58 resultados para Environmental impact statement
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
The environmental impact of the water consumption of four typical crop rotations grown in Spain, including energy crops, was analyzed and compared against Spanish agricultural and natural reference situations. The life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology was used for the assessment of the potential environmental impact of blue water (withdrawal from water bodies) and green water (uptake of soil moisture) consumption. The latter has so far been disregarded in LCA. To account for green water, two approaches have been applied: the first accounts for the difference in green water demand of the crops and a reference situation. The second is a green water scarcity index, which measures the fraction of the soil-water plant consumption to the available green water. Our results show that, if the aim is to minimize the environmental impacts of water consumption, the energy crop rotations assessed in this study were most suitable in basins in the northeast of Spain. In contrast, the energy crops grown in basins in the southeast of Spain were associated with the greatest environmental impacts. Further research into the integration of quantitative green water assessment in LCA is crucial in studies of systems with a high dependence on green water resources.
The alternatives used for minimizing the usage of chlorine dioxide in bleaching sequences included a hot acid hydrolysis (Ahot) stage, the use of hot chlorine dioxide (Dhot) and ozone stages at medium consistency and high consistency (Zmc and Zhc), in addition to stages with atmospheric hydrogen peroxide (P) and pressurized hydrogen peroxide (PO). The results were interpreted based on the cost of the chemical products, bleaching process yields and on minimizing the environmental impact of the bleaching process. In spite of some process restrictions, high ISO brightness levels were kept around 90 % brightness. Additionally, the inclusion of stages like acid hydrolysis, pressurized peroxide and ozone in the bleaching sequences provided an increase in operating flexibility, aimed at reducing environmental impact (ECF Light). The Dhot(EOP)D(PO) sequence presented lower operating cost for ISO brightness above 92 %. However, this kind of sequence was not allowed for closing the wastewater circuit, even partially. For ISO brightness level around 91%, the AhotZhcDP sequence presented a lower operating cost than the others
Today, environmental impact associated with pollution treatment is a matter of great concern. A method is proposed for evaluating environmental risk associated with Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) applied to wastewater treatment. The method is based on the type of pollution (wastewater, solids, air or soil) and on materials and energy consumption. An Environmental Risk Index (E), constructed from numerical criteria provided, is presented for environmental comparison of processes and/or operations. The Operation Environmental Risk Index (EOi) for each of the unit operations involved in the process and the Aspects Environmental Risk Index (EAj) for process conditions were also estimated. Relative indexes were calculated to evaluate the risk of each operation (E/NOP) or aspect (E/NAS) involved in the process, and the percentage of the maximum achievable for each operation and aspect was found. A practical application of the method is presented for two AOPs: photo-Fenton and heterogeneous photocatalysis with suspended TiO2 in Solarbox. The results report the environmental risks associated with each process, so that AOPs tested and the operations involved with them can be compared.
Life cycle analysis (LCA) is a comprehensive method for assessing the environmental impact of a product or an activity over its entire life cycle. The purpose of conducting LCA studies varies from one application to another. Different applications use LCA for different purposes. In general, the main aim of using LCA is to reduce the environmental impact of products through guiding the decision making process towards more sustainable solutions. The most critical phase in an LCA study is the Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) where the life cycle inventory (LCI) results of the considered substances related to the study of a certain system are transformed into understandable impact categories that represent the impact on the environment. In this research work, a general structure clarifying the steps that shall be followed ir order to conduct an LCA study effectively is presented. These steps are based on the ISO 14040 standard framework. In addition, a survey is done on the most widely used LCIA methodologies. Recommendations about possible developments and suggetions for further research work regarding the use of LCA and LCIA methodologies are discussed as well.
Report for the scientific sojourn at the Centre for Interdisciplinary studies in Environment and Development (CISED), located in Bangalore (Southern India), from September to December 2005. A field-work in the South Indian city of Chennai (former Madras) was developed to analyse the mounting urban (and peri-urban) water crisis. In view of tackling this matter, the state government has done a deal to construct a 100 million litres per day seawater desalination plant. Due to its relative energy-intensiveness (compared to conventional water supply means), the fact that such a large capacity plant will be located in poor country such as India, constitutes somewhat of a surprising novelty, as most desalination facilities in the world are to be found in the oil-rich Persian Gulf countries. This work faces the environmental impact, the energy-intensive technology required, the cost and the missed water management options
Why Catalonia will see its energy metabolism increase in the near future: an application of MuSIASEM
This paper applies the so-called Multi-Scale Integrated Analysis of Societal and Ecosystem Metabolism (MuSIASEM) to the economy of the Spanish region of Catalonia. By applying Georgescu-Roegen's fund-flow model, it arrives at the conclusion that within a context of the end of cheap oil, the current development model based on the growth of low productivity sectors such as services and construction must change. The change is needed not only because of the increasing scarcity of affordable energy carriers, or because of the increasing environmental impact that the present development represents, but also because of an ageing population that demands labour productivity gains. This will imply industry requiring more energy consumption per worker in order to increase its productivity, and therefore its competitiveness. Thus, we conclude that energy intensity, and exosomatic energy metabolism of Catalonia will increase dramatically in the near future unless major conservation efforts are implemented in both the household and transport sectors.
En aquest article es resumeixen els resultats més destacats del projecte dut a terme pel grup Projecte Biomassa. Aquest estudi té per objectiu l’avaluació de la viabilitat energètica, econòmica i ambiental de l’aprofitament de la biomassa forestal com a recurs energètic a les forests d’Arestui, Baiasca, Montenartró i Virós situades dins el Parc Natural de l’Alt Pirineu (PNAP). En el projecte s’ha fet una revisió dels Plans d’Ordenació Forestal (POF’s) de les esmentades forests per tal d’adequar-les als requeriments del PNAP i així obtenir resultats sobre el potencial de biomassa sosteniblement extraïble, sobre el seu potencial energètic i plantejar un escenari d’aprofitament a mode de cas pràctic. A més a més, s’han realitzat també un balanç socioeconòmic, un balanç d’emissions de CO2 i una avaluació d’impacte ambiental per tal de determinar la viabilitat de l’ús de biomassa al PNAP com a recurs energètic. Com a resultat final s’ha obtingut que el procés d’aprofitament de la biomassa per a la producció d’energia calorífica esdevé una opció de futur viable i positiva ja que la implantació del nou procés comporta beneficis a nivell social, econòmic i ambiental.
S’ha dut a terme una Avaluació del Risc Ambiental dels productes farmacèutics més consumits en l’àmbit català treballant sobre un model de planta de tractament d’aigües residuals determinat. La Concentració ambiental estimada (PEC) pel medi aquàtic s’ha calculat a partir de dades fisicoquímiques dels fàrmacs tenint en compte una sèrie d’hipòtesis i suposicions prèvies. La Concentració estimada de no-efecte (PNEC) s’ha estimat mitjançant dades d’ecotoxicitat extretes de l’ECOSAR. Es considera que hi ha afecció al medi quan la relació PEC/PNEC excedeix d’1; en aquest estudi s’ha obtingut que l’Ibuprofèn, el Diclofenac i l’Atorvastatina superen aquest valor suposant, per tant, un risc per al medi ambient. D’aquesta manera es mostra que l’eliminació dels fàrmacs durant el procés de la depuració de les aigües residuals no resulta totalment eficient.
La Revolución Energética Cubana (REC) surge de las necesidades de resolver la situación social y económica de Cuba, sumergida en una crisis energética con constantes apagones que limitaban por completo todo desarrollo del país. La REC (2006) se basa en los principios de la autosuficiencia energética, el ahorro y uso racional de la energía, y el incremento de la eficiencia en todos los aspectos. En el presente trabajo se realiza el análisis de la sostenibilidad socio-ambiental de la REC en la Universidad Central Marta Abreu de Las Villas (UCLV), ubicada en Santa Clara (Cuba). La valoración se ha efectuado mediante el análisis de los impactos ambientales y sociales en dos estudios paralelos que se complementan aplicando la técnica de conmensurabilidad débil. El conjunto de los programas de la REC han propiciado mejoras en el suministro eléctrico y en el ahorro energético, disminuyendo en un 44% las emisiones de CO2, a pesar del incremento en la actividad docente y en la flota de equipos. Las medidas adoptadas han incidido en la calidad de la docencia, las condiciones de vida, la concienciación y la participación de la población, dando lugar a un impacto social positivo. De esta manera, el balance global de la REC es positivo ya que ha permitido el desarrollo de la UCLV sin incrementar los impactos ambientales, por lo que se puede considerar un paso en el camino hacia la sostenibilidad socio-ambiental.
La Revolución Energética Cubana (REC) surge de las necesidades de resolver la situación social y económica de Cuba, sumergida en una crisis energética con constantes apagones que limitaban por completo el desarrollo del país. La REC (2006) es un conjunto de medidas basadas en los principios de la autosuficiencia energética, el ahorro y uso racional de la energía, y el incremento de la eficiencia en todos los aspectos. En el presente trabajo se realiza el análisis de la sostenibilidad socio-ambiental de la REC en la Universidad Central Marta Abreu de las Villas (UCLV), ubicada en Santa Clara (Cuba). La valoración se ha efectuado mediante el análisis de los impactos ambientales y sociales en dos estudios paralelos que se complementan aplicando la técnica de conmensurabilidad débil. El conjunto de los programas de la REC han propiciado mejoras en el suministro eléctrico y en el ahorro energético, disminuyendo en un 30% las emisiones de CO2, a pesar del incremento en la actividad docente y en la flota de equipos, en la universidad. Las medidas adoptadas han incidido en la calidad de la docencia, las condiciones de vida, la concienciación y la participación de la población, dando lugar a un impacto social positivo. De esta manera, el balance global de la REC se califica de positivo ya que ha permitido el desarrollo de la UCLV sin incrementar los impactos ambientales, por lo que se puede considerar un paso en el camino hacia la sostenibilidad socio-ambiental.
En el presente estudio se han analizado las posibilidades de reducción del impacto ambiental que genera el consumo de energía en el Monasterio budista Sakya Tashi Ling del Parque del Garraf, mediante la mejora de la eficiencia energética de los edificios y la producción de la energía consumida a partir de fuentes de energía renovables. Se ha realizado un inventario exhaustivo de los flujos energéticos de entrada del Monasterio: electricidad y combustibles fósiles, y el análisis de estos datos ha permitido observar que la mayor parte del consumo energético del Monasterio tiene como uso final la iluminación. El consumo total de energía se ha cuantificado en 138 kWh/m2/año y la emisiones de CO2 en 177 kg CO2/m2/año. A partir de estos datos se ha estudiado la posibilidad de reducir el consumo y abastecer la demanda energética del Monasterio a través de fuentes de energía renovable como las placas solares fotovoltaicas o las calderas de biomasa. Para alcanzar este objetivo se han propuesto tres escenarios posibles con costes económicos y resultados muy distintos. A diferencia de los escenarios “Edificio Energía Plus” y “Edificio Energía 0”, el tercer escenario propuesto, que trataba de alcanzar el triple objetivo del Plan 20/20/20 (producir a partir de fuentes renovables el 20% de la energía consumida, aumentar en una 20% la eficiencia energética y reducir en un 20% las emisiones de CO2 derivadas del uso de la energía) ha resultado ser muy viable económicamente: la inversión necesaria se amortizaría en tan sólo 5 años.
The link between energy consumption and economic growth has been widely studied in the economic literature. Understanding this relationship is important from both an environmental and a socio-economic point of view, as energy consumption is crucial to economic activity and human environmental impact. This relevance is even higher for developing countries, since energy consumption per unit of output varies through the phases of development, increasing from an agricultural stage to an industrial one and then decreasing for certain service based economies. In the Argentinean case, the relevance of energy consumption to economic development seems to be particularly important. While energy intensity seems to exhibit a U-Shaped curve from 1990 to 2003 decreasing slightly after that year, total energy consumption increases along the period of analysis. Why does this happen? How can we relate this result with the sustainability debate? All these questions are very important due to Argentinean hydrocarbons dependence and due to the recent reduction in oil and natural gas reserves, which can lead to a lack of security of supply. In this paper we study Argentinean energy consumption pattern for the period 1990-2007, to discuss current and future energy and economic sustainability. To this purpose, we developed a conventional analysis, studying energy intensity, and a non conventional analysis, using the Multi-Scale Integrated Analysis of Societal and Ecosystem Metabolism (MuSIASEM) accounting methodology. Both methodologies show that the development process followed by Argentina has not been good enough to assure sustainability in the long term. Instead of improving energy use, energy intensity has increased. The current composition of its energy mix, and the recent economic crisis in Argentina, as well as its development path, are some of the possible explanations.
El Monestir Budista del Garraf presenta un Pla Executiu per a l’ampliació del monestir. Amb la finalitat de millorar l’eficiència energètica en el futur monestir, s’estima el consum en compliment amb alguns criteris del Decret d’Ecoeficiència. Posteriorment, es realitza una comparació del consum actual del sistema amb l’estimat, analitzant les dades de manera global i per subsistemes. Mitjançant la realització d’un inventari del consum actual, l’estimació del consum futur, l’eficiència energètica i els potencials de captació d’energies renovables, es realitza un estudi per la implantació d’energies renovables al monestir. Es realitzen i s’avaluen les propostes per tal d’augmentar l’estalvi energètic del monestir i disminuir l’impacte ambiental. Es realitza l’estudi de dos escenaris energètics: el cobriment del 20% de la demanda energètica amb energies renovables (Pacte d’Alcaldes) i l’abastiment complet del consum amb energies renovables. Valorant diferents criteris ambientals, socials i econòmics es recomanen propostes per la seva aplicació.
Water scarcity is a long-standing problem in Catalonia, as there are significant differences in the spatial and temporal distribution of water through the territory. There has consequently been a debate for many years about whether the solution to water scarcity must be considered in terms of efficiency or equity, the role that the public sector must play and the role that market-based instruments should play in water management. The aim of this paper is to use a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model to analyze the advantages and disadvantages associated with different policy instruments, from both a supply and a demand viewpoint, which can be applied to water management in Catalonia. We also introduce an ecological sector in our CGE model, allowing us to analyze the environmental impact of the alternative policies simulated. The calibration of the exogenous variables of the CGE model is performed by using a Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for the Catalan economy with 2001 data. The results suggest that taking into account the principle of sustainability of the resource, the policy debate between supply and demand in water policies is obsolete, and a new combination of policies is required to respect the different values associated with water. Keywords: Water Policies; Computable General Equilibrium Model; Economic Effects; Environmental Effects.
La sostenibilitat del model energètic de Catalunya es veu condicionada per aspectes com la dependència energètica, la seguretat de subministrament, l’eficiència energètica, els impactes ambientals i la demanda creixent. D’altra banda, la incorporació d’energia renovable en el mix energètic implica una major autonomia energètica, seguretat de subministrament a llarg termini, i eficiència energètica, així com un menor impacte ambiental. Tanmateix, la contribució en el sistema elèctric d’un volum ja important i creixent d’energia renovable requereix una complexa tasca d’integració a nivell tècnic i econòmic. Per aconseguir-ho, és necessari desenvolupar una regulació estable que complementi el procés de liberalització del sector amb l’objectiu d’acomodar la generació renovable en un model energètic sostenible. La (in)formació i participació de la demanda es presenta com una condició clau per engegar el camí cap a una nova cultura energètica.