39 resultados para Critical care (Pel·lícula cinematogràfica)
em Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), Spain
Supuesta la bondad moral y técnica de la libertad de empresa, o como se la quiera llamar, ¿ésta debe alcanzar también a las cosas relacionadas con la medicina y la sanidad?
Supuesta la bondad moral y técnica de la libertad de empresa, o como se la quiera llamar, ¿ésta debe alcanzar también a las cosas relacionadas con la medicina y la sanidad?
Background: Ethical conflicts are arising as a result of the growing complexity of clinical care, coupled with technological advances. Most studies that have developed instruments for measuring ethical conflict base their measures on the variables"frequency" and"degree of conflict". In our view, however, these variables are insufficient for explaining the root of ethical conflicts. Consequently, the present study formulates a conceptual model that also includes the variable"exposure to conflict", as well as considering six"types of ethical conflict". An instrument was then designed to measure the ethical conflicts experienced by nurses who work with critical care patients. The paper describes the development process and validation of this instrument, the Ethical Conflict in Nursing Questionnaire Critical Care Version (ECNQ-CCV). Methods: The sample comprised 205 nursing professionals from the critical care units of two hospitals in Barcelona (Spain). The ECNQ-CCV presents 19 nursing scenarios with the potential to produce ethical conflict in the critical care setting. Exposure to ethical conflict was assessed by means of the Index of Exposure to Ethical Conflict (IEEC), a specific index developed to provide a reference value for each respondent by combining the intensity and frequency of occurrence of each scenario featured in the ECNQ-CCV. Following content validity, construct validity was assessed by means of Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), while Cronbach"s alpha was used to evaluate the instrument"s reliability. All analyses were performed using the statistical software PASW v19. Results: Cronbach"s alpha for the ECNQ-CCV as a whole was 0.882, which is higher than the values reported for certain other related instruments. The EFA suggested a unidimensional structure, with one component accounting for 33.41% of the explained variance. Conclusions: The ECNQ-CCV is shown to a valid and reliable instrument for use in critical care units. Its structure is such that the four variables on which our model of ethical conflict is based may be studied separately or in combination. The critical care nurses in this sample present moderate levels of exposure to ethical conflict. This study represents the first evaluation of the ECNQ-CCV.
Background: Ethical conflicts are arising as a result of the growing complexity of clinical care, coupled with technological advances. Most studies that have developed instruments for measuring ethical conflict base their measures on the variables"frequency" and"degree of conflict". In our view, however, these variables are insufficient for explaining the root of ethical conflicts. Consequently, the present study formulates a conceptual model that also includes the variable"exposure to conflict", as well as considering six"types of ethical conflict". An instrument was then designed to measure the ethical conflicts experienced by nurses who work with critical care patients. The paper describes the development process and validation of this instrument, the Ethical Conflict in Nursing Questionnaire Critical Care Version (ECNQ-CCV). Methods: The sample comprised 205 nursing professionals from the critical care units of two hospitals in Barcelona (Spain). The ECNQ-CCV presents 19 nursing scenarios with the potential to produce ethical conflict in the critical care setting. Exposure to ethical conflict was assessed by means of the Index of Exposure to Ethical Conflict (IEEC), a specific index developed to provide a reference value for each respondent by combining the intensity and frequency of occurrence of each scenario featured in the ECNQ-CCV. Following content validity, construct validity was assessed by means of Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), while Cronbach"s alpha was used to evaluate the instrument"s reliability. All analyses were performed using the statistical software PASW v19. Results: Cronbach"s alpha for the ECNQ-CCV as a whole was 0.882, which is higher than the values reported for certain other related instruments. The EFA suggested a unidimensional structure, with one component accounting for 33.41% of the explained variance. Conclusions: The ECNQ-CCV is shown to a valid and reliable instrument for use in critical care units. Its structure is such that the four variables on which our model of ethical conflict is based may be studied separately or in combination. The critical care nurses in this sample present moderate levels of exposure to ethical conflict. This study represents the first evaluation of the ECNQ-CCV.
Background: Ethical conflicts are arising as a result of the growing complexity of clinical care, coupled with technological advances. Most studies that have developed instruments for measuring ethical conflict base their measures on the variables"frequency" and"degree of conflict". In our view, however, these variables are insufficient for explaining the root of ethical conflicts. Consequently, the present study formulates a conceptual model that also includes the variable"exposure to conflict", as well as considering six"types of ethical conflict". An instrument was then designed to measure the ethical conflicts experienced by nurses who work with critical care patients. The paper describes the development process and validation of this instrument, the Ethical Conflict in Nursing Questionnaire Critical Care Version (ECNQ-CCV). Methods: The sample comprised 205 nursing professionals from the critical care units of two hospitals in Barcelona (Spain). The ECNQ-CCV presents 19 nursing scenarios with the potential to produce ethical conflict in the critical care setting. Exposure to ethical conflict was assessed by means of the Index of Exposure to Ethical Conflict (IEEC), a specific index developed to provide a reference value for each respondent by combining the intensity and frequency of occurrence of each scenario featured in the ECNQ-CCV. Following content validity, construct validity was assessed by means of Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), while Cronbach"s alpha was used to evaluate the instrument"s reliability. All analyses were performed using the statistical software PASW v19. Results: Cronbach"s alpha for the ECNQ-CCV as a whole was 0.882, which is higher than the values reported for certain other related instruments. The EFA suggested a unidimensional structure, with one component accounting for 33.41% of the explained variance. Conclusions: The ECNQ-CCV is shown to a valid and reliable instrument for use in critical care units. Its structure is such that the four variables on which our model of ethical conflict is based may be studied separately or in combination. The critical care nurses in this sample present moderate levels of exposure to ethical conflict. This study represents the first evaluation of the ECNQ-CCV.
Background: Ethical conflicts are arising as a result of the growing complexity of clinical care, coupled with technological advances. Most studies that have developed instruments for measuring ethical conflict base their measures on the variables"frequency" and"degree of conflict". In our view, however, these variables are insufficient for explaining the root of ethical conflicts. Consequently, the present study formulates a conceptual model that also includes the variable"exposure to conflict", as well as considering six"types of ethical conflict". An instrument was then designed to measure the ethical conflicts experienced by nurses who work with critical care patients. The paper describes the development process and validation of this instrument, the Ethical Conflict in Nursing Questionnaire Critical Care Version (ECNQ-CCV). Methods: The sample comprised 205 nursing professionals from the critical care units of two hospitals in Barcelona (Spain). The ECNQ-CCV presents 19 nursing scenarios with the potential to produce ethical conflict in the critical care setting. Exposure to ethical conflict was assessed by means of the Index of Exposure to Ethical Conflict (IEEC), a specific index developed to provide a reference value for each respondent by combining the intensity and frequency of occurrence of each scenario featured in the ECNQ-CCV. Following content validity, construct validity was assessed by means of Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), while Cronbach"s alpha was used to evaluate the instrument"s reliability. All analyses were performed using the statistical software PASW v19. Results: Cronbach"s alpha for the ECNQ-CCV as a whole was 0.882, which is higher than the values reported for certain other related instruments. The EFA suggested a unidimensional structure, with one component accounting for 33.41% of the explained variance. Conclusions: The ECNQ-CCV is shown to a valid and reliable instrument for use in critical care units. Its structure is such that the four variables on which our model of ethical conflict is based may be studied separately or in combination. The critical care nurses in this sample present moderate levels of exposure to ethical conflict. This study represents the first evaluation of the ECNQ-CCV.
El Evangelio según San Mateo una adapatación cinematográfica de Pier Paolo Pasolini Este trabajo tiene tres partes, en la primera parte se describe la adaptación fílmica: mencionando diferentes clases de adaptaciones, tales como la adaptación fiel, la adaptación libre, la adaptación prestada y otros. Dando especial énfasis a la relación entre texto y obra cinematográfica, comparando sus distintas expresiones artísticas. En la segunda parte se presenta al poeta Pier Paolo Pasolini como cineasta, vislumbrando sus películas más importantes, analizando y exponiendo las diferentes etapas en su desarrollo como cineasta. El tercer capitulo se centra en la película “El Evangelio según San Mateo “de Pier Paolo Pasolini. Utilizando el guion de dicho director se compara su creación cinematográfica con el arte pictórico, facilitando a Pier Paolo Pasolini desarrollar un nuevo lenguaje cinematográfico, conocido como la sacralidad técnica.
Nikola Tesla è considerato, dai divulgatori scientifici che di lui si occupano, una figura chiave nella storia della scienza moderna e contemporanea, per l’importanza che hanno avuto le sue ricerche nello sviluppo di tecnologie del XX e XXI secolo. La sua attuale scarsa fama nel piano accademico contrasta con un’abbondante presenza di un Nikola Tesla come personaggio di finzione nelle arti popolari. Questa ricezione ambigua di Tesla potrebbe essere di fatto relazionata con il carattere utopico e visionario delle sue speranze nella scienza come mezzo di conoscenza per il miglioramento della società umana. Questo breve saggio si propone di analizzare come venga presentato il personaggio di Nikola Tesla nel lungometraggio jugoslavo Tajna Nikole Tesle, contribuendo così alla comprensione di come la narrativa di finzione possa sfruttare l’immagine di uno scienziato relativamente agli interessi politici legati a specifici contesti socio-storici.
Aquest treball de recerca fa un estudi comparatiu del videojoc de terror amb el seu homòleg cinematogràfic. L’objectiu és arribar a saber si els dos mitjans de comunicació usen les mateixes tècniques per transmetre les seves històries i per crear suspens. Aquesta investigació és només una part d'un estudi més ampli amb el que es pretén tenir un coneixement més aprofundit de les emocions de la gent i les reaccions que els provoca un videojoc de terror en comparació amb la visualització de l'adaptació cinematogràfica del corresponent videojoc.
Al pensar en la relación entre el fundamento de la dignidad humana y la resolución de algunos problemas bioéticos, me vino a la cabeza Blade Runner, la película de Ridley Scott basada en un relato de Philip K. Dickque lleva el extravagante título de ¿Sueñan los androides con ovejas eléctricas? (extravagante si vemos la película pero no tanto si leemos el relato)...
Las normas de la bioética han de ser nuestras propias normas y, por lo tanto, las normasjurídicas que regulan cuestiones bioéticas han de dejar el mayor margen posible para la toma de decisiones autónomas...
Desde el estreno de Colegas, el 25 de octubre de 1982, hasta los recientes sucesos de noviembre y diciembre de 2007, han pasado veinticinco años, todo un cuarto de siglode relativa paz en el todavía espinoso asunto del aborto, una paz que parece que puede truncarse a raíz delos sucesos aludidos, que no son otros que las acciones fiscales y judiciales contra algunas clínicas de Barcelona en las que se practica la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo...
La historia de Vera Drake nos recuerda no sólo los tiempos pasados sino también los nuestros, porque, como entonces, las mujeres todavía no controlan su cuerpo; pueden abortar, pero tienen que mentir sobre el por qué; pueden abortar, pero eso no forma parte de su derecho a la salud y a la sanidad básicas. Detrás de ello lo que asomaes una cierta construcción ideológica del aborto que aún mantiene parte de la fuerza que tuvo antaño, y que, por eso, la bioética debe seguir revisando y cuestionando.
Million Dollar Baby no es sólo una película sobre la eutanasia. Es, también, una película sobre la dureza de la vida, la soledad y el fracaso, y sobre la ilusión, el esfuerzo y la fidelidad. Es una película donde la eutanasia aparece en su contexto y donde, por eso,podemos percibir mejor su sentido. Apenas la última media hora de la película se ocupa de la Maggie enferma que desea morir y del Frankie que duda sobre si debe ayudarla o no; pero uno puede entender mejor la situaciónde ambos cuando conoce la trayectoria de cada uno y su relación previa. Ésta, diría yo, es una primera y fundamental enseñanza de la película: los problemas asociados con la eutanasia, como cualesquiera otros problemas éticos, no pueden considerarse aisladamente.
La película "La Isla" plantea un problema importante, el de la clonación terapéutica y, en particular, dos de sus aspectos: lo que podemos llamar el estatuto antropológicode los clones y la cuestión de la privatización de la biotecnología.