8 resultados para Metropolis-Hasting
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
La organización de la producción en el espacio se asocia con el crecimiento y el desarrollo económico. En esta investigación se propone el estudio de las relaciones entre Barcelona y los municipios de su sistema urbano desde tres niveles del análisis: el área metropolitana, la región metropolitana policéntrica, y la red de ciudades. El estudio del área metropolitana permite comprobar el cambio de extensión de la metrópolis de Barcelona, la dirección de la expansión y la creciente integración con otras áreas urbanas de Cataluña. El análisis interno del área metropolitana nos permite comprobar que a pesar del gran peso específico del municipio de Barcelona, el sistema urbano es policéntrico. El incremento en extensión de la metrópolis se debe a la expansión conjunta de la interacción con Barcelona y con un conjunto de ciudades de antigua tradición industrial. Las áreas de influencia de todos estos subcentros se entrelazan al expandirse, formado una región metropolitana policéntrica. Finalmente, la aplicación al análisis de las teorías de redes de ciudades permite identificar un sistema urbano en el que coexisten relaciones jerárquicas con no jerárquicas, y en el que se generan relaciones de complementariedad y sinergia. El análisis de las redes de ciudades en clave de economía del conocimiento permite deducir la dependencia en la transmisión de información y conocimiento tanto de las redes verticales como de las horizontales. Posteriores estudios deben encaminarse a cuantificar los efectos de la estructura urbana sobre la productividad y la utilidad.
This paper explores two major issues, from biophysical and historical viewpoints. We examine land management, which we define as the long-term fertility maintenance of land in relation to agriculture, fishery and forestry. We also explore humans’ positive role as agents aiming to reinforce harmonious materials circulation within the land. Liebig’s view on nature, agriculture and land, emphasizes the maintenance of long-term land fertility based on his agronomical thought that the circulation of matter in agricultural fields must be maintained with manure as much as possible. The thoughts of several classical economists, on nature, agriculture and land are reassessed from Liebig’s view point. Then, the land management problem is discussed at a much more fundamental level, to understand the necessary conditions for life in relation to land management. This point is analyzed in terms of two mechanisms: entropy disposal on the earth, and material circulation against gravitational field. Finally from the historical example of the metropolis of Edo, it is shown that there is yet another necessary condition for the sustainable management of land based on the creation of harmonious material cycles among cities, farm land, forests and surrounding sea areas in which humans play a vital role as agent.
Sobriety checkpoints are not usually randomly located by traffic authorities. As such, information provided by non-random alcohol tests cannot be used to infer the characteristics of the general driving population. In this paper a case study is presented in which the prevalence of alcohol-impaired driving is estimated for the general population of drivers. A stratified probabilistic sample was designed to represent vehicles circulating in non-urban areas of Catalonia (Spain), a region characterized by its complex transportation network and dense traffic around the metropolis of Barcelona. Random breath alcohol concentration tests were performed during spring 2012 on 7,596 drivers. The estimated prevalence of alcohol-impaired drivers was 1.29%, which is roughly a third of the rate obtained in non-random tests. Higher rates were found on weekends (1.90% on Saturdays, 4.29% on Sundays) and especially at night. The rate is higher for men (1.45%) than for women (0.64%) and the percentage of positive outcomes shows an increasing pattern with age. In vehicles with two occupants, the proportion of alcohol-impaired drivers is estimated at 2.62%, but when the driver was alone the rate drops to 0.84%, which might reflect the socialization of drinking habits. The results are compared with outcomes in previous surveys, showing a decreasing trend in the prevalence of alcohol-impaired drivers over time.
La dècada de 1980 va significar un punt i a part per als governs metropolitans. Després de viure una època daurada durant els 60 i 70, la reestructuració del sistema politicoeconòmic va comportar que les estructures de govern metropolità fossin qüestionades i fins i tot suprimides. Quan tot semblava indicar que restarien només com a record, la lògica de competència entre grans ciutats i la necessitat de reinventar-se en base a un desenvolupament sostenible va suposar un inesperat renaixement de la política metropolitana. Si fins aleshores la seva necessitat s'havia justificat bàsicament des d'un punt de vista funcional, seguint pautes tecnòcrates i burocratitzades, la nova metropolítica se centra en la competitivitat i en la sostenibilitat, alhora que posa èmfasi en assajar mètodes de governança. Londres, ciutat que presenta certs paral·lelismes històrics amb Barcelona, ha estat una ciutat pionera i de la seva experiència es pot aprendre per la capital catalana
We report on the study of nonequilibrium ordering in the reaction-diffusion lattice gas. It is a kinetic model that relaxes towards steady states under the simultaneous competition of a thermally activated creation-annihilation $(reaction$) process at temperature T, and a diffusion process driven by a heat bath at temperature T?T. The phase diagram as one varies T and T, the system dimension d, the relative priori probabilities for the two processes, and their dynamical rates is investigated. We compare mean-field theory, new Monte Carlo data, and known exact results for some limiting cases. In particular, no evidence of Landau critical behavior is found numerically when d=2 for Metropolis rates but Onsager critical points and a variety of first-order phase transitions.
En el presente trabajo se analiza la normativa electoral y su aplicación incluida en el articulado de la Constitución de 1812. Para ello en primer lugar se estudia el espíritu del proyecto electoral constitucional. Posteriormente se analiza su aplicación en los comicios para elegir las Cortes Ordinarias de 1813 en las dos realidades que contempla: los territorios de la metrópoli y los de ultramar. Analizada la normativa electoral, establecemos el Parlamento teórico resultante y su aplicación real. Finalmente, realizamos un análisis prosopográfico de los diputados elegidos en España y Cataluña, establecemos la morfología del parlamentario tipo y lo comparamos con los resultados de las dos realidades electorales apuntadas.
Sobriety checkpoints are not usually randomly located by traffic authorities. As such, information provided by non-random alcohol tests cannot be used to infer the characteristics of the general driving population. In this paper a case study is presented in which the prevalence of alcohol-impaired driving is estimated for the general population of drivers. A stratified probabilistic sample was designed to represent vehicles circulating in non-urban areas of Catalonia (Spain), a region characterized by its complex transportation network and dense traffic around the metropolis of Barcelona. Random breath alcohol concentration tests were performed during spring 2012 on 7,596 drivers. The estimated prevalence of alcohol-impaired drivers was 1.29 PER CENT, which is roughly a third of the rate obtained in non-random tests. Higher rates were found on weekends (1.90 PER CENT on Saturdays, 4.29 PER CENT on Sundays) and especially at night. The rate is higher for men (1.45 PER CENT) than for women (0.64 PER CENT) and the percentage of positive outcomes shows an increasing pattern with age. In vehicles with two occupants, the proportion of alcohol-impaired drivers is estimated at 2.62 PER CENT, but when the driver was alone the rate drops to 0.84 PER CENT, which might reflect the socialization of drinking habits. The results are compared with outcomes in previous surveys, showing a decreasing trend in the prevalence of alcohol-impaired drivers over time.
Aquest projecte pretén estudiar les aportacions de Messiaen, Dutilleux i Boulez en l’escriptura pianística, analitzant-ne la transcendència en el terreny interpretatiu actual. Per tal d’assolir aquest objectiu, es repassa quina ha sigut l’evolució de la tècnica pianística francesa, s’estudia el material i les circumstàncies que originen els respectius catàlegs per a piano i es realitza una comparativa del repertori estudiat en els principals conservatoris superiors de Barcelona, París, Sant Petersburg i Moscou. Aquest anàlisi permet determinar que el conservatori de París potencia les obres de nova creació, mentre que als de Barcelona, Sant Petersburg i Moscou encara s’opta per un estudi convergent al cànon. Com a conseqüència, els autors esmentats es consideren objecte d’estudi essencial a París, mentre que a Barcelona i les urbs russes encara no s’han establert en el pla d’estudis.