9 resultados para Klein, Naomi: No logo

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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This text has been published in the book Jocs Olímpics, comunicació i intercanvis culturals: l’experiència dels últims quatre Jocs Olímpics d’estiu, gathering the communications presented in the international Symposium that was celebrated in Barcelona from 3 to 5 april of 1991.


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region to the other. We also present a C-type solution that describes neutral bubbles in uniform acceleration, and we use it to construct an instanton that mediates the breaking of a cosmic string by forming bubbles at its ends. The rate for this process is also calculated. Finally, we argue that a similar solution can be constructed for magnetic bubbles, and that it can be used to describe a semiclassical instability of the two-timing vacuum against production of massless monopole pairs.


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We extend the recent microscopic analysis of extremal dyonic Kaluza-Klein (D0-D6) black holes to cover the regime of fast rotation in addition to slow rotation. Fastly rotating black holes, in contrast to slow ones, have nonzero angular velocity and possess ergospheres, so they are more similar to the Kerr black hole. The D-brane model reproduces their entropy exactly, but the mass gets renormalized from weak to strong coupling, in agreement with recent macroscopic analyses of rotating attractors. We discuss how the existence of the ergosphere and superradiance manifest themselves within the microscopic model. In addition, we show in full generality how Myers-Perry black holes are obtained as a limit of Kaluza-Klein black holes, and discuss the slow and fast rotation regimes and superradiance in this context.


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The scalar sector of the effective low-energy six-dimensional Kaluza-Klein theory is seen to represent an anisotropic fluid composed of two perfect fluids if the extra space metric has a Euclidean signature, or a perfect fluid of geometric strings if it has an indefinite signature. The Einstein field equations with such fluids can be explicitly integrated when the four-dimensional space-time has two commuting Killing vectors.


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This comment corrects the errors in the estimation process that appear in Martins (2001). The first error is in the parametric probit estimation, as the previously presented results do not maximize the log-likelihood function. In the global maximum more variables become significant. As for the semiparametric estimation method, the kernel function used in Martins (2001) can take on both positive and negative values, which implies that the participation probability estimates may be outside the interval [0,1]. We have solved the problem by applying local smoothing in the kernel estimation, as suggested by Klein and Spady (1993).


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Este ensayo intenta resaltar los posibles puentes de oración y diálogo que existen entre la teoría política contemporánea y algunos teóricos de la tradición psicoanalítica del siglo veinte, como es el caso de su propio inventor, Sigmund Freud, y también dos de sus más controvertidos discípulos: Melanie Klein y Heinz Kohut. En concreto, me propongo reflexionar en torno al problema de la interioridad política del individuo-ciudadano y de cómo, a partir del descubrimiento freudiano de las dimensiones no conscientes del pensamiento (Ello), categorías cuya genealogía se entiende como plenamente política –tales como omnipotencia/impotencia, infancia e identidad– son transferidas o metaforizadas a fin de alumbrar la comprensión del psiquismo individual. En armonía con una forma de pensar retórica, el artículo aborda ciertos tropoi del psicoanálisis, el complejo de Edipo y el relato de Ulises y su hijo Telémaco, como dos mitos que simbolizan las políticas del abandono y de la reparación en los espacios públicos interiores del ciudadano.


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El projecte presentat en aquest document formal conté la proposta per a la nova marca de vins Enjoyme, el projecte consta de la creació de diverses peces gràfiques per tal de construir una proposta global per a la marca. L’encàrrec per part del client consta de: construcció de marca Enjoyme (logotip), lloc web enfocat a la venda on line, packaging del producte, OPI i revista digital. Cadascuna d’aquestes peces es troba explicada detalladament dins d’aquest document amb les seves respectives especificacions creatives, tècniques, estratègiques i econòmiques. El concepte creatiu d’aquesta campanya “Cultiva els teus sentits” està reflectit en cadascuna de les peces, formant un equilibri en conjunt. La idea central de la campanya s’enfoca a transmetre als clients totes les sensacions que li pot donar la natura en ser humà, tenint en compte l’orgànic i biodinàmic com a part fonamental del projecte, ja que aquest producte elaborat amb aquest tipus d’agricultura.