33 resultados para Mathematics education|Curriculum development
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
Els dies 11 i 12 d'agost va tenir lloc a Copenhaguen, Dinamarca, el seminari de treball Library and Information Science Education in Europe: ¿Issues in joint curriculum development and Bologna perspectives¿. Aquest seminari, que va estar coordinat per la Royal School of Library and Information Science de Dinamarca, amb la col·laboració de l'European Association for Library and Information Education and Research (EUCLID), es va organitzar en el marc d'un projecte europeu subvencionat pel programa Sòcrates. La Facultat de Biblioteconomia i Documentació de la Universitat de Barcelona, present entre 2001 i 2005 en la Junta de Govern de l'EUCLID, va participar-hi com a soci del projecte. L'objectiu del seminari era aplegar una cinquantena d'experts europeus de l'àrea de Biblioteconomia i Documentació ¿tots ells professors d'escoles i de facultats d'universitats europees¿ per discutir qüestions relacionades amb els plans d'estudis dels ensenyaments des de la perspectiva del procés de Bolonya. El seminari consistí en dues conferències i en les reunions de treball de dotze grups formats per experts que examinaren dotze grans temes ¿prèviament acordats pels organitzadors de l'esdeveniment¿ relacionats amb els plans d'estudis d'aquells ensenyaments.
This article reviews data obtained through research into early childhood mathematics education in Spain. It analyses the current curricular directions in mathematics education with early learners. It also provides an overview of mathematical practices in early childhood education classrooms to analyse the commonalities and differences between research, curriculum and educational practice. A review of the research presented at SEIEM symposia from 1997 until 2012 demonstrates: a) very little research has been done, a trend that is repeated in other areas, such as the JCR-Social Sciences Edition or the PME; b) the first steps have been taken to create a more and more cohesive body of research, although until now there has not been enough data to outline the curricular directions; and c) some discrepancies still exist between the mathematical practices in early childhood education classrooms and the official guidelines
This article describes the process of adapting Social Education studies to the European Higher Education Area undertaken by a team of the teaching staff at the University of Girona (Spain). The aim of the experience is to build a curriculum based on thecompetencies recognized as such by professionals in the field of social education in our region. The article specifies the development of the various phases, each involving the active participation of professionals and teaching staff from the universities. To conclude, main characteristics of the curriculum are highlighted
This article offers a panorama of mathematics training for future teachers at pre-school level in Spain. With this goal in mind, this article is structured infour sections: where we come from, where we are, where we’re going and where we want to go. It offers, in short, a brief analysis that shows the efforts made to ensure there is sufficient academic and scientific rigour in teachers’ studies at pre-school in general and students’ mathematics education in particular. Together with a description of the progress made in recent years, it also raises some questions for all those involved in training future teachers for this educational stage
Open Education Resources are educational materials purposely made available for free use by others. They offer tremendous potential for reducing costs and increasing access to education especially in the developing world. This paper discusses issues of quality, localization, adaptation and integration that need to be addressed in order to make OER adoption a successful strategy.
The physical education curriculum stresses the importance of improving students’ key motor skills. This idea agrees with the contributions of research into motor development concerning the important role these skills play in child development. In order to facilitate this improvement is essential to know the different basic aspects of how these key motor skills evolve as well as the essential factors related to the characteristics and conditions of educational practice
Aquest projecte pretén oferir orientació als docents que es proposin desenvolupar continguts educatius en l'àrea de Matemàtiques de primer cicle d'ESO. Per aconseguir aquest objectiu no es necessita cap coneixement extra de complicats programes per assolir resultats atractius i útils. Es proporcionarà als docents la recopilació i estructuració de materials digitals que estan distribuïts a la xarxa, així com el desenvolupament de diferents activitats didàctiques basades en el nou disseny curricular.
[spa] Este informe presenta parte de los procesos y los resultados del proyecto de I+D+I: Políticas y prácticas en torno a las TIC en la enseñanza obligatoria: Implicaciones para la innovación y la mejora, parcialmente financiado por Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. SEJ2007-67562. Recoge los cuatro estudios de caso llevados a cabo en dos Institutos de Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria y dos centros de educación primaria de Cataluña, que nos han posibilitado elucidar el impacto de las políticas de uso de las TIC y de otras iniciativas políticas para favorecer la innovación y la mejora en cada centro, prestando especial atención a: (a) los temas organizativos relacionados con el tiempo y el espacio; (b) el desarrollo del currículum en el centro (visiones sobre el conocimiento, el aprendizaje, el papel del alumnado y el profesorado, el lugar de las TIC, etc.); (c) las condiciones de trabajo del profesorado (acceso a formación, espacios y prácticas de colaboración; desarrollo profesional); (d) los resultados del aprendizaje (valor intelectual, social y personal de lo aprendido; capacidad de transferencia para seguir aprendiendo
[spa] Este informe presenta parte de los procesos y los resultados del proyecto de I+D+I: Políticas y prácticas en torno a las TIC en la enseñanza obligatoria: Implicaciones para la innovación y la mejora, parcialmente financiado por Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. SEJ2007-67562. Recoge los cuatro estudios de caso llevados a cabo en dos Institutos de Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria y dos centros de educación primaria de Cataluña, que nos han posibilitado elucidar el impacto de las políticas de uso de las TIC y de otras iniciativas políticas para favorecer la innovación y la mejora en cada centro, prestando especial atención a: (a) los temas organizativos relacionados con el tiempo y el espacio; (b) el desarrollo del currículum en el centro (visiones sobre el conocimiento, el aprendizaje, el papel del alumnado y el profesorado, el lugar de las TIC, etc.); (c) las condiciones de trabajo del profesorado (acceso a formación, espacios y prácticas de colaboración; desarrollo profesional); (d) los resultados del aprendizaje (valor intelectual, social y personal de lo aprendido; capacidad de transferencia para seguir aprendiendo
[spa] Con el fin de elaborar un estudio sobre la interrelación -o falta de ella- entre práctica educativa e investigación en educación musical, presentamos aquí un estudio de las distintas etapas por las que ha pasado el desarrollo del currículo en educación musical. Además tomamos partido y abogamos por un desarrollo del currículo que tenga en cuenta el contexto educativo-musical, basado en datos provenientes de la investigación educativa, y que preste atención fundamentalmente al plano artístico y estético. Hacemos una apuesta de futuro por un currículo crítico, haciendo por tanto un giro copernicano desde el tradicional interés por el contenido musical hasta la contribución de la música a los objetivos educativos del sistema escolar.
The aim of this studywas to adapt and assess the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the sMARS in terms of evidence of validity and reliability of scores. The sMARS was administered to 342 students and, in order to assess convergent and discriminant validity, several subsamples completed a series of related tests. The factorial structure of the sMARSwas analyzed by means of a confirmatory factor analysis and results showed that the three-factor structure reported in the original test fits well with the data. Thus, three dimensions were established in the test: math test, numerical task and math course anxiety. The results of this study provide sound evidence that demonstrates the good psychometric properties of the scores of the Spanish version of the sMARS: strong internal consistency, high 7-week testretest reliability and good convergent/discriminant validity were evident. Overall, this study provides an instrument that allows us to obtain valid and reliable math anxiety measurements. This instrument may be a useful tool for educators and psychologists interested in identifying individuals that may have a low level of math mastery because of their anxiety.
This study examines whether math anxiety and negative attitudes toward mathematics have an effect on university students" academic achievement in a methodological course forming part of their degree. A total of 193 students were presented with a math anxiety test and some questions about their enjoyment, self-confidence and motivation regarding mathematics, and their responses were assessed in relation to the grades they had obtained during continuous assessment on a course entitled"Research Design". Results showed that low performance on the course was related to math anxiety and negative attitudes toward mathematics. We suggest that these factors may affect students" performance and should therefore be taken into account in attempts to improve students" learning processes in methodological courses of this kind.
Improvement of mathematical education and motivation of students in the mathematics" area is needed. What can be done? We introduce some ideas to generate the student"s interest for mathematics, because they often present difficulties in appreciating the relevance of mathematics and its role in the health sciences. We consider that a cornerstone in the strategy to attract the students" interest is linking the mathematics with real biomedical situations. We proceed in the following manner: We first present a real biomedical situation to produce interest and to generate curiosity. Second, we ask thought-provoking questions to students as: Which is the biomedical problem presented? Which is my knowledge on this situation? What could I do to solve this biomedical situation? Do I need some new mathematical concepts and procedures? Thereupon, the teacher explains the mathematical concepts necessary to solve the case presented, providing definitions, properties and tools for graphical display and/or mathematical calculations. In this learning methodology, ICTs were cornerstones for reaching the proposed competences. Furthermore, ICTs can also be used in the evaluative task in its two possible aspects: formative and for obtaining a qualification. Comments from students about this new mathematics teaching method indicate that the use of real biomedical case studies kept the lessons in mathematics interesting.
In the last years, an increase of the interest to develop educational practices in higher education, based on the approach of the reflective learning, is observed. Nevertheless, we scarcely find in our context researches or experiences that allow knowing students’ perceptions about this teaching and learning approach. We have developed an experience in the bachelor of Social Education at the University of Girona with the aim to contribute to the personal and professional development of future social educators in their initial training, using reflective learning methodology. In this article we present an evaluation of the experience based on students’ perceptions. They assessed the usefulness they think the module has for their training, the methodology and the activities. This evaluation has been carried out through in-depth interviews to 17 students who participated in the module in 2010-11 academic year. The results show that students assess positively the experience, either its general usefulness or the methodology of reflective learning, although they acknowledge some difficulties to carry out such a process which involves a high degree of introspection and a difficulty to set the boundaries in the narration of personal questions. The study also shows some challenges related on the need, but also the difficulty, to include personal and professional development as a powerful axis in the higher education curriculum, as well as elements linked to reflective learning assessment
Aquest projecte pretén incorporar a la titulació d’Enginyeria Tècnica en Química Industrial les competències transversals amb què hauran de comptar els futurs enginyers perquè entrin en el món laboral amb tots els requisits tècnics i competencials que requereixen els canvis dels models educatius (crèdits ECTS) i la canviant situació laboral en l’àmbit de la Unió Europea. La incorporació de competències transversals en les assignatures del pla d’estudis és un dels eixos bàsics plantejats en el Pla Estratègic 2005-2009 de l’Escola Universitària d’Enginyeria Tècnica Industrial d’Igualada. Aquest procés s’ha portat a terme en quatre fases: Disseny: Implicar els empresaris en el disseny de programes de formació que capacitin els estudiant en les competències que demana el mercat de treball. Presentació: Sensibilitzar els professors i els alumnes de la importància de desenvolupar competències transversals dins del marc actual i futur de l’ensenyament. Planificació de les assignatures: Portar a terme la incorporació de competències transversals de forma gradual des del primer curs i donar suport i formació a tot el professorat. Difusió: Divulgar la important transformació que s’està realitzant a l’Escola dins de l’àmbit de la nova implantació de competències transversals per formar als enginyers per tal de fer-los més competitius. Per a aconseguir l’adaptació de les assignatures del pla d’estudis a les noves directrius de l’EEES s’ha treballat des de dues vessants: a) introduint canvis metodològics en la forma d’impartir les assignatures per part del professorat per permetre la incorporació de competències transversals, com ara el treball en equip, a través de l’aprenentatge basat en projectes, i la competència lingüística en anglès, a partir de la introducció de l’anglès a l’aula, i b) adaptant al nou sistema la documentació associada a les matèries que s’imparteixen: guia docent, guies de les assignatures, etc.