6 resultados para Refusal

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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In a procurement setting, this paper examines agreements between a buyer and one of the suppliers which would increase their joint surplus. The provisions of such agreements depend on the buyer's ability to design the rules of the final procurement auction. When the buyer has no such ability, their joint surplus can be increased by an agreement which grants to the preferred supplier a right-of-first-refusal on the lowest price offer from the other suppliers. When the buyer does have this ability, one agreement which maximizes their joint surplus includes a revelation game for the cost of the preferred supplier and a reserve price in the procurement auction based on that cost.


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This editorial examines the actions undertaken in number 5 and announces two important changes for the numbers 6 and 7, namely frequency and languages. Furthermore, the use of some bibliometric indicators, such as impact factor and refusal rate, is critically analyzed.


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El document pretén aportar pautes útilsals ciutadans, als centres assistencials i a l'Administració, i que subministra criterisètics i jurídics que ajuden a aclarir el debat sobre si les decisions sanitàries adoptadespels cristians anomenats Testimonis de Jehovà, sobre la base de les seves creencesreligioses, han de ser respectades encara que la seva conseqüència fi nal sigui lapèrdua de la vida.


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El document pretén aportar pautes útilsals ciutadans, als centres assistencials i a l'Administració, i que subministra criterisètics i jurídics que ajuden a aclarir el debat sobre si les decisions sanitàries adoptadespels cristians anomenats Testimonis de Jehovà, sobre la base de les seves creencesreligioses, han de ser respectades encara que la seva conseqüència fi nal sigui lapèrdua de la vida.


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Increased plasma levels of cholesterol are high risk factors of cardiovascular disease. Statins are drugs that inhibit cholesterol synthesis at both pancreatic and extrahepathic levels, being the treatment of choice for hypercholesterolemia. Objective: To analyze the side effects of statins in the mouth cavity, and to analyze the symptoms after interruption of the treatment. Design: Observational study, preliminary. Material and methods: Patients aged 50-70, diagnosed with hypercholesterolemia and undergoing treatment with statins, referred from their primary care physician to the dentist"s office. Anamnesis over oral symptoms was performed in the first visit. Statin treatment was discontinued, followed by lab tests and control visits seven and fifteen days later. We monitored the improvement and/or remission of oral symptoms. Statin treatment was resumed, sending out a report of the patient evolution to the PCP. Symptoms were registered in sheet specially designed for the study. Exclusion criteria: patient refusal, use of drugs for dry mouth treatment, Sjögren"s syndrome. Results: n=26 patients. Dry mouth patients: improvement in 17 out of 23 patients (88.5%). Itchiness: 6 out of 15 cases improved (57.7%). Bitterness: improvement in 13 out of 14 patients (53.8%). Cough: improvement in 11 out of 12 patients (46.1%). Discussion: A high percentage of oral symptoms are associated to treatment with statins. There is a marked improvement after temporary interruption of the treatment. Little is known regarding the side effects of oral treatment with statins. This preliminary study includes a relatively small number of patients. The design of experimental treatments will be required to establish a true correlation between statin treatment and oral symptoms


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El present treball és un estudi sobre l'estigma social en la malaltia mental i la representació d'aquest al cinema. Aquesta anàlisi s'ha portat a terme a partir de dues línies de treball. Per una banda amb l'anàlisi interpretativa de dotze pel·lícules utilitzant els indicadors de 'perillositat'; 'incapacitat per a la vida'; 'incurabilitat'; 'pèrdua de rols socials'; 'por al rebuig i/o por a les relacions socials'; i per l'altra banda a partir d'un grup de discussió, en el qual s'han visionat fragments de cinc pel·lícules amb set estudiants del Grau d'Educació Social de la Universitat de Vic. Dels resultats obtinguts es desprèn que la pel·lícula és un mitjà de comunicació mitjançant el qual els estereotips són usats en favor de l'espectacle, estigmatitzant així les persones diagnosticades de malaltia mental. Aquest és un dels motius que fan valorar el cinema com un recurs educatiu a considerar tant en la formació d'educadors i educadores socials com en els projectes d'intervenció socioeducativa.