8 resultados para Kleinberg, Jon
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
Fins a ben endins la dècada de 1920 la idea de que les malalties són entitats naturals essencialment contínues en l’espai i el temps —i, com a màxim, susceptibles en el cas de les afeccions infeccioses, d’experimentar canvis explicables per les lleis bioevolutives que regulen les relacions entre els diferents éssers vius— fou incontestable entre els historiadors de la malaltia, en gran manera en raó del paper “disciplinari” i, abans de res, legitimador de la ciència mèdica moderna, que la història de la medicina havia jugat des de la seva institucionalització a finals del segle XIX. Aquesta nota repassa la historiografia del segle XX sobre la malaltia humana des de la història de la medicina. Se n’examinen sucessivament: la “perspectiva bacteriològica”, la influència de la història cultural i social, i l’impacte del socioconstructivisme. A la fi, se n’apunten les propostes més recents des del “gir lingüístic” i el postrelativisme.
La recerca es centra en l'obra de divulgació científica d'Antoni Bergnes de las Casas al llarg del segle XIX a Barcelona. En les obres i revistes que publicà destaca la difusió de noves concepcions en la història natural. En elles es divulga la teoria evolucionista de Lamarck i d'altres models evolutius similars, però que defensen la intervenció divina en el procés. Aquests fets posen de manifest la presència de teories evolutives a Catalunya i a Espanya en la primera meitat del segle XIX, i de la teoria evolucionista de Lamarck a principi dels anys seixanta del segle.
Heu contractat alguna vegada un servei funerari? Encara que la resposta de molts de nosaltres és que no, és ben segur que algun cop en la nostra vida ho haurem de fer i potser és millor pensar quin tipus de servei estarem contractant abans que arribi el moment de fer-ho. “El precio de la muerte” és un treball on s’ha fet un anàlisi del mercat funerari a Barcelona i la seva utilitat rau en el fet de que aquest tipus de serveis, encara avui dia, segueix sent molt desconegut i és per això que aquí donarem respostes a les principals preguntes que pugui tenir el lector. Si voleu saber en qui recau la responsabilitat d’oferir aquest servei, com es fixen els preus o qui es queda els 10 milions d’euros que dona de benefici una empresa d’aquest tipus no dubteu en llegir aquest treball, i aquesta i moltes preguntes més trobaran resposta.Finalment, ens plau pensar que l’esforç de reunir aquesta informació serveixi als consumidors per afrontar un tràmit tan forçós des d’una posició d’igualtat davant l’empresa oferidora, i evitar així preus abusius i serveis innecessaris.
In this paper we study the structure of labor market flows in Spain and compare them with France and the US. We characterize a number of empirical regularities and stylized facts. One striking result is that the job finding rate is slightly higher than in France, while the jon loss rate is much higher, putting Spain half-way between France and the US. This suggests that while Spain has borne the full cost of its labor market reforms in terms of job precarity, the benefits in terms of job creation have been quite modest. We hypothesize that this has been due to the reform s credibility being imperfect, which leads toexpectation of reversal.
Nitrogen incorporates into Fe thin films during reactively sputtered TiN capping layer deposition. The influence that this nitrogen incorporation has both on the structure and magnetic properties is discussed for a series of Fe~001! thin films grown at different temperatures. A higher nitrogen content is accompanied by distortion in the Fe lattice and by reduction in the Fe magnetization saturation as well as in the effective anisotropy constant, K. The reduction of K brings as a consequence lowering in the coercive field with respect to equivalent Fe films with no nitrogen present.
Background: Non-long terminal repeat (non-LTR) retrotransposons have contributed to shaping the structure and function of genomes. In silico and experimental approaches have been used to identify the non-LTR elements of the urochordate Ciona intestinalis. Knowledge of the types and abundance of non-LTR elements in urochordates is a key step in understanding their contribution to the structure and function of vertebrate genomes. Results: Consensus elements phylogenetically related to the I, LINE1, LINE2, LOA and R2 elements of the 14 eukaryotic non-LTR clades are described from C. intestinalis. The ascidian elements showed conservation of both the reverse transcriptase coding sequence and the overall structural organization seen in each clade. The apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease and nucleic-acid-binding domains encoded upstream of the reverse transcriptase, and the RNase H and the restriction enzyme-like endonuclease motifs encoded downstream of the reverse transcriptase were identified in the corresponding Ciona families. Conclusions: The genome of C. intestinalis harbors representatives of at least five clades of non-LTR retrotransposons. The copy number per haploid genome of each element is low, less than 100, far below the values reported for vertebrate counterparts but within the range for protostomes. Genomic and sequence analysis shows that the ascidian non-LTR elements are unmethylated and flanked by genomic segments with a gene density lower than average for the genome. The analysis provides valuable data for understanding the evolution of early chordate genomes and enlarges the view on the distribution of the non-LTR retrotransposons in eukaryotes.
Between-country differences in medical and sociodemographic variables, and patient-related outcomes (PROs) before treatment might explain published variations of side effects after radical prostatecomy (RP) or radiotherapy (RAD) for prostate cancer (PCa). This hypothesis was tested among 1908 patients from the United States, Spain, and Norway. Significant between-country differences were observed for most factors investigated before treatment. The observations should be considered in comparison of the frequency and severity of internationally published studies. Background: In men with PCa, large variations of PROs after RP or high-dose RAD might be related to betweencountry differences of medical and sociodemographic variables, and differences in PROs before treatment in the sexual and urinary domains. Patients and Methods: In 1908 patients with localized PCa from Norway, the United States, or Spain, the relation between medical (prostate-specific antigen, Gleason score, cT-category) and sociodemographic variables (age, education, marital status) before treatment was investigated. Using the Expanded Prostate Cancer Index Composite questionnaire, PROs before treatment within the sexual and urinary domains were also considered. Results: Compared with the European patients, American patients were younger, fewer had comorbid conditions, and more had a high education level. Fifty-three percent of the US men eligible for RP had low-risk tumors compared with 42% and 31% among the Norwegian and the Spanish patients, respectively. Among the Spanish RAD patients, 54% had had low-risk tumors compared with 34% of the American and 21% of the Norwegian men planned for RAD, respectively. Compared with the European patients, significantly fewer US patients reported moderate or severe sexual dysfunction and related problems. In most subgroups, the number of patients with sexual or urinary dysfunction exceeded that of patients with bother related to the reported dysfunction. Conclusion: Statistically significant between-country differences were observed in medical and sociodemographic variables, and in PROs before treatment within the sexual and urinary domains. Large differences between reported dysfunction and related problems within the sexual and urinary domains indicate that dysfunction and bother should be reported separately in addition to calculation of summary scores. The documented differences, not at least regarding PROs, might in part explain the large variation of side effects after treatment evident in the medical literature
Background: Endocannabinoids and temperament traits have been linked to both physical activity and body mass index (BMI) however no study has explored how these factors interact in females. The aims of this cross-sectional study were to 1) examine differences among distinct BMI groups on daytime physical activity and time spent in moderate-vigorous physical activity (MVPA), temperament traits and plasma endocannabinoid concentrations; and 2) explore the association and interaction between MVPA, temperament, endocannabinoids and BMI. Methods: Physical activity was measured with the wrist-worn accelerometer Actiwatch AW7, in a sample of 189 female participants (43 morbid obese, 30 obese, and 116 healthy-weight controls). The Temperament and Character Inventory-Revised questionnaire was used to assess personality traits. BMI was calculated by bioelectrical impedance analysis via the TANITA digital scale. Blood analyses were conducted to measure levels of endocannabinoids and endocannabinoid-related compounds. Path-analysis was performed to examine the association between predictive variables and MVPA. Results: Obese groups showed lower MVPA and dysfunctional temperament traits compared to healthy-weight controls. Plasma concentrations of 2-arachidonoylglyceryl (2-AG) were greater in obese groups. Path-analysis identified a direct effect between greater MVPA and low BMI (b = −0.13, p = .039) and high MVPA levels were associated with elevated anandamide (AEA) levels (b = 0.16, p = .049) and N-oleylethanolamide (OEA) levels (b = 0.22, p = .004), as well as high Novelty seeking (b = 0.18, p<.001) and low Harm avoidance (b = −0.16, p<.001). Conclusions: Obese individuals showed a distinct temperament profile and circulating endocannabinoids compared to controls. Temperament and endocannabinoids may act as moderators of the low MVPA in obesity.