18 resultados para FRACTURE-MECHANICS
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
L’estudi que es presenta parteix d’un projecte que es va començar adesenvolupar a la universitat de Girona per Silvia Castellano Garriga. El que espretén fer ara, és modificar alguns punts del projecte antic per millorar i ampliarels coneixement sobre els teixits plans de fibra. Els dos teixits plans que s’ estudien i s’ analitzen en aquest projecte són: la fibra de carboni amb resina de vinilester i la fibra de vidre amb resina epoxi. Per cadascun d’ ells es determinen les propietats elàstiques i les tensions
El estudio desarrollado en la tesis doctoral profundiza en las relaciones existentes entre la microestructura y el comportamiento a rotura y fatiga de tres tipos de Aceros de Herramienta para trabajo en Frío, dos obtenidos por colada y un tercero mediante pulvimetalúrgia. En primer lugar se evaluaron los aspectos microestructurales relacionados con las dos vias de procesamiento empleadas, además del efecto del cambio en la composición química. Asimismo se documentó la influencia del trabajado en caliente sobre la isotropía microestructural. Considerando las caracteristicas microestructurales se evaluó el comportamiento a rotura en tres orientaciones referidas al sentido de la deformación en caliente. Para ello , se empleó la Mecánica de la Fractura Elástica Lineal como marco analítico. Los resultados fueron tratados siguiendo la estadística de Weibull. Para el caso de los aceros colados se implementa un analisis de curva-R para explicar el crecimiento subcrítico de grietas observado experimentalmente. El estudio del comportamiento a fatiga incluyó la determinación del limite a fatiga para todas la orientaciones microestructurales escogidas y el estudio de la cinetica de propagación de fisuras físicamente pequeñas para la orientación con mejor respuesta mecánica.
We study the effect of strong heterogeneities on the fracture of disordered materials using a fiber bundle model. The bundle is composed of two subsets of fibers, i.e. a fraction 0 ≤ α ≤ 1 of fibers is unbreakable, while the remaining 1 - α fraction is characterized by a distribution of breaking thresholds. Assuming global load sharing, we show analytically that there exists a critical fraction of the components αc which separates two qualitatively diferent regimes of the system: below αc the burst size distribution is a power law with the usual exponent Ƭ= 5/2, while above αc the exponent switches to a lower value Ƭ = 9/4 and a cutoff function occurs with a diverging characteristic size. Analyzing the macroscopic response of the system we demonstrate that the transition is conditioned to disorder distributions where the constitutive curve has a single maximum and an inflexion point defining a novel universality class of breakdown phenomena
We present a detailed analytical and numerical study of the avalanche distributions of the continuous damage fiber bundle model CDFBM . Linearly elastic fibers undergo a series of partial failure events which give rise to a gradual degradation of their stiffness. We show that the model reproduces a wide range of mechanical behaviors. We find that macroscopic hardening and plastic responses are characterized by avalanche distributions, which exhibit an algebraic decay with exponents between 5/2 and 2 different from those observed in mean-field fiber bundle models. We also derive analytically the phase diagram of a family of CDFBM which covers a large variety of potential avalanche size distributions. Our results provide a unified view of the statistics of breaking avalanches in fiber bundle models
We study the damage enhanced creep rupture of disordered materials by means of a fiber bundle model. Broken fibers undergo a slow stress relaxation modeled by a Maxwell element whose stress exponent m can vary in a broad range. Under global load sharing we show that due to the strength disorder of fibers, the lifetime ʧ of the bundle has sample-to-sample fluctuations characterized by a log-normal distribution independent of the type of disorder. We determine the Monkman-Grant relation of the model and establish a relation between the rupture life tʄ and the characteristic time tm of the intermediate creep regime of the bundle where the minimum strain rate is reached, making possible reliable estimates of ʧ from short term measurements. Approaching macroscopic failure, the deformation rate has a finite time power law singularity whose exponent is a decreasing function of m. On the microlevel the distribution of waiting times is found to have a power law behavior with m-dependent exponents different below and above the critical load of the bundle. Approaching the critical load from above, the cutoff value of the distributions has a power law divergence whose exponent coincides with the stress exponent of Maxwell elements
This paper presents a methodology to determine the parameters used in the simulation of delamination in composite materials using decohesion finite elements. A closed-form expression is developed to define the stiffness of the cohesive layer. A novel procedure that allows the use of coarser meshes of decohesion elements in large-scale computations is proposed. The procedure ensures that the energy dissipated by the fracture process is correctly computed. It is shown that coarse-meshed models defined using the approach proposed here yield the same results as the models with finer meshes normally used in the simulation of fracture processes
A continuum damage model for the prediction of damage onset and structural collapse of structures manufactured in fiber-reinforced plastic laminates is proposed. The principal damage mechanisms occurring in the longitudinal and transverse directions of a ply are represented by a damage tensor that is fixed in space. Crack closure under load reversal effects are taken into account using damage variables established as a function of the sign of the components of the stress tensor. Damage activation functions based on the LaRC04 failure criteria are used to predict the different damage mechanisms occurring at the ply level. The constitutive damage model is implemented in a finite element code. The objectivity of the numerical model is assured by regularizing the dissipated energy at a material point using Bazant’s Crack Band Model. To verify the accuracy of the approach, analyses ofcoupon specimens were performed, and the numerical predictions were compared with experimental data
Estudi elaborat a partir d’una estada a l’ Imperial College London, entre juliol i novembre de 2006. En aquest treball s’ha investigat la geometria més apropiada per a la caracterització de la tenacitat a fractura intralaminar de materials compòsits laminats amb teixit. L’objectiu és assegurar la propagació de l’esquerda sense que la proveta falli abans per cap altre mecanisme de dany per tal de permetre la caracterització experimental de la tenacitat a fractura intralaminar de materials compòsits laminats amb teixit. Amb aquesta fi, s’ha dut a terme l’anàlisi paramètrica de diferents tipus de provetes mitjançant el mètode dels elements finits (FE) combinat amb la virtual crack closure technique (VCCT). Les geometries de les provetes analitzades corresponen a la proveta de l’assaig compact tension (CT) i diferents variacions com la extended compact tension (ECT), la proveta widened compact tension (WCT), tapered compact tension (TCT) i doubly-tapered compact tension (2TCT). Com a resultat d’aquestes anàlisis s’han derivat diferents conclusions per obtenir la geometria de proveta més apropiada per a la caracterització de la tenacitat a fractura intralaminar de materials compòsits laminats amb teixit. A més, també s’han dut a terme una sèrie d’assaigs experimentals per tal de validar els resultats de les anàlisis paramètriques. La concordança trobada entre els resultats numèrics i experimentals és bona tot i la presència d’efectes no previstos durant els assaigs experimentals.
A polarizable quantum mechanics and molecular mechanics model has been extended to account for the difference between the macroscopic electric field and the actual electric field felt by the solute molecule. This enables the calculation of effective microscopic properties which can be related to macroscopic susceptibilities directly comparable with experimental results. By seperating the discrete local field into two distinct contribution we define two different microscopic properties, the so-called solute and effective properties. The solute properties account for the pure solvent effects, i.e., effects even when the macroscopic electric field is zero, and the effective properties account for both the pure solvent effects and the effect from the induced dipoles in the solvent due to the macroscopic electric field. We present results for the linear and nonlinear polarizabilities of water and acetonitrile both in the gas phase and in the liquid phase. For all the properties we find that the pure solvent effect increases the properties whereas the induced electric field decreases the properties. Furthermore, we present results for the refractive index, third-harmonic generation (THG), and electric field induced second-harmonic generation (EFISH) for liquid water and acetonitrile. We find in general good agreement between the calculated and experimental results for the refractive index and the THG susceptibility. For the EFISH susceptibility, however, the difference between experiment and theory is larger since the orientational effect arising from the static electric field is not accurately described
The forced oscillation technique (FOT) is a method for non-invasively assessing respiratory mechanics that is applicable both in paralysed and non-paralysed patients. As the FOT requires a minimal modification of the conventional ventilation setting and does not interfere with the ventilation protocol, the technique is potentially useful to monitor patient mechanics during invasive and noninvasive ventilation. FOT allows the assessment of the respiratory system linearity by measuring resistance and reactance at different lung volumes or end-expiratory pressures. Moreover, FOT allows the physician to track the changes in patient mechanics along the ventilation cycle. Applying FOT at different frequencies may allow the physician to interpret patient mechanics in terms of models with pathophysiological interest. The current methodological and technical experience make possible the implementation of portable and compact computerised FOT systems specifically addressed to its application in the mechanical ventilation setting.
The extended Gaussian ensemble (EGE) is introduced as a generalization of the canonical ensemble. This ensemble is a further extension of the Gaussian ensemble introduced by Hetherington [J. Low Temp. Phys. 66, 145 (1987)]. The statistical mechanical formalism is derived both from the analysis of the system attached to a finite reservoir and from the maximum statistical entropy principle. The probability of each microstate depends on two parameters ß and ¿ which allow one to fix, independently, the mean energy of the system and the energy fluctuations, respectively. We establish the Legendre transform structure for the generalized thermodynamic potential and propose a stability criterion. We also compare the EGE probability distribution with the q-exponential distribution. As an example, an application to a system with few independent spins is presented.
We derive a Hamiltonian formulation for the three-dimensional formalism of predictive relativistic mechanics. This Hamiltonian structure is used to derive a set of dynamical equations describing the interaction among systems in perturbation theory.
We explicitly construct a closed system of differential equations describing the electromagnetic and gravitational interactions among bodies to first order in the coupling constants, retaining terms up to order c-2. The Breit and Barker and O'Connell Hamiltonians are recovered by means of a coordinate transformation. The method used throws light on the meaning of these coordinates.
We compute up to and including all the c-2 terms in the dynamical equations for extended bodies interacting through electromagnetic, gravitational, or short-range fields. We show that these equations can be reduced to those of point particles with intrinsic angular momentum assuming spherical symmetry.
In this paper we consider a general action principle for mechanics written by means of the elements of a Lie algebra. We study the physical reasons why we have to choose precisely a Lie algebra to write the action principle. By means of such an action principle we work out the equations of motion and a technique to evaluate perturbations in a general mechanics that is equivalent to a general interaction picture. Classical or quantum mechanics come out as particular cases when we make realizations of the Lie algebra by derivations into the algebra of products of functions or operators, respectively. Later on we develop in particular the applications of the action principle to classical and quantum mechanics, seeing that in this last case it agrees with Schwinger's action principle. The main contribution of this paper is to introduce a perturbation theory and an interaction picture of classical mechanics on the same footing as in quantum mechanics.