17 resultados para Genus-especific
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
Suppose a genus two handlebody is removed from a 3-manifold M and then a single meridian of the handlebody is restored. The result is a knot or link complement in M and it is natural to ask whether geometric properties of the link complement say something about the meridian that was restored. Here we consider what the relation must be between two not necessarily disjoint meridians so that restoring each of them gives a trivial knot or a split link.
Germination experiments were performed with seeds of two species of genus Allium section Allium, a rare and endangered species A. pyrenaicum and a common A. sphaerocephalon. Different pre-treatments and a photoperiod of 24 h darkness were applied in order to simulate different germination conditions. Both species showed a high percentage of viable seeds a part of which were dormant. An elevate percentage of dormant seeds could be caused by a later collection time. Low altitude populations had more mortality than the others, possibly caused by the hard summer conditions during flowering and fruiting time. Comparisons between dates of species coexistence localities only show inter-population variability and it could be caused by the detected dormancy. Darkness accelerates germination, possibly for elongation radicle stimulation. Heat-shock pre-treatments decreased germination time in seeds from localities where fire is a probable event. The rarity of A. Pyrenaicum not seems to be caused by restricted germination requirements but is attributable to distinct habitat preferences, related to his altitudinal range of distribution
A taxonomic study is undertaken of the ten taxa (nine of them specific) belonging to the genus Chamaesyce S.F. Gray (Euphorbiaceae) which are present in the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands and a dichotomic key is provided. The taxonomic chacarcteristics of ecology are given. The presence of Chamaesyce humifusa (Willd.) Prokh. in the Iberian Peninsula is confirmed and Chamaesyce humistrata (Gray) Small is recorded for the first time from Europe.
La morfologia de les granes de 28 espècies de Delphinium recollides a Turquia ha estat estudiada per mitjà de la Microscòpia Electrònica de Rastreig (MER). Quatre tipus principals de granes són reportats: subgloboses amb anells continus de lamelles, subpiramidals amb esquames amples o primes, subpiramidals allargades amb esquames i sector-esferoïdals reticulades, que es corresponen amb les seccions reconegudes en els sistemes taxonòmics habituals del gènere, cosa que indica llur bona resolució taxonòmica. Es discuteixen les implicacions biogeogràfiques i sistemàtiques.
New data on anatomy, biology, seed morphology, ecology and nomenclature of Halopeplis amplexicaulis (Vahl) Cesati and al. are presented; this species is the only Iberian representative of the genus Halopeplis Ung.-Sternb. (Salicomiaceae). For the first time the whole genus pollen structure is described and chromosome number is reported.
Es presenta un estudi morfològic-biomètric de les granes deis taxons del genere Aconitum L. presents a la Península Ibérica. Es tracten aspectes que fan referencia a: 1) disposició de les granes al fol-licle, 2) definido de paramètres (forma general i ornamentado de l'episperma), 3) biometria i 4) descripció de les granes deis représentants ibérics. Els microcaràcters relacionats fonamentalment amb el relleu epispérmic, forma i ornamentado de la base d'inserció (hílum i cél-lules umbil-licals), son els que es mostren mes utils per discriminar els taxons i els que proporcionen mes informado filogenética. Els résultats que s'exposen coincideixen, en línies generals, amb els d'altres autors (SEITZ, 1969; CAPPELETTI & POLDINI, 1984). Es presenten, tanmateix, discrepancies importants pel que fa a la morfología seminal, en especial de l'ornamentació de l'episperma, en les especies A. anthora, A. napellus s.l., A. burnatii i A. vulparia subsp. ranunculifoiium. Es presenta, sovint, polimorfisme seminal en les diferentes poblacions, aïllades geogràficament, d'una mateixa especie o subspècie, tant en el context ibèric com d'Europa central i meridional. Es conclou que aquest polimorfisme és una manifestado mes de la plasticitat fenotípica del genere, particularment intensa en les especies colonitzadores d'àmplia valencia ecológica (A. napellus, s.l.; A. vulparia, s.l.), possiblement conseqiiència de la deriva genética de les poblacions.
Fifty-five collections misidentified and stored in various institutional herbaria, under severa1 Rhizopogon species narnes, are revised. Among these, twelve belong to Ascomycotina and 9 were identified to species level; the other collections, immature fruitbodies wcre impossible to identify with the data available. Forty-two collections are Basidiomycotina and only an immature Scleroderma remain without identification to the species level.
Several approaches have been developed to estimate both the relative and absolute rates of speciation and extinction within clades based on molecular phylogenetic reconstructions of evolutionary relationships, according to an underlying model of diversification. However, the macroevolutionary models established for eukaryotes have scarcely been used with prokaryotes. We have investigated the rate and pattern of cladogenesis in the genus Aeromonas (γ-Proteobacteria, Proteobacteria, Bacteria) using the sequences of five housekeeping genes and an uncorrelated relaxed-clock approach. To our knowledge, until now this analysis has never been applied to all the species described in a bacterial genus and thus opens up the possibility of establishing models of speciation from sequence data commonly used in phylogenetic studies of prokaryotes. Our results suggest that the genus Aeromonas began to diverge between 248 and 266 million years ago, exhibiting a constant divergence rate through the Phanerozoic, which could be described as a pure birth process.
Article sobre la tolerància a la sequera i les necessitats de llum d'espècies de l'alt i baix sublitoral de macroalgues de la Mediterrània del gènere Cystoseira C. Agardh (Fucales, Phaeophyceae)
A study on the taxonomy, morphology and anatomy of the lichenicolous species of the genus Cercidospora (Dothideales, incertae sedis) growing on lichens of the genera Lecanora (Lecanoraceae), specifically of the L. polytropa group and the L. saxicola group (i.e. L. muralis sensu auct. group, Protoparmeliopsis spp.), Rhizoplaca (Lecanoraceae) and Squamarina (Stereocaulaceae) is presented. The following species are proposed as new: Cercidospora barrenoana on Rhizoplaca peltata, and C. melanophthalmae on Rhizoplaca melanophthalma. C. stenotropae is proposed provisionally; this fungus grows on Lecanora stenotropa and other taxa of the L. polytropa group. A key for the species of the genus Cercidospora treated is provided.
Telema tenella Simon, 1882, the type species of genus Telema, is the only species of family Telemidae reported from Europe and all other 39 congeners occur far from it. However, it has never been properly described. In this paper T. tenella is redescribed and illustrated.
Several approaches have been developed to estimate both the relative and absolute rates of speciation and extinction within clades based on molecular phylogenetic reconstructions of evolutionary relationships, according to an underlying model of diversification. However, the macroevolutionary models established for eukaryotes have scarcely been used with prokaryotes. We have investigated the rate and pattern of cladogenesis in the genus Aeromonas (γ-Proteobacteria, Proteobacteria, Bacteria) using the sequences of five housekeeping genes and an uncorrelated relaxed-clock approach. To our knowledge, until now this analysis has never been applied to all the species described in a bacterial genus and thus opens up the possibility of establishing models of speciation from sequence data commonly used in phylogenetic studies of prokaryotes. Our results suggest that the genus Aeromonas began to diverge between 248 and 266 million years ago, exhibiting a constant divergence rate through the Phanerozoic, which could be described as a pure birth process.
The distribution of the genus Barbadocladius Cranston & Krosch (Diptera: Chironomidae), previously reported from Chile to Bolivia, has extended northwards. Larvae, pupae and pupal exuviae of this genus have been found in the high mountain tropical streams of Peru to 9°22′56″, but are restricted to very high altitude streams (altitudes over 3,278 m asl) compared to the lower altitude streams (below 1,100 m asl) in which the genus is reported in Chile and Argentina. Based on morphological studies, both described species in the genus, Barbadocladius andinus Cranston & Krosch and Barbadocladius limay Cranston & Krosch, have been found in Peru as pupae or pupal exuviae. Morphological analysis of the larvae and pupae revealed no differences between the two described species from Patagonia and Peru, which are of similar size and with a similar armament of hooklets and spines in pupal tergites and sternites. However, molecular analysis of larvae and pupae revealed that in Peru, there are at least two different evolutionary lines, one distributed widely and another restricted to one site. Phylogenetic analysis (using cox1 mitochondrial sequences) of all available sequences of Barbadocladius shows that the Chilean and Argentinean material differs from that of Peru. Therefore, a total of four molecular segregates are identified, although morphologically, neither larvae nor the pupae may be differentiated.
Pòster presentat al congrés NPDDS2014