129 resultados para Relaxació magnètica

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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In this paper we study the effect of microwave absorption on the quantum relaxation rate of Mn12 molecular clusters. We have determined first the resonant frequencies of a microwave resonator containing a single crystal of Mn12-Acetate and measured initial isothermal magnetization curves while microwave power was put into the resonator. We have found that the tunneling rate changes one order of magnitude for certain frequencies. This suggests that the microwave shaking of the nuclear spin and molecular vibrational degrees of freedom is responsible for the huge increasing of the tunneling rate.


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Atribution as a function of the time are analyzed and this study leads to a deeper knowledge of the microscopic processes involved in the magnetic relaxation


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In this article we present a phenomenological model which simulates very well the mag¿ netic relaxation behavior experimentally observed in small magnetic grains and single domain particles. In this model, the occurrence of quantum tunneling of magnetization below a certain temperature is taken into account. Experimental results for different materials are presented to illustrate the most important behavior deduced from our model


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We report the first observation of steps in the hysteresis loop of a high¿spin molecular magnet. We propose that the steps, which occur every 0.46 T, are due to thermally assisted resonant tunneling between different quantum spin states. Magnetic relaxation increases dramatically when the field is in the neighborhood of a step. A simple model accounts for the observations and predicts a value for the anisotropy barrier consistent with that inferred from the superparamagnetic blocking temperature


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The recent observation of steps at regular intervals of magnetic field in the hysteresis loops of oriented crystals of the spin-10 molecular magnet Mn12O12(CH3COO)16(H2O)4 has been attributed to resonant tunneling between spin states. Here, we investigate the effect on the relaxation rate of applying the magnetic field at an angle with respect to the easy axis of magnetization. We find that the position of the resonances is independent of the transverse component of the field, and is determined solely by the longitudinal component. On the other hand, a transverse field significantly increases the relaxation rate, both on and off resonance. We discuss classical and quantum mechanical interpretations of this effect


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We study the effects of the magnetic field on the relaxation of the magnetization of smallmonodomain noninteracting particles with random orientations and distribution of anisotropyconstants. Starting from a master equation, we build up an expression for the time dependence of themagnetization which takes into account thermal activation only over barriers separating energyminima, which, in our model, can be computed exactly from analytical expressions. Numericalcalculations of the relaxation curves for different distribution widths, and under different magneticfields H and temperatures T, have been performed. We show how a T ln(t/t0) scaling of the curves,at different T and for a given H, can be carried out after proper normalization of the data to theequilibrium magnetization. The resulting master curves are shown to be closely related to what wecall effective energy barrier distributions, which, in our model, can be computed exactly fromanalytical expressions. The concept of effective distribution serves us as a basis for finding a scalingvariable to scale relaxation curves at different H and a given T, thus showing that the fielddependence of energy barriers can be also extracted from relaxation measurements.


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We present a study of the magnetic relaxation of several ferrofluids composed of particles of about 40 Å in diameter (Fe3O4FeC, CoFe2O4). Our key observation is a nonthermal character of the relaxation below 3 K for the CoFe2O4 ferrofluid and below 1 K for the FeC ferrofluid. The crossover temperature from thermal to nonthermal (quantum) regime is in accordance with theoretical suggestions of macroscopic quantum tunneling of magnetization in single doma in particles


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We have studied the structural and magnetic properties of colloids consisting of different concentrations of magnetite particles dispersed in kerosene. Our data for the temperature dependence of the low field magnetization and the saturation coercive force of the samples evidenced the occurrence, in different temperature ranges, of Neel- and Brown-type relaxation processes whose characteristics were largely influenced by strong dipolar interparticle interactions.


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La Teoria de la Relativitat General preveu que quan un objecte massiu és sotmès a una certa acceleració en certes condicions ha d’emetre ones gravitacionals. Es tracta d’un tipus d’on altament energètica però que interacciona amb la matèria de manera molt feble i el seu punt d’emissió és força llunyà. Per la qual cosa la seva detecció és una tasca extraordinàriament complicada. Conseqüentment, la detecció d’aquestes ones es creu molt més factible utilitzant instruments situats a l’espai. Amb aquest objectiu, neis la missió LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna). Es tracta aquesta d’una missió conjunta entre la NASA i l’ESA amb llançament previst per 2020-2025. Per reduir els riscs que comporta una primera utilització de tecnologia no testejada, unit a l’alt cost econòmic de la missió LISA. Aquesta missió contindrà instruments molt avançats: el LTP (LISA Technoplogy Package), desenvolupat per la Unió Europea, que provarà la tecnologia de LISA i el Drag Free flying system, que s’encarregarà de provar una sèrie de propulsors (thrusters) utilitzats per al control d’actitud i posició de satèl•lit amb precisió de nanòmetres. Particularment, el LTP, està composat per dues masses de prova separades per 35 centímetres, i d’un interferòmetre làser que mesura la variació de la distància relativa entre elles. D’aquesta manera, el LTP mesurarà les prestacions dels equips i les possibles interferències que afecten a la mesura. Entre les fonts de soroll es troben, entre d’altres, el vent i pressió de radiació solar, les càrregues electrostàtiques, el gradient tèrmic, les fluctuacions de voltatge o les forces internes. Una de les possibles causes de soroll és aquella que serà l’objecte d’estudi en aquest projecte de tesi doctoral: la presència dintre del LTP de camps magnètics, que exerceixen una força sobre les masses de prova, la seva estimació i el seu control, prenent en compte les caracterírstiques magnètiques de l’experiment i la dinàmica del satèl•lit.