed.
The theory of a self-gravitating gas sphere is given. The gravitational field is generated by two components, each of which is an independent isothermal gas. Various quantities of interest, such as density profiles, core radii of both components, masses, free-free luminosity, surface brightness, central surface density, and overestimate of central mass density, are given for different values of both parameters which arise naturally (ratio of central densities, ratio of rms velocities). Fundamental changes appear when comparison is made with a theory in which the second component is a 'test component'. Procedures are given for the complete analysis of real astrophysical configurations such as clusters of galaxies or globular clusters.
The energy and structure of dilute hard- and soft-sphere Bose gases are systematically studied in the framework of several many-body approaches, such as the variational correlated theory, the Bogoliubov model, and the uniform limit approximation, valid in the weak-interaction regime. When possible, the results are compared with the exact diffusion Monte Carlo ones. Jastrow-type correlation provides a good description of the systems, both hard- and soft-spheres, if the hypernetted chain energy functional is freely minimized and the resulting Euler equation is solved. The study of the soft-sphere potentials confirms the appearance of a dependence of the energy on the shape of the potential at gas paremeter values of x~0.001. For quantities other than the energy, such as the radial distribution functions and the momentum distributions, the dependence appears at any value of x. The occurrence of a maximum in the radial distribution function, in the momentum distribution, and in the excitation spectrum is a natural effect of the correlations when x increases. The asymptotic behaviors of the functions characterizing the structure of the systems are also investigated. The uniform limit approach is very easy to implement and provides a good description of the soft-sphere gas. Its reliability improves when the interaction weakens.
Spherical gravitational wave (GW) detectors offer a wealth of so far unexplored possibilities to detect gravitational radiation. We find that a sphere can be used as a powerful testbed for any metric theory of gravity, not only general relativity as considered so far, by making use of a deconvolution procedure for all the electric components of the Riemann tensor. We also find that the spheres cross section is large at two frequencies, and advantageous at higher frequencies in the sense that a single antenna constitutes a real xylophone in its own. Proposed GW networks will greatly benefit from this. The main features of a two large sphere observatory are reported.
The most important features of the proposed spherical gravitational wave detectors are closely linked with their symmetry. Hollow spheres share this property with solid ones, considered in the literature so far, and constitute an interesting alternative for the realization of an omnidirectional gravitational wave detector. In this paper we address the problem of how a hollow elastic sphere interacts with an incoming gravitational wave and find an analytical solution for its normal mode spectrum and response, as well as for its energy absorption cross sections. It appears that this shape can be designed having relatively low resonance frequencies (~ 200 Hz) yet keeping a large cross section, so its frequency range overlaps with the projected large interferometers. We also apply the obtained results to discuss the performance of a hollow sphere as a detector for a variety of gravitational wave signals.
We study the sensitivity limits of a broadband gravitational-wave detector based on dual resonators such as nested spheres. We determine both the thermal and back-action noises when the resonators displacements are read out with an optomechanical sensor. We analyze the contributions of all mechanical modes, using a new method to deal with the force-displacement transfer functions in the intermediate frequency domain between the two gravitational-wave sensitive modes associated with each resonator. This method gives an accurate estimate of the mechanical response, together with an evaluation of the estimate error. We show that very high sensitivities can be reached on a wide frequency band for realistic parameters in the case of a dual-sphere detector.
We present the concept of a sensitive and broadband resonant mass gravitational wave detector. A massive sphere is suspended inside a second hollow one. Short, high-finesse Fabry-Perot optical cavities read out the differential displacements of the two spheres as their quadrupole modes are excited. At cryogenic temperatures, one approaches the standard quantum limit for broadband operation with reasonable choices for the cavity finesses and the intracavity light power. A molybdenum detector, of overall size of 2 m, would reach spectral strain sensitivities of 2x10-23Hz-1/2 between 1000 and 3000 Hz.
The structure of polydisperse hard sphere fluids, in the presence of a wall, is studied by the Rosenfeld density functional theory. Within this approach, the local excess free energy depends on only four combinations of the full set of density fields. The case of continuous polydispersity thereby becomes tractable. We predict, generically, an oscillatory size segregation close to the wall, and connect this, by a perturbation theory for narrow distributions, with the reversible work for changing the size of one particle in a monodisperse reference fluid.
Fekete points are the points that maximize a Vandermonde-type determinant that appears in the polynomial Lagrange interpolation formula. They are well suited points for interpolation formulas and numerical integration. We prove the asymptotic equidistribution of Fekete points in the sphere. The way we proceed is by showing their connection to other arrays of points, the so-called Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund arrays and interpolating arrays, that have been studied recently.
We provide a description of the interpolating and sampling sequences on a space of holomorphic functions on a finite Riemann surface, where a uniform growth restriction is imposed on the holomorphic functions.
El novembre de 1859 Riemann envià un manuscrit de sis fulls a l’Acadèmia de Berlín titulat Sobre el nombre de primers menors que una quantitat donada, el qual seria l’única publicació dedicada a la teoria de nombres de tota la seva producció científica. Aquest treball, sens dubte una de les peces mestres de les matemàtiques de tots els temps, és pioner en l’aplicació de tècniques analítiques per a l’estudi de problemes aritmètics. En ell Riemann introdueix la funció Z i en dóna diverses propietats, de les quals en treu conseqüències sobre l’acumulació dels nombres primers. També hi enuncia la famosa conjectura sobre els seus zeros que ha passat a la història amb el nom d’hipòtesi de Riemann, i que, havent resistit els esforços de molts dels millors matemàtics del segle xx, és considerada avui dia el problema obert més important de les matemàtiques. L’objectiu d’aquestes notes és explicar el contingut del treball de Riemann i el paper fonamental que ha jugat en l’estudi de la distribució dels nombres primers.
Fekete points are the points that maximize a Vandermonde-type determinant that appears in the polynomial Lagrange interpolation formula. They are well suited points for interpolation formulas and numerical integration. We prove the asymptotic equidistribution of Fekete points in the sphere. The way we proceed is by showing their connection to other arrays of points, the so-called Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund arrays and interpolating arrays, that have been studied recently.