32 resultados para Guidance for developing ethical research projects involving children
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
El projecte Microscòpia d'alta resolució aplicada a anàlisis traceològiques, tafonòmiques y zooarqueològiques ha permès donar continuïtat i ampliar la xarxa científica posada en marxa gràcies a dos projectes PBR anteriors entre l’IPHES i quatre centres anglesos: l’Institute of Archaeology del University College of London, el Dept of Prehistory and Europe del British Museum, el Dept of Palaeontology del Natural History Museum, i el Lithic Microwear Research Laboratory de la University of Bradford. El tema tractat ha estat l’avaluació de la resolució i de la possible complementarietat de diferents tècniques avançades de microscòpia per a l’anàlisi de les superfícies d’ossos i eines de pedra prehistòriques: microscòpia òptica, electrònica (SEM i ESEM), microscòpia làser confocal (LSCM) i el sistema Alicona 3D Infinite Imaging. Les diverses accions de mobilitat entre Catalunya i el Regne Unit realitzades han permès satisfactòriament posar en comú els procediments emprats pels diferents especialistes de cada centre. Les proves realitzades sobre materials de jaciments arqueològics clau tant britànics com de l’estat espanyol han permès avaluar els avantatges i limitacions que cada tècnica presentava segons la mostra estudiada (eines de pedra, ossos, dents...) i segons els requeriments específics de l’estudi plantejat. En termes generals, s’ha posat en evidència que les diferents tècniques explorades són força complementàries. És a dir, la gran capacitat d’augments i de resolució d’imatge dels microscopis electrònics es complementa amb unes meravelloses prestacions quant anàlisi de textures, de perfils i de reconstrucció 3D dels altres aparells. La principal conclusió que podem extreure, doncs, és que l’estudi d’aquest tipus d’objectes arqueològics requereix de l’ús combinat de diferents aparells de microscòpia. Tant els treballs realitzats com els contactes entre especialistes establerts al llarg del projecte s’han plasmat ja en treballs concrets, alguns d’ells ja publicats o en fase final de publicació.
Water resources management, as also water service provision projects in developing countries have difficulties to take adequate decisions due to scarce reliable information, and a lack of proper information managing. Some appropriate tools need to be developed in order to improve decision making to improve water management and access of the poorest, through the design of Decision Support Systems (DSS). On the one side, a DSS for developing co-operation projects on water access improvement has been developed. Such a tool has specific context constrains (structure of the system, software requirements) and needs (Logical Framework Approach monitoring, organizational-learning, accountability and evaluation) that shall be considered for its design. Key aspects for its successful implementation have appeared to be a participatory design of the system and support of the managerial positions at the inception phase. A case study in Tanzania was conducted, together with the Spanish NGO ONGAWA – Ingeniería para el Desarrollo. On the other side, DSS are required also to improve decision making on water management resources in order to achieve a sustainable development that not only improves the living conditions of the population in developing countries, but that also does not hinder opportunities of the poorest on those context. A DSS made to fulfil these requirements shall be using information from water resources modelling, as also on the environment and the social context. Through the research, a case study has been conducted in the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia, an endhorreic basin 160 km south of Addis Ababa. There, water has been modelled using ArcSWAT, a physically based model which can assess the impact of land management practices on large complex watersheds with varying soils, land use and management conditions over long periods of time. Moreover, governance on water and environment as also the socioeconomic context have been studied.
To start off, this document describes the Catalan model for emergencies response and its reference frame in terms of geography, location population…In addition, describes the main actors involved in emergencies response such as: police, the Fire and Rescue Emergency Service, the Emergency Medical System, Civil Protection, Reception and Management of Emergency Calls, Rural Agents, ADF’s and UME. Civil Protection, Firefighters and Police are includes in the training model developed by the Institute for Public Safety of Catalonia which at the same time does research in both security and safety matters. Research activities are performed by the Area for Research, Knowledge and International Cooperation at the ISPC and an example of these activities are European Research Projects such as COIM-Best (Coordination Improvement by Best Practices) and BESECU (cross-cultural differences of human behaviour in fire disasters and other crisis situations) among others.
Quantitative or algorithmic trading is the automatization of investments decisions obeying a fixed or dynamic sets of rules to determine trading orders. It has increasingly made its way up to 70% of the trading volume of one of the biggest financial markets such as the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). However, there is not a signi cant amount of academic literature devoted to it due to the private nature of investment banks and hedge funds. This projects aims to review the literature and discuss the models available in a subject that publications are scarce and infrequently. We review the basic and fundamental mathematical concepts needed for modeling financial markets such as: stochastic processes, stochastic integration and basic models for prices and spreads dynamics necessary for building quantitative strategies. We also contrast these models with real market data with minutely sampling frequency from the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA). Quantitative strategies try to exploit two types of behavior: trend following or mean reversion. The former is grouped in the so-called technical models and the later in the so-called pairs trading. Technical models have been discarded by financial theoreticians but we show that they can be properly cast into a well defined scientific predictor if the signal generated by them pass the test of being a Markov time. That is, we can tell if the signal has occurred or not by examining the information up to the current time; or more technically, if the event is F_t-measurable. On the other hand the concept of pairs trading or market neutral strategy is fairly simple. However it can be cast in a variety of mathematical models ranging from a method based on a simple euclidean distance, in a co-integration framework or involving stochastic differential equations such as the well-known Ornstein-Uhlenbeck mean reversal ODE and its variations. A model for forecasting any economic or financial magnitude could be properly defined with scientific rigor but it could also lack of any economical value and be considered useless from a practical point of view. This is why this project could not be complete without a backtesting of the mentioned strategies. Conducting a useful and realistic backtesting is by no means a trivial exercise since the \laws" that govern financial markets are constantly evolving in time. This is the reason because we make emphasis in the calibration process of the strategies' parameters to adapt the given market conditions. We find out that the parameters from technical models are more volatile than their counterpart form market neutral strategies and calibration must be done in a high-frequency sampling manner to constantly track the currently market situation. As a whole, the goal of this project is to provide an overview of a quantitative approach to investment reviewing basic strategies and illustrating them by means of a back-testing with real financial market data. The sources of the data used in this project are Bloomberg for intraday time series and Yahoo! for daily prices. All numeric computations and graphics used and shown in this project were implemented in MATLAB^R scratch from scratch as a part of this thesis. No other mathematical or statistical software was used.
Next Generation Access Networks (NGAN) are the new step forward to deliver broadband services and to facilitate the integration of different technologies. It is plausible to assume that, from a technological standpoint, the Future Internet will be composed of long-range high-speed optical networks; a number of wireless networks at the edge; and, in between, several access technologies, among which, the Passive Optical Networks (xPON) are very likely to succeed, due to their simplicity, low-cost, and increased bandwidth. Among the different PON technologies, the Ethernet-PON (EPON) is the most promising alternative to satisfy operator and user needs, due to its cost, flexibility and interoperability with other technologies. One of the most interesting challenges in such technologies relates to the scheduling and allocation of resources in the upstream (shared) channel. The aim of this research project is to study and evaluate current contributions and propose new efficient solutions to address the resource allocation issues in Next Generation EPON (NG-EPON). Key issues in this context are future end-user needs, integrated quality of service (QoS) support and optimized service provisioning for real time and elastic flows. This project will unveil research opportunities, issue recommendations and propose novel mechanisms associated with the convergence within heterogeneous access networks and will thus serve as a basis for long-term research projects in this direction. The project has served as a platform for the generation of new concepts and solutions that were published in national and international conferences, scientific journals and also in book chapter. We expect some more research publications in addition to the ones mentioned to be generated in a few months.
This paper analyzes the formation of Research Corporations as an alternative governance structure for performing R&D compared to pursuing in-house R&D projects. Research Corporations are privatefor-profit research centers that bring together several firms with similar research goals. In a Research Corporation formal authority over the choice of projects is jointly exercised by the top management of the member firms. A private for-profit organization cannot commit not to interfere with the project choice of the researchers. However, increasing the number of member firms of the Research Corporation reduces the incentive of member firms to meddle with the research projects of researchers because exercising formal authority over the choice of research projects is a public good. The Research Corporation thus offers researchers greater autonomy than a single firm pursuing an identical research program in its in-house R&D department. This attracts higher ability researchers to the Research Corporation compared to the internal R&D department. The paper uses the theoretical model to analyze the organization of the Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation (MCC). The facts of this case confirm the existence of a tension between control over the choice of research projects and the ability of researchers that the organization is able to attract or hold onto.
The organizational design of research and development conditions theincentives of the researchers of the research project. In particular,the organizational form determines the allocation of effort of theresearcher between time spent on research and time spent lobbying management. Researchers prefer to spend their time on research. However,the researchers only get utility from performing research if theproject is approved for its full duration. Spending time lobbyingmanagement for the continuation of the researcher s project increasesthe probability that the management observes a favorable signal aboutthe project. Organizing a research joint venture increases theflexibility of the organizational form with respect to the continuationdecision. For low correlation between the signals of the partners aboutthe expected profitability of the project, we find that the organizationof a research joint venture reduces influence activity by the researchersand increases expected profits of the partners. For high correlationbetween the signals, internal research projects lower influence activityby the researchers. We try to relate the correlation of the partnerssignals to the characteristics of basic research versus more appliedresearch projects, and find that the model is consistent with theobservation that research joint ventures seem involved in more basicresearch projects compared to internal R&D departments, whichconcentrate on more applied research.
The Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC, Open University of Catalonia) is involved inseveral research projects and educational activities related to the use of Open Educational Resources (OER). Some of the discussed issues in the concept of OER are research issues which are being tackled in two EC projects (OLCOS and SELF). Besides the research part, the UOC aims at developing a virtual centre for analysing and promoting the concept of OERin Europe in the sector of Higher and Further Education. The objectives are to makeinformation and learning services available to provide university management staff,eLearning support centres, faculty and learners with practical information required to create, share and re-use such interoperable digital content, tools and licensing schemes. In the realisation of these objectives, the main activities are the following: to provide organisationaland individual e-learning end-users with orientation; to develop perspectives and useful recommendations in the form of a medium-term Roadmap 2010 for OER in Higher and Further Education in Europe; to offer practical information and support services about how to create, share and re-use open educational content by means of tutorials, guidelines, best practices, and specimen of exemplary open e-learning content; to establish a larger group ofcommitted experts throughout Europe and other continents who not only share theirexpertise but also steer networking, workshops, and clustering efforts; and to foster and support a community of practice in open e-learning content know-how and experiences.
This article reports findings and reflections based on the results of three different research projects conducted between 2008 and 2013 and focusing on the perspective of young care leavers in Spain. The overall aim was to examine these young people’s perceptions and evaluations of how they were treated while in the public care system, mainly residential care. Reviewing these qualitative studies, the most common and relevant issues highlighted by young people were related to the following themes: (a) entering care; (b) stability and emotional bonds in care; (c) education; (d) friends; (e) labelling, stigmatization, rights and opportunities; (f) autonomy and responsibility versus overprotection; (g) contact with parents, siblings and extended family; (h) maltreatment in care; and (i) leaving care. One of the main elements used in their assessments was comparison (i) between their previous situation within their birth family and the quality of care experienced in the residential home; and (ii) between what these young people commonly refer to as “normal children” and children in care. Recommendations deriving from their advice and opinions are also debated
Estudi elaborat a partir d’una estada al National Research Institute for Food and Nutrition, Itàlia, des de novembre del 2006 fins a febrer del 2007. La capacitat antioxidant total (TAC) en plasma pot ser un bon biomarcador del estat antioxidant dels humans. Prenent les mostres de dos projectes diferents de recerca s’ha mesurat la TAC mitjançant el FRAP (ferric reductant antioxidant potencial) i el TRAP (total radical-trapping antioxidant parameter ). D’una banda el PREDIMED, és un estudi prospectiu aleatoritzat i controlat, amb una cohort d’ individus sense patología vascular coneguda, però amb un alt risc de patir-la. En aquest es valora la utilitat d’una intervenció dietética del tipus mediterrània en la prevenció primària de la malaltia cardiovascular. L’altre és el de biodisponibilitat en humans dels metabòlits dels polifenols presents en els solubles de cacau, un estudi crònic (28 dies) on es vol mesurar la influència de la llet en l’absorció dels polifenols del cacau, en voluntaris amb elevat risc de sofrir patologia cardiovascular.
A mesura que la investigació depèn cada vegada més dels computadors, l'emmagatzematge de dades comença a convertir-se en un recurs escàs per als projectes, i suposa una gran part del cost total. Alguns projectes intenten resoldre aquest problema emprant emmagatzament distribuït. És doncs necessari que alguns centres proveeixin de grans quantitats d'emmagatzematge massiu de baix cost basat en cintes magnètiques. L'inconvenient d'aquesta solució és que el rendiment disminueix, particularment a l'hora de tractar-se de grans quantitats d'arxius petits. El nostre objectiu és crear un híbrid entre un sistema d'alt cost i rendiment basat en discs, i un de baix cost i rendiment basat en cintes. Per això, unirem dCache, un sistema d'emmagatzematge distribuït, amb Castor, un sistema d'emmagatzematge jeràrquic, creant sistemes de fitxers virtuals que contindran grans quantitats d'arxius petits per millorar el rendiment global del sistema.
The aim of this project is to evaluate the importance of submarine groundwater discharge sector in order to improve the water balance in Málaga-Granada region. The approach of this study arose from the the geology and the aquifers that indicate that there could be some discharge to the sea between Maro (Málaga) and Almuñécar (Granada) and the Andalusian’s Government and its Water Agence were really interested in evaluating it because there is a lot of population and few water available and the magnitude of groundwater discharge has generated controversy. Is well known that water is a scarce resource in this area and it’s very important for the society and for the environment. The legislation, the water policies, the knowledge of the aquifer and the geology, the water dynamics, the land use and the water perception in the society might help the management of this resource not just in Andalusia but in all the Mediterranean basin. The main objective is to evaluate the submarine groundwater discharge from the Alberquillas Aqufier to the sea by measuring 222Rn and Ra isotopes. Specific objectives have been established to achieve the main objective: A) Reveal the importance of water resources in the Mediterranean basin; B) Learn radiometric techniques for the study of groundwater discharge to the sea; C) Learn of sampling techniques of water samples for the measurement of Ra and Rn; D) Learn the techniques for measuring Ra (RaDeCC) and Rn (RAD7); E) Interpretation and discussion of results. During this semester, and in addition of the present study in Málaga- Granada region, the author has participated in the initial phase (sampling, analysis and interpretation of preliminary results) of other research projects focused on the study of submarine groundwater discharges through the use of Ra isotopes and 222Rn. These studies have been developed in different areas, including Alt Empordà (Roses and Sant Pere Pescador), Maresme with CMIMA’s group (Mediterranean Center for Marine and Environmental Research), Delta de l’Ebre, Peñíscola and Mallorca with the IMEDEA’s group (Mediterranean Institute for Advanced Studies).
El proyecto tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de una aplicación web para la gestión de proyectos de investigación que se llevan a cabo por el Servei de Nutrició i Benestar Animal (SNiBA) de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. La aplicación ha de ser una herramienta para facilitar la organización y administración, al personal del centro, de los diferentes proyectos de I+D que son realizados por esta entidad. SNiBA ya dispone de una aplicación para este fin pero con ciertas carencias. Con esta aplicación se pretende facilitar y mejorar el proceso de gestión de los servicios que ofrece SNIBA de forma que el personal pueda ofrecer un mejor servicio a sus clientes.
En la memoria del trabajo se detallan las tareas realizadas durante los cuatro años en los que he sido beneficiaria de la beca FI, que me permitió incorporarme en el área de Derecho Administrativo de la Universidad de Girona, bajo la dirección del Dr. Joan M. Trayter Jiménez, para la elaboración del proyecto de investigación "La responsabilidad patrimonial de la Administración Púbica Urbanística", que una vez terminado dará lugar a la Tesis Doctoral. Durante el primer año realizé y superé los cursos del programa de Doctorado “Globalización y Derecho: el Derecho Europeo como referencia”; que me permitió obtener la renovación de la Beca FI, para la elaboración y defensa en el año posterior de la tesina titulada "La responsabilidad patrimonial de la Administración Pública por cambio de la ordenación territorial o urbanística”; con la consiguiente obtención del Diploma de Estudios Avanzados en Derecho. En líneas generales, puedo destacar -además de la investigación en la elaboración de la Tesis-, la realización de dos estancias de investigación en la University of Oxford, bajo la tutorización del Prof. Paul Craig, del St. John's College; gracias a la concesión de una beca por parte del "Institut d'Estudis Autonòmics de Catalunya" y otra, por la Generalitat de Catalunya, dirigida a estancias de investigación en el extrangero. También diversas publicaciones traducidas en la participación en dos libros, un artículo, una recensión y una comunicación; así como la asistencia a distintos Congresos de Derecho Administrativo y seminarios, la realización de distintos cursos entre ellos un Posgrado de Derecho Urbanístico en la UdG y la docencia realizada. Asimismo he devenido miembro de los proyectos de investigación del grupo de investigación del Área; importantes por formar parte del Plan Nacional I+D, financiados por el Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia.
Anàlisi, avaluació i intervenció psicoeducativa en un programa assistencial i de suport a les relacions materno/paternofilials en famílies desestructurades. Els usuaris són els pares i les mares separats o divorciats (i els seus fills menors) amb conflictes entre ells i on ha estat el jutge qui ha establert el règim de visites. Es dóna suport i orientació als progenitors i als menors que acudeixen al centre per a fer l'intercanvi o l'estada del menor amb el progenitor no custodi, per a facilitar i millorar la relació entre les parts (menors, part custòdia i part no-custòdia).