15 resultados para ISA
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
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R from http://www.r-project.org/ is ‘GNU S’ – a language and environment for statistical computingand graphics. The environment in which many classical and modern statistical techniques havebeen implemented, but many are supplied as packages. There are 8 standard packages and many moreare available through the cran family of Internet sites http://cran.r-project.org .We started to develop a library of functions in R to support the analysis of mixtures and our goal isa MixeR package for compositional data analysis that provides support foroperations on compositions: perturbation and power multiplication, subcomposition with or withoutresiduals, centering of the data, computing Aitchison’s, Euclidean, Bhattacharyya distances,compositional Kullback-Leibler divergence etc.graphical presentation of compositions in ternary diagrams and tetrahedrons with additional features:barycenter, geometric mean of the data set, the percentiles lines, marking and coloring ofsubsets of the data set, theirs geometric means, notation of individual data in the set . . .dealing with zeros and missing values in compositional data sets with R procedures for simpleand multiplicative replacement strategy,the time series analysis of compositional data.We’ll present the current status of MixeR development and illustrate its use on selected data sets
A novel test of spatial independence of the distribution of crystals or phases in rocksbased on compositional statistics is introduced. It improves and generalizes the commonjoins-count statistics known from map analysis in geographic information systems.Assigning phases independently to objects in RD is modelled by a single-trial multinomialrandom function Z(x), where the probabilities of phases add to one and areexplicitly modelled as compositions in the K-part simplex SK. Thus, apparent inconsistenciesof the tests based on the conventional joins{count statistics and their possiblycontradictory interpretations are avoided. In practical applications we assume that theprobabilities of phases do not depend on the location but are identical everywhere inthe domain of de nition. Thus, the model involves the sum of r independent identicalmultinomial distributed 1-trial random variables which is an r-trial multinomialdistributed random variable. The probabilities of the distribution of the r counts canbe considered as a composition in the Q-part simplex SQ. They span the so calledHardy-Weinberg manifold H that is proved to be a K-1-affine subspace of SQ. This isa generalisation of the well-known Hardy-Weinberg law of genetics. If the assignmentof phases accounts for some kind of spatial dependence, then the r-trial probabilitiesdo not remain on H. This suggests the use of the Aitchison distance between observedprobabilities to H to test dependence. Moreover, when there is a spatial uctuation ofthe multinomial probabilities, the observed r-trial probabilities move on H. This shiftcan be used as to check for these uctuations. A practical procedure and an algorithmto perform the test have been developed. Some cases applied to simulated and realdata are presented.Key words: Spatial distribution of crystals in rocks, spatial distribution of phases,joins-count statistics, multinomial distribution, Hardy-Weinberg law, Hardy-Weinbergmanifold, Aitchison geometry
Background: The analysis of the promoter sequence of genes with similar expression patterns isa basic tool to annotate common regulatory elements. Multiple sequence alignments are on thebasis of most comparative approaches. The characterization of regulatory regions from coexpressedgenes at the sequence level, however, does not yield satisfactory results in manyoccasions as promoter regions of genes sharing similar expression programs often do not shownucleotide sequence conservation.Results: In a recent approach to circumvent this limitation, we proposed to align the maps ofpredicted transcription factors (referred as TF-maps) instead of the nucleotide sequence of tworelated promoters, taking into account the label of the corresponding factor and the position in theprimary sequence. We have now extended the basic algorithm to permit multiple promotercomparisons using the progressive alignment paradigm. In addition, non-collinear conservationblocks might now be identified in the resulting alignments. We have optimized the parameters ofthe algorithm in a small, but well-characterized collection of human-mouse-chicken-zebrafishorthologous gene promoters.Conclusion: Results in this dataset indicate that TF-map alignments are able to detect high-levelregulatory conservation at the promoter and the 3'UTR gene regions, which cannot be detectedby the typical sequence alignments. Three particular examples are introduced here to illustrate thepower of the multiple TF-map alignments to characterize conserved regulatory elements inabsence of sequence similarity. We consider this kind of approach can be extremely useful in thefuture to annotate potential transcription factor binding sites on sets of co-regulated genes fromhigh-throughput expression experiments.
We characterize the set of Walrasian allocations of an economy as theset of allocations which can be supported by abstract equilibria that satisfy a recontracting condition which reflects the idea that agents can freely trade with each other. An alternative (and weaker) recontracting condition characterizesthe core. The results are extended to production economies by extending thedefinition of the recontracting condition to include the possibility of agentsto recontract with firms. However, no optimization requirement is imposed onfirms. In pure exchange economies, an abstract equilibrium is a feasible allocation and a list of choice sets, one for each agent, that satisfy thefollowing conditions: an agent's choice set is a subset of the commodity space that includes his endowment; and each agent's equilibrium bundle isa maximal element in his choice set, with respect to his preferences. Therecontracting condition requires that any agent can buy bundles from any other agent's choice set by offering the other agent a bundle he prefers tohis equilibrium bundle.
Recent empirical findings suggest that spreads quoted in dealershipmarkets might be uncompetitive. This paper analyzes theoretically if pricecompetition between risk--averse market--makers leaves room for implicitcollusive behavior. We compare the spread and risk--sharing efficiencyarising in several market structures differing in terms of i) the priorityrule followed in case of ties, and ii) the type of schedules market makersmay use, namely: general schedules, linear schedules, or limit orders. Ingeneral, competitive pricing does not arise in equilibrium, and there isa conflict between risk sharing efficiency and the tightness of the spread.This conflict can be mitigated by an appropriate market structure design.The limit order market is the only market structure in which the competitiveequilibrium is the unique equilibrium.
This article analyses the impact of the reference pricesystem on the price-setting strategies of thepharmaceutical firms and on the level of generic usage.This model is the first to take explicitly into accountthe impact of the reference price mechanism on the levelof competition between brand-name and generic drugs andnational pharmaceutical spending. We consider aduopolistic model with one firm producing the brand-namedrug, whose patent has already expired, and the otherproducing the corresponding generic version. We work ina partial equilibrium framework where firms set pricessequentially and consumers face heterogeneous switchingcosts.We show that brand producers compensate thedecline of profits by selling greater quantities insteadof charging higher prices, thus fostering pricecompetition in the pharmaceutical market. This result isa consequence of both the assumption of a verticallydifferentiated model and the introduction of thereference price system.
The problems arising in the logistics of commercial distribution are complexand involve several players and decision levels. One important decision isrelated with the design of the routes to distribute the products, in anefficient and inexpensive way.This article explores three different distribution strategies: the firststrategy corresponds to the classical vehicle routing problem; the second isa master route strategy with daily adaptations and the third is a strategythat takes into account the cross-functional planning through amulti-objective model with two objectives. All strategies are analyzed ina multi-period scenario. A metaheuristic based on the Iteratetd Local Search,is used to solve the models related with each strategy. A computationalexperiment is performed to evaluate the three strategies with respect to thetwo objectives. The cross functional planning strategy leads to solutions thatput in practice the coordination between functional areas and better meetbusiness objectives.
Este estudio sobre las Fuerzas Armadas españolas aborda, mediante un centenar de entrevistas en profundidad, el análisis de las experiencias vividas en operaciones internacionales. Con ello se ha analizado el contacto con otros actores, su acomodo y comprensión de las normas de enfrentamiento, sus motivaciones, impresiones y experiencias, los rendimientos personales y grupales, el grado de cumplimiento de los objetivos de la misión y los problemas familiares y psicológicos que puedan haber generado la participación en una misión de este tipo. El resultado de este estudio de caso se integra en un estudio internacional comparado denominado Lessons Learned on Asymmmetric Warfare y auspiciado por el RC nº1 de ISA y el Working Group Military Profession de ERGOMAS.
BACKGROUND: Candida glabrata follows C. albicans as the second or third most prevalent cause of candidemia worldwide. These two pathogenic yeasts are distantly related, C. glabrata being part of the Nakaseomyces, a group more closely related to Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Although C. glabrata was thought to be the only pathogenic Nakaseomyces, two new pathogens have recently been described within this group: C. nivariensis and C. bracarensis. To gain insight into the genomic changes underlying the emergence of virulence, we sequenced the genomes of these two, and three other non-pathogenic Nakaseomyces, and compared them to other sequenced yeasts. RESULTS: Our results indicate that the two new pathogens are more closely related to the non-pathogenic N. delphensis than to C. glabrata. We uncover duplications and accelerated evolution that specifically affected genes in the lineage preceding the group containing N. delphensis and the three pathogens, which may provide clues to the higher propensity of this group to infect humans. Finally, the number of Epa-like adhesins is specifically enriched in the pathogens, particularly in C. glabrata. CONCLUSIONS: Remarkably, some features thought to be the result of adaptation of C. glabrata to a pathogenic lifestyle, are present throughout the Nakaseomyces, indicating these are rather ancient adaptations to other environments. Phylogeny suggests that human pathogenesis evolved several times, independently within the clade. The expansion of the EPA gene family in pathogens establishes an evolutionary link between adhesion and virulence phenotypes. Our analyses thus shed light onto the relationships between virulence and the recent genomic changes that occurred within the Nakaseomyces.
Las teorías sobre la invención histórica de la infancia y la adolescencia se han basado casi exclusivamente en fuentes occidentales (más exactamente centroeuropeas y anglosajonas), por lo que es urgente una reconceptualización en una óptica diacrónica y transcultural. Una de las conclusiones del encuentro «A criança e o jovem na America Latina», que tuvo lugar en Marilia (Brasil) en noviembre del 2001, organizado por la International Sociological Association, fue la necesidad de reconceptualizar la infancia y la juventud desde una perspectiva latinoamericana (como ámbito geográfico, académico y cultural). En este artículo proponemos retomar, en una perspectiva comparativa y como ejemplo de la riqueza y complejidad de las tareas pendientes, dos casos documentales y etnográficos recabados en nuestras propias indagaciones en México (Feixa, 1998b) y Chile (González, 2004a, 2004b), en la idea de comenzar a cursar esta «asignatura pendiente».
Este estudio sobre las Fuerzas Armadas españolas aborda, mediante un centenar de entrevistas en profundidad, el análisis de las experiencias vividas en operaciones internacionales. Con ello se ha analizado el contacto con otros actores, su acomodo y comprensión de las normas de enfrentamiento, sus motivaciones, impresiones y experiencias, los rendimientos personales y grupales, el grado de cumplimiento de los objetivos de la misión y los problemas familiares y psicológicos que puedan haber generado la participación en una misión de este tipo. El resultado de este estudio de caso se integra en un estudio internacional comparado denominado Lessons Learned on Asymmmetric Warfare y auspiciado por el RC nº1 de ISA y el Working Group Military Profession de ERGOMAS.
En aquest treball s’ha estudiat el comportament de compostos antimalàrics com els fàrmacs i els polímers en diferents situacions. Una de les barreres que ha estat identificada com a principal obstacle per a una millora de l’eficàcia dels compostos antimalàrics, és la limitació en la quantitat de fàrmac que pot ser encapsulada dins un liposoma, i que depèn de la seva solubilitat en medi aquós. Amb la inspiració de la descripció d’un nou tipus de nanocàpsules amb aplicacions oncològiques capaces d’encapsular grans quantitats de fàrmacs (protocells, Ashley et al., 2011). Els constructes formats per liposomes amb un nucli d’òxid de silici altament porós capaç de contenir el fàrmac, s’anomenen “protocells”, que en comparació als liposomes, tenen una major selectivitat i estabilitat, i permeten alliberar altes concentracions de droga directament al citosol de les cèl·lules cancerígenes. Aquest estudi es basa en la fabricació d’aquests nous nanovectors que continguin fàrmacs antimalàrics i té com a objectiu futur dirigir-los a eritròcits infectats per malària (pRBCs). Una altra part del treball és l’estudi de la distribució del polímer ISA-FITC en Anopheles atroparvus. Sabent que els polímers han estat utilitzats com a transportadors antimalàrics, es va pensar en l’opció d’eliminar el paràsit a dins del mateix mosquit, com una alternativa a tots el estudis realitzats fins ara centrats en les etapes d’infecció de l’hoste. Per aquest motiu es va idear l’experiment pensant en aquest polímer amb la intenció final de veure la seva localització en un mosquit Anopheles lliure del paràsit. OBJECTIUS: Determinació de la capacitat encapsuladora de tres tipus de nanopartícules, fabricades amb el mateix material però amb característiques de mida i càrrega diferents, incubant-les amb cinc fàrmacs antimalàrics. El blau de metilè, la primaquina, la cloroquina, la quinina i la curcumina, cadascun d’ells amb característiques de pH, solubilitat i estructura diferents. Alguns d’ells són fàrmacs que no s’han emprat en altres estudis degut a la seva toxicitat o elevada inespecificitat (la qual es pretén reduir un cop encapsulats en protocells). Construcció de “protocells” un cop determinada la millor nanopartícula encapsuladora i fàrmac candidat i determinació de la concentració de fàrmac que podien contenir, i el ritme d’alliberament d’aquest en PBS (simulant les condicions fisiològiques dels pRBCs). Estudi de la localització del polímer antimalàric ISA-FITC en l’anatomia del mosquit Anopheles Atroparvus. PROCEDIMENTS: Mètodes espectrofotomètrics Microscopia Cryo-electrònica de transmissió Microscopia confocal de fluorescència
Automation or semi-automation of learning scenariospecifications is one of the least exploredsubjects in the e-learning research area. There isa need for a catalogue of learning scenarios and atechnique to facilitate automated retrieval of stored specifications. This requires constructing anontology with this goal and is justified inthis paper. This ontology must mainlysupport a specification technique for learning scenarios. This ontology should also be useful in the creation and validation of new scenarios as well as in the personalization of learning scenarios or their monitoring. Thus, after justifying the need for this ontology, a first approach of a possible knowledge domain is presented. An example of a concrete learning scenario illustrates some relevant concepts supported by this ontology in order to define the scenario in such a way that it could be easy to automate.