18 resultados para Ex Vivo

em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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L’estemsiliosi de la perera és una malaltia fúngica d’una gran importància econòmica a la zona del centre i sud d’Europa. És comparable al motejat de la pomera i pot arribar a assolir el 90 % de pèrdues en pressions elevades de la malaltia. S’ha comprovat que els tractaments amb fungicides presenten una eficàcia de control limitada, i que les mesures sanitàries i de control biològic generen resultats que plantegem com a una eina més a utilitzar en en la integració de mètodes de control. L’objectiu del treball és determinar l’eficàcia de control de Stemphylium vesicarium a partir de diferents soques de Bacilus subtilis en assatjos en situacions controlades


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Currently, MVA virus vectors carrying HIV-1 genes are being developed as HIV-1/AIDS prophylactic/therapeutic vaccines. Nevertheless, little is known about the impact of these vectors on human dendritic cells (DC) and their capacity to present HIV-1 antigens to human HIV-specific T cells. This study aimed to characterize the interaction of MVA and MVA expressing the HIV-1 genes Env-Gag-Pol-Nef of clade B (referred to as MVA-B) in human monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MDDC) and the subsequent processes of HIV-1 antigen presentation and activation of memory HIV-1-specific T lymphocytes. For these purposes, we performed ex vivo assays with MDDC and autologous lymphocytes from asymptomatic HIV-infected patients. Infection of MDDC with MVA-B or MVA, at the optimal dose of 0.3 PFU/MDDC, induced by itself a moderate degree of maturation of MDDC, involving secretion of cytokines and chemokines (IL1-ra, IL-7, TNF-α, IL-6, IL-12, IL-15, IL-8, MCP-1, MIP-1α, MIP-1β, RANTES, IP-10, MIG, and IFN-α). MDDC infected with MVA or MVA-B and following a period of 48 h or 72 h of maturation were able to migrate toward CCL19 or CCL21 chemokine gradients. MVA-B infection induced apoptosis of the infected cells and the resulting apoptotic bodies were engulfed by the uninfected MDDC, which cross-presented HIV-1 antigens to autologous CD8+ T lymphocytes. MVA-B-infected MDDC co-cultured with autologous T lymphocytes induced a highly functional HIV-specific CD8+ T cell response including proliferation, secretion of IFN-γ, IL-2, TNF-α, MIP-1β, MIP-1α, RANTES and IL-6, and strong cytotoxic activity against autologous HIV-1-infected CD4+ T lymphocytes. These results evidence the adjuvant role of the vector itself (MVA) and support the clinical development of prophylactic and therapeutic anti-HIV vaccines based on MVA-B.


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Background In addition to its anticoagulant properties, heparin has anti-inflammatory effects, the molecular and mechanistic bases of which are incompletely defined. AIMS The current studies were designed to test the hypothesis that heparin abrogates the expression or function of leucocyte-endothelial adherence molecules which are fundamental to the acute inflammatory response. Methods The effects of heparin on tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF-¿) induced leucocyte rolling, adhesion, and migration as well as vascular permeability were assessed in rat mesenteric venules using intravital microscopy. Expression of adhesion molecules was quantitated using a double radiolabelled monoclonal antibody (mAb) binding technique in vivo (P-selectin, intercellular cell adhesion molecule type 1 (ICAM-1), and vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1)) or flow cytometry (CD11a, CD11b, and L-selectin). Ex vivo binding of heparin to neutrophils was assessed by flow cytometry. RESULTS TNF-alpha induced a significant increase in leucocyte rolling, adhesion, and migration, and vascular permeability, coincident with a significant increase in expression of P-selectin, ICAM-1, and VCAM-1. Ex vivo assessment of blood neutrophils showed significant upregulation of CD11a and CD11b and significant downregulation of L-selectin within five hours of TNF-¿ administration. Heparin pretreatment significantly attenuated leucocyte rolling, adhesion, and migration but did not affect expression of cell adhesion molecules or vascular permeability elicited by TNF-¿ administration. Binding of heparin was significantly increased on blood neutrophils obtained five hours after TNF-¿ administration. Preincubation with an anti-CD11b mAb but not with an anti-CD11a or anti-L-selectin antibody significantly diminished heparin binding ex vivo.


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Background and aims: Increased pancreatitis associated protein (PAP) mRNA has been reported in active inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The aims of the current study were to characterise PAP production in IBD and the effects of PAP on inflammation. Patients and methods: Serum PAP levels were determined in healthy controls (n¿=¿29), inflammatory controls (n¿=¿14), and IBD patients (n¿=¿171). Ex vivo PAP secretion in intestinal tissue was measured in 56 IBD patients and 13 healthy controls. Cellular origin of PAP was determined by immunohistochemistry. The effects of exogenous PAP on nuclear factor ¿B (NF¿B) activation, proinflammatory cytokine production, and endothelial adhesion molecule expression were also analysed ex vivo. Results: Patients with active IBD had increased serum PAP levels compared with controls, and these levels correlated with clinical and endoscopic disease severity. Ex vivo intestinal PAP synthesis was increased in active IBD and correlated with endoscopic and histological severity of inflammatory lesions. PAP localised to colonic Paneth cells. Incubation of mucosa from active Crohn¿s disease with PAP dose dependently reduced proinflammatory cytokines secretion. PAP prevented TNF-¿ induced NF¿B activation in monocytic, epithelial, and endothelial cells and reduced proinflammatory cytokine mRNA levels and adhesion molecule expression. Conclusions: PAP is synthesised by Paneth cells and is overexpressed in colonic tissue of active IBD. PAP inhibits NF¿B activation and downregulates cytokine production and adhesion molecule expression in inflamed tissue. It may represent an anti-inflammatory mechanism and new therapeutic strategy in IBD.


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Currently, MVA virus vectors carrying HIV-1 genes are being developed as HIV-1/AIDS prophylactic/therapeutic vaccines. Nevertheless, little is known about the impact of these vectors on human dendritic cells (DC) and their capacity to present HIV-1 antigens to human HIV-specific T cells. This study aimed to characterize the interaction of MVA and MVA expressing the HIV-1 genes Env-Gag-Pol-Nef of clade B (referred to as MVA-B) in human monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MDDC) and the subsequent processes of HIV-1 antigen presentation and activation of memory HIV-1-specific T lymphocytes. For these purposes, we performed ex vivo assays with MDDC and autologous lymphocytes from asymptomatic HIV-infected patients. Infection of MDDC with MVA-B or MVA, at the optimal dose of 0.3 PFU/MDDC, induced by itself a moderate degree of maturation of MDDC, involving secretion of cytokines and chemokines (IL1-ra, IL-7, TNF-α, IL-6, IL-12, IL-15, IL-8, MCP-1, MIP-1α, MIP-1β, RANTES, IP-10, MIG, and IFN-α). MDDC infected with MVA or MVA-B and following a period of 48 h or 72 h of maturation were able to migrate toward CCL19 or CCL21 chemokine gradients. MVA-B infection induced apoptosis of the infected cells and the resulting apoptotic bodies were engulfed by the uninfected MDDC, which cross-presented HIV-1 antigens to autologous CD8+ T lymphocytes. MVA-B-infected MDDC co-cultured with autologous T lymphocytes induced a highly functional HIV-specific CD8+ T cell response including proliferation, secretion of IFN-γ, IL-2, TNF-α, MIP-1β, MIP-1α, RANTES and IL-6, and strong cytotoxic activity against autologous HIV-1-infected CD4+ T lymphocytes. These results evidence the adjuvant role of the vector itself (MVA) and support the clinical development of prophylactic and therapeutic anti-HIV vaccines based on MVA-B.


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Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) has been reported to exert beneficial physiological effects on body composition and the immune system. However, little information is available on the influence of CLA on immune function during early life periods. The present study evaluates the effect of feeding an 80:20 mixture of cis-9,trans-11- and trans-10,cis-12-CLA isomers duringgestation, suckling and early infancy on the systemic and mucosal immune responses of Wistar rats at three different time points: at the end of the suckling period (21-day-old rats), in early infancy (28-day-old rats), and later in life (adulthood). Cis-9,trans-11- and trans-10,cis-12-CLA isomers were detected in the milk of CLA-fed dams and in the plasma of all CLA-supplemented pups, and the highest content was achieved in those rats supplemented over the longest period. Dietary supplementation with that CLA mix enhances the systemic production of the main in vivo and ex vivo immunoglobulin (Ig) isotypes in 21- and 28-day-old rats. Moreover, CLA supplementation during suckling and early infancy also enhances the humoral immune defenses at intestinal level, by means of mucosal IgA increase, whereas down-regulates thesystemic lymphoproliferative response. Finally, we described herein how feeding a diet enriched with the same isomer mix of cis9,trans11- and trans10,cis12-CLA from gestation to adulthood improves the capacity of adult rats to achieve a specific systemic and mucosal immune responses. All these data support the immunomodulatory effects of dietary supplementation of CLA, particularly of the cis9,trans11-CLA isomer, during early stages of life on immune system development, as well as the long-term effects on the specific immune response in adult age.


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El foc bacterià és una malaltia de quarantena a la Unió Europea causada pel bacteri Erwinia amylovora. Aquesta malaltia afecta fonamentalment a plantes de la família de les Rosàcies, en la que s’inclouen arbres fruiters de gran interès econòmic i diverses espècies ornamentals i silvestres.Els mètodes disponibles pel control del foc bacterià es limiten a tractaments amb productes químics combinats amb pràctiques culturals. A la Unió Europea, hi ha pocs productes basats en compostos químics autoritzats i els disponibles tenen una eficàcia reduïda i es restringeixen pràcticament als derivats del coure. Degut a aquesta limitació existeix la necessitat de continuar investigant i estudiar estratègies alternatives o complementàries a l’ús de productes químics pel control d’aquesta malaltia.Aquest treball de fi de carrera s’inclou dins el grup de patologia vegetal de l’INTEA-CIDSAV (Institut de Tecnologia Alimentària - Centre d’Innovació i Desenvolupament en Sanitat Vegetal) de la Universitat de Girona i s’emmarca dins el projecte d’investigació de control biotecnològic del foc bacterià. Aquest projecte té com a objectiu obtenir soques de bacteris de l’àcid làctic, amb activitat antibacteriana per a ser utilitzades com a agents de control biològic. El treball es centra principalment en la determinació ex vivo (sobre teixit biològic però fora de l’organisme en condicions naturals) i in vivo (sobre l’organisme viu) de l’eficàcia de diferents soques de bacteris de l’àcid làctic pel control de la infecció causada per E. amylovora; i en l’avaluació de la capacitat de supervivència i colonització dels bacteris de l’àcid làctic en material vegetal. De les soques de bacteris de l’àcid làctic estudiades, es seleccionen les més eficaces pel control de la infecció per E. amylovora en fulla


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Currently, MVA virus vectors carrying HIV-1 genes are being developed as HIV-1/AIDS prophylactic/therapeutic vaccines. Nevertheless, little is known about the impact of these vectors on human dendritic cells (DC) and their capacity to present HIV-1 antigens to human HIV-specific T cells. This study aimed to characterize the interaction of MVA and MVA expressing the HIV-1 genes Env-Gag-Pol-Nef of clade B (referred to as MVA-B) in human monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MDDC) and the subsequent processes of HIV-1 antigen presentation and activation of memory HIV-1-specific T lymphocytes. For these purposes, we performed ex vivo assays with MDDC and autologous lymphocytes from asymptomatic HIV-infected patients. Infection of MDDC with MVA-B or MVA, at the optimal dose of 0.3 PFU/MDDC, induced by itself a moderate degree of maturation of MDDC, involving secretion of cytokines and chemokines (IL1-ra, IL-7, TNF-α, IL-6, IL-12, IL-15, IL-8, MCP-1, MIP-1α, MIP-1β, RANTES, IP-10, MIG, and IFN-α). MDDC infected with MVA or MVA-B and following a period of 48 h or 72 h of maturation were able to migrate toward CCL19 or CCL21 chemokine gradients. MVA-B infection induced apoptosis of the infected cells and the resulting apoptotic bodies were engulfed by the uninfected MDDC, which cross-presented HIV-1 antigens to autologous CD8+ T lymphocytes. MVA-B-infected MDDC co-cultured with autologous T lymphocytes induced a highly functional HIV-specific CD8+ T cell response including proliferation, secretion of IFN-γ, IL-2, TNF-α, MIP-1β, MIP-1α, RANTES and IL-6, and strong cytotoxic activity against autologous HIV-1-infected CD4+ T lymphocytes. These results evidence the adjuvant role of the vector itself (MVA) and support the clinical development of prophylactic and therapeutic anti-HIV vaccines based on MVA-B.


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Currently, MVA virus vectors carrying HIV-1 genes are being developed as HIV-1/AIDS prophylactic/therapeutic vaccines. Nevertheless, little is known about the impact of these vectors on human dendritic cells (DC) and their capacity to present HIV-1 antigens to human HIV-specific T cells. This study aimed to characterize the interaction of MVA and MVA expressing the HIV-1 genes Env-Gag-Pol-Nef of clade B (referred to as MVA-B) in human monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MDDC) and the subsequent processes of HIV-1 antigen presentation and activation of memory HIV-1-specific T lymphocytes. For these purposes, we performed ex vivo assays with MDDC and autologous lymphocytes from asymptomatic HIV-infected patients. Infection of MDDC with MVA-B or MVA, at the optimal dose of 0.3 PFU/MDDC, induced by itself a moderate degree of maturation of MDDC, involving secretion of cytokines and chemokines (IL1-ra, IL-7, TNF-α, IL-6, IL-12, IL-15, IL-8, MCP-1, MIP-1α, MIP-1β, RANTES, IP-10, MIG, and IFN-α). MDDC infected with MVA or MVA-B and following a period of 48 h or 72 h of maturation were able to migrate toward CCL19 or CCL21 chemokine gradients. MVA-B infection induced apoptosis of the infected cells and the resulting apoptotic bodies were engulfed by the uninfected MDDC, which cross-presented HIV-1 antigens to autologous CD8+ T lymphocytes. MVA-B-infected MDDC co-cultured with autologous T lymphocytes induced a highly functional HIV-specific CD8+ T cell response including proliferation, secretion of IFN-γ, IL-2, TNF-α, MIP-1β, MIP-1α, RANTES and IL-6, and strong cytotoxic activity against autologous HIV-1-infected CD4+ T lymphocytes. These results evidence the adjuvant role of the vector itself (MVA) and support the clinical development of prophylactic and therapeutic anti-HIV vaccines based on MVA-B.


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We have synthesized a family of rheinhuprine hybrids to hit several key targets for Alzheimer"s disease. Biological screening performed in vitro and in Escherichia coli cells has shown that these hybrids exhibit potent inhibitory activities against human acetylcholinesterase butyrylcholinesterase, and BACE-1, dual Aβ42 and tau anti-aggregating activity, and brain permeability. Ex vivo studies with the leads (+)- and ()-7e in brain slices of C57bl6 mice have revealed that they efficiently protect against the Aβ-induced synaptic dysfunction , preventing the loss of synaptic proteins and/or have a positive effect on the induction of long term potentiation. In vivo studies in APP-PS1 transgenic mice treated i.p. for 4 weeks with (+)- and ()-7e have shown a central soluble Aβ lowering effect, accompanied by an increase in the levels of mature amyloid precursor protein (APP). Thus, (+)- and ()-7e emerge as very promising disease-modifying anti-Alzheimer drug candidates.


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We have synthesized a family of rheinhuprine hybrids to hit several key targets for Alzheimer"s disease. Biological screening performed in vitro and in Escherichia coli cells has shown that these hybrids exhibit potent inhibitory activities against human acetylcholinesterase butyrylcholinesterase, and BACE-1, dual Aβ42 and tau anti-aggregating activity, and brain permeability. Ex vivo studies with the leads (+)- and ()-7e in brain slices of C57bl6 mice have revealed that they efficiently protect against the Aβ-induced synaptic dysfunction , preventing the loss of synaptic proteins and/or have a positive effect on the induction of long term potentiation. In vivo studies in APP-PS1 transgenic mice treated i.p. for 4 weeks with (+)- and ()-7e have shown a central soluble Aβ lowering effect, accompanied by an increase in the levels of mature amyloid precursor protein (APP). Thus, (+)- and ()-7e emerge as very promising disease-modifying anti-Alzheimer drug candidates.


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Background The effect of maraviroc on the maintenance and the function of HIV-1-specific T cell responses remains unknown. Methods Subjects recently infected with HIV-1 were randomized to receive anti-retroviral treatment with or without maraviroc intensification for 48 weeks, and were monitored up to week 60. PBMC and in vitro-expanded T cells were tested for responses to the entire HIV proteome by ELISpot analyses. Intracellular cytokine staining assays were conducted to monitor the (poly)-functionality of HIV-1-specific T cells. Analyses were performed at baseline and week 24 after treatment start, and at week 60 (3 months after maraviroc discontinuation). Results Maraviroc intensification was associated with a slower decay of virus-specific T cell responses over time compared to the non-intensified regimen in both direct ex-vivo as well as in in-vitro expanded cells. The effector function profiles of virus-specific CD8+ T cells were indistinguishable between the two arms and did not change over time between the groups. Conclusions Maraviroc did not negatively impact any of the measured parameters, but was rather associated with a prolonged maintenance of HIV-1-specific T cell responses. Maraviroc, in addition to its original effect as viral entry inhibitor, may provide an additional benefit on the maintenance of virus-specific T cells which may be especially important for future viral eradication strategies.