16 resultados para Fetal kidney
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
Estudi transversal de mares i mostres de meconi en neonats per determinar i quantificar la presència dels metabòlits directes de l’etanol (Etil Glucorònid i Etil Sulfat). Mitjançant les entrevistes clíniques a les mares i l’anàlisi del meconi utilitzant la tècnica de Cromatografia Líquida i Espectrometria de Masses es pretén establir la prevalença del consum d’alcohol durant la gestació i per tant l’exposició fetal a l’etanol. Mitjançant aquest treball també es pretén valorar la conveniència d’estandaritzar un marcador analític utilitzat com a prova d’screening neonatal per la detecció precoç de les alteracions derivades del consum d’alcohol durant l’embaràs.
Background: Few studies have used longitudinal ultrasound measurements to assess the effect of traffic-related air pollution on fetal growth.Objective: We examined the relationship between exposure to nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and aromatic hydrocarbons [benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, m/p-xylene, and o-xylene (BTEX)] on fetal growth assessed by 1,692 ultrasound measurements among 562 pregnant women from the Sabadell cohort of the Spanish INMA (Environment and Childhood) study.Methods: We used temporally adjusted land-use regression models to estimate exposures to NO2 and BTEX. We fitted mixed-effects models to estimate longitudinal growth curves for femur length (FL), head circumference (HC), abdominal circumference (AC), biparietal diameter (BPD), and estimated fetal weight (EFW). Unconditional and conditional SD scores were calculated at 12, 20, and 32 weeks of gestation. Sensitivity analyses were performed considering time–activity patterns during pregnancy.Results: Exposure to BTEX from early pregnancy was negatively associated with growth in BPD during weeks 20–32. None of the other fetal growth parameters were associated with exposure to air pollution during pregnancy. When considering only women who spent 2 hr/day in nonresidential outdoor locations, effect estimates were stronger and statistically significant for the association between NO2 and growth in HC during weeks 12–20 and growth in AC, BPD, and EFW during weeks 20–32.Conclusions: Our results lend some support to an effect of exposure to traffic-related air pollutants from early pregnancy on fetal growth during mid-pregnancy.
The Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT) is a test introduced by S. Frederick (2005) Cognitive reflection and decision making, J Econ Perspect 19(4): 25-42. The task is designed to measure the tendency to override an intuitive response that is incorrect and to engage in further reflection that leads to the correct response. The consistent sex differences in CRT performance may suggest a role for gonadal hormones, particularly testosterone. A now widely studied putative marker for fetal testosterone is the second-to-fourth digit ratio (2D:4D). This paper tests to what extent 2D:4D, as a proxy for prenatal exposure to testosterone, can predict CRT scores in a sample of 623 students. After controlling for sex, we observe that a lower 2D:4D (reflecting a higher exposure to testosterone) is significantly associated with a higher number of correct answers. The result holds for both hands? 2D:4Ds. In addition, the effect appears to be sharper for females than for males. We also control for patience and math proficiency, which are significantly related to performance in the CRT. But the effect of 2D:4D on performance in CRT is not reduced with these controls, implying that these variables are not mediating the relationship between digit ratio and CRT.
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) plays an important role in amino acid metabolism and gluconeogenesis. The preference of carnivorous fish for protein amino acids instead of carbohydrates as a source of energy lead us to study the transcriptional regulation of the mitochondrial ALT (mALT) gene and to characterize the enzyme kinetics and modulation of mALT expression in the kidney of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) under different nutritional and hormonal conditions. 5′-Deletion analysis of mALT promoter in transiently transfected HEK293 cells, site-directed mutagenesis and electrophoretic mobility shift assays allowed us to identify HNF4α as a new factor involved in the transcriptional regulation of mALT expression. Quantitative RT-PCR assays showed that starvation and the administration of streptozotocin (STZ) decreased HNF4α levels in the kidney of S. aurata, leading to the downregulation of mALT transcription. Analysis of the tissue distribution showed that kidney, liver, and intestine were the tissues with higher mALT and HNF4α expression. Kinetic analysis indicates that mALT enzyme is more efficient in catalyzing the conversion of L-alanine to pyruvate than the reverse reaction. From these results, we conclude that HNF4α transactivates the mALT promoter and that the low levels of mALT expression found in the kidney of starved and STZ-treated fish result from a decreased expression of HNF4α. Our findings suggest that the mALT isoenzyme plays a major role in oxidazing dietary amino acids, and points to ALT as a target for a biotechnological action to spare protein and optimize the use of dietary nutrients for fish culture.
Introducción: La incidencia de la presentación fetal podálica en España es del 3,8%. La moxibustión es parte integral de la milenaria medicina tradicional china. La técnica consiste en la colocación de un palillo incandescente de Artemisia vulgaris a unos pocos centímetros del punto de acupuntura Zhiyin (punto 67 del meridiano de vejiga, ubicado en la base externa de la uña del quinto dedo del pie). Los objetivos son: 1. Conocer el porcentaje de fetos que han rotado a cefálica mediante la moxibustión en gestantes que presenten una malposición fetal a partir de las 32 semanas de embarazo; 2. Identificar las complicaciones materno-fetales en la aplicación de la técnica. Sujetos: Se estudiaron 18 gestantes de más de 32 semanas de embarazo. Material y métodos: Mediante un estudio descriptivo de intervención, analizamos el porcentaje de fetos que rotaron a presentación cefálica. Resultados: Quince gestantes (83,9%) realizaron el tratamiento adecuadamente y las 3 restantes (16,7%) lo realizaron de manera ocasional y terminaron con una cesárea electiva por nalgas. Conclusiones: Parece razonable concluir que el cumplimiento del tratamiento influye en el tipo de parto (χ2= 12,600; gl= 1; p= 0,000), aunque no modifica el Apgar del recién nacido. Esta técnica se presenta como una alternativa económica, segura, sencilla y práctica para la versión fetal de la presentación podálica.
Currently, simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation (SPK Tx) is the treatment of choice in selected patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM1) and terminal kidney failure (TRF). A functioning SPK transplant allows dialysis and insulin therapy to be discontinued and stabilizes or improves the complications of DM1. Nevertheless, to a greater or lesser degree, these complications (physical and psychological alterations, secondary effects of immunosuppressive therapy and the need for lifelong medication and medical follow-up) can persist after SPK Tx. Health professionals have mainly investigated the clinical features of transplant recipients. However, in the last few years, interest in analyzing perceived health and health-related quality of life (QoL) has increased. This latter concept includes the features of QoL most closely associated with a particular disease, its treatment and follow-up and therefore those elements most susceptible to modification by the health system. The general aim of this study was to measure health-related QoL in our population with SPK Tx and to determine whether there are significant differences between these patients and those with DM1 and TRF who continue to receive renal replacement therapy (RRT) and insulin therapy. More specific aims were to evaluate whether there are significant differences between the study groups and the means of the Spanish reference population in the distinct dimensions of a QoL questionnaire and whether other variables such as age, sex, years" duration of DM1, length of dialysis, and time since SPK Tx significantly affect health-related QoL.
Background: Few qualitative studies of simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation (SPK Tx) have been published. The aims of this study were to explore from the perspective of patients, the experience of living with diabetes mellitus type 1 (T1DM), suffering from complications, and undergoing SPK Tx with good outcome; and to determine the impact of SPK Tx on patients and their social and cultural environment. Methods: We performed a focused ethnographic study. Twenty patients were interviewed. Data were analyzed using content analysis and constant comparison following the method proposed by Miles and Huberman. Results: A functioning SPK Tx allowed renal replacement therapy and insulin to be discontinued. To describe their new situation, patients used words and phrases such as"miracle","being reborn" or"coming back to life". Although the complications of T1DM, its surgery and treatment, and associated psychological problems did not disappear after SPK Tx, these were minimized when compared with the pretransplantation situation. Conclusion: For patients, SPK Tx represents a recovery of their health and autonomy despite remaining problems associated with the complications of T1DM and SPK Tx. The understanding of patients" existential framework and their experience of disease are key factors for planning new intervention and improvement strategies.
Currently, simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation (SPK Tx) is the treatment of choice in selected patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM1) and terminal kidney failure (TRF). A functioning SPK transplant allows dialysis and insulin therapy to be discontinued and stabilizes or improves the complications of DM1. Nevertheless, to a greater or lesser degree, these complications (physical and psychological alterations, secondary effects of immunosuppressive therapy and the need for lifelong medication and medical follow-up) can persist after SPK Tx. Health professionals have mainly investigated the clinical features of transplant recipients. However, in the last few years, interest in analyzing perceived health and health-related quality of life (QoL) has increased. This latter concept includes the features of QoL most closely associated with a particular disease, its treatment and follow-up and therefore those elements most susceptible to modification by the health system. The general aim of this study was to measure health-related QoL in our population with SPK Tx and to determine whether there are significant differences between these patients and those with DM1 and TRF who continue to receive renal replacement therapy (RRT) and insulin therapy. More specific aims were to evaluate whether there are significant differences between the study groups and the means of the Spanish reference population in the distinct dimensions of a QoL questionnaire and whether other variables such as age, sex, years" duration of DM1, length of dialysis, and time since SPK Tx significantly affect health-related QoL.
Background: Few qualitative studies of simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation (SPK Tx) have been published. The aims of this study were to explore from the perspective of patients, the experience of living with diabetes mellitus type 1 (T1DM), suffering from complications, and undergoing SPK Tx with good outcome; and to determine the impact of SPK Tx on patients and their social and cultural environment. Methods: We performed a focused ethnographic study. Twenty patients were interviewed. Data were analyzed using content analysis and constant comparison following the method proposed by Miles and Huberman. Results: A functioning SPK Tx allowed renal replacement therapy and insulin to be discontinued. To describe their new situation, patients used words and phrases such as"miracle","being reborn" or"coming back to life". Although the complications of T1DM, its surgery and treatment, and associated psychological problems did not disappear after SPK Tx, these were minimized when compared with the pretransplantation situation. Conclusion: For patients, SPK Tx represents a recovery of their health and autonomy despite remaining problems associated with the complications of T1DM and SPK Tx. The understanding of patients" existential framework and their experience of disease are key factors for planning new intervention and improvement strategies.
Currently, simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation (SPK Tx) is the treatment of choice in selected patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM1) and terminal kidney failure (TRF). A functioning SPK transplant allows dialysis and insulin therapy to be discontinued and stabilizes or improves the complications of DM1. Nevertheless, to a greater or lesser degree, these complications (physical and psychological alterations, secondary effects of immunosuppressive therapy and the need for lifelong medication and medical follow-up) can persist after SPK Tx. Health professionals have mainly investigated the clinical features of transplant recipients. However, in the last few years, interest in analyzing perceived health and health-related quality of life (QoL) has increased. This latter concept includes the features of QoL most closely associated with a particular disease, its treatment and follow-up and therefore those elements most susceptible to modification by the health system. The general aim of this study was to measure health-related QoL in our population with SPK Tx and to determine whether there are significant differences between these patients and those with DM1 and TRF who continue to receive renal replacement therapy (RRT) and insulin therapy. More specific aims were to evaluate whether there are significant differences between the study groups and the means of the Spanish reference population in the distinct dimensions of a QoL questionnaire and whether other variables such as age, sex, years" duration of DM1, length of dialysis, and time since SPK Tx significantly affect health-related QoL.
En este artículo se presenta una actualización sobre el control del bienestar fetal anteparto, que incluye la monitorización biofísica con el test no estresante y el test estresante y su valoración. Se describen los parámetros de la frecuencia cardiaca fetal - la línea de base, la variabilidad y los ascensos transitorios de la frecuencia cardiaca fetal - en relación con los movimientos fetales, su significado clínico y la actuación que deriva del mismo.
Controlar la frecuencia cardiaca fetal y la dinámica uterina durante el proceso del embarazo y el parto resulta de particular importancia para conocer el estado de salud de la madre y el niño. Hoy en día existen aparatos muy novedosos para este fin de uso generalizado en los hospitales españoles. De este tema se ocupa la Ficha de Utillaje de este mes analizando en qué consiste este monitor; cómo se utiliza, los pasos a seguir; etc.
En este artículo se presenta una actualización sobre el control del bienestar fetal anteparto, que incluye la monitorización biofísica con el test no estresante y el test estresante y su valoración. Se describen los parámetros de la frecuencia cardiaca fetal - la línea de base, la variabilidad y los ascensos transitorios de la frecuencia cardiaca fetal - en relación con los movimientos fetales, su significado clínico y la actuación que deriva del mismo.
Controlar la frecuencia cardiaca fetal y la dinámica uterina durante el proceso del embarazo y el parto resulta de particular importancia para conocer el estado de salud de la madre y el niño. Hoy en día existen aparatos muy novedosos para este fin de uso generalizado en los hospitales españoles. De este tema se ocupa la Ficha de Utillaje de este mes analizando en qué consiste este monitor; cómo se utiliza, los pasos a seguir; etc.
En este artículo se presenta una actualización sobre el control del bienestar fetal anteparto, que incluye la monitorización biofísica con el test no estresante y el test estresante y su valoración. Se describen los parámetros de la frecuencia cardiaca fetal - la línea de base, la variabilidad y los ascensos transitorios de la frecuencia cardiaca fetal - en relación con los movimientos fetales, su significado clínico y la actuación que deriva del mismo.