12 resultados para MORTGAGE

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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In this paper, we investigate whether evidence of discriminatory treatment against immigrants in the Spanish mortgage market exists. More specifically, we test whether, ceteris paribus, immigrant borrowers tend to be charged with higher interest rates on their mortgages than their Spanish born counterparts. To do so, we use a unique dataset on granted mortgages that contains information not only regarding the conditions of the loan but also the socio-economic characteristics of the mortgagors. We observe that immigrants are systematically charged with higher interest rates. We apply the well known Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition to measure the extent to which this disparate treatment of lenders in mortgage pricing against immigrants is due to discrimination. Our results indicate that approximately two thirds of the gap in the interest rate between Spanish born and immigrant borrowers can be attributed to discriminatory treatment. Key words: Immigration, discrimination, mortgage pricing, housing market. JEL codes: R21, G21, J14


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Investigación producida a partir de una estancia en la Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Alemania, entre julio y septiembre del 2007. En este trabajo, se estudia la situación del crédito hipotecario en España a mediados de siglo XIX (con especial atención a Cataluña). En su desarrollo, se abordan tres cuestiones. La situación del crédito hipotecario en España a mediados de siglo XIX. La legislación hipotecaria española en el siglo XIX. En especial, se ha puesto de relieve su incapacidad para movilizar la riqueza inmueble, que sólo se solucionó con una completa reforma hipotecaria y registral. El “sistema de crédito territorial” que, ideado por el desconocido abogado catalán Joaquín Borrell y Vilá, debe considerarse como el verdadero primer paso jurídico hacia el futuro desarrollo de las instituciones de crédito hipotecario en España, aunque fue ignorado por el Gobierno y los agentes económicos.


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This paper presents a theoretical and empirical analysis of strategic competition in retail banking when some of the financial firms are non-profit organisations that invest in social activities. Banking literature about competition is fairly large, but the strategic interaction between profit maximizing and non profit maximizers has not been extensively analysed except for Purroy and Salas (1999). In this paper, a completely different approach is taken. An adaptation of Hotelling’s two stage model of spatial competition is developed to take into account consumer perceptions respect to the two different types of financial institutions. The empirical analysis confirms that consumers take into account other features different from the price, such as social contribution or closer service to make a deposit or mortgage decision. These conclusions are of interest in the debate about a firm’s social or ethical activities. It is shown that if consumers value social activities, firms can improv


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This paper breaks new ground toward contractual and institutional innovation in models of homeownership, equity building, and mortgage enforcement. Inspired by recent developments in the affordable housing sector and in other types of public financing schemes, this paper suggests extending institutional and financial strategies such as timeand place-based division of property rights, conditional subsidies, and credit mediation to alleviate the systemic risks of mortgage foreclosure. Alongside a for-profit shared equity scheme that would be led by local governments, we also outline a private market shared equity model, one of bootstrapping home buying with purchase options.


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The responsiveness of long-term household debt to the interest rate is acrucial parameter for assessing the effectiveness of public policies aimedat promoting specific types of saving. This paper estimates the effect ofa reform of Credito Bonificado, a large program in Portugal that subsidizedmortgage interest rates, on long-term household debt. The reform establisheda ceiling in the price of the house that could be financed through theprogram, and provides plausibly exogenous variation in incentives. Usinga unique dataset of matched household survey data and administrative recordsof debt, we document a large decrease in the probability of signing a newloan after the removal of the subsidy.


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This Article breaks new ground toward contractual and institutional innovation in models of homeownership, equity building, and mortgage enforcement. Inspired by recent developments in the affordable housing sector and other types of public financing schemes, we suggest extending institutional and financial strategies such as time- and place-based division of property rights, conditional subsidies, and credit mediation to alleviate the systemic risks of mortgage foreclosure. Two new solutions offer a broad theoretical basis for such developments in the economic and legal institution of homeownership: a for-profit shared equity scheme led by local governments alongside a private market shared equity model, one of "bootstrapping home buying with purchase options".


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La reducció de l'interès del 5 % al 3 % ha estat considerada el principi de la fi dels censals. Però aquest argument no té en compte que la de 1750 va ser només l'última d'una sèrie de reduccions del for de censal, que també es produïren a Anglaterra, França o Castella, i que els primers símptomes de retracció de l'oferta de préstecs censals no apareixerien fins a la darreria del segle XVIII o principi del segle XIX. L¿article proposa una explicació alternativa d¿aquelles reduccions, que ajustaven l'interès a l'alça coetània del valor patrimonial de la terra i la minva de la rendibilitat del seu esmerç, i de la fi del censal a partir de l'impagament de pensions que es desencadenà a les acaballes del segle XVIII, juntament amb la vaga de delmes i rendes de la terra, quan s'havien esgotat, en bona part, les possibilitats d'expansió agrària del segle XVIII.


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“The liquidity crisis of the Spanish banks is largely due to the lack of confidence of foreign investors and, therefore, the changes that occur in the legislation should not affect the credibility, stability, legal certainty, predictability that markets expect”.Sergio Nasarre (2011)In the current situation of economic crisis, many people have found they can no longer pay back the mortgage loans that were granted to them in order to purchase a dwelling. It is for this reason that, in light of the economic, political and social problems this poses, our paper studies the state of the Spanish real-estate system and of foreclosure, paying special attention to the solution that has been proposed recently as the best option for debtors that cannot make their mort-gage payments: non-recourse mortgaging. We analyze this proposal from legal and economic perspectives in order to fully understand the effects that this change could imply. At the same time, this paper will also examine several alternatives we believe would ameliorate the situation of mortgage-holders, among them legal reforms, mortgage insurance, and non-recourse mortgaging itself.


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Els préstecs hipotecaris són préstecs a llarg termini que es tramiten a través d’un banc o qualsevol altra entitat financera i a canvi cobren interessos i prenen el teu habitatge com a garantia del pagament del préstec. La traducció d’aquest tipus de textos pot enfocar-se com una traducció jurada depenent del tipus d’encàrrec del client. És important la informació prèvia a la traducció sobre el tema, tant en la cultura d’origen com en la d’arribada. També s’ha de tenir en compte la quantitat de tecnicismes que ens poden aparèixer en el text i per tant, la necessitat d’utilitzar diccionaris i bases terminològiques especialitzades en el tema. Aquest treball és una traducció i anàlisi traductològic d’un préstec hipotecari de l’Estat de Massachusets al català.


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Population ageing brings new challenges to long-term household economic decisions. In the event of old-age dependency, housing assets become a key self-insurance device. However, little empirical evidence has been reported regarding an individual"s expectations of having to use their housing wealth for such a purpose. This paper draws upon two complementary data sources to empirically examine: (1) the influence of housing assets on an individual"s willingness-to-sell (WTS) their dwelling for care purposes, and (2) the willingness to take out a reverse mortgage contract loan in the event of old-age dependency. The paper"s findings suggest that homeowners" WTS in old age is unaffected by their income or housing assets and is, rather, determined by socio-environmental housing characteristics and the individual"s health and personal needs. Conversely, the study finds that the uptake of home reversion loans is largely dependent on income or education, but not on a household"s housing assets.


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La crisi financera que es va originar l’any 2007 va tenir uns efectes devastadors a tots els àmbits de l’economia. El mercat hipotecari es va desplomar i l’accés al crèdit es va restringir a la majoria de la població. Els efectes que va tenir la crisi sobre aquests mercats han estat analitzats i estudiats repetidament en diverses assignatures. Però el que es vol observar amb la realització d’aquest treball són els efectes que va provocar la crisi econòmica sobre un altre àmbit del mercat financer, el mercat de fons d’estalvi i més concretament, en el de fons d’inversió. Aquest treball vol analitzar si els mercats espanyol i europeu de fons d’inversió ha patit els efectes de la crisi econòmica i si ha estat així, en quin grau s’han vist afectats. Aquests mercats venen regits per experts professionals en la matèria i la rendibilitat d’aquests actius vindrà determinada per la gestió que aquests facin. Per poder mesurar si la seva gestió aconsegueix millorar els resultats que podríem obtenir invertint en el mercat, utilitzarem uns índexs financers anomenats mesures de performance. Dins el ventall disponible de fons d’inversió, ens centrarem en el mercat de renda variable ja que és el que presenta major variabilitat i està més sotmès a possibles canvis en el mercat. En concret s’analitzaran els resultats de la gestió del mercat de fons d’inversió de renda variable durant els anys posteriors a la crisi fins a l’actualitat tant al mercat espanyol com al mercat europeu per diferents categories de fons.


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During the first decade of this century, Spain experienced the most important economic and housing boom in its recent history. This situation led the lending industry to dramatically expand through the mortgage market. The high competition among lenders caused a dramatic lowering of credit standards. During this period, lenders operating in the Spanish mortgage market artificially inflated appraised home values in order to draw larger mortgages. By doing this, lenders gave financially constrained households access to mortgage credit. In this paper, we analyze this phenomenon for this first time. To do so, we resort to a unique dataset of matched mortgage-dwelling-borrower characteristics covering the period 2004–2010. Our data allow us to construct an unbiased measure of property’s over-appraisal, since transaction prices in our data also includes any potential side payment in the transactions. Our findings indicate that i) in Spain, appraised home values were inflated on average by around 30% with respect to transaction prices; ii) creditconstrained households were more likely to be involved in mortgages with inflated house values; and iii) a regional indicator of competition in the lending market suggests that inflated appraisal values were also more likely to appear in more competitive regional mortgage markets. Keywords: Housing demand, appraisal values, house prices, housing bubble, credit constraints, mortgage market. JEL Classification: R21, R31