75 resultados para Relevant features

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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The paper discusses maintenance challenges of organisations with a huge number of devices and proposes the use of probabilistic models to assist monitoring and maintenance planning. The proposal assumes connectivity of instruments to report relevant features for monitoring. Also, the existence of enough historical registers with diagnosed breakdowns is required to make probabilistic models reliable and useful for predictive maintenance strategies based on them. Regular Markov models based on estimated failure and repair rates are proposed to calculate the availability of the instruments and Dynamic Bayesian Networks are proposed to model cause-effect relationships to trigger predictive maintenance services based on the influence between observed features and previously documented diagnostics


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BackgroundDespite the intrinsic value of scientific disciplines, such as Economics, it is appropriate to gauge the impact of its applications on social welfare, or at least Health Economics (HE) case- its influence on health policy and management.MethodsThe three relevant features of knowledge (production, diffusion and application) are analyzed, more from an emic perspective the one used in Anthropology relying on the experience of the members of a culture- than from an etic approach seated on material descriptions and dubious statistics.ResultsThe soundness of the principles and results of HE depends on its disciplinary foundations,whereas its relevance than does not imply translation into practice- is more linked with the problems studied. Important contributions from Economics to the health sphere are recorded.HE in Spain ranks seventh in the world despite the relatively minor HE contents of its clinical and health services research journals.HE has in Spain more presence than influence, having failed to impregnate sufficiently thedaily events.ConclusionsHE knowledge required by a politician, a health manager or a clinician is rather limited; the main impact of HE could be to develop their intuition and awareness.


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Relevant features of the dynamic structure function S(q,¿) in 3-4He mixtures at zero temperature are investigated starting from known properties of the ground state. Sum rules are used to fix rigorous constraints to the different contributions to S(q,¿), coming from 3He and 4He elementary excitations, as well as to explore the role of the cross term S(3,4)(q,¿). Both the low-q (phonon-roton 4He excitations and 1p-1h 3He excitations) and high-q (deep-inelastic-scattering) ranges are discussed.


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This paper provides empirical evidence that continuous time models with one factor of volatility, in some conditions, are able to fit the main characteristics of financial data. It also reports the importance of the feedback factor in capturing the strong volatility clustering of data, caused by a possible change in the pattern of volatility in the last part of the sample. We use the Efficient Method of Moments (EMM) by Gallant and Tauchen (1996) to estimate logarithmic models with one and two stochastic volatility factors (with and without feedback) and to select among them.


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This paper analyses the inequality in CO2 emissions across countries (and groups of countries) and the relationship of this inequality with income inequality across countries for the period (1971-1999). The research employs the tools that are usually applied in income distribution analysis. The methodology used here gives qualitative and quantitative information on some of the features of the inequalities across countries that are considered most relevant for the design and discussion of policies aimed at mitigating climate change. The paper studies the relationship between CO2 emissions and GDP and shows that income inequality across countries has been followed by an important inequality in the distribution of emissions. This inequality has diminished mildly, although the inequality in emissions across countries ordered in the increasing value of income (inequality between rich and poor countries) has diminished less than the “simple” inequality in emissions. Lastly, the paper shows that the inequality in CO2 emissions is mostly explained by the inequality between groups with different per capita income level. The importance of the inequality within groups of similar per capita income is much lower and has diminished during the period, especially in the low-middle income group.


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A recent upsurge of empirical studies on the causes of conflict attempts to connect various features of the distribution of the relevant characteristic (typically ethnicity or religion) to conflict. The distributional indices differ (polarization, fractionalization or Lorenz-domination) and so do the various specifications of "conflict" (onset, incidence or intensity). Overall, the results are far from clear, and combined with the mixture of alternative indices and notions of "conflict" it is not surprising that the reader may come away thoroughly perplexed. The aim of this paper is to provide a theoretical framework that permits us to distinguish between the occurrence of conflict and its severity and that clarifies the role of polarization and fractionalization in each of these cases.


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This work covers two aspects. First, it generally compares and summarizes the similarities and differences of state of the art feature detector and descriptor and second it presents a novel approach of detecting intestinal content (in particular bubbles) in capsule endoscopy images. Feature detectors and descriptors providing invariance to change of perspective, scale, signal-noise-ratio and lighting conditions are important and interesting topics in current research and the number of possible applications seems to be numberless. After analysing a selection of in the literature presented approaches, this work investigates in their suitability for applications information extraction in capsule endoscopy images. Eventually, a very good performing detector of intestinal content in capsule endoscopy images is presented. A accurate detection of intestinal content is crucial for all kinds of machine learning approaches and other analysis on capsule endoscopy studies because they occlude the field of view of the capsule camera and therefore those frames need to be excluded from analysis. As a so called “byproduct” of this investigation a graphical user interface supported Feature Analysis Tool is presented to execute and compare the discussed feature detectors and descriptor on arbitrary images, with configurable parameters and visualized their output. As well the presented bubble classifier is part of this tool and if a ground truth is available (or can also be generated using this tool) a detailed visualization of the validation result will be performed.


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El Grup Consolidat d’Innovació Docent de Mineralogia i òptica cristal·lina de la Universitat de Barcelona ha desenvolupat un CD interactiu que simula el funcionament d’un microscopi petrogràfic, per tal de facilitar a l’alumne un material d’autoaprenentatge, ha de servir per a reforçar els coneixements dels minerals formadors de roques en làmina prima. Aquest material te tres entrades diferents, en català, castellà i anglès. Cada mineral té una fitxa general amb les seves propietats òptiques i una complementaria amb les característiques cristal·logràfiques, camp d’estabilitat, diagrames de fases i característiques morfològiques del mineral a observar, les quals marquen els trets determinatius d’aquell mineral per tal de facilitar el seu reconeixement. Per tal de complementar les dades s’han introduït links directes amb la planes web: “webmineral” i “mindat” on hi ha les corresponents estructures i morfologies “interactives” de cadascun dels minerals que apareixen en el programa. En l’aplicació informàtica hi ha 169 filmacions corresponents a 43 dels principals minerals que formen les roques, una filmació correspon a la imatge només amb el polaritzador, i l'altre a la imatge amb el polaritzador més l'analitzador. Cadascuna d'aquestes imatges es presenta amb un gir de 360º; es pot aturar i després continuar girant, simulant el que veuríem al microscopi. D'aquesta manera es pot determinar el pleocroisme, la presència de macles, el color d'interferència i l'angle d'extinció.. S’ha intentat sempre que hi hagués diferents exemples d’un mateix mineral en diverses paragènesis. També s'incorpora una fitxa que l'usuari pot omplir amb les característiques texturals i òptiques del mineral agrupades segons les observacions que es fan, bé amb el polaritzador, amb el polaritzador i l'analitzador o bé amb les condicions específiques per veure la figura d'interferència i el signe òptic. Aquesta fitxa, un cop plena, es pot imprimir. En tot moment hi ha un menú d’ajuda on l’usuari pot remetre i fer la consulta adient per poder continuar.


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Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada al University of Bristol, Gran Bretanya, durant agost i setembre del 2007. Els objectius del projecte d’estudi del jaciment de Lady Field (Woolston Manor Farm, Somerset, Gran Bretanya) eren, bàsicament, tres: en primer lloc, posar en pràctica els coneixements teòrics assolits durant la formació en prospecció geofísica; en segon lloc, aportar informació complementària a la aportada per la prospecció tradicional i el sondeig amb gradiòmetre magnètic efectuades prèviament per l’equip investigador del centre, arribant a definir millor les estructures poc definides per l’altre sistema i, finalment, obtenir un cas d’estudi sobre un jaciment medieval a Gran Bretanya, on les condicions geològiques i climàtiques, que afecten els resultats de la prospecció, són diferents a les del nostre país. Aquests objectius s’han assolit, ja que s’ha pogut portar a terme una prospecció de camp amb el sistema de georadar, processar les dades i obtenir-ne dades de qualitat i obtenir informació útil i rellevant de cara a la definició de les restes detectades, una vegada feta la interpretació. Els resultats mostren l’aparició en el subsòl del jaciment de quatre possibles fases d’ocupació, entre les que destaquen un moment amb possibles restes d’una antiga xarxa urbana, treballs agrícoles o un sistema de drenatge del terreny. Finalment l’estudi ha pogut constatar que la prospecció amb GPR en aquestes condicions geològiques és possible, tot i que les climàtiques –essencialment la pluja i la humitat del sòl- suposen complicacions a l’hora d’adquirir dades de forma segura per la maquinària i per la qualitat de les dades.


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Un estudi observacional de pacients amb LES, atesos al University College de London Hospital entre 1976 i 2005, es va dur a terme per revisar les diferències entre homes i dones amb lupus pel que fa a les característiques clíniques, serologia i resultats. 439 dones i 45 homes van ser identificats. L'edat mitjana al diagnòstic va ser de 29,3 anys (12,6), sense diferències significatives entre homes i dones. El sexe femení es va associar significativament amb la presència d'úlceres orals i Ig M ACA. No hi va haver diferències significatives en la comparació de les altres variables. Durant aquest període de seguiment de trenta anys, relativament poques diferències han sorgit al comparar les freqüències de les característiques clíniques i serològiques en homes y dones amb lupus.


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Tropical cyclones are affected by a large number of climatic factors, which translates into complex patterns of occurrence. The variability of annual metrics of tropical-cyclone activity has been intensively studied, in particular since the sudden activation of the North Atlantic in the mid 1990’s. We provide first a swift overview on previous work by diverse authors about these annual metrics for the North-Atlantic basin, where the natural variability of the phenomenon, the existence of trends, the drawbacks of the records, and the influence of global warming have been the subject of interesting debates. Next, we present an alternative approach that does not focus on seasonal features but on the characteristics of single events [Corral et al., Nature Phys. 6, 693 (2010)]. It is argued that the individual-storm power dissipation index (PDI) constitutes a natural way to describe each event, and further, that the PDI statistics yields a robust law for the occurrence of tropical cyclones in terms of a power law. In this context, methods of fitting these distributions are discussed. As an important extension to this work we introduce a distribution function that models the whole range of the PDI density (excluding incompleteness effects at the smallest values), the gamma distribution, consisting in a powerlaw with an exponential decay at the tail. The characteristic scale of this decay, represented by the cutoff parameter, provides very valuable information on the finiteness size of the basin, via the largest values of the PDIs that the basin can sustain. We use the gamma fit to evaluate the influence of sea surface temperature (SST) on the occurrence of extreme PDI values, for which we find an increase around 50 % in the values of these basin-wide events for a 0.49 C SST average difference. Similar findings are observed for the effects of the positive phase of the Atlantic multidecadal oscillation and the number of hurricanes in a season on the PDI distribution. In the case of the El Niño Southern oscillation (ENSO), positive and negative values of the multivariate ENSO index do not have a significant effect on the PDI distribution; however, when only extreme values of the index are used, it is found that the presence of El Niño decreases the PDI of the most extreme hurricanes.


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El present estudi es basa en la descripció de quatre famílies portadores d’una mateixa mutació puntual (p.R120W) en el gen GDAP1 que segreguen d’una manera autosòmica dominant. Les trobades més rellevants foren:  Els individus afectats varen tindre un començament més tardà i un fenotipus més lleu que les mutacions recessives del gen GDAP-1, però amb una gran variabilitat clínica.  La Resonància Magnètica Muscular va demostrar una afectació selectiva de la musculatura intrínseca del peu i la part distal del panxell. El compartiment posterior superficial de la musculatura del panxell estava més afectat que el compartiment anterolateral.