18 resultados para NEONATAL MENINGITIS
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
La meningitis és una malaltia de baixa incidència i una presentació clínica variable. En la pràctica clínica habitual és molt freqüent realitzar una tomografia computeritzada (TC) cranial davant la sospita de meningitis. Les dades del nostre estudi són congruents amb les conclusions de les altres sèries de meningitis: els pacients amb sospita clínica de meningitis que no presenten cap alteració a l’exploració neurològica o factor de risc, són bons candidats per la immediata realització de punció lumbar sense necessitat de fer TC prèvia. En la majoria, la TC de crani no aportarà informació rellevant i demorarà considerablement l’inici de l’antibioteràpia.
La hipoglucèmia neonatal (HN) és un problema de salut freqüent en les primeres hores de vida del recent nascut (RN) especialment de mares que pateixen diabetis mellitus (DM) durant l’embaràs, més coneguda com a diabetis gestacional (DG). La diabetis gestacional és un dels principals factors de risc que condiciona a un nadó a presentar hipoglucèmia en les hores posteriors al naixement, per això, els professionals d’infermeria necessiten conèixer la millor manera d’atendre a la dona embarassada que pateix DG amb l’objectiu d’ensenyar-li unes cures personals especifiques per intentar disminuir la incidència de recent nascuts (RN) que presenten hipoglucèmia.
Aims: To assess the relationship between maternal clinical chorioamnionitis and neonatal outcome in preterm very-low birthweight (VLBW) infants. Methods: An observational case-control study was conducted in the Neonatology Services of 12 acute-care teaching hospitals in Spain. Between January 2004 and December 2006, all consecutive VLBW (F1500 g) infants born to a mother with clinical chorioamnionitis were enrolled. Controls were infants without chorioamnionitis matched by gestational age who were born immediately after each index case. Results: There were 165 cases and 163 controls. A significantly higher percentage of cases than controls required intubation (53% vs. 35.8%), had normal intrauterine growth (98.1% vs. 84.7%), were born in a tertiary center (inborn) (95.1% vs. 89.1%), from single gestations (76.4% vs. 65.6%) and vaginal delivery (47.3% vs. 33.3%), showed a lowerApgar score at 5 min, and presented a higher rate of earlyonset sepsis (10.4% vs. 1.2%). Older maternal age (32.5 vs. 30.8 years), premature labor (67.3% vs. 25.8%), premature rupture of membranes (61.3% vs. 25.8%), and antibiotic treatment (88.5% vs. 52.3%) were significantly more frequent among cases than controls. Conclusions: After controlling by gestational age, maternal chorioamnionitis was associated with neonatal depression and early sepsis but not with other prematurity-related complications.
Purpose: To analyze if the use of Phenobarbital compared with Levetiracetam, it’s associated with more neurodevelopmental problems in newborns treated for neonatal seizures. As a secondary objective identify which are the most affected areas of the neurodevelopment: cognition, socio-‐emotional, motor or language skills.Design: A 5 years long clinical trial administering, with double-‐blind and a randomized distribution of the sample, Phenobarbital or Levetiracetam for the management of neonatal seizures
Aims: To assess the relationship between maternal clinical chorioamnionitis and neonatal outcome in preterm very-low birthweight (VLBW) infants. Methods: An observational case-control study was conducted in the Neonatology Services of 12 acute-care teaching hospitals in Spain. Between January 2004 and December 2006, all consecutive VLBW (F1500 g) infants born to a mother with clinical chorioamnionitis were enrolled. Controls were infants without chorioamnionitis matched by gestational age who were born immediately after each index case. Results: There were 165 cases and 163 controls. A significantly higher percentage of cases than controls required intubation (53% vs. 35.8%), had normal intrauterine growth (98.1% vs. 84.7%), were born in a tertiary center (inborn) (95.1% vs. 89.1%), from single gestations (76.4% vs. 65.6%) and vaginal delivery (47.3% vs. 33.3%), showed a lowerApgar score at 5 min, and presented a higher rate of earlyonset sepsis (10.4% vs. 1.2%). Older maternal age (32.5 vs. 30.8 years), premature labor (67.3% vs. 25.8%), premature rupture of membranes (61.3% vs. 25.8%), and antibiotic treatment (88.5% vs. 52.3%) were significantly more frequent among cases than controls. Conclusions: After controlling by gestational age, maternal chorioamnionitis was associated with neonatal depression and early sepsis but not with other prematurity-related complications.
Aims: To assess the relationship between maternal clinical chorioamnionitis and neonatal outcome in preterm very-low birthweight (VLBW) infants. Methods: An observational case-control study was conducted in the Neonatology Services of 12 acute-care teaching hospitals in Spain. Between January 2004 and December 2006, all consecutive VLBW (F1500 g) infants born to a mother with clinical chorioamnionitis were enrolled. Controls were infants without chorioamnionitis matched by gestational age who were born immediately after each index case. Results: There were 165 cases and 163 controls. A significantly higher percentage of cases than controls required intubation (53% vs. 35.8%), had normal intrauterine growth (98.1% vs. 84.7%), were born in a tertiary center (inborn) (95.1% vs. 89.1%), from single gestations (76.4% vs. 65.6%) and vaginal delivery (47.3% vs. 33.3%), showed a lowerApgar score at 5 min, and presented a higher rate of earlyonset sepsis (10.4% vs. 1.2%). Older maternal age (32.5 vs. 30.8 years), premature labor (67.3% vs. 25.8%), premature rupture of membranes (61.3% vs. 25.8%), and antibiotic treatment (88.5% vs. 52.3%) were significantly more frequent among cases than controls. Conclusions: After controlling by gestational age, maternal chorioamnionitis was associated with neonatal depression and early sepsis but not with other prematurity-related complications.
Des de principi dels anys 90, els programes per a la detecció universal neonatal de la sordesa -DUNS- s'han anat implementant arreu del món. La seva aportació a la millora de la competència en llenguatge dels infants sords ha estat forca significativa. A l'Estat espanyol, la DUNS esta possibilitant una detecció molt més precç de la sordesa, cosa que accelera l'establiment del diagnostic i del tractament, i augmenta així les probabilitats que la rehabilitació auditiva dels infants sords sigui reeixida. Des de la perspectiva de l'atenció integral de la sordesa infantil, aquests programes tenen com a objectiu la detecció de la patologia dins el primer mes de vida, el diagnòstic als tres mesos i la instauració del tractament al voltant dels sis mesos. Aquests terminis suposen un autèntic repte que exigeix, d'una banda, la creació de centres qualificats i, de l'altra, la reformulació dels protocols d'actuació dels professionals de les distintes disciplines i la seva adaptació a les noves eines disponibles per al diagnòstic, l'adaptació protètica i la rehabilitació auditiva del nadó sord. Si en un article anterior abordava el futur de la intervenció amb infants sords, tot considerant els avenços tècnics ja existens (Valero, 2002); ara em proposo revisar breument l'estat de la qüestió a Catalunya, alhora que es faran una sèrie de reflexions sobre els canvis que la detecció molt primerenca d'infants sords pot reportar tant per als mateixos sords com per als professionals que els hem d'atendre.
The increasing incidence of ciprofloxacin resistance in Streptococcus pneumoniae may limit the efficacy of the new quinolones in difficult-to-treat infections such as meningitis. The aim of the present study was to determine the efficacy of clinafloxacin alone and in combination with teicoplanin and rifampin in the therapy of ciprofloxacin-susceptible and ciprofloxacin-resistant pneumococcal meningitis in rabbits. When used against a penicillin-resistant ciprofloxacin-susceptible strain (Clinafloxacin MIC 0.12 μg/ml), clinafloxacin at a dose of 20 mg/kg per day b.i.d. decreased bacterial concentration by -5.10 log cfu/ml at 24 hr. Combinations did not improve activity. The same clinafloxacin schedule against a penicillin- and ciprofloxacin-resistant strain (Clinafloxacin MIC 0.5 μg/ml) was totally ineffective. Our data suggest that a moderate decrease in quinolone susceptibility, as indicated by the detection of any degree of ciprofloxacin resistance, may render these antibiotics unsuitable for the management of pneumococcal meningitis
The goal of the present study is to examine cross-sectional information on the growth of the humerus based on the analysis of four measurements, namely, diaphyseal length, transversal diameter of the proximal (metaphyseal) end of the shaft, epicondylar breadth and vertical diameter of the head. This analysis was performed in 181 individuals (90 ♂ and 91 ♀) ranging from birth to 25 years of age and belonging to three documented Western European skeletal collections (Coimbra, Lisbon and St. Bride). After testing the homogeneity of the sample, the existence of sexual differences (Student"s t- and Mann-Whitney U-test) and the growth of the variables (polynomial regression) were evaluated. The results showed the presence of sexual differences in epicondylar breadth above 20 years of age and vertical diameter of the head from 15 years of age, thus indicating that these two variables may be of use in determining sex from that age onward. The growth pattern of the variables showed a continuous increase and followed first- and second-degree polynomials. However, growth of the transversal diameter of the proximal end of the shaft followed a fourth-degree polynomial. Strong correlation coefficients were identified between humeral size and age for each of the four metric variables. These results indicate that any of the humeral measurements studied herein is likely to serve as a useful means of estimating sub-adult age in forensic samples.
PROTOCOLOS TERAPÉUTICOS. SINDROME HEMORRAGICO NEONATAL. La hemorragia neonatal puede aparecer ante una gran variedad de situaciones. Es importante tener en cuenta que la volemia a esta edad es de 80 ml/Kg de lo que se deduce la importancia de cualquier pÉrdida sanguÍnea por pequeÑa que sea..
PROTOCOLOS TERAPÉUTICOS. Distress respiratorio neonatal. El distress respiratorio neonatal puede ser una situación grave que llegue a poner en peligro la vida del recién nacido. 1) Diagnóstico. Es fundamentalmente clínico y se establece cuando el test de Silverman es superior a 2...
PROTOCOLOS TERAPEUTICOS. CIANOSIS NEONATAL. 1. CONCEPTO Se considera cianosis a la coloración azulada de la piel o de las mucosas secundaria a un oscurecimiento sanguíneo producido por un aumento de la hemoglobina reducida (principalmente HbFe ++) a valores superiores a los 3-5 gr/dl. Toda cianosis neonatal que persista más de 30 minutos tras el nacimiento...
PROTOCOLOS TERAPEUTICOS. INSUFICIENCIA CARDIACA NEONATAL. 1. CONCEPTO La insuficiencia cardíaca (IC) en el recién nacido suele manifestarse de forma global salvo en contadas ocasiones (ciertas cardiopatías congénitas). Las causas pueden ser múltiples, desde problemas hidroelectrolíticos hasta infecciones, pasando por la yatrogenia de la sobrecarga hídrica debida a una mala prescripción de las perfusiones. Un intento de clasificación puede ser el siguiente...
PROTOCOLOS TERAPEUTICOS. TUBERCULOSIS NEONATAL 1. CONCEPTO La tuberculosis neonatal es la infección del recién nacido producida por el bacilo de Koch. Es una situación rara pero grave que requiere un diagnóstico precoz y un tratamiento enérgico..
Se define el 'estado convulsivo neonatal como una convulsión (cualquiera que sea su forma) que se mantiene de forma continuada o bien que tras desaparecer se repite en un período inferior a 20 minutos a pesar de un tratamiento correcto...