3 resultados para Marine heterotrophic bacteria
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
Mass mortality events are increasing dramatically in all coastal marine environments. Determining the underlying causes of mass mortality events has proven difficult in the past because of the lack of prior quantitative data on populations and environmental variables. Four-year surveys of two shallow-water sponge species, Ircinia fasciculata and Sarcotragus spinosulum, were carried out in the western Mediterranean Sea. These surveys provided evidence of two severe sponge die-offs (total mortality ranging from 80 to 95% of specimens) occurring in the summers of 2008 and 2009. These events primarily affected I. fasciculata, which hosts both phototrophic and heterotrophic microsymbionts, while they did not affect S. spinosulum, which harbors only heterotrophic bacteria. We observed a significant positive correlation between the percentage of injured I. fasciculata specimens and exposure time to elevated temperature conditions in all populations, suggesting a key role of temperature in triggering mortality events. A comparative ultrastructural study of injured and healthy I. fasciculata specimens showed that cyanobacteria disappeared from injured specimens, which suggests that cyanobacterial decay could be involved in I. fasciculata mortality. A laboratory experiment confirmed that the cyanobacteria harbored by I. fasciculata displayed a significant reduction in photosynthetic efficiency in the highest temperature treatment. The sponge disease reported here led to a severe decrease in the abundance of the surveyed populations. It represents one of the most dramatic mass mortality events to date in the Mediterranean Sea
L’objectiu principal del projecte era aprofundir en el coneixement de les malalties de les esponges, centrant-nos en la diversitat bacteriana que acullen. Als estius 2008 i 2009 va haver episodis d’elevades temperatures de l’aigua de mar que van suposar importants mortalitats massives d’esponges a la Mediterrània. Contra tot pronòstic, els estius del projecte, el 2010 i el 2011, no van resultar especialment calorosos i no hi va haver episodis de mortalitat. És un fet molt positiu per les comunitats bentòniques però algun dels objectius específics de la meva proposta no es va poder dur a terme com havien estat platejats inicialment. Disposàvem de diferents mostres d’esponges malaltes de l’espècie Ircinia fasciculata, sanes i aigua circumdant recollides l’estiu 2009 i fixades per DNA, per això s’han pogut identificar i caracteritzar els canvis en la comunitat microbiològica de les esponges malaltes respecte de les sanes. Hem constatat que més que una infecció per un o pocs patògens puntuals, com havien proposat alguns autors, hi ha un canvi dràstic en la comunitat microbiològica associada a les esponges. Les esponges malaltes, on dominen els bacteris heterotròfics, presenten una major diversitat bacteriana que les sanes, on dominen els autòtrofs. Tot i que no es va poder realitzar un nou mostreig d’individus malalts, i algun objectiu específic no es va poder desenvolupar, vaig aprofitar l’estada en un centre de referència en estudis de la diversitat microbiana, per ampliar el coneixement general de les comunitats bacterianes associades a esponges. Es van realitzar nous estudis en què vam testar si totes les esponges (bacteriosponges i no) presenten simbionts reals o si les no-bacteriosponges presenten un enriquiment de les comunitats de l’aigua de mar però no una flora específica. El resultat és que totes les esponges presenten associacions molt específiques malgrat hi ha fortes diferències entre les comunitats microbianes associades a bacteriosponges i a no-bacteriosponges.
Membrane-aerated biofilm reactors performing autotrophic nitrogen removal can be successfully applied to treat concentrated nitrogen streams. However, their process performance is seriously hampered by the growth of nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB). In this work we document how sequential aeration can bring the rapid and long-term suppression of NOB and the onset of the activity of anaerobic ammonium oxidizing bacteria (AnAOB). Real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction analyses confirmed that such shift in performance was mirrored by a change in population densities, with a very drastic reduction of the NOB Nitrospira and Nitrobacter and a 10-fold increase in AnAOB numbers. The study of biofilm sections with relevant 16S rRNA fluorescent probes revealed strongly stratified biofilm structures fostering aerobic ammonium oxidizing bacteria (AOB) in biofilm areas close to the membrane surface (rich in oxygen) and AnAOB in regions neighbouring the liquid phase. Both communities were separated by a transition region potentially populated by denitrifying heterotrophic bacteria. AOB and AnAOB bacterial groups were more abundant and diverse than NOB, and dominated by the r-strategists Nitrosomonas europaea and Ca. Brocadia anammoxidans, respectively. Taken together, the present work presents tools to better engineer, monitor and control the microbial communities that support robust, sustainable and efficient nitrogen removal