5 resultados para Rúiga (Latvia)--Buildings
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
Courtyard houses are attested at several sites in southern Gaul between the 5th and the 1st centuries BC. They represent a new concept when compared to the traditional protohistoric houses of the region and have often been interpreted in terms of Mediterranean, Greek or Italic influences. Regardless of their origin, exogenous influences or evolution, these houses suggest the emergence of social differentiation and elites in several of the main settlements. This article analyses the significance of the various courtyard house categories in the context of local, indigenous societies, while trying to understand the social implications of this new type of residence. In a wider context, the development of domestic architecture during the Iron Age is analysed alongside the relationships between changing uses of space and social changes.
A partir de maig de 2003, per iniciativa del Vicerectorat adjunt d’Edificacions de la UPC, el Centre Interdisciplinari de Tecnologia, Innovació i Educació per a la Sostenibilitat (CITIES) treballa en l’elaboració i la implantació del Pla d’Eficiència en el Consum de Recursos (PECR), amb l’objectiu d’establir polítiques i definir línees d’actuació per a l’estalvi i l’eficiència en el consum dels recursos energètics i d’ aigua en els edificis de la UPC.El PECR contempla, en una de les primeres fases, la realització d’avaluacions energètiques en les edificacions de la UPC per valorar l’estat actual dels edificis i poder establir uns indicadors del seu comportament energètic a partir dels quals establir els objectius d’estalvi i d’eficiència. Per fer aquestes avaluacions, es va crear una línea de projectes finals de carrera (PFC) per a estudiants de l’Escola Politècnica Superior de l’Edificació de Barcelona (EPSEB), sota la coordinació de professors tutors de diferents departaments y amb la col•laboració indispensable de totes les unitats de recolzament de la UPC.Aquesta publicació és la ponència presentada al IV Congrès "Sustainable City", a Tallinn, en el que es va presentar aquest projecte com a una eina de treball amb l'objectiu de reduir l'impacte ambiental dels edificis universitaris en les ciutats.
Universities must motivate future professionals so that they are able to apply their experience over and beyond the scientific and technological context. These professionals should also be trained so that they are aware of the current position as regards the economy and limited energy resources, and they must be creative, knowledgeable and committed if they are to rethink the current model.The Departments of Architectural Technology II and Applied Physics, in collaboration with the Interdisciplinary Centre of Technology, Innovation and Education for Sustainability (CITIES), believed that students could be given the opportunity to specialise in the area of sustainable development by means of their final theses [2]. With this objective in mind, a line of theses called Energy Assessments was created as part of the Plan for Resource Consumption Efficiency (PECR). The line was based on a learning strategy that focused on the student.The teaching staff was able to observe that, in terms of cognitive aspects, the students improved their knowledge of environmental issues and the associated skills, and that they were more able to solve problems in the area of sustainability and had greater concerns about this subject matter after having completed their theses.