5 resultados para Reverse dictionary of Mordvin
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
Stress-strain trajectories associated with pseudoelastic behavior of a Cu¿19.4 Zn¿13.1 Al (at.%) single crystal at room temperature have been determined experimentally. For a constant cross-head speed the trajectories and the associated hysteresis behavior are perfectly reproducible; the trajectories exhibit memory properties, dependent only on the values of return points, where transformation direction is reverted. An adapted version of the Preisach model for hysteresis has been implemented to predict the observed trajectories, using a set of experimental first¿order reversal curves as input data. Explicit formulas have been derived giving all trajectories in terms of this data set, with no adjustable parameters. Comparison between experimental and calculated trajectories shows a much better agreement for descending than for ascending paths, an indication of a dissymmetry between the dissipation mechanisms operative in forward and reverse directions of martensitic transformation.
The Alhama de Murcia fault is a 85 km long oblique-slip fault, and is related to historical and instrumental seismic activity. A paleoseismic analysis of the Lorca-Totana sector of the fault containing MSK I=VIII historical earthquakes was made in order to identify and quantify its seismic potential. We present 1) the results of the neotectonic, structural and geomorphological analyses and, 2) the results of trenching. In the study area, the Alhama de Murcia fault forms a depressed corridor between two strands, the northwestern fault with morphological and structural features of a reverse component of slip, bounding the La Tercia range to the South, and the southeastern fault strand with evidence of sinistral oblique strike-slip movement. The offset along this latter fault trapped the sediments in transit from the La Tercia range towards the Guadalentín depression. The most recent of these sediments are arranged in three generations of alluvial fans and terraces. The first two trenches were dug in the most recent sediments across the southeastern fault strand. The results indicate a coseismic reverse fault deformation that involved the sedimentary sequence up to the intermediate alluvial fan and the Holocene terrace deposits. The sedimentary evolution observed in the trenches suggests an event of temporary damming of the Colmenar creek drainage to the South due to uplifting of the hanging wall during coseismic activation of the fault. Trench, structural and sedimentological features provide evidence of at least three coseismic events, which occurred after 125,000 yr. The minimum vertical slip rate along the fault is 0.06 mm/yr and the average recurrence period should not exceed 40,000 yr in accordance with the results obtained by fan topographic profiling. Further absolute dating is ongoing to constrain these estimates.
In this paper a method for extracting semantic informationfrom online music discussion forums is proposed. The semantic relations are inferred from the co-occurrence of musical concepts in forum posts, using network analysis. The method starts by defining a dictionary of common music terms in an art music tradition. Then, it creates a complex network representation of the online forum by matchingsuch dictionary against the forum posts. Once the complex network is built we can study different network measures, including node relevance, node co-occurrence andterm relations via semantically connecting words. Moreover, we can detect communities of concepts inside the forum posts. The rationale is that some music terms are more related to each other than to other terms. All in all, this methodology allows us to obtain meaningful and relevantinformation from forum discussions.
La llengua catalana disposa d’informació fonètica detallada multidialectal d’ençà que el Diccionari català-valencià-balear d’Alcover & Moll (1926/1930-1962/1968) fou enllestit quatre dècades enrere. Més endavant aparegué el primer diccionari de pronunciació del català (Bruguera, 1990, 20042), restringit al català central i amb una sola pronúncia per entrada -per tant, sense variants i amb informació reduïda en relació amb noms propis, manlleus i neologismes. Més endavant es publicà un vocabulari d’unes 2.000 paraules (Paloma & Rico, 2000) en els dos estàndards orals de Catalunya: central i nord-occidental, de caràcter normatiu i en transcripció ampla, suficient per als parlants catalans. Poc després veié la llum un diccionari de pronúncia de la varietat valenciana (Lacreu, ed., 2001), que conté un nombre elevat d’entrades, però sense informació onomàstica, morfològica ni relativa a la variació de la pronúncia d’aquest parlar. Finalment, es presenta un diccionari en procés d’elaboració d’unes 70.000 entrades i de més de 200.000 pronúncies. El Diccionari de pronúncia catalana (DPC) ha estat concebut per Julià-Muné & Creus com un diccionari de pronúncia descriptiva, en principi de les varietats nord-ocidental i central de la llengua catalana, que ofereix a més la pronunciació estàndard recomanada.
Els autors reflexionen sobre la representativitat dels dialectalismes inclosos en algunes obres lexicogràfiques catalanes, atenent als problemes que es deriven de la selecció lèxica pròpiament dita i de l'abast semàntic d'aquestes unitats. S'hi afegeixen, alhora, aspectes inherents al component lèxic, com ara la variació interna o externa a què està sotmès. Els exemples adduïts provenen en gran part de la recerca duta a terme per a l'elaboració del Diccionari de la pronúncia del català nord-occidental (lleidatà).