em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain


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L’ictus és un dels reptes sanitaris més importants al nostre país ja que l’únic tractament disponible és l’administració de trombolítics durant les 4,5 primeres hores i menys d’un 10% dels pacients poden beneficiar-se’n. Publicacions anteriors han demostrat que el tractament de l’ictus amb estatines pot reduir l’extensió del teixit infartat i millorar la funció neurològica, per això proposem fer un estudi experimental usant un model d’isquèmia en rata, que evidenciï si el tractament combinat de Simvastatina i rt-PA incrementa el benefici obtingut únicament amb fàrmacs trombolítics i avaluï la seva seguretat quan s’administra durant la fase aguda (transformacions hemorràgiques i incidència d’infeccions).


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¿El tratamiento mediante la inducción miofascial disminuye la espasticidad en los pacientes con Parálisis Cerebral Espástica (PCE) mientras son intervenidos con un tratamiento convencional? Objetivos: Comprobar si la inducción miofascial disminuye la espasticidad en pacientes con parálisis cerebral espástica (PCE) y así mismo prevenir las complicaciones musculoesqueléticas y aumentar el rango de movilidad articular. Metodología: Ensayo controlado clínico aleatorizado que recoge un total de 96 casos de PCE con Grado l, ll y lll de afectación según la Escala de clasificación Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM). Se asignará de forma aleatoria y equitativamente 48 sujetos al grupo control aplicándose el tratamiento convencional y 48 sujetos al grupo experimental, donde la inducción miofascial se complementará con tratamiento convencional. Durante 3 meses se llevará a cabo el plan de intervención, 2 días a la semana en ambos grupos. Los datos serán analizados a través de las siguientes escalas: el tono muscular (Escala de Ashworth Modificada, Escala de Tardieu, Test pendular Wartenberg) funcionalidad y actividad (Gross Motor Function Classification System, Gross Motor Function Mesurement, Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory), valoración neurológica (National Institute of NEurological Disordes and Stroke Scale) y la satisfacción del paciente (Questionnaire on Pain Caused by Spasticity). Estos datos serán extraidos el primer día, el último y 3 meses más tarde a modo de seguimiento. Durante el plan de intervención también se realizarán valoraciones semanales y mensuales.


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Short-term synaptic depression (STD) is a form of synaptic plasticity that has a large impact on network computations. Experimental results suggest that STD is modulated by cortical activity, decreasing with activity in the network and increasing during silent states. Here, we explored different activity-modulation protocols in a biophysical network model for which the model displayed less STD when the network was active than when it was silent, in agreement with experimental results. Furthermore, we studied how trains of synaptic potentials had lesser decay during periods of activity (UP states) than during silent periods (DOWN states), providing new experimental predictions. We next tackled the inverse question of what is the impact of modifying STD parameters on the emergent activity of the network, a question difficult to answer experimentally. We found that synaptic depression of cortical connections had a critical role to determine the regime of rhythmic cortical activity. While low STD resulted in an emergent rhythmic activity with short UP states and long DOWN states, increasing STD resulted in longer and more frequent UP states interleaved with short silent periods. A still higher synaptic depression set the network into a non-oscillatory firing regime where DOWN states no longer occurred. The speed of propagation of UP states along the network was not found to be modulated by STD during the oscillatory regime; it remained relatively stable over a range of values of STD. Overall, we found that the mutual interactions between synaptic depression and ongoing network activity are critical to determine the mechanisms that modulate cortical emergent patterns.


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The complement system is a major effector of innate immunity that has been involved in stroke brain damage. Complement activation occurs through the classical, alternative and lectin pathways. The latter is initiated by mannose-binding lectin (MBL) and MBL-associated serine proteases (MASPs). Here we investigated whether the lectin pathway contributes to stroke outcome in mice and humans.