14 resultados para Poyet, Guillaume (1473-1548)

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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Entre finals del segle XIV i principis del XV es data la redacció del Manuscrit Mòdena, Biblioteca Estense, .M.5.24, un dels principals manuscrits del moment que han arribat als nostres dies, essent un element culminant pel que fa a penetració de l’art polifònic francès a la Itàlia d’inicis del ‘400. En ell es copien quatre peces de Guillaume de Machaut i l’únic poema de l’autor francès musicat per un altre compositor. En els treballs sobre el manuscrit molt sovint s’obvien aquestes quatre peces, i l’estudi sobre Machaut es fa quasi exclusivament des de les fonts franceses. Aquest treball pretén respondre, sobretot, a dues preguntes: Què ens poden explicar aquestes peces sobre el procés d’afrancesament de la música italiana? Què ens poden explicar sobre la difusió de l’obra de Machaut pel vell continent?


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We identify in this paper two conditions that characterize the domain of single-peaked preferences on the line in the following sense: a preference profile satisfies these two properties if and only if there exists a linear order $L$ over the set of alternatives such that these preferences are single-peaked with respect L. The first property states that for any subset of alternatives the set of alternatives considered as the worst by all agents cannot contains more than 2 elements. The second property states that two agents cannot disagree on the relative ranking of two alternatives with respect to a third alternative but agree on the (relative) ranking of a fourth one. Classification-JEL: D71, C78


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We examine in this paper the formation and the stability of international environmental agreements when cooperation means to commit to a minimum abatement level. Each country decides whether to ratify the agreement and this latter enters into force only if it is ratified by a number of countries at least equal to some ratification threshold. We analyze the role played by ratification threshold rules and provide conditions for international environmental agreements to enter into force. We show that a large typology of agreements can enter into force among the one constituted by the grand coalition.


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Qin [J. Eco. Th., 1996] recently showed that in a game of endogenous formation of cooperation structure, if the underlying TU-game is superadditive, then the full cooperation structure is stable. In this note, we characterize the class of games that ensure the stability of the full cooperation structure, and show that this class is much larger than that of superadditive TU-games.


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This paper studies the stability of a finite local public goods economy in horizontal differentiation, where a jurisdiction's choice of the public good is given by an exogenous decision scheme. In this paper, we characterize the class of decision schemes that ensure the existence of an equilibrium with free mobility (that we call Tiebout equilibrium) for monotone distribution of players. This class contains all the decision schemes whose choice lies between the Rawlsian decision scheme and the median voter with mid-distance of the two median voters when there are ties. We show that for non-monotone distribution, there is no decision scheme that can ensure the stability of coalitions. In the last part of the paper, we prove the non-emptiness of the core of this coalition formation game


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Recently, several school districts in the US have adopted or consider adopting the Student-Optimal Stable Mechanism or the Top Trading Cycles Mechanism to assign children to public schools. There is clear evidence that for school districts that employ (variants of) the so-called Boston Mechanism the transition would lead to efficiency gains. The first two mechanisms are strategy-proof, but in practice student assignment procedures impede students to submit a preference list that contains all their acceptable schools. Therefore, any desirable property of the mechanisms is likely toget distorted. We study the non trivial preference revelation game where students can only declare up to a fixed number (quota) of schools to be acceptable. We focus on the stability of the Nash equilibrium outcomes. Our main results identify rather stringent necessary and sufficient conditions on the priorities to guaranteestability. This stands in sharp contrast with the Boston Mechanism which yields stable Nash equilibrium outcomes, independently of the quota. Hence, the transition to any of the two mechanisms is likely to come with a higher risk that students seek legal actionas lower priority students may occupy more preferred schools.


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The literature on school choice assumes that families can submit a preference list over all the schools they want to be assigned to. However, in many real-life instances families are only allowed to submit a list containing a limited number of schools. Subjects' incentives are drastically affected, as more individuals manipulate their preferences. Including a safety school in the constrained list explains most manipulations. Competitiveness across schools play an important role. Constraining choices increases segregation and affects the stability and efficiency of the final allocation. Remarkably, the constraint reduces significantly the proportion of subjects playing a dominated strategy.


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Se pretende demostrar que as fuentes del panteísmo filosófico-mágico de Giordano Bruno en una corriente filosófica la cual tiene su inicio en los presocráticos Heráclito i Parménides. Entre medio destacan otros exponentes: Platón, Aristóteles, Nicolás de Cusa y Plotino.


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El 1696 el Marquès de L'Hôpital publicà el primer tractat sistemàtic sobre càlcul diferencial, l'"Analyse des infiniments petits", que es basava en les "Lectiones de calculo differentialium" de Johann Bernoulli. Però podem parlar d'aportacions originals per part de L'Hôpital? L'objectiu d'aquest treball de recerca és comparar el contingut i la forma de l'Analyse i de les Lectiones i detectar possibles influències d'altres autors per intentar, finalment, donar una resposta a aquesta qüestió.


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Las sesiones de laboratorio ofrecen la posibilidad de simular a pequeña escala el proceso de investigación. En una actividad formativa basada en la metodología PBL (Problem Based Learning), cada grupo de alumnos recibe el encargo de comprobar de manera experimental el efecto de una sustancia sobre el crecimiento de una población de la planta acuática Lemna minor. Después de completar el diseño experimental y llevar a cabo el ensayo, los alumnos deben redactar un informe final en formato póster de forma que presenten sintéticamente los objetivos del ensayo, el procedimiento experimental seguido, los resultados obtenidos y las conclusiones alcanzadas. La actividad finaliza con la presentación de todos los pósters en una sesión específica. Esta práctica docente ha permitido detectar algunos déficits formativos en nuestros alumnos que han motivado la implementación de estrategias correctoras.


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We obtained Ba3Yb(BO3)3 single crystals by the flux method with solutions of the BaB2O4Na2OYb2O3 system. The evolution of the cell parameters with temperature shows a slope change at temperatures near 873 K, which may indicate a phase transition that is not observed by changes appearing in the x-ray powder patterns or by differential thermal analysis (DTA). The evolution of the diffraction patterns with the temperature shows incongruent melting at temperatures higher than 1473 K. DTA indicates that there is incongruent melting and this process is irreversible. Ba3Yb(BO3)3 has a wide transparency window from 247 to 3900 nm. We recorded optical absorption and emission spectra at room and low temperature, and we determined the splitting of Yb3+ ions. We used the reciprocity method to calculate the maximum emission cross section of 0.28 10-20 cm2 at 966 nm. The calculated lifetime of Yb3+ in Ba3Yb(BO3)3 is trad = 2.62 ms, while the measured lifetime is t = 3.80 ms.


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Algunos filósofos no han vacilado en afirmar que la teoria de la relatividad era el relativismo aplicado a la Física. Para probar su apreciación han aducido algunas expresiones de EINSTEIN -de otros físicosno nos ocuparemos aquí-, que pueden inducir a confusión: así, por ejemplo, la afirmación de que no se puede hablar de la trayectoria deun móvil, de que en la realidad no es válida la ley de composición de ve locidades, etc. Con su acostumbrada brillantez ha dicho ORTEGA YGASSET frases como la siguiente: "Para la física de EINSTEIN, nuestro conocimiento es absoluto, la realidad es la relativa".Para ver si aquellas aprensiones son justificadas y, sobre todo, para ver si se puede admitir lo filosófico que hay en la teoría de la relatividad,vamos a someter a ésta a una dura prueba: a ser examinada por la filosofía que mejor ha sabido armonizar, a nuestro parecer, lo sensible y loideal: la filosofía escolástica, que al no apoyarse en teorías científicas, sino en la observación cierta de las cosas, podemos considerarla comoadecuado instrumento de trabajo. Entre los filósofos escolásticos nos ha parecido muy digno de tenerse en cuenta SUAREZ. El llega, efectivamente,al campo escolástico en una época de intenso renacimiento. Las grandes aportaciones medievales son sometidas por él a una aguda críticay sin integrarse en ninguna escuela, tiene la suficiente libertad de espíritu para seguir sus propios derroteros. Además, en este problema, nose aparta SUAREZ en lo esencial del sentir común de los filósofos escolásticos.