43 resultados para Learning support class
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
In This work we present a Web-based tool developed with the aim of reinforcing teaching and learning of introductory programming courses. This tool provides support for teaching and learning. From the teacher's perspective the system introduces important gains with respect to the classical teaching methodology. It reinforces lecture and laboratory sessions, makes it possible to give personalized attention to the student, assesses the degree of participation of the students and most importantly, performs a continuous assessment of the student's progress. From the student's perspective it provides a learning framework, consisting in a help environment and a correction environment, which facilitates their personal work. With this tool students are more motivated to do programming
El Library and Learning Support Working Group (LLSWG) és una xarxa europea de professionals de biblioteca i de la informació i educadors dins de l'Associació Europea d'Universitats d'Ensenyament (EADTU). EADTU és l'organització que representa tant les universitats obertes i d'ensenyament a distància com els consorcis nacionals d'institucions d'ensenyament superior actius en els camps d'educació de distància i e-learning. El 2005 l'Associació Europea d'Universitats d'Ensenyament de Distància (EADTU) presentava a la Comissió Europea una proposta de projecte sobre Mobilitat Virtual anomenada E-MOVE. El projecte incloïa, entre d'altres, un paquet de treball referent a biblioteca i suport a l'aprenentatge al context de mobilitat virtual. Aquest fou desenvolupat pel LLSWG de l'EADTU.
The presentation will focus on the reasons for deploying an e-reader loan service at a virtual university library as a part of an e-learning support system to aid user mobility, concentration of documentary and electronic resources, and ICT skills acquisition, using the example of the UOC pilot project and its subsequent consolidation. E-reader devices at the UOC are an extension of the Virtual Campus. They are offered as a tool to aid user mobility, access to documentary and electronic resources, and development of information and IT skills. The e-reader loan service began as a pilot project in 2009 and was consolidated in 2010. The UOC Library piloted the e-reader loan service from October to December 2009. The pilot project was carried out with 15 devices and involved 37 loans. The project was extended into 2010 with the same number of devices and 218 loans (October 2010). In 2011 the e-reader loan service is to involve 190 devices, thus offering an improved service. The reasons for deploying an e-reader loan service at the UOC are the following: a) to offer library users access to the many kinds of learning materials available at the UOC through a single device that facilitates student study and learning; b) to enhance access to and use of the e-book collections subscribed to by the UOC Library; c) to align with UOC strategy on the development of learning materials in multiple formats, and promote e-devices as an extension of the UOC Virtual Campus, and d) to increase UOC Library visibility within and beyond the institution. The presentation will conclude with an analysis of the key issues to be taken into account at a university library: the e-reader market, the unclear business and license model for e-book contents, and the library's role in promoting new reading formats to increase use of e-collections.
This paper presents a first approach of Evaluation Engine Architecture (EEA) as proposal to support adaptive integral assessment, in the context of a virtual learning environment. The goal of our research is design an evaluation engine tool to assist in the whole assessment process within the A2UN@ project, linking that tool with the other key elements of a learning design (learning task, learning resources and learning support). The teachers would define the relation between knowledge, competencies, activities, resources and type of assessment. Providing this relation is possible obtain more accurate estimations of student's knowledge for adaptive evaluations and future recommendations. The process is supported by usage of educational standards and specifications and for an integral user modelling
L’objectiu principal d’aquest projecte és analitzar les diferències i semblances que hi ha entre les concepcions dels professors que treballen fent servir l’aprenentatge cooperatiu a l’aula, les d’aquells que no ho fan i les dels seus alumnes, respecte l’educació inclusiva i l’aprenentatge cooperatiu. També s’analitzarà si el temps que porta un professor treballant cooperativament a l’aula influeix en aquestes concepcions. Per tal de fer això es realitza un estudi de cas múltiple, a través set d’entrevistes a professors i tres focus groups amb alumnes. Aquets subjectes provenen de de tres escoles d’educació primària de Mataró les quals s’han seleccionat en funció del grau d’experiència que tenen aquestes amb l’aprenentatge cooperatiu. Els resultats d’aquests estudi ens mostren algunes línies de treball per analitzar les diferències en les concepcions del professorat i els alumnes en funció del grau en que aquests fan servir l’aprenentatge cooperatiu.
In this paper we look at how a web-based social software can be used to make qualitative data analysis of online peer-to-peer learning experiences. Specifically, we propose to use Cohere, a web-based social sense-making tool, to observe, track, annotate and visualize discussion group activities in online courses. We define a specific methodology for data observation and structuring, and present results of the analysis of peer interactions conducted in discussion forum in a real case study of a P2PU course. Finally we discuss how network visualization and analysis can be used to gather a better understanding of the peer-to-peer learning experience. To do so, we provide preliminary insights on the social, dialogical and conceptual connections that have been generated within one online discussion group.
This paper analyses the use of open video editing tools to support the creation and production of online collaborative audiovisual projects for higher education. It focuses on the possibilities offered by these tools to promote collective creation in virtual environments.
Durante los últimos años, diversas instituciones y universidades han comenzado a experimentar con el m-learning y Facebook a través de diferentes proyectos como parte de sus metodologías de aprendizaje y como una oportunidad para trabajar con los jóvenes. Sin embargo, poco se sabe de las percepciones y experiencias que pueden obtener estudiantes de diseño sobre este tema. En este estudio 24 estudian - tes han completado sus actividades de aprendizaje durante dos meses, utilizando un smarthphone y la popular red social Facebook. Al final del plazo, los estudiantes participaron además en un grupo de discusión para expresar sus experiencias. Los resultados indicaron que los estudiantes utilizaron Facebook como parte de su rutina diaria y que fueron creadores de contenido proporcionando estos a otros. Además los resultados indican que durante el primer mes perdieron mucho tiempo observando contenidos propuestos en Facebook, que después comentaron. El grupo en Facebook fue utilizado para la interacción social principalmente con otros estudiantes y el profesor, como un complemento a las sesiones presenciales. Los resultados obtenidos y el empleo de estrategias, puede ayudar a la concep - tualización del m-learning y mostrar como Facebook puede funcionar como un entorno de aprendizaje para apoyar la enseñanza y aprendizaje en el área del diseño.
El projecte Aula Matemàtica consta de dues parts. 1. Elaborar un material d'autoaprenentatge en suport digital que cobreixi tots els temes de Matemàtiques de 1r. curs de les carreres de Ciències (Biologia, Química, etc.) i les Enginyeries. Aquest material, accessible des de qualsevol ordinador connectat a Internet, és una base de dades de problemes que els alumnes poden utilitzar per a treballar el temes explicats a classe, o be per cobrir deficiències a la seva formació pre-universitària. Al mateix temps, es poden realitzar exàmens, i els alumnes poden practicar amb els problemes d'examen. 2. Durant unes hores cada dia, oferir una (o diverses) aules d'informàtica al campus de la UAB amb presència de personal de suport (professors, o becaris de darrers cursos de matemàtiques o doctorat) per tal que els alumnes que vulguin (o necessitin) puguin practicar amb ajuda, i consultat els dubtes que tinguin. En la fase actual del projecte s’han fet les següents actuacions: 1. S’ha obert una aula d’informàtica amb suport de becaris a la facultat de Ciències, on a més de practicar els alumnes, s’han efectuat exàmens. 2. S’ha treballat en el programa per tal de fer-lo més amigable. 3. S’ha ampliat la base de problemes fins a 1450, i cobrir totes les assignatures de Matemàtiques i Estadística de 1r. curs de la facultat de Ciències i l’Escola Tècnica Superior d’Enginyeries. 4. S’ha començat a treballar per a la utilització del programa a Secundària. 5. S’han fet avanços molt importants per tal d’incorporar problemes amb resposta oberta. 6. El programa és accessible des de qualsevol ordenador amb Internet.
L’objectiu principal del present projecte MQD és la implementació de cursos semipresencials en el campus virtual MOODLE per a la docència de les assignatures d’Electrònica troncals de l’ensenyament de Física que depenen del nostre departament i de l’assignatura Tècniques de Microscòpia, que és optativa i comuna als Màsters de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia i d’Enginyeria Física. Plantegem metodologies docents basades en: (1) reduir la presencialitat, (2) afavorir l'autoaprenentatge, (3) aplicar estratègies d’avaluació formativa i avaluació acreditativa continuada i (4) fer ús de les TIC com a suport a la docència. La versatilitat de la plataforma Moodle per compartir recursos permetrà generar un material docent accessible per altres professors. D’altra banda, la possibilitat de Moodle per a la gestió de grups, organització i revisió de tasques facilitarà el seguiment de l’activitat d’autoaprenentatge i de treball cooperatiu així com de l’avaluació final dels aprenentatges. Durant la duració d'aquest projecte MQD s'han implementat els segúents entorns: - Curs d'Electrònica Física, semipresencial, amb treball cooperatiu i amb implantació d'avaluació continuada - Entorn de Coordinació del Master de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia - Curs de l'assignatura optativa de Màster Oficial de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia "Tècniques de Microscòpia"
Educational aspirations during lower secondary school and choice of upper secondary education are important for young people’s future trajectories into higher education and labour market positions. In line with ideas about reflexive, autonomous individuals (Giddens, 1991), choice of education is often represented as a young person’ individual decision, and educational guidance as aimed at discovering what ‘fits’ an individual’s personality, interests and abilities. Educational aspirations and choices are also social patterns that are reproduced. Some population categories represent exceptions from expected patterns of social reproduction of educational level and professions. In several countries, one such category is young people from families with migration experiences (Lauglo, 2000; Modood, 2004). In Norway, students have a legal right to non-compulsory upper secondary schooling and 96 percent of the students continue from lower to upper secondary school. In spite of positive developments regarding minority youths’ completion of upper secondary and higher education in later years, studies still persistently show lower educational attainment among minority youth, particularly among boys (Fekjaer, 2006). However, in lower secondary school, minor ity youth tend to have markedly higher educational aspirations and stronger learning motivation than their majority peers, as well as greater effort in school and strong adherence to school values (Lauglo, 2000) despite lower educational attainment or lower socio-economic backgrounds. In addition, gender differences in educational aspirations seem to be smaller among minority youth. The principal objective of the study in progress that will be presented in this paper, is to describe how processes relating to gendered, ethnic and class-based identities influence young people’s educational choices. The study is undertaken as a PhD project in social anthropology. The methodological approach is ethnographic longitudinal fieldwork in two multicultural lower secondary schools in Oslo. The study is part of a larger project that also include quantitative analyses of longitudinal data covering 9th graders in Oslo 2006 through four data collections during lower and upper secondary school.
Accounting for Big City Growth in Low Paid Occupations: Immigration and/or Service Class Consumption
Growth of 'global cities' in the 1980s was supposed to have involved an occupational polarisation, including growth of low paid service jobs. Though held to be untrue for European cities, at the time, some such growth did emerge in London a decade later than first reported for New York. The question is whether there was simply a delay before London conformed to the global city model, or whether another distinct cause was at work in both cases. This paper proposes that the critical factor in both cases was actually an upsurge of immigration from poor countries providing an elastic supply of cheap labour. This hypothesis and its counterpart based on growth in elite jobs are tested econometrically for the British case with regional data spanning 1975-2008, finding some support for both effects, but with immigration from poor countries as the crucial influence in late 1990s London. Keywords: regional labour markets; wages; employment; international migration; consumer demand JEL Codes: J21, J23, F22, R12
This article presents preliminary findings from a research study conducted by the Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education on the role of open educational resources (OER) in transforming pedagogy. Based on a study of art and humanities teachers participating in an OER training network, the study reveals how exposure to OER resources and tools support collaboration among teachers, as well as new conversations about teaching practices. These findings have implications for engaging teachers in adopting new OER use practices, and for how OER can be integrated as a model for innovation in teaching and in resource development.
The purpose of this paper is to present an approach for students to have non-traditional learning assessed for credit and introduce a tool that facilitates this process. The OCW Backpack system can connect self-learners with KNEXT assessment services to obtain college credit for prior learning. An ex post facto study based on historical data collected over the past two years at Kaplan University (KU) is presented to validate the portfolio assessment process. Cumulative GPA was compared for students who received experiential credit for learning derived from personal or professional experience with a matched sample of students with no experiential learning credits. The study found that students who received experiential credits perform better than the matched sample students on GPA. The findings validate the KU portfolio assessment process. Additionally, the results support the capability of the OCW Backpack to capture the critical information necessary to evaluate non-traditional learning for university credit.
Hypermedia systems based on the Web for open distance education are becoming increasinglypopular as tools for user-driven access learning information. Adaptive hypermedia is a new direction in research within the area of user-adaptive systems, to increase its functionality by making it personalized [Eklu 961. This paper sketches a general agents architecture to include navigationaladaptability and user-friendly processes which would guide and accompany the student during hislher learning on the PLAN-G hypermedia system (New Generation Telematics Platform to Support Open and Distance Learning), with the aid of computer networks and specifically WWW technology [Marz 98-1] [Marz 98-2]. The PLAN-G actual prototype is successfully used with some informatics courses (the current version has no agents yet). The propased multi-agent system, contains two different types of adaptive autonomous software agents: Personal Digital Agents {Interface), to interacl directly with the student when necessary; and Information Agents (Intermediaries), to filtrate and discover information to learn and to adapt navigation space to a specific student