15 resultados para ENERGY SOURCE
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
En aquest projecte s’ha analitzat la viabilitat de l’autosuficiència de la Pleta, l’oficina tècnica del Parc del Garraf, a partir de diferents recursos renovables. S’ha realitzat un estudi del consum hídric i energètic i de la generació de residus per tal d’avaluar les deficiències de cada sistema, per poder-hi aplicar les mesures pertinents. Els resultats obtinguts mostren que un 40% de l’aigua que es consumeix a l’edifici prové dels camions cisterna que la subministren. Per tant, la principal proposta de millora va encaminada a reduir aquest volum d’aigua i per aconseguir-ho, es proposa augmentar la superfície de recollida d’aigua de pluja aprofitant la zona pavimentada del pati de magatzems. Les altres propostes intentaran reduir el volum total d’aigua consumida, com per exemple canviar el filtre actual de les aixetes per airejadors que permeten estalviar fins a un 50% d’aigua, instal·lar cisternes de volum inferior o posar en funcionament el reg per degoteig instal·lat actualment a la Pleta però que no es troba en funcionament. Pel que fa a l’energia hi ha dues fonts, el gasoil i les plaques FV. En quant al gasoil cal diferenciar entre el consum del generador per produir electricitat i el consum de la caldera per la calefacció. Un cop estudiat el sistema s’ha obtingut que les plaques solars FV aconsegueixen produir el 73% de l’electricitat demandada a la Pleta, la resta de l’electricitat la proporciona el generador. El principal problema, però és el gran consum de gasoil per la calefacció. Les millores proposades per a solucionar aquesta problemàtica pretenen millorar l’eficiència de la instal·lació de plaques solars FV col·locant més panells solars i disminuir el consum de gasoil per part de la calefacció, ja sigui millorant l’eficiència energètica i/o canviant la font d’energia per biomassa. En el cas de residus s’ha observat que es produeixen 3.283 kg/any, sent el rebuig la fracció més important. Per tal de reduir el volum de residus generats, es pretén fomentar la utilització d’estris reutlilitzables i el correcte reciclatge, substituint les papereres actuals dels despatxos per les de paper i posant cartells informatius o indicatiu en els llocs adients.
L’estudi analitza detalladament les energies que s’utilitzen actualment a la població d’Alinyà (Lleida, Catalunya, Espanya). Les energies més utilitzades amb fins calorífics provenen d’energies fòssils (95,3%). Aquest tipus d’energia, des de un punt de vista econòmic, és inviable donat l’augment continuat dels preus d’aquest tipus de combustibles. A més a més el petroli ha arribat al peak oil. Tenint en compte la delicada situació que viuen actualment els combustibles fòssils, en particular el petroli, fa pensar que el futur està encaminat a produir energia a partir d’altres fonts. Una bona opció és començar a utilitzar biomassa com a font energètica. La zona d’estudi presenta un stock de biomassa 8,4 vegades superior a la que es necessitaria a Alinyà per produir calor i ACS a totes les llars. Per això, en aquest estudi, s’estimen possibles escenaris on es podria aplicar la biomassa que es produeix a la Vall d’Alinyà. S’estima que les calderes individuals serien l’escenari més viable, ja que tècnicament són eficients i s’adeqüen a les característiques de les llars d’aquesta població. Posteriorment, es realitza un estudi de les emissions de CO2 i s’observa que, si s’utilitzés biomassa com a font energètica a Alinyà ,es reduirien 11,3 vegades (91,11%) les emissions de CO2.
A aquest estudi s'ha analitzat si és viable l'autosuficiència energètica en base a un estudi pilot al nucli rural d'Alinyà aprofitant els recursos naturals de la zona. S'ha realitzat un estudi del consum energètic de la població i s'ha comparat amb el potencial de producció energètica dels recursos renovables locals incloent energia provinent de la biomassa i aprofitada en calderes individuals per a cada habitatge, energia solar en teulades i energia hidroelèctrica a partir de centrals minihidràuliques restaurades ja existents. També s’ha realitzat un anàlisi per detectar possibles factors d’ineficiència energètica i a partir d’aquí, proposar una sèrie de mesures per corregir aquesta. S'han comptabilitzat les emissions de CO2 derivades del consum energètic i les proporcions que representa cada tipus de font energètica sobre el total del nucli. També s'ha establert una comparativa del consum mitjà per habitant i any entre la població i Catalunya; el consum a Alinyà és d'1,46 Tep's, mentre que el de Catalunya és d'1,7 Tep's, el nostre estudi no contempla la mobilitat, si se li resta aquest vector a la mitjana de Catalunya veiem que és de 0,9 Tep's, per tant, hi observem un major consum energètic. El 76% del consum d'Alinyà prové dels combustibles fòssils, concretament del gasoil, el nucli té una forta dependència respecte a aquesta energia, que a més a més representa el 86% (56T CO2 eq.) de les emissions totals de CO2. Per finalitzar, s'ha demostrat que és possible assolir l'autosuficiència energètica mitjançant l'implantació d'una combinació d'estratègies, viables en tots els aspectes; tant tècnics com socioeconòmics. Abastint el poble d'energia a un menor cost econòmic i amb un estil de vida més respectuós amb el medi ambient.
This paper analyses the international inequalities in CO2 emissions intensity for the period 1971–2009 and assesses explanatory factors. Multiplicative, group and additive methodologies of inequality decomposition are employed. The first allows us to clarify the separated role of the carbonisation index and the energy intensity in the pattern observed for inequalities in CO2 intensities; the second allows us to understand the role of regional groups; and the third allows us to investigate the role of different fossil energy sources (coal, oil and gas). The results show that, first, the reduction in global emissions intensity has coincided with a significant reduction in international inequality. Second, the bulk of this inequality and its reduction are attributed to differences between the groups of countries considered. Third, coal is the main energy source explaining these inequalities, although the growth in the relative contribution of gas is also remarkable. Fourth, the bulk of inequalities between countries and its decline are explained by differences in energy intensities, although there are significant differences in the patterns demonstrated by different groups of countries. JEL codes: D39; Q43; Q56. Key words: CO2 international distribution, inequality decomposition, CO2 emissions intensity
En aquest document es pretén estudiar de la viabilitat econòmica de la implantació d’una planta de piròlisi per a la producció de biochar o char en un context local i comarcal. La biomassa és una font d’energia que genera uns rendiments energètics prou interesants i d’una manera respectuosa amb el medi ambient. Així doncs, la teòrica planta utilitzarà biomassa que, a traves del tractament termoquímic de la piròlisi, ens generarà uns productes que són d’utilitat per l’obtenció d’energia d’una manera respectuosa amb el medi ambient. Abans de fer l’anàlisi econòmic, hi ha una explicació extensa dels processos termoquímics, com són la piròlisi, la gasificació i la torrefacció. Posteriorment, es du a terme una revisió de l’estat actual de les tecnologies de conversió de biomassa a Catalunya i finalment es realitza un inventari i anàlisi dels usos de la biomassa a Catalunya, en el qual es parla principalment de l’estella el pèl·let, així com també de la seva producció, consum i exportació. El nostre anàlisi econòmic de la planta de processament de biomassa es durà a terme a nivell local, és a dir en un municipi, i també a nivell comarcal a Catalunya. A partir del processament de biomassa per mitja de la piròlisi, obtindrem uns productes, entre els quals el biochar, que serà un dels productes finals per poder vendre. L’altre producte serà el pèl·let de biochar, que l’obtindrem a través del procés de pel·letització. Aquest procés ens permetrà densificar el mateix biochar i obtenir-ne pèl·lets amb un poder calorífic superior, com també el seu possible preu de venda final. En aquest anàlisi econòmic plantejarem diferents escenaris tant a nivell local com comarcal, és a dir, farem variar diferents paràmetres de la planta, com poden ser els dies, les hores de treball, el sou dels treballadors, l’existència de procés de pel·letització...per veure la viabilitat del nostre projecte. Aquesta viabilitat la mesurarem amb diferents Índexs, entre els quals hi ha l’Índex de Rendibilitat, que ens determinarà si el projecte és possible si el seu valor és més gran a 1.
In recent years, massive protostars have turned out to be a possible population of high-energy emitters. Among the best candidates is IRAS 16547-4247, a protostar that presents a powerful outflow with clear signatures of interaction with its environment. This source has been revealed to be a potential high-energy source because it displays non-thermal radio emission of synchrotron origin, which is evidence of relativistic particles. To improve our understanding of IRAS 16547-4247 as a high-energy source, we analyzed XMM-Newton archival data and found that IRAS 16547-4247 is a hard X-ray source. We discuss these results in the context of a refined one-zone model and previous radio observations. From our study we find that it may be difficult to explain the X-ray emission as non-thermal radiation coming from the interaction region, but it might be produced by thermal Bremsstrahlung (plus photo-electric absorption) by a fast shock at the jet end. In the high-energy range, the source might be detectable by the present generation of Cherenkov telescopes, and may eventually be detected by Fermi in the GeV range.
Context. There are a number of very high energy sources in the Galaxy that remain unidentified. Multi-wavelength and variability studies, and catalogue searches, are powerful tools to identify the physical counterpart, given the uncertainty in the source location and extension. Aims. This work carries out a thorough multi-wavelength study of the unidentified, very high energy source HESS J1858+020 and its environs. Methods. We have performed Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope observations at 610 MHz and 1.4 GHz to obtain a deep, low-frequency radio image of the region surrounding HESS J1858+020. We analysed archival radio, infrared, and X-ray data as well. This observational information, combined with molecular data, catalogue sources, and a nearby Fermi gamma-ray detection of unidentified origin, are combined to explore possible counterparts to the very high energy source. Results. We provide with a deep radio image of a supernova remnant that might be related to the GeV and TeV emission in the region. We confirm the presence of an H ii region next to the supernova remnant and coincident with molecular emission. A potential region of star formation is also identified. We identify several radio and X-ray sources in the surroundings. Some of these sources are known planetary nebulae, whereas others may be non-thermal extended emitters and embedded young stellar objects. Three old, background Galactic pulsars also neighbour HESS J1858+020 along the line of sight. Conclusions. The region surrounding HESS J1858+020 is rich in molecular structures and non-thermal objects that may potentially be linked to this unidentified very high energy source. In particular, a supernova remnant interacting with nearby molecular clouds may be a good candidate, but a star forming region, or a non-thermal radio source of yet unclear nature, may also be behind the gamma-ray source. The neighbouring pulsars, despite being old and distant, cannot be discarded as candidates. Further observational studies are needed, however, to narrow the search for a counterpart to the HESS source.
This paper analyses the international inequalities in CO2 emissions intensity for the period 1971- 2009 and assesses explanatory factors. Multiplicative, group and additive methodologies of inequality decomposition are employed. The first allows us to clarify the separated role of the carbonisation index and the energy intensity in the pattern observed for inequalities in CO2 intensities; the second allows us to understand the role of regional groups; and the third allows us to investigate the role of different fossil energy sources (coal, oil and gas). The results show that, first, the reduction in global emissions intensity has coincided with a significant reduction in international inequality. Second, the bulk of this inequality and its reduction are attributed to differences between the groups of countries considered. Third, coal is the main energy source explaining these inequalities, although the growth in the relative contribution of gas is also remarkable. Fourth, the bulk of inequalities between countries and its decline are explained by differences in energy intensities, although there are significant differences in the patterns demonstrated by different groups of countries.
The COMPTEL unidentified source GRO J1411-64 was observed by INTEGRAL, and its central part, also by XMM-Newton. The data analysis shows no hint for new detections at hard X-rays. The upper limits in flux herein presented constrain the energy spectrum of whatever was producing GRO J1411-64, imposing, in the framework of earlier COMPTEL observations, the existence of a peak in power output located somewhere between 300-700 keV for the so-called low state. The Circinus Galaxy is the only source detected within the 4$\sigma$ location error of GRO J1411-64, but can be safely excluded as the possible counterpart: the extrapolation of the energy spectrum is well below the one for GRO J1411-64 at MeV energies. 22 significant sources (likelihood $> 10$) were extracted and analyzed from XMM-Newton data. Only one of these sources, XMMU J141255.6-635932, is spectrally compatible with GRO J1411-64 although the fact the soft X-ray observations do not cover the full extent of the COMPTEL source position uncertainty make an association hard to quantify and thus risky. The unique peak of the power output at high energies (hard X-rays and gamma-rays) resembles that found in the SED seen in blazars or microquasars. However, an analysis using a microquasar model consisting on a magnetized conical jet filled with relativistic electrons which radiate through synchrotron and inverse Compton scattering with star, disk, corona and synchrotron photons shows that it is hard to comply with all observational constrains. This and the non-detection at hard X-rays introduce an a-posteriori question mark upon the physical reality of this source, which is discussed in some detail.
We present a numerical method for generating vortex rings in Bose-Einstein condensates confined in axially symmetric traps. The vortex ring is generated using the line-source approximation for the vorticity, i.e., the curl of the superfluid velocity field is different from zero only on a circumference of a given radius located on a plane perpendicular to the symmetry axis and coaxial with it. The particle density is obtained by solving a modified Gross-Pitaevskii equation that incorporates the effect of the velocity field. We discuss the appearance of density profiles, the vortex core structure, and the vortex nucleation energy, i.e., the energy difference between vortical and ground-state configurations. This is used to present a qualitative description of the vortex dynamics.
Rats chronically cannulated in the carotid artery and the muscular branch of the femoral vein were subjected to a cold (4 °C) environment for up to 2 h. The changes in blood flow (measured with 46Sc microspheres) and arterio-venous differences in the concentrations of glucose, lactate, triacylglycerols and amino acids allowed the estimation of substrate (and energy) balances across the hindleg. Mean glucose uptake was 0.28mmol min21, mean lactate release was 0.33mmol min21 and the free fatty acid basal release of 0.31mmol min21 was practically zero upon exposure to the cold; the initial uptake of triacylglycerols gave place to a massive release following exposure. The measurement of PO·, PCO· and pH also allowed the estimation of oxygen, CO2 and bicarbonate balances and respiratory quotient changes across the hindleg. The contribution of amino acids to the energy balance of the hindleg was assumed to be low. These data were used to determine the sources of energy used to maintain muscle shivering with time. Three distinct phases were observed in hindleg substrate utilization. (1) The onset of shivering, with the use of glucose/glycogen and an increase in lactate efflux. Lipid oxidation was practically zero (respiratory quotient near 1), but the uptake of triacylglycerols from the blood remained unchanged. (2) A substrate-energy shift, with drastically decreased use of glucose/glycogen, and of lactate efflux; utilization of triacylglycerol as practically the sole source of energy (respiratory quotient approximately 0.7); decreasing uptake of triacylglycerol and increased tissue lipid mobilization. (3) The onset of a new heat-homeostasis setting for prolonged cold-exposure, with maintenance of muscle energy and heat production based on triacylglycerol utilization and efflux from the hindleg (muscle plus skin and subcutaneous adipose masses) contributing energy to help sustain heat production by the core organs and surrounding brown adipose tissue.
After the release of the gamma-ray source catalog produced by the Fermi satellite during its first two years of operation, a significant fraction of sources still remain unassociated at lower energies. In addition to well-known high-energy emitters (pulsars, blazars, supernova remnants, etc.), theoretical expectations predict new classes of gamma-ray sources. In particular, gamma-ray emission could be associated with some of the early phases of stellar evolution, but this interesting possibility is still poorly understood. Aims: The aim of this paper is to assess the possibility of the Fermi gamma-ray source 2FGL J0607.5-0618c being associated with the massive star forming region Monoceros R2. Methods: A multi-wavelength analysis of the Monoceros R2 region is carried out using archival data at radio, infrared, X-ray, and gamma-ray wavelengths. The resulting observational properties are used to estimate the physical parameters needed to test the different physical scenarios. Results: We confirm the 2FGL J0607.5-0618c detection with improved confidence over the Fermi two-year catalog. We find that a combined effect of the multiple young stellar objects in Monoceros R2 is a viable picture for the nature of the source.
The atmospheric Cherenkov gamma-ray telescope MAGIC, designed for a low-energy threshold, has detected very-high-energy gamma rays from a giant flare of the distant Quasi-Stellar Radio Source (in short: radio quasar) 3C 279, at a distance of more than 5 billion light-years (a redshift of 0.536). No quasar has been observed previously in very-high-energy gamma radiation, and this is also the most distant object detected emitting gamma rays above 50 gigaelectron volts. Because high-energy gamma rays may be stopped by interacting with the diffuse background light in the universe, the observations by MAGIC imply a low amount for such light, consistent with that known from galaxy counts.
The microquasar LS 5039 has recently been detected as a source of very high energy (VHE) $\gamma$-rays. This detection, that confirms the previously proposed association of LS 5039 with the EGRET source 3EG~J1824$-$1514, makes of LS 5039 a special system with observational data covering nearly all the electromagnetic spectrum. In order to reproduce the observed spectrum of LS 5039, from radio to VHE $\gamma$-rays, we have applied a cold matter dominated jet model that takes into account accretion variability, the jet magnetic field, particle acceleration, adiabatic and radiative losses, microscopic energy conservation in the jet, and pair creation and absorption due to the external photon fields, as well as the emission from the first generation of secondaries. The radiative processes taken into account are synchrotron, relativistic Bremsstrahlung and inverse Compton (IC). The model is based on a scenario that has been characterized with recent observational results, concerning the orbital parameters, the orbital variability at X-rays and the nature of the compact object. The computed spectral energy distribution (SED) shows a good agreement with the available observational data.
Microquasars are stellar x-ray binaries that behave as a scaled down version of extragalactic quasars. The star LS 5039 is a new microquasar system with apparent persistent ejection of relativistic plasma at a 3 kiloparsec distance from the sun. It may also be associated with a gamma-ray source discovered by the Energetic Gamma Ray Experiment Telescope (EGRET) on board the COMPTON-Gamma Ray Observatory satellite. Before the discovery of LS 5039, merely a handful of microquasars had been identified in the Galaxy, and none of them was detected in high-energy gamma-rays.