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em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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Fifty-five collections misidentified and stored in various institutional herbaria, under severa1 Rhizopogon species narnes, are revised. Among these, twelve belong to Ascomycotina and 9 were identified to species level; the other collections, immature fruitbodies wcre impossible to identify with the data available. Forty-two collections are Basidiomycotina and only an immature Scleroderma remain without identification to the species level.


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Genetic variation at the melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R) gene is correlated with melanin color variation in many birds. Feral pigeons (Columba livia) show two major melanin-based colorations: a red coloration due to pheomelanic pigment and a black coloration due to eumelanic pigment. Furthermore, within each color type, feral pigeons display continuous variation in the amount of melanin pigment present in the feathers, with individuals varying from pure white to a full dark melanic color. Coloration is highly heritable and it has been suggested that it is under natural or sexual selection, or both. Our objective was to investigate whether MC1R allelic variants are associated with plumage color in feral pigeons.We sequenced 888 bp of the coding sequence of MC1R among pigeons varying both in the type, eumelanin or pheomelanin, and the amount of melanin in their feathers. We detected 10 non-synonymous substitutions and 2 synonymous substitution but none of them were associated with a plumage type. It remains possible that non-synonymous substitutions that influence coloration are present in the short MC1R fragment that we did not sequence but this seems unlikely because we analyzed the entire functionally important region of the gene.Our results show that color differences among feral pigeons are probably not attributable to amino acid variation at the MC1R locus. Therefore, variation in regulatory regions of MC1R or variation in other genes may be responsible for the color polymorphism of feral pigeons.


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This paper explores an overlooked issue in the literature on federations and federalism: the relationship between federalism and democracy. Starting from the assumption that federalism per se is not enough to guarantee cooperative intergovernmental dynamics between different levels of governments, this article analyzes how democracy reinforces cooperative intergovernmental relations under a federal design. Drawing from empirical evidence of federations in the making – Brazil, India, Malaysia, Mexico, South Africa and Spain – this article shows that in countries where the federal design was built under democratization, namely Brazil, Spain and South Africa, intergovernmental dynamics evolved under an increasingly cooperative mode of interaction.


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We have previously reported that actin filaments are involved in protein transport from the Golgi complex to the endoplasmic reticulum. Herein, we examined whether myosin motors or actin comets mediate this transport. To address this issue we have used, on one hand, a combination of specific inhibitors such as 2,3-butanedione monoxime (BDM) and 1-[5-isoquinoline sulfonyl]-2-methyl piperazine (ML7), which inhibit myosin and the phosphorylation of myosin II by the myosin light chain kinase, respectively; and a mutant of the nonmuscle myosin II regulatory light chain, which cannot be phosphorylated (MRLC2AA). On the other hand, actin comet tails were induced by the overexpression of phosphatidylinositol phosphate 5-kinase. Cells treated with BDM/ML7 or those that express the MRLC2AA mutant revealed a significant reduction in the brefeldin A (BFA)-induced fusion of Golgi enzymes with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). This delay was not caused by an alteration in the formation of the BFA-induced tubules from the Golgi complex. In addition, the Shiga toxin fragment B transport from the Golgi complex to the ER was also altered. This impairment in the retrograde protein transport was not due to depletion of intracellular calcium stores or to the activation of Rho kinase. Neither the reassembly of the Golgi complex after BFA removal nor VSV-G transport from ER to the Golgi was altered in cells treated with BDM/ML7 or expressing MRLC2AA. Finally, transport carriers containing Shiga toxin did not move into the cytosol at the tips of comet tails of polymerizing actin. Collectively, the results indicate that 1) myosin motors move to transport carriers from the Golgi complex to the ER along actin filaments; 2) nonmuscle myosin II mediates in this process; and 3) actin comets are not involved in retrograde transport.


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Let F be a free group of rank at least three. We show that some retracts of F previously studied by Martino-Ventura are not equal to the fixed subgroup of any group of automorphisms of F. This shows that, in F, there exist subgroups that are equal to the fixed subgroup of some set of endomorphisms but are not equal to the fixed subgroup of any set of automorphisms. Moreover, we determine the Galois monoids of these retracts, where, by the Galois monoid of a subgroup H of F, we mean the monoid consisting of all endomorphisms of F that fix H.


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Constitutional arrangements affect the decisions made by a society. We study how this effect leads to preferences of citizens over constitutions; and ultimately how this has a feedback that determines which constitutions can survive in a given society. Constitutions are stylized here, to consist of a voting rule for ordinary business and possibly different voting rule for making changes to the constitution. We deffine an equilibrium notion for constitutions, called self-stability, whereby under the rules of a self-stable constitution, the society would not vote to change the constitution. We argue that only self-stable constitutions will endure. We prove that self-stable constitutions always exist, but that most constitutions (even very prominent ones) may not be self-stable for some societies. We show that constitutions where the voting rule used to amend the constitution is the same as the voting rule used for ordinary business are dangerously simplistic, and there are (many) societies for which no such constitution is self-stable rule. We conclude with a characterization of the set of self-stable constitutions that use majority rule for ordinary business.


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It is common to find in experimental data persistent oscillations in the aggregate outcomes and high levels of heterogeneity in individual behavior. Furthermore, it is not unusual to find significant deviations from aggregate Nash equilibrium predictions. In this paper, we employ an evolutionary model with boundedly rational agents to explain these findings. We use data from common property resource experiments (Casari and Plott, 2003). Instead of positing individual-specific utility functions, we model decision makers as selfish and identical. Agent interaction is simulated using an individual learning genetic algorithm, where agents have constraints in their working memory, a limited ability to maximize, and experiment with new strategies. We show that the model replicates most of the patterns that can be found in common property resource experiments.


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We review recent likelihood-based approaches to modeling demand for medical care. A semi-nonparametric model along the lines of Cameron and Johansson's Poisson polynomial model, but using a negative binomial baseline model, is introduced. We apply these models, as well a semiparametric Poisson, hurdle semiparametric Poisson, and finite mixtures of negative binomial models to six measures of health care usage taken from the Medical Expenditure Panel survey. We conclude that most of the models lead to statistically similar results, both in terms of information criteria and conditional and unconditional prediction. This suggests that applied researchers may not need to be overly concerned with the choice of which of these models they use to analyze data on health care demand.


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The aim of the project has been to demonstrate how the farm animal breeding industry can utilise gene mapping technology to accelerate genetic improvement. Previous theoretical studies had suggested that the use of marker assisted selection could potentially increase the annual improvement for quantitative traits like backfat with about 10% and for more difficult traits such as meat quality and reproduction by as much as 40-60% compared with existing technology. The work has comprised two major tasks: 1. Commercially relevant populations have been screened for segregation at QTLs identified in experimental populations. The aim has been to establish optimal strategies for QTL detection in commercial pig populations and the extent to which QTLs explaining major phenotypic differences between divergent lines used in experimental studies also explain quantitative variation within commercial lines. The results are important for specifying future strategies for finding economically valuable QTLs. 2. Marker assisted backcrossing has been used to demonstrate how a QTL allele can be introgressed from one breed to another. The work has focused on the major fatness QTL on pig chromosome 4 previously identified in a wild pig/Large White intercross. The end result was not designed to be a commercially viable product in its own right, but the process has validated a number of points of major importance for the exploitation of QTLs in livestock.


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The Republic of Haiti is the prime international remittances recipient country in the Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) region relative to its gross domestic product (GDP). The downside of this observation may be that this country is also the first exporter of skilled workers in the world by population size. The present research uses a zero-altered negative binomial (with logit inflation) to model households' international migration decision process, and endogenous regressors' Amemiya Generalized Least Squares method (instrumental variable Tobit, IV-Tobit) to account for selectivity and endogeneity issues in assessing the impact of remittances on labor market outcomes. Results are in line with what has been found so far in this literature in terms of a decline of labor supply in the presence of remittances. However, the impact of international remittances does not seem to be important in determining recipient households' labor participation behavior, particularly for women.


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En este proyecto se muestran las posibilidades de la visión estéreo para la visualización en monitores tanto de objetos simples como de grandes escenarios, así como su aplicación en juegos o en otros ámbitos como el cine, la geología e incluso la medicina. Para el desarrollo se ha usado una tarjeta con soporte 3d como la Nvidia 7600GT y una pantalla con una tasa de frecuencia alta como una ACER 19 pulgadas a 100Hz. Los resultados sobre la visualización han sido extraídos de las opiniones de un grupo de 20 personas, de diversas profesiones, no relacionadas con los gráficos por ordenador.


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La violència domèstica constitueix un fenomen que preocupa tant la nostra societat com els professionals que hi treballen. Els programes de tractament psicològic són una eina més per prevenir la repetició de la conducta violenta dels agressors domèstics. Intervenir en aquestes persones és imprescindible, ja que una bona part de les víctimes retornen amb el seu agressor i, si no és el cas, l'agressor pot repetir el mateix patró conductual de violència amb una nova parella. Per aquest motiu, l'objectiu d'aquest estudi és avaluar l'eficàcia del programa de tractament d'agressors domèstics que s'ha dut a terme al Centre Penitenciari Quatre Camins (Barcelona) durant el període 2007-2008. D'altra banda, un segon objectiu d'aquesta investigació és comprovar si les variables criminològiques rellevants a la investigació internacional poden tenir alguna influència o modular l'eficàcia del programa de tractament. Per a la consecució d'aquests objectius s'han avaluat diverses variables psicològiques (distorsions cognitives, impulsivitat, empatia, ira, motivació terapèutica, etc.), les quals conformen els ingredients terapèutics que integren la intervenció psicològica. Tanmateix, s'han recollit tota una sèrie de variables criminològiques dels subjectes que s'han inclòs en les anàlisis estadístiques posteriors. El disseny de la investigació consisteix en una comparació intrasubjectes de les mesures psicològiques abans i després del tractament (comparació pre i posttractament). Aquest estudi constitueix la continuació d'una investigació anterior en l'àmbit del tractament dels agressors domèstics iniciada al Centre Penitenciari Quatre Camins l'any 2006. Les principals conclusions d'aquest estudi són que el programa de tractament amb agressors domèstics rep un suport parcial de les dades empíriques obtingudes i que les variables criminològiques no semblen tenir influència en els resultats positius de la intervenció psicològica.


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El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la eficacia del programa de tratamiento con agresores domésticos. La investigación consiste en una comparación entre sujetos de las variables psicológicas antes y después del tratamiento. La principal conclusión es que el programa de tratamiento recibe un soporte parcial de los datos empíricos obtenidos y que las variables criminológicas no parecen influir en estos resultados.


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Aquest estudi es basa en el coneixement de les dificultats teòriques i pràctiques amb què es troba el professional forense que ha de valorar situacions de violència psicològica en la parella (VPP). L'objectiu principal de l'estudi és conèixer el procés d'avaluació forense que empren els psicòlegs i els treballadors socials dels Equips d'Assessorament Tècnic Penal dels jutjats davant aquests casos. L'interès se centra a conèixer com fan realment els professionals aquesta detecció i avaluació: quins instruments o quines pautes utilitzen, quin ús fan del seu propi judici clínic i en què basen la presa de decisions. Els resultats, de caràcter descriptiu, permeten l'anàlisi i la reflexió sobre la realitat actual de la pràctica professional. Mitjançant una enquesta administrada a aquests experts, sabem que la valoració de la VPP és una tasca freqüent entre les activitats d'avaluació que realitzen. Les fonts d'informació que empren són diverses. La majoria manifesta utilitzar proves o instruments no específics per a casos de violència de parella, i generalment són eines d'avaluació de la personalitat, la intel·ligència o la simptomatologia psiquiàtrica. Un terç dels experts apel·la exclusivament al judici clínic. El nombre d'indicadors que exploren i de seqüeles que detecten és elevat i són de diversa naturalesa. Els resultats obtinguts posen de manifest la rellevància de comptar amb metodologies sistematitzades i amb instruments específics i adaptats a l'àmbit forense, amb la finalitat de guanyar en precisió dels resultats i en optimització del procés d'avaluació de la VPP.