4 resultados para DIAMONDS
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
Campaign efforts by NGOs initially put conflict diamonds on the global radar screen in the late 1990s. In response, the Kimberley Process (KP), a negotiation forum between states, NGOs, and industry, was formed to discuss possible solutions to curb the trade in conflict diamonds. Less than three years later, a voluntary, global certification named the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) was adopted. The KPCS regulates the trade of rough diamonds by certifying all legitimate diamonds. This paper outlines the problem of conflict diamonds, how a global campaign raised awareness about the issue, and how the process of solution building unfolded in the KP. My analysis focuses on the diverse set of actors (NGOs, states, and industry) and their changing interactions over the course of the campaign and global regulation efforts. I conclude with several key lessons that capture important elements observed in this case study.
We investigated the influence of a hydrogenated disordered carbon (a-C:H) layer on the nucleation of diamond. Substrates c-Si<100>, SiAlON, and highly oriented pyrolytic graphite {0001} were used in this study. The substrate surfaces were characterized with Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) while diamond growth was followed with Raman spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It was found that on silicon and SiAlON substrates the presence of the a-C:H layer enabled diamond to grow readily without any polishing treatment. Moreover, more continuous diamond films could be grown when the substrate was polished with diamond powder prior to the deposition of the a-C:H layer. This important result suggests that the nucleation of diamond occurs readily on disordered carbon surfaces, and that the formation of this type of layer is indeed one step in the diamond nucleation mechanism. Altogether, the data refute the argument that silicon defects play a direct role in the nucleation process. Auger spectra revealed that for short deposition times and untreated silicon surfaces, the deposited layer corresponds to an amorphous carbon layer. In these cases, the subsequent diamond nucleation was found to be limited. However, when the diamond nucleation density was found to be high; i.e., after lengthy deposits of a¿C:H or after diamond polishing, the Auger spectra suggested diamondlike carbon layers.
Article tastets d'economia número 4, que explica el paradigma dels diamants i l'aigua, adreçat al target de les ciències socials.
Totes les plantes estan adaptades a viure en unes condicions ambientals concretes i en un determinat tipus del sòl. La relació que s'estableix entre la vegetació i la composició mineralògica del sòl ha fet que els geòlegs, quan busquen jaciments, es fixin, entre moltes altres dades, en les plantes que hi creixen. Stephen E. Haggerty i els seus col·laboradors, de la Universitat Internacional de Florida, als EUA, han descobert un tipus de palmera que creix únicament en indrets rics en diamants, en zones tropicals humides. La seva proposta, que recull la revista Economic Geology, és utilitzar aquesta correlació com un indicador per buscar nous jaciments, la qual cosa facilitaria la tasca i evitaria malmetre el medi ambient en prospeccions infructuoses.