27 resultados para Nylon Deterioration
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
The environmental input-output approach reveals the channels through which the environmental burdens of production activities are transmitted throughout the economy. This paper uses the input-output framework and analyses the changes in Spanish emission multipliers during the period 1995-2000. By decomposing the global changes in multipliers into different components, it is possible to evaluate separately the economic and ecological impacts captured by the environmental input-output model. Specifically, in this study we distinguish between the effects on multipliers caused by changes in emission coefficients (the ecological impacts) and the effects on multipliers caused by changes in technical coefficients (the economic impacts). Our results show a significant improvement in the ecological impacts of production activities, which contributed negatively to changes in emission multipliers. They also show a deterioration in the economic impacts, which contributed positively to changes in emission multipliers. Together, these two effects lead to a small reduction in global multipliers during the period of analysis. Our results also show significant differences in the individual behaviour of different sectors in terms of their contribution to multiplier changes. Since there are considerable differences in the way individual sectors affect the changes in emission levels, and in the intensity of these effects, this means that the final effects will basically depend on the activity considered. Keywords: emission multipliers, multipliers' changes, ecological impacts, economic impacts.
The empirical finding of an inverse U-shaped relationship between per capita income and pollution, the so-called Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC), suggests that as countries experience economic growth, environmental deterioration decelerates and thus becomes less of an issue. Focusing on the prime example of carbon emissions, the present article provides a critical review of the new econometric techniques that have questioned the baseline polynomial specification in the EKC literature. We discuss issues related to the functional form, heterogeneity, “spurious” regressions and spatial dependence to address whether and to what extent the EKC can be observed. Despite these new approaches, there is still no clear-cut evidence supporting the existence of the EKC for carbon emissions. JEL classifications: C20; Q32; Q50; O13 Keywords: Environmental Kuznets Curve; Carbon emissions; Functional form; Heterogeneity; “Spurious” regressions; Spatial dependence.Residential satisfaction is often used as a barometer to assess the performance of public policy and programmes designed to raise individuals' well-being. However, the fact that responses elicited from residents might be biased by subjective, non-observable factors casts doubt on whether these responses can be taken as trustable indicators of the individuals' housing situation. Emotional factors such as aspirations or expectations might affect individuals' cognitions of their true residential situation. To disentangle this puzzle, we investigated whether identical residential attributes can be perceived differently depending on tenure status. Our results indicate that tenure status is crucial not only in determining the level of housing satisfaction, but also regarding how dwellers perceive their housing characteristics. Keywords: Housing satisfaction, subjective well-being, homeownership. JEL classification: D1, R2.
Treball de recerca realitzat per alumnes d'ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l'any 2009. Les primera intenció d'aquesta recerca és unificar dues grans branques de la tecnologia com són la mecànica i l'elèctronica. Així va sorgir el projecte de construir un ascensor i provar un nou sistema de transmissió com és el vis sense fi juntament amb la introducció d'un microcontrolador del tipus PIC com a unitat central de processament. El primer pas d'aquest treball va ser el disseny d'aquest ascensor utilitzant diversos programes. Posteriorment es van encarregar aquestes peces abans dissenyades per tal de començar-ne la construcció. Aquestes peces van ser unides totalment mitjançant rebladures i altres suports mecànics. A continuació es va desenvolupar la programació del microcontrolador. El pas més important va ser l'acoblament del grup motor i el poliment dels aspectes més difícils de corregir com és el cas dels molts fregaments que patia al ser una estructura purament metàl·lica. Corregits aquests problemes i el nivell sonor, es va donar per conclòs el treball.
El control automàtic exerceix un paper important en molts processos de la industria. Cada un dels sistemes de control requereix d’un controlador, la majoria dels quals són del tipus PI. L’objectiu d’aquest projecte es investigar tècniques que permetin superar les limitacions que tenen els controladors PI lineals. En la resposta d’un sistema de control es poden distingir dues tasques diferents: El seguiment a un canvi d’entrada o consigna correspon a la tasca de servo, mentre que el rebuig a pertorbacions correspon a la tasca de regulatori. Al típic esquema de control realimentat, aquestes dues tasques estan enfrontades, és a dir, una millora a la tasca de servo implica un empitjorament a la tasca de regulatori i a l’inversa. Això suposa un problema al rendiment del sistema, així com la necessitat d’establir un cert compromís entre les dues tasques. El que es pretén en aquest projecte es implementar senzilles regles de control no lineal amb la finalitat de millorar el rendiment del sistema i evitar la necessitat d’establir un compromís entre les dues tasques. Així, es pretén superar les limitacions que aquest té, obtenint controladors PI alternatius fàcilment sintetitzables.
In this paper we study the disability transition probabilities (as well as the mortalityprobabilities) due to concurrent factors to age such as income, gender and education. Althoughit is well known that ageing and socioeconomic status influence the probability ofcausing functional disorders, surprisingly little attention has been paid to the combined effectof those factors along the individuals' life and how this affects the transition from one degreeof disability to another. The assumption that tomorrow's disability state is only a functionof the today's state is very strong, since disability is a complex variable that depends onseveral other elements than time. This paper contributes into the field in two ways: (1) byattending the distinction between the initial disability level and the process that leads tohis course (2) by addressing whether and how education, age and income differentially affectthe disability transitions. Using a Markov chain discrete model and a survival analysis, weestimate the probability by year and individual characteristics that changes the state of disabilityand the duration that it takes its progression in each case. We find that people withan initial state of disability have a higher propensity to change and take less time to transitfrom different stages. Men do that more frequently than women. Education and incomehave negative effects on transition. Moreover, we consider the disability benefits associatedto those changes along different stages of disability and therefore we offer some clues onthe potential savings of preventive actions that may delay or avoid those transitions. Onpure cost considerations, preventive programs for improvement show higher benefits thanthose for preventing deterioration, and in general terms, those focussing individuals below65 should go first. Finally the trend of disability in Spain seems not to change among yearsand regional differences are not found.
Over the past decade the US has experienced widening current account deficits and a steady deterioration of its net foreign asset position. During the second half of the 1990s, this deterioration was fueled by foreign investment in a booming US stock market. During the first half of the 2000s, this deterioration has been fuelled by foreign purchases of rapidly increasing US government debt. A somewhat surprising aspect of the current debate is thatstock market movements and fiscal policy choices have been largely treated as unrelated events. Stock market movements are usually interpreted as reflecting exogenous changes in perceived or real productivity, while budget deficits are usually understood as a mainly political decision. We challenge this view here and develop two alternative interpretations. Both are based on the notion that a bubble (the dot-com bubble) has been driving the stock market, but differ in their assumptions about the interactions between this bubble and fiscal policy (the Bush deficits). The benevolent view holds that a change in investorsentiment led to the collapse of the dot-com bubble and the Bush deficits were a welfare-improving policy response to this event. The cynical view holds instead that the Bush deficits led to the collapse of the dot-com bubble as the new administration tried to appropriate rents from foreign investors. We discuss the implications of each of these views for the future evolution of the US economy and, in particular, its net foreign asset position.
Potential mining of the pliocene and quaternary geological formations for the aggregate production along the medium course of the Fluvil river is likely to be carried out through gravel pits. The most significant environmental impacts are envisaged to occur during site preparation and extraction of aggregate. Several environmental impacts types have been considered: variation of water table, reduction of soil and vegetation, development of unbalanced land-forms and deterioration of landscape
Aim: The aim of this study was to assess quality of life (QoL) and degree of satisfaction among outpatients subjected to surgical extraction of all four third molars under conscious sedation. A second objective was to describe the evolution of self-reported pain measured in a visual analogue scale (VAS) in the 7 days after extraction. Study design: Fifty patients received a questionnaire assessing social isolation, working isolation, eating and speaking ability, diet modifications, sleep impairment, changes in physical appearance, discomfort at suture removal and overall satisfaction at days 4 and 7 after surgery. Pain was recorded by patients on a 100-mm pain visual analogue scale (VAS) every day after extraction until day 7. Results: Thirty-nine patients fulfilled correctly the questionnaire. Postoperative pain values suffered small fluctuations until day 5 (range: 23 to 33 mm in a 100-mm VAS), when dicreased significantly. A positive association was observed between difficult ranked surgeries and higher postoperative pain levels. The average number of days for which the patient stopped working was 4.9. Conclusion: The removal of all third molars in a single appointment causes an important deterioration of the patient"s QoL during the first postoperative week, especially due to local pain and eating discomfort.
La contaminació per nitrats de les aigües subterrànies és un dels problemes mediambientals i de salut pública que més afecten els nostres aqüífers. És per això que un dels eixos del nostre estudi és fer la màxima difusió de l’estat de la qualitat de l’aigua dels aqüífers de diferents àrees de Catalunya. En el present estudi es tracta la contaminació per nitrats a les aigües de 945 punts de mostreig (sobretot d’aigua procedent de pous, d’algunes mines i d’algunes fonts) de Catalunya, situats en 12 comarques diferents, totes elles amb algun o una gran part dels seus municipis englobats en una zona vulnerable. D’aquests punts de mostreig s’ha fet un recull de dades de la concentració de nitrats des de l’any 2003 fins el 2012 per tal d’estudiar-ne l’evolució i la incidència de la pluviometria, així com conèixer en quines comarques les variables externes: superfície agrària útil (SAU), explotacions agràries i cabana porcina i bovina poden haver incidit directament en la contaminació. També s’estudia fins a quin punt, aquest deteriorament, ha afectat la mineralització de l’aigua o afecta a llocs d’aigües més mineralitzades. A partir dels resultats obtinguts s’ha arribat a les conclusions que la concentració mitjana de nitrats a les aigües subterrànies en la majoria de comarques estudiades és elevada, superior als 50 mg/l que estableix la normativa vigent; que ha tendit a l’estabilitat en els últims deu anys; que afecta llocs d’aigües molt mineralitzades i que la pluviometria incideix notablement en la concentració de nitrats. S’ha observat que les variables externes superfície agrària útil (SAU), explotacions agràries i cabana porcina i bovina incideixen directament en la contaminació, excepte al Maresme. Finalment es presenten diferents usos alternatius als de l’aigua de consum per aquestes aigües contaminades amb nitrats i que han posat en pràctica diferents municipis de les comarques estudiades.
El análisis antracológico, dendrológico y tafonómico de tres estructuras pastoriles de época moderna del yacimiento de Pleta de l’Estall Serrer (valle delMadriu, Andorra) situado a 1.980mde altitud, nosmuestra una presencia casi absoluta del pino tipo negro y la presencia puntual de taxones arbustivos como las ericáceas. Se trata de especies típicas en un bosque subalpino de pino negro. La presencia casi absoluta del pino, nos ha permitido observar diferentes alteraciones de la madera que nos han proporcionado una gran información sobre el uso de la madera, sobre todo las alteraciones por microorganismos. Hemos podido distinguir varios tipos de alteraciones causadas tanto por insectos xilófagos e hifas de hongos. Además, hemos identificado algunos individuos de termitas subterráneas tanto vivas como carbonizadas. Las primeras son termitas que atacan la madera arqueológica durante los procesos postdeposicionales y las termitas carbonizadas seguramente fueron la causa del deterioro de las estructuras y su posterior destrucción a través de su incendio.