em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
We present molecular dynamics simulations of a simple model for polymer melts with intramolecular barriers. We investigate structural relaxation as a function of the barrier strength. Dynamic correlators can be consistently analyzed within the framework of the mode coupling theory of the glass transition. Control parameters are tuned in order to induce a competition between general packing effects and polymer-specific intramolecular barriers as mechanisms for dynamic arrest. This competition yields unusually large values of the so-called mode coupling theory exponent parameter and rationalizes qualitatively different observations for simple bead-spring and realistic polymers. The systematic study of the effect of intramolecular barriers presented here also establishes a fundamental difference between the nature of the glass transition in polymers and in simple glass formers.
El control electrònic s'ha aplicat a l'àmbit comparat, principalment, com a instrument de control de l'arrest domiciliari com a mesura cautelar i com a pena, i també en l'àmbit penitenciari junt a formes de compliment de la pena de presó en semillibertat. Des d'una justificació retribucionista de la pena es pot acceptar el control electrònic perquè té suficiència punitiva, pot aplicar-se de forma proporcional i no es degradant. D'altra banda, una justificació utilitarista de la pena accepta el control electrònic perquè redueix la delinqüència. Tot i que la seva aplicació a l'àmbit comparat no ha estat majoritàriament com a alternativa a la presó, es tracta d'un instrument que pot conferir credibilitat i potencial reduccionista a un sistema de penes alternatives. A l'ordenament espanyol pot considerar-se una mesura susceptible de ser aplicada dins el marc constitucional, malgrat afecti a determinats drets fonamentals. La seva previsió normativa com a pena i a l'àmbit penitenciari es molt escassa i presenta diversos problemes interpretatius. Quant a la seva aplicació a España, es reduïda a l'àmbit penitenciari i pràcticament inexistent com a pena. La credibilitat i potencial reduccionista que pot aportar el control electrònic a un sistema de penes alternatives permet defensar l'ampliació del seu ús al nostre ordenament en els supòsits ja previstos normativament i en d'altres de nous.
Aquest treball inclou el disseny i l'elaboració d'un projecte titulat
For the last decade Europe has perceived itself to be under a constant threat from jihadistinspired terrorism. Terrorist organizations motivated by other ideologies are still active throughout the European Union, but the 2010 Europol annual report clearly states that “Islamist terrorism is still perceived as the biggest threat to most Member States,” and statements from the highest-ranking officials in most European countries confirm this observation (EUROPOL, 2010, p. 6). Authorities base their assessment on the extensive intelligence and investigative activities directed against jihadist networks taking place in virtually every European country. On average, in fact, European authorities arrest some 200 individuals and thwart a handful of plots of jihadist inspiration every year (EUROPOL, 2009). Keeping the global scenario in mind, European authorities deem this dynamic likely to continue in the foreseeable future.
El registre precís de l´aturada cardíaca intrahospitalària seguint les recomanacions segons l´estil Utstein i mesurar els intèrvals de temps entre les diferents accions és difícil. L´estudi demostra que l'ús d'una gravadora amb temporitzador incorporat durant les maniobres de ressussitació cardiopulmonar en l´aturada cardíaca intrahospitalària permet el registre de més ítems per pacients i el càlcul dels intèrvals de temps entre les diferents accions durant les maniobres de reanimació cardiopulmonar de forma precisa i objectiva. Estudi observacional prospectiu entre gener de 2008 i desembre de 2009. S´inclouen pacients hospitalitzats i no hospitalitzats atesos per l´equip d´aturada cardíaca.
ß-catenin is a multifunctional protein involved in cell-cell adhesion and Wnt signal transduction. ß-Catenin signaling has been proposed to act as inducer of cell proliferation in different tumors. However, in some developmental contexts and cell systems ß-catenin also acts as a positive modulator of apoptosis. To get additional insights into the role of ß-Catenin in the regulation of the cell cycle and apoptosis, we have analyzed the levels and subcellular localization of endogenous ß-catenin and its relation with adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) during the cell cycle in S-phase¿synchronized epithelial cells. ß-Catenin levels increase in S phase, reaching maximum accumulation at late G2/M and then abruptly decreasing as the cells enter into a new G1 phase. In parallel, an increased cytoplasmic and nuclear localization of ß-catenin and APC is observed during S and G2 phases. In addition, strong colocalization of APC with centrosomes, but not ß-catenin, is detected in M phase. Interestingly, overexpression of a stable form of ß-catenin, or inhibition of endogenous ß-catenin degradation, in epidermal keratinocyte cells induces a G2 cell cycle arrest and leads to apoptosis. These results support a role for ß-catenin in the control of cell cycle and apoptosis at G2/M in normal and transformed epidermal keratinocytes.
Nanoparticles with pH-sensitive behavior may enhance the success of chemotherapy in many cancers by efficient intracellular drug delivery. Here, we investigated the effect of a bioactive surfactant with pH-sensitive properties on the antitumor activity and intracellular behavior of methotrexate-loaded chitosan nanoparticles (MTX-CS-NPs). NPs were prepared using a modified ionotropic complexation process, in which was included the surfactant derived from Nα,Nε-dioctanoyl lysine with an inorganic lithium counterion. The pH-sensitive behavior of NPs allowed accelerated release of MTX in an acidic medium, as well as membrane-lytic pH-dependent activity, which facilitated the cytosolic delivery of endocytosed materials. Moreover, our results clearly proved that MTX-CSNPs were more active against the tumor HeLa and MCF-7 cell lines than the free drug. The feasibilty of using NPs to target acidic tumor extracellular pH was also shown, as cytotoxicity against cancer cells was greater in a mildly acidic environment. Finally, the combined physicochemical and pH-sensitive properties of NPs generally allowed the entrapped drug to induce greater cell cycle arrest and apoptotic effects. Therefore, our overall results suggest that pH-sensitive MTX-CS-NPs could be potentially useful as a carrier system for tumor and intracellular drug delivery in cancer therapy.
Es difícil encontrar en el Código penal español una regulación tan deficiente y confusa de una serie de conductas delictivas tan relevantes para el funcionamiento del Estado de Derecho como es la relativa a las detenciones ilegales cometidas por funcionario público que se prevé en los arts. 167 y 530. Lejos de hallar criterios jurisprudenciales satisfactorios que reconduzcan, en la medida de lo posible, la situación se advierte que el caos se ha instalado en buena medida en las resoluciones de los tribunales. En este trabajo se describe la situación y se propone una revisión general de los criterios interpretativos de los tipos en cuestión con el fin de dotarlos de mayor coherencia y certeza en su aplicación.
Antecedentes: La parada cardiorrespiratoria es uno de los principalesproblemas sanitarios en los países desarrollados, además de por la mortalidadproducida, por las importantes repercusiones neurológicas posteriores quepresentan las personas que sobreviven. Hasta un 64% de los supervivientespuede presentar secuelas de gravedad, y tan solo un 1,4% queda exento dealgún tipo de alteración neurológica. Distintos ensayos clínicos, muestran quela hipotermia inducida ligera, es decir, el descenso controlado de latemperatura corporal mejora la supervivencia y los daños neurológicos en lospacientes adultos inconscientes tras una resucitación cardiopulmonar. Sinembargo, no está del todo claro cuáles son los pacientes más indicados pararecibir la terapia, la técnica de inducción ideal, la temperatura objetivo, suduración y la tasa idónea de recalentamiento.Objetivos: El objetivo del estudio es conocer la técnica de hipotermiaterapéutica como cuidado posresucitación tras sufrir una parada cardíaca.Metodología: Para ello, se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica a través de lassiguientes bases de datos: CSIC, Medline PubMed, CINAHL, BibliotecaCochrane, Cuiden Plus, Dialnet, Scopus y ScienceDirect. Finalmente, seaceptaron 8 artículos que pertenecían a los criterios de inclusión: revisionessistemáticas, ensayos clínicos, revisiones bibliográficas y documentos deconsenso tras consejo de expertos, en español o inglés, publicados desde elaño 2005 hasta el año 2013 cuyos sujetos de estudio son adultos.Resultados: en la actualidad, se recomienda que los pacientes adultosinconscientes, con recuperación de la circulación espontánea tras una paradacardíaca extrahospitalaria, deben ser enfriados a 32-34ºC durante un periodode 12-24 horas cuando el ritmo inicial sea fibrilación ventricular. Se establecen4 periodos de tratamiento: inducción (desde el ingreso en la unidad hasta quese alcanzan los 33ºC), mantenimiento (desde el logro de los 33ºC hasta 24horas después), recalentamiento (12 horas de incremento de la temperatura,hasta alcanzar los 37ºC) y estabilización térmica (12 horas posteriores aalcanzar los 37ºC). Los métodos de inducción y mantenimiento de la hipotermiason diversos y se establecen dos grupos: técnicas invasivas y no invasivas.Palabras clave: hipotermia inducida, parada cardíaca, técnicas enfriamiento
Hepatorenal syndrome (HRS) is a serious complication of end-stage liver disease, occurring mainly in patients with advanced cirrhosis and ascites, who have marked circulatory dysfunction,1 as well as in patients with acute liver failure.2 In spite of its functional nature, HRS is associated with a poor prognosis,3 4 and the only effective treatment is liver transplantation. During the 56th Meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, the International Ascites Club held a Focused Study Group (FSG) on HRS for the purpose of reporting the results of an international workshop and to reach a consensus on a new definition, criteria for diagnosis and recommendations on HRS treatment. A similar workshop was held in Chicago in 1994 in which standardised nomenclature and diagnostic criteria for refractory ascites and HRS were established.5 The introduction of innovative treatments and improvements in our understanding of the pathogenesis of HRS during the previous decade led to an increasing need to undertake a new consensus meeting. This paper reports the scientific rationale behind the new definitions and recommendations. The international workshop included four issues debated by four panels of experts (see Acknowledgements). The issues were: (1) evidence-based HRS pathogenesis; (2) treatment of HRS using vasoconstrictors; (3) other HRS treatments using transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic stent-shunt (TIPS) and extracorporeal albumin dialysis (ECAD); and (4) new definitions and diagnostic criteria for HRS and recommendations for its treatment.
Abstract Background: Micro RNAs are small, non-coding, single-stranded RNAs that negatively regulate gene expression at the post-transcriptional level. Since miR-143 was found to be down-regulated in prostate cancer cells, we wanted to analyze its expression in human prostate cancer, and test the ability of miR-43 to arrest prostate cancer cell growth in vitro and in vivo. Results: Expression of miR-143 was analyzed in human prostate cancers by quantitative PCR, and by in situ hybridization. miR-143 was introduced in cancer cells in vivo by electroporation. Bioinformatics analysis and luciferase-based assays were used to determine miR-143 targets. We show in this study that miR-143 levels are inversely correlated with advanced stages of prostate cancer. Rescue of miR-143 expression in cancer cells results in the arrest of cell proliferation and the abrogation of tumor growth in mice. Furthermore, we show that the effects of miR-143 are mediated, at least in part by the inhibition of extracellular signal-regulated kinase-5 (ERK5) activity. We show here that ERK5 is a miR-143 target in prostate cancer. Conclusions: miR-143 is as a new target for prostate cancer treatment.
Background: Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are critical components for host pathogen recognition and variants in genes participating in this response influence susceptibility to infections. Recently, TLR1 gene polymorphisms have been found correlated with whole blood hyper-inflammatory responses to pathogen-associated molecules and associated with sepsis-associated multiorgan dysfunction and acute lung injury (ALI). We examined the association of common variants of TLR1 gene with sepsis-derived complications in an independent study and with serum levels for four inflammatory biomarker among septic patients. Methodology/Principal Findings: Seven tagging single nucleotide polymorphisms of the TLR1 gene were genotyped in samples from a prospective multicenter case-only study of patients with severe sepsis admitted into a network of intensive care units followed for disease severity. Interleukin (IL)-1 b, IL-6, IL-10, and C-reactive protein (CRP) serum levels were measured at study entry, at 48 h and at 7th day. Alleles -7202G and 248Ser, and the 248Ser-602Ile haplotype were associated with circulatory dysfunction among severe septic patients (0.001<=p <= 0.022), and with reduced IL-10 (0.012<= p <=0.047) and elevated CRP (0.011<= p <=0.036) serum levels during the first week of sepsis development. Additionally, the -7202GG genotype was found to be associated with hospital mortality (p =0.017) and ALI (p =0.050) in a combined analysis with European Americans, suggesting common risk effects among studies Conclusions/Significance: These results partially replicate and extend previous findings, supporting that variants of TLR1 gene are determinants of severe complications during sepsis.
Chemoprevention is a pragmatic approach to reduce the risk of colorectal cancer, one of the leading causes of cancerrelated death in western countries. In this regard, maslinic acid (MA), a pentacyclic triterpene extracted from wax-like coatings of olives, is known to inhibit proliferation and induce apoptosis in colon cancer cell lines without affecting normal intestinal cells. The present study evaluated the chemopreventive efficacy and associated mechanisms of maslinic acid treatment on spontaneous intestinal tumorigenesis in ApcMin/+ mice. Twenty-two mice were randomized into 2 groups: control group and MA group, fed with a maslinic acid-supplemented diet for six weeks. MA treatment reduced total intestinal polyp formation by 45% (P,0.01). Putative molecular mechanisms associated with suppressing intestinal polyposis in ApcMin/+ mice were investigated by comparing microarray expression profiles of MA-treated and control mice and by analyzing the serum metabolic profile using NMR techniques. The different expression phenotype induced by MA suggested that it exerts its chemopreventive action mainly by inhibiting cell-survival signaling and inflammation. These changes eventually induce G1-phase cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. Moreover, the metabolic changes induced by MA treatment were associated with a protective profile against intestinal tumorigenesis. These results show the efficacy and underlying mechanisms of MA against intestinal tumor development in the ApcMin/+ mice model, suggesting its chemopreventive potential against colorectal cancer.
Chemoprevention is a pragmatic approach to reduce the risk of colorectal cancer, one of the leading causes of cancerrelated death in western countries. In this regard, maslinic acid (MA), a pentacyclic triterpene extracted from wax-like coatings of olives, is known to inhibit proliferation and induce apoptosis in colon cancer cell lines without affecting normal intestinal cells. The present study evaluated the chemopreventive efficacy and associated mechanisms of maslinic acid treatment on spontaneous intestinal tumorigenesis in ApcMin/+ mice. Twenty-two mice were randomized into 2 groups: control group and MA group, fed with a maslinic acid-supplemented diet for six weeks. MA treatment reduced total intestinal polyp formation by 45% (P,0.01). Putative molecular mechanisms associated with suppressing intestinal polyposis in ApcMin/+ mice were investigated by comparing microarray expression profiles of MA-treated and control mice and by analyzing the serum metabolic profile using NMR techniques. The different expression phenotype induced by MA suggested that it exerts its chemopreventive action mainly by inhibiting cell-survival signaling and inflammation. These changes eventually induce G1-phase cell cycle arrest and apoptosis. Moreover, the metabolic changes induced by MA treatment were associated with a protective profile against intestinal tumorigenesis. These results show the efficacy and underlying mechanisms of MA against intestinal tumor development in the ApcMin/+ mice model, suggesting its chemopreventive potential against colorectal cancer.
Background: Nucleoside analogs used in the chemotherapy of solid tumors, such as the capecitabine catabolite50-deoxy-5-fluorouridine (50-DFUR) trigger a transcriptomic response that involves the aquaglyceroporin aquaporin 3 along with other p53-dependent genes. Here, we examined whether up-regulation of aquaporin 3 (AQP3) mRNA incancer cells treated with 50-DFUR represents a collateral transcriptomic effect of the drug, or conversely, AQP3participates in the activity of genotoxic agents. Methods: The role of AQP3 in cell volume increase, cytotoxicity and cell cycle arrest was analyzed using loss-of-function approaches. Results: 50-DFUR and gemcitabine, but not cisplatin, stimulated AQP3 expression and cell volume, which was partially and significantly blocked by knockdown of AQP3. Moreover, AQP3 siRNA significantly blocked other effects of nucleoside analogs, including G1/S cell cycle arrest, p21 and FAS up-regulation, and cell growth inhibition. Short incubations with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) also induced AQP3 expression and increased cell volume, and the inhibition of AQP3 expression significantly blocked growth inhibition triggered by this drug. To further establish whether AQP3 induction is related to cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, cells were exposed to long incubations with escalating doses of 5-FU. AQP3 was highly up-regulated at doses associated with cell cycle arrest, whereas at doses promoting apoptosis induction of AQP3 mRNA expression was reduced. Conclusions: Based on the results, we propose that the aquaglyceroporin AQP3 is required for cytotoxic activity of 5’-DFUR and gemcitabine in the breast cancer cell line MCF7 and the colon adenocarcinoma cell line HT29, and is implicated in cell volume increase and cell cycle arrest.